use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationCleanup method testContainerCleanupWhenRMRestartedAppNotRegistered.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testContainerCleanupWhenRMRestartedAppNotRegistered() throws Exception {
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS, 1);
MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();
// start RM
final DrainDispatcher dispatcher = new DrainDispatcher();
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf, memStore) {
protected Dispatcher createDispatcher() {
return dispatcher;
MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", 15120, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
// create app and launch the AM
RMApp app0 = rm1.submitApp(200);
MockAM am0 = launchAM(app0, rm1, nm1);
nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1, ContainerState.RUNNING);
rm1.waitForState(app0.getApplicationId(), RMAppState.RUNNING);
// start new RM
final DrainDispatcher dispatcher2 = new DrainDispatcher();
MockRM rm2 = new MockRM(conf, memStore) {
protected Dispatcher createDispatcher() {
return dispatcher2;
// nm1 register to rm2, and do a heartbeat
rm2.waitForState(app0.getApplicationId(), RMAppState.ACCEPTED);
// Add unknown container for application unknown to scheduler
NodeHeartbeatResponse response = nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2, ContainerState.RUNNING);
waitForContainerCleanup(dispatcher2, nm1, response);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationCleanup method testAppCleanupWhenRMRestartedAfterAppFinished.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testAppCleanupWhenRMRestartedAfterAppFinished() throws Exception {
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS, 1);
MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();
// start RM
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);
MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", 15120, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
// create app and launch the AM
RMApp app0 = rm1.submitApp(200);
MockAM am0 = launchAM(app0, rm1, nm1);
nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1, ContainerState.COMPLETE);
rm1.waitForState(app0.getApplicationId(), RMAppState.FAILED);
// start new RM
MockRM rm2 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);
// nm1 register to rm2, and do a heartbeat
rm2.waitForState(app0.getApplicationId(), RMAppState.FAILED);
// wait for application cleanup message received
waitForAppCleanupMessageRecved(nm1, app0.getApplicationId());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestApplicationCleanup method testProcessingNMContainerStatusesOnNMRestart.
// The test verifies processing of NMContainerStatuses which are sent during
// NM registration.
// 1. Start the cluster-RM,NM,Submit app with 1024MB,Launch & register AM
// 2. AM sends ResourceRequest for 1 container with memory 2048MB.
// 3. Verify for number of container allocated by RM
// 4. Verify Memory Usage by cluster, it should be 3072. AM memory + requested
// memory. 1024 + 2048=3072
// 5. Re-register NM by sending completed container status
// 6. Verify for Memory Used, it should be 1024
// 7. Send AM heatbeat to RM. Allocated response should contain completed
// container.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testProcessingNMContainerStatusesOnNMRestart() throws Exception {
conf.setInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS, 1);
MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();
// 1. Start the cluster-RM,NM,Submit app with 1024MB,Launch & register AM
MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);
int nmMemory = 8192;
int amMemory = 1024;
int containerMemory = 2048;
MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", nmMemory, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
RMApp app0 = rm1.submitApp(amMemory);
MockAM am0 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app0, rm1, nm1);
// 2. AM sends ResourceRequest for 1 container with memory 2048MB.
int noOfContainers = 1;
List<Container> allocateContainers = am0.allocateAndWaitForContainers(noOfContainers, containerMemory, nm1);
// 3. Verify for number of container allocated by RM
Assert.assertEquals(noOfContainers, allocateContainers.size());
Container container = allocateContainers.get(0);
nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1, ContainerState.RUNNING);
nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), container.getId().getContainerId(), ContainerState.RUNNING);
rm1.waitForState(app0.getApplicationId(), RMAppState.RUNNING);
// 4. Verify Memory Usage by cluster, it should be 3072. AM memory +
// requested memory. 1024 + 2048=3072
ResourceScheduler rs = rm1.getRMContext().getScheduler();
long allocatedMB = rs.getRootQueueMetrics().getAllocatedMB();
Assert.assertEquals(amMemory + containerMemory, allocatedMB);
// 5. Re-register NM by sending completed container status
List<NMContainerStatus> nMContainerStatusForApp = createNMContainerStatusForApp(am0);
nm1.registerNode(nMContainerStatusForApp, Arrays.asList(app0.getApplicationId()));
waitForClusterMemory(nm1, rs, amMemory);
// 6. Verify for Memory Used, it should be 1024
Assert.assertEquals(amMemory, rs.getRootQueueMetrics().getAllocatedMB());
// 7. Send AM heatbeat to RM. Allocated response should contain completed
// container
AllocateRequest req = AllocateRequest.newInstance(0, 0F, new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(), new ArrayList<ContainerId>(), null);
AllocateResponse allocate = am0.allocate(req);
List<ContainerStatus> completedContainersStatuses = allocate.getCompletedContainersStatuses();
Assert.assertEquals(noOfContainers, completedContainersStatuses.size());
// Application clean up should happen Cluster memory used is 0
nm1.nodeHeartbeat(am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), 1, ContainerState.COMPLETE);
waitForClusterMemory(nm1, rs, 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestContainerResourceUsage method testUsageWithOneAttemptAndOneContainer.
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testUsageWithOneAttemptAndOneContainer() throws Exception {
MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
MockNM nm = new MockNM("", 15120, rm.getResourceTrackerService());
RMApp app0 = rm.submitApp(200);
RMAppMetrics rmAppMetrics = app0.getRMAppMetrics();
Assert.assertTrue("Before app submittion, memory seconds should have been 0 but was " + rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds() == 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Before app submission, vcore seconds should have been 0 but was " + rmAppMetrics.getVcoreSeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getVcoreSeconds() == 0);
RMAppAttempt attempt0 = app0.getCurrentAppAttempt();
MockAM am0 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt0.getAppAttemptId());
RMContainer rmContainer = rm.getResourceScheduler().getRMContainer(attempt0.getMasterContainer().getId());
// Allow metrics to accumulate.
int sleepInterval = 1000;
int cumulativeSleepTime = 0;
while (rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds() <= 0 && cumulativeSleepTime < 5000) {
cumulativeSleepTime += sleepInterval;
rmAppMetrics = app0.getRMAppMetrics();
Assert.assertTrue("While app is running, memory seconds should be >0 but is " + rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds() > 0);
Assert.assertTrue("While app is running, vcore seconds should be >0 but is " + rmAppMetrics.getVcoreSeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getVcoreSeconds() > 0);
MockRM.finishAMAndVerifyAppState(app0, rm, nm, am0);
AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = calculateContainerResourceMetrics(rmContainer);
rmAppMetrics = app0.getRMAppMetrics();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected MemorySeconds value", ru.getMemorySeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getMemorySeconds());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected VcoreSeconds value", ru.getVcoreSeconds(), rmAppMetrics.getVcoreSeconds());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestKillApplicationWithRMHA method testKillAppWhenFailoverHappensAtRunningState.
@Test(timeout = 20000)
public void testKillAppWhenFailoverHappensAtRunningState() throws Exception {
MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", 15120, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
// create app and launch the AM
RMApp app0 = rm1.submitApp(200);
MockAM am0 = launchAM(app0, rm1, nm1);
// failover and kill application
// The application is at RUNNING State when failOver happens.
// Since RMStateStore has already saved ApplicationState, the active RM
// will load the ApplicationState. After that, the application will be at
// ACCEPTED State. Because the application is not at Final State,
// KillApplicationResponse.getIsKillCompleted is expected to return false.
failOverAndKillApp(app0.getApplicationId(), am0.getApplicationAttemptId(), RMAppState.RUNNING, RMAppAttemptState.RUNNING, RMAppState.ACCEPTED);