use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestContainerResizing method testDecreaseContainerWillNotDeadlockContainerAllocation.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testDecreaseContainerWillNotDeadlockContainerAllocation() throws Exception {
// create and start MockRM with our MyScheduler
MockRM rm = new MockRM() {
public ResourceScheduler createScheduler() {
CapacityScheduler cs = new MyScheduler();
return cs;
// register a node
MockNM nm = rm.registerNode("h1:1234", 20 * GB);
// submit an application -> app1
RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(3 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm, nm);
// making sure resource is allocated
checkUsedResource(rm, "default", 3 * GB, null);
FiCaSchedulerApp app = TestUtils.getFiCaSchedulerApp(rm, app1.getApplicationId());
Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, app.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getUsed().getMemorySize());
// making sure container is launched
ContainerId containerId1 = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1);
sentRMContainerLaunched(rm, containerId1);
// submit allocation request for a new container
am1.allocate(Collections.singletonList(ResourceRequest.newInstance(Priority.newInstance(1), "*", Resources.createResource(2 * GB), 1)), null);
// nm reports status update and triggers container allocation
// *In the mean time*, am1 asks to decrease its AM container resource from
// 3GB to 1GB
AllocateResponse response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Collections.singletonList(UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0, containerId1, ContainerUpdateType.DECREASE_RESOURCE, Resources.createResource(GB), null)));
// verify that the containe resource is decreased
verifyContainerDecreased(response, containerId1, GB);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestContainerResizing method testSimpleDecreaseContainer.
public void testSimpleDecreaseContainer() throws Exception {
* Application has a container running, try to decrease the container and
* check queue's usage and container resource will be updated.
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM() {
public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
return mgr;
MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 20 * GB);
// app1 -> a1
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(3 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
FiCaSchedulerApp app = TestUtils.getFiCaSchedulerApp(rm1, app1.getApplicationId());
checkUsedResource(rm1, "default", 3 * GB, null);
Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, app.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getUsed().getMemorySize());
ContainerId containerId1 = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1);
sentRMContainerLaunched(rm1, containerId1);
// am1 asks to change its AM container from 1GB to 3GB
AllocateResponse response = am1.sendContainerResizingRequest(Arrays.asList(UpdateContainerRequest.newInstance(0, containerId1, ContainerUpdateType.DECREASE_RESOURCE, Resources.createResource(1 * GB), null)));
verifyContainerDecreased(response, containerId1, 1 * GB);
checkUsedResource(rm1, "default", 1 * GB, null);
Assert.assertEquals(1 * GB, app.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getUsed().getMemorySize());
// Check if decreased containers added to RMNode
RMNodeImpl rmNode = (RMNodeImpl) rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId());
Collection<Container> decreasedContainers = rmNode.getToBeDecreasedContainers();
boolean rmNodeReceivedDecreaseContainer = false;
for (Container c : decreasedContainers) {
if (c.getId().equals(containerId1) && c.getResource().equals(Resources.createResource(1 * GB))) {
rmNodeReceivedDecreaseContainer = true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestNodeLabelContainerAllocation method testContainerReservationWithLabels.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testContainerReservationWithLabels() throws Exception {
// This test is pretty much similar to testContainerAllocateWithLabel.
// Difference is, this test doesn't specify label expression in
// ResourceRequest,
// instead, it uses default queue label expression
// set node -> label
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabelsWithDefaultExclusivity(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y", "z"));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(NodeId.newInstance("h1", 0), toSet("x"), NodeId.newInstance("h2", 0), toSet("y"), NodeId.newInstance("h3", 0), toSet("x")));
// inject node label manager
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(TestUtils.getConfigurationWithDefaultQueueLabels(conf)) {
public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
return mgr;
// label = x
MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8 * GB);
// label = y
rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8 * GB);
// label = x
rm1.registerNode("h3:1234", 8 * GB);
ContainerId containerId;
// launch an app to queue a1 (label = x), and check all container will
// be allocated in h1
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "a1");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
// request a container.
am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 2, new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2);
CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler();
RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId());
LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("a1");
// Do node heartbeats 2 times
// First time will allocate container for app1, second time will reserve
// container for app1
cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1));
cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1));
checkTaskContainersHost(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1, "h1");
// Check if a 4G container allocated for app1, and 4G is reserved
FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId());
Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size());
Assert.assertTrue(schedulerApp1.getReservedContainers().size() > 0);
Assert.assertEquals(9 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage().getUsed("x").getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved("x").getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved("x").getMemorySize());
// Cancel asks of app2 and re-kick RM
am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 0, new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1));
Assert.assertEquals(5 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage().getUsed("x").getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved("x").getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved("x").getMemorySize());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestNodeLabelContainerAllocation method testQueueMetricsWithLabelsOnDefaultLabelNode.
public void testQueueMetricsWithLabelsOnDefaultLabelNode() throws Exception {
* Test case: have a following queue structure:
* <pre>
* root
* / \
* a b
* (x) (x)
* </pre>
* a/b can access x, both of them has max-capacity-on-x = 50
* When doing non-exclusive allocation, app in a (or b) can use 100% of x
* resource.
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf = new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration(this.conf);
// Define top-level queues
csConf.setQueues(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT, new String[] { "a", "b" });
csConf.setCapacityByLabel(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT, "x", 100);
final String queueA = CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".a";
csConf.setCapacity(queueA, 25);
csConf.setAccessibleNodeLabels(queueA, toSet("x"));
csConf.setCapacityByLabel(queueA, "x", 50);
csConf.setMaximumCapacityByLabel(queueA, "x", 50);
final String queueB = CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".b";
csConf.setCapacity(queueB, 75);
csConf.setAccessibleNodeLabels(queueB, toSet("x"));
csConf.setCapacityByLabel(queueB, "x", 50);
csConf.setMaximumCapacityByLabel(queueB, "x", 50);
// set node -> label
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabels(ImmutableSet.of(NodeLabel.newInstance("x", false)));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(NodeId.newInstance("h1", 0), toSet("x")));
// inject node label manager
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(csConf) {
public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
return mgr;
// label = x
MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 10 * GB);
// label = <no_label>
MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 10 * GB);
// app1 -> a
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "a");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm2);
// app1 asks for 3 partition= containers
am1.allocate("*", 1 * GB, 3, new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
// NM1 do 50 heartbeats
CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler();
RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId());
SchedulerNode schedulerNode1 = cs.getSchedulerNode(nm1.getNodeId());
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1));
// app1 gets all resource in partition=x (non-exclusive)
Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulerNode1.getNumContainers());
SchedulerNodeReport reportNm1 = rm1.getResourceScheduler().getNodeReport(nm1.getNodeId());
Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, reportNm1.getUsedResource().getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(7 * GB, reportNm1.getAvailableResource().getMemorySize());
SchedulerNodeReport reportNm2 = rm1.getResourceScheduler().getNodeReport(nm2.getNodeId());
Assert.assertEquals(1 * GB, reportNm2.getUsedResource().getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(9 * GB, reportNm2.getAvailableResource().getMemorySize());
LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("a");
double delta = 0.0001;
// 3GB is used from label x quota. 1.5 GB is remaining from default label.
// 2GB is remaining from label x.
assertEquals(3.5 * GB, leafQueue.getMetrics().getAvailableMB(), delta);
assertEquals(4 * GB, leafQueue.getMetrics().getAllocatedMB());
// app1 asks for 1 default partition container
am1.allocate("*", 1 * GB, 5, new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
// NM2 do couple of heartbeats
RMNode rmNode2 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm2.getNodeId());
SchedulerNode schedulerNode2 = cs.getSchedulerNode(nm2.getNodeId());
cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode2));
// app1 gets all resource in default partition
Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerNode2.getNumContainers());
// 3GB is used from label x quota. 2GB used from default label.
// So total 2.5 GB is remaining.
assertEquals(2.5 * GB, leafQueue.getMetrics().getAvailableMB(), delta);
assertEquals(5 * GB, leafQueue.getMetrics().getAllocatedMB());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestNodeLabelContainerAllocation method testContainerAllocateWithComplexLabels.
@Test(timeout = 300000)
public void testContainerAllocateWithComplexLabels() throws Exception {
* Queue structure:
* root (*)
* ________________
* / \
* a x(100%), y(50%) b y(50%), z(100%)
* ________________ ______________
* / / \
* a1 (x,y) b1(no) b2(y,z)
* 100% y = 100%, z = 100%
* Node structure:
* h1 : x
* h2 : y
* h3 : y
* h4 : z
* h5 : NO
* Total resource:
* x: 4G
* y: 6G
* z: 2G
* *: 2G
* Resource of
* a1: x=4G, y=3G, NO=0.2G
* b1: NO=0.9G (max=1G)
* b2: y=3, z=2G, NO=0.9G (max=1G)
* Each node can only allocate two containers
// set node -> label
mgr.addToCluserNodeLabelsWithDefaultExclusivity(ImmutableSet.of("x", "y", "z"));
mgr.addLabelsToNode(ImmutableMap.of(NodeId.newInstance("h1", 0), toSet("x"), NodeId.newInstance("h2", 0), toSet("y"), NodeId.newInstance("h3", 0), toSet("y"), NodeId.newInstance("h4", 0), toSet("z"), NodeId.newInstance("h5", 0), RMNodeLabelsManager.EMPTY_STRING_SET));
// inject node label manager
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(TestUtils.getComplexConfigurationWithQueueLabels(conf)) {
public RMNodeLabelsManager createNodeLabelManager() {
return mgr;
MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 2048);
MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 2048);
MockNM nm3 = rm1.registerNode("h3:1234", 2048);
MockNM nm4 = rm1.registerNode("h4:1234", 2048);
MockNM nm5 = rm1.registerNode("h5:1234", 2048);
ContainerId containerId;
// launch an app to queue a1 (label = x), and check all container will
// be allocated in h1
RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app", "user", null, "a1");
MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
// request a container (label = y). can be allocated on nm2
am1.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "y");
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2L);
Assert.assertTrue(rm1.waitForState(nm2, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
checkTaskContainersHost(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1, "h2");
// launch an app to queue b1 (label = y), and check all container will
// be allocated in h5
RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app", "user", null, "b1");
MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm5);
// request a container for AM, will succeed
// and now b1's queue capacity will be used, cannot allocate more containers
// (Maximum capacity reached)
am2.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am2.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2);
Assert.assertFalse(rm1.waitForState(nm4, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
Assert.assertFalse(rm1.waitForState(nm5, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
// launch an app to queue b2
RMApp app3 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app", "user", null, "b2");
MockAM am3 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app3, rm1, nm5);
// request a container. try to allocate on nm1 (label = x) and nm3 (label =
// y,z). Will successfully allocate on nm3
am3.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "y");
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2);
Assert.assertFalse(rm1.waitForState(nm1, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
Assert.assertTrue(rm1.waitForState(nm3, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
checkTaskContainersHost(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1, "h3");
// try to allocate container (request label = z) on nm4 (label = y,z).
// Will successfully allocate on nm4 only.
am3.allocate("*", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), "z");
containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), 3L);
Assert.assertTrue(rm1.waitForState(nm4, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED));
checkTaskContainersHost(am3.getApplicationAttemptId(), containerId, rm1, "h4");