use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class DefaultRequestInterceptor method updateAMRMToken.
private void updateAMRMToken(Token token) throws IOException {<AMRMTokenIdentifier> amrmToken = new<AMRMTokenIdentifier>(token.getIdentifier().array(), token.getPassword().array(), new Text(token.getKind()), new Text(token.getService()));
// Preserve the token service sent by the RM when adding the token
// to ensure we replace the previous token setup by the RM.
// Afterwards we can update the service address for the RPC layer.
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class MockResourceManagerFacade method getAppIdentifier.
private static String getAppIdentifier() throws IOException {
AMRMTokenIdentifier result = null;
UserGroupInformation remoteUgi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
Set<TokenIdentifier> tokenIds = remoteUgi.getTokenIdentifiers();
for (TokenIdentifier tokenId : tokenIds) {
if (tokenId instanceof AMRMTokenIdentifier) {
result = (AMRMTokenIdentifier) tokenId;
return result != null ? result.getApplicationAttemptId().toString() : "";
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class ApplicationMasterService method allocate.
public AllocateResponse allocate(AllocateRequest request) throws YarnException, IOException {
AMRMTokenIdentifier amrmTokenIdentifier = YarnServerSecurityUtils.authorizeRequest();
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = amrmTokenIdentifier.getApplicationAttemptId();
/* check if its in cache */
AllocateResponseLock lock = responseMap.get(appAttemptId);
if (lock == null) {
String message = "Application attempt " + appAttemptId + " doesn't exist in ApplicationMasterService cache.";
throw new ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException(message);
synchronized (lock) {
AllocateResponse lastResponse = lock.getAllocateResponse();
if (!hasApplicationMasterRegistered(appAttemptId)) {
String message = "AM is not registered for known application attempt: " + appAttemptId + " or RM had restarted after AM registered. " + " AM should re-register.";
throw new ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException(message);
if ((request.getResponseId() + 1) == lastResponse.getResponseId()) {
/* old heartbeat */
return lastResponse;
} else if (request.getResponseId() + 1 < lastResponse.getResponseId()) {
String message = "Invalid responseId in AllocateRequest from application attempt: " + appAttemptId + ", expect responseId to be " + (lastResponse.getResponseId() + 1);
throw new InvalidApplicationMasterRequestException(message);
AllocateResponse response = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(AllocateResponse.class);
allocateInternal(amrmTokenIdentifier.getApplicationAttemptId(), request, response);
// update AMRMToken if the token is rolled-up
MasterKeyData nextMasterKey = this.rmContext.getAMRMTokenSecretManager().getNextMasterKeyData();
if (nextMasterKey != null && nextMasterKey.getMasterKey().getKeyId() != amrmTokenIdentifier.getKeyId()) {
RMApp app = this.rmContext.getRMApps().get(appAttemptId.getApplicationId());
RMAppAttempt appAttempt = app.getRMAppAttempt(appAttemptId);
RMAppAttemptImpl appAttemptImpl = (RMAppAttemptImpl) appAttempt;
Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> amrmToken = appAttempt.getAMRMToken();
if (nextMasterKey.getMasterKey().getKeyId() != appAttemptImpl.getAMRMTokenKeyId()) {"The AMRMToken has been rolled-over. Send new AMRMToken back" + " to application: " + appAttemptId.getApplicationId());
amrmToken = rmContext.getAMRMTokenSecretManager().createAndGetAMRMToken(appAttemptId);
response.setAMRMToken(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token.newInstance(amrmToken.getIdentifier(), amrmToken.getKind().toString(), amrmToken.getPassword(), amrmToken.getService().toString()));
* As we are updating the response inside the lock object so we don't
* need to worry about unregister call occurring in between (which
* removes the lock object).
response.setResponseId(lastResponse.getResponseId() + 1);
return response;