use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowActivity method testWriteFlowRunMinMax.
* Writes 4 timeline entities belonging to one flow run through the
* {@link HBaseTimelineWriterImpl}
* Checks the flow run table contents
* The first entity has a created event, metrics and a finish event.
* The second entity has a created event and this is the entity with smallest
* start time. This should be the start time for the flow run.
* The third entity has a finish event and this is the entity with the max end
* time. This should be the end time for the flow run.
* The fourth entity has a created event which has a start time that is
* greater than min start time.
* The test also checks in the flow activity table that one entry has been
* made for all of these 4 application entities since they belong to the same
* flow run.
public void testWriteFlowRunMinMax() throws Exception {
TimelineEntities te = new TimelineEntities();
HBaseTimelineWriterImpl hbi = null;
Configuration c1 = util.getConfiguration();
String cluster = "testWriteFlowRunMinMaxToHBase_cluster1";
String user = "testWriteFlowRunMinMaxToHBase_user1";
String flow = "testing_flowRun_flow_name";
String flowVersion = "CF7022C10F1354";
long runid = 1002345678919L;
String appName = "application_100000000000_1111";
long minStartTs = 1424995200300L;
long greaterStartTs = 1424995200300L + 864000L;
long endTs = 1424995200300L + 86000000L;
TimelineEntity entityMinStartTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMinStartTime(minStartTs);
try {
hbi = new HBaseTimelineWriterImpl();
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// write another entity with the right min start time
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_100000000000_3333";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// writer another entity for max end time
TimelineEntity entityMaxEndTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMaxEndTime(endTs);
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_100000000000_4444";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// writer another entity with greater start time
TimelineEntity entityGreaterStartTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityGreaterStartTime(greaterStartTs);
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_1000000000000000_2222";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// flush everything to hbase
} finally {
if (hbi != null) {
Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(c1);
// check in flow activity table
Table table1 = conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf(FlowActivityTable.DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME));
byte[] startRow = new FlowActivityRowKey(cluster, minStartTs, user, flow).getRowKey();
Get g = new Get(startRow);
Result r1 = table1.get(g);
Map<byte[], byte[]> values = r1.getFamilyMap(FlowActivityColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes());
assertEquals(1, values.size());
byte[] row = r1.getRow();
FlowActivityRowKey flowActivityRowKey = FlowActivityRowKey.parseRowKey(row);
assertEquals(cluster, flowActivityRowKey.getClusterId());
assertEquals(user, flowActivityRowKey.getUserId());
assertEquals(flow, flowActivityRowKey.getFlowName());
Long dayTs = HBaseTimelineStorageUtils.getTopOfTheDayTimestamp(minStartTs);
assertEquals(dayTs, flowActivityRowKey.getDayTimestamp());
assertEquals(1, values.size());
checkFlowActivityRunId(runid, flowVersion, values);
// use the timeline reader to verify data
HBaseTimelineReaderImpl hbr = null;
try {
hbr = new HBaseTimelineReaderImpl();
// get the flow activity entity
Set<TimelineEntity> entities = hbr.getEntities(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, null, null, null, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_ACTIVITY.toString(), null), new TimelineEntityFilters(10L, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
assertEquals(1, entities.size());
for (TimelineEntity e : entities) {
FlowActivityEntity flowActivity = (FlowActivityEntity) e;
assertEquals(cluster, flowActivity.getCluster());
assertEquals(user, flowActivity.getUser());
assertEquals(flow, flowActivity.getFlowName());
assertEquals(dayTs, Long.valueOf(flowActivity.getDate().getTime()));
Set<FlowRunEntity> flowRuns = flowActivity.getFlowRuns();
assertEquals(1, flowRuns.size());
} finally {
if (hbr != null) {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowRun method testWriteFlowRunMetricsOneFlow.
* Writes two application entities of the same flow run. Each application has
* two metrics: slot millis and hdfs bytes read. Each metric has values at two
* timestamps.
* Checks the metric values of the flow in the flow run table. Flow metric
* values should be the sum of individual metric values that belong to the
* latest timestamp for that metric
public void testWriteFlowRunMetricsOneFlow() throws Exception {
String cluster = "testWriteFlowRunMetricsOneFlow_cluster1";
String user = "testWriteFlowRunMetricsOneFlow_user1";
String flow = "testing_flowRun_metrics_flow_name";
String flowVersion = "CF7022C10F1354";
long runid = 1002345678919L;
TimelineEntities te = new TimelineEntities();
TimelineEntity entityApp1 = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMetricsApp1(System.currentTimeMillis());
HBaseTimelineWriterImpl hbi = null;
Configuration c1 = util.getConfiguration();
try {
hbi = new HBaseTimelineWriterImpl();
String appName = "application_11111111111111_1111";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// write another application with same metric to this flow
te = new TimelineEntities();
TimelineEntity entityApp2 = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMetricsApp2(System.currentTimeMillis());
appName = "application_11111111111111_2222";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
} finally {
if (hbi != null) {
// check flow run
checkFlowRunTable(cluster, user, flow, runid, c1);
// check various batch limits in scanning the table for this flow
checkFlowRunTableBatchLimit(cluster, user, flow, runid, c1);
// use the timeline reader to verify data
HBaseTimelineReaderImpl hbr = null;
try {
hbr = new HBaseTimelineReaderImpl();
TimelineEntity entity = hbr.getEntity(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, user, flow, runid, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_RUN.toString(), null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
Set<TimelineMetric> metrics = entity.getMetrics();
assertEquals(2, metrics.size());
for (TimelineMetric metric : metrics) {
String id = metric.getId();
Map<Long, Number> values = metric.getValues();
assertEquals(1, values.size());
Number value = null;
for (Number n : values.values()) {
value = n;
switch(id) {
case METRIC1:
assertEquals(141L, value);
case METRIC2:
assertEquals(57L, value);
fail("unrecognized metric: " + id);
} finally {
if (hbr != null) {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowRun method testFilterFlowRunsByCreatedTime.
public void testFilterFlowRunsByCreatedTime() throws Exception {
String cluster = "cluster2";
String user = "user2";
String flow = "flow_name2";
TimelineEntities te = new TimelineEntities();
TimelineEntity entityApp1 = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMetricsApp1(System.currentTimeMillis());
HBaseTimelineWriterImpl hbi = null;
Configuration c1 = util.getConfiguration();
try {
hbi = new HBaseTimelineWriterImpl();
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, "CF7022C10F1354", 1002345678919L, "application_11111111111111_1111", te);
// write another application with same metric to this flow
te = new TimelineEntities();
TimelineEntity entityApp2 = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMetricsApp2(System.currentTimeMillis());
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, "CF7022C10F1354", 1002345678918L, "application_11111111111111_2222", te);
} finally {
if (hbi != null) {
// use the timeline reader to verify data
HBaseTimelineReaderImpl hbr = null;
try {
hbr = new HBaseTimelineReaderImpl();
Set<TimelineEntity> entities = hbr.getEntities(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, user, flow, null, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_RUN.toString(), null), new TimelineEntityFilters(null, 1425016501000L, 1425016502001L, null, null, null, null, null, null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
assertEquals(2, entities.size());
for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
if (!entity.getId().equals("user2@flow_name2/1002345678918") && !entity.getId().equals("user2@flow_name2/1002345678919")) {
fail("Entities with flow runs 1002345678918 and 1002345678919" + "should be present.");
entities = hbr.getEntities(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, user, flow, null, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_RUN.toString(), null), new TimelineEntityFilters(null, 1425016501050L, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
assertEquals(1, entities.size());
for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
if (!entity.getId().equals("user2@flow_name2/1002345678918")) {
fail("Entity with flow run 1002345678918 should be present.");
entities = hbr.getEntities(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, user, flow, null, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_RUN.toString(), null), new TimelineEntityFilters(null, null, 1425016501050L, null, null, null, null, null, null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
assertEquals(1, entities.size());
for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
if (!entity.getId().equals("user2@flow_name2/1002345678919")) {
fail("Entity with flow run 1002345678919 should be present.");
} finally {
if (hbr != null) {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowRun method testWriteFlowRunMinMax.
* Writes 4 timeline entities belonging to one flow run through the
* {@link HBaseTimelineWriterImpl}
* Checks the flow run table contents
* The first entity has a created event, metrics and a finish event.
* The second entity has a created event and this is the entity with smallest
* start time. This should be the start time for the flow run.
* The third entity has a finish event and this is the entity with the max end
* time. This should be the end time for the flow run.
* The fourth entity has a created event which has a start time that is
* greater than min start time.
public void testWriteFlowRunMinMax() throws Exception {
TimelineEntities te = new TimelineEntities();
HBaseTimelineWriterImpl hbi = null;
Configuration c1 = util.getConfiguration();
String cluster = "testWriteFlowRunMinMaxToHBase_cluster1";
String user = "testWriteFlowRunMinMaxToHBase_user1";
String flow = "testing_flowRun_flow_name";
String flowVersion = "CF7022C10F1354";
long runid = 1002345678919L;
String appName = "application_100000000000_1111";
long minStartTs = 1425026900000L;
long greaterStartTs = 30000000000000L;
long endTs = 1439750690000L;
TimelineEntity entityMinStartTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMinStartTime(minStartTs);
try {
hbi = new HBaseTimelineWriterImpl();
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// write another entity with the right min start time
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_100000000000_3333";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// writer another entity for max end time
TimelineEntity entityMaxEndTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityMaxEndTime(endTs);
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_100000000000_4444";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// writer another entity with greater start time
TimelineEntity entityGreaterStartTime = TestFlowDataGenerator.getEntityGreaterStartTime(greaterStartTs);
te = new TimelineEntities();
appName = "application_1000000000000000_2222";
hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, appName, te);
// flush everything to hbase
} finally {
if (hbi != null) {
Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(c1);
// check in flow run table
Table table1 = conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf(FlowRunTable.DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME));
// scan the table and see that we get back the right min and max
// timestamps
byte[] startRow = new FlowRunRowKey(cluster, user, flow, runid).getRowKey();
Get g = new Get(startRow);
g.addColumn(FlowRunColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes(), FlowRunColumn.MIN_START_TIME.getColumnQualifierBytes());
g.addColumn(FlowRunColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes(), FlowRunColumn.MAX_END_TIME.getColumnQualifierBytes());
Result r1 = table1.get(g);
Map<byte[], byte[]> values = r1.getFamilyMap(FlowRunColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes());
assertEquals(2, r1.size());
long starttime = Bytes.toLong(values.get(FlowRunColumn.MIN_START_TIME.getColumnQualifierBytes()));
assertEquals(minStartTs, starttime);
assertEquals(endTs, Bytes.toLong(values.get(FlowRunColumn.MAX_END_TIME.getColumnQualifierBytes())));
// use the timeline reader to verify data
HBaseTimelineReaderImpl hbr = null;
try {
hbr = new HBaseTimelineReaderImpl();
// get the flow run entity
TimelineEntity entity = hbr.getEntity(new TimelineReaderContext(cluster, user, flow, runid, null, TimelineEntityType.YARN_FLOW_RUN.toString(), null), new TimelineDataToRetrieve());
FlowRunEntity flowRun = (FlowRunEntity) entity;
assertEquals(minStartTs, flowRun.getStartTime());
assertEquals(endTs, flowRun.getMaxEndTime());
} finally {
if (hbr != null) {