use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowRunCompaction method testProcessSummationOneCell.
public void testProcessSummationOneCell() throws IOException {
FlowScanner fs = getFlowScannerForTestingCompaction();
// note down the current timestamp
long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
// try for 1 cell with tag SUM
List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>();
Tag t = new Tag(AggregationOperation.SUM.getTagType(), "application_123458888888_999888");
byte[] tagByteArray = Tag.fromList(tags);
SortedSet<Cell> currentColumnCells = new TreeSet<Cell>(KeyValue.COMPARATOR);
Cell c1 = HBaseTimelineStorageUtils.createNewCell(aRowKey, aFamily, aQualifier, currentTimestamp, Bytes.toBytes(1110L), tagByteArray);
List<Cell> cells = fs.processSummationMajorCompaction(currentColumnCells, new LongConverter(), currentTimestamp);
// we expect the same cell back
assertEquals(1, cells.size());
Cell c2 = cells.get(0);
assertEquals(c1, c2);
assertEquals(currentTimestamp, c2.getTimestamp());
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHBaseStorageFlowRunCompaction method checkProcessSummationMoreCellsSumFinalMany.
// tests with many cells
// of type SUM and SUM_FINAL
// all cells of SUM_FINAL will expire
public void checkProcessSummationMoreCellsSumFinalMany() throws IOException {
FlowScanner fs = getFlowScannerForTestingCompaction();
int count = 200000;
long cellValueFinal = 1000L;
long cellValueNotFinal = 28L;
// note down the current timestamp
long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
long cellTsFinalStart = 10001120L;
long cellTsFinal = cellTsFinalStart;
long cellTsNotFinalStart = currentTimestamp - 5;
long cellTsNotFinal = cellTsNotFinalStart;
SortedSet<Cell> currentColumnCells = new TreeSet<Cell>(KeyValue.COMPARATOR);
List<Tag> tags = null;
Tag t = null;
Cell c1 = null;
// insert SUM_FINAL cells
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tags = new ArrayList<>();
t = new Tag(AggregationOperation.SUM_FINAL.getTagType(), "application_123450000" + i + "01_19" + i);
byte[] tagByteArray = Tag.fromList(tags);
// create a cell with a VERY old timestamp and attribute SUM_FINAL
c1 = HBaseTimelineStorageUtils.createNewCell(aRowKey, aFamily, aQualifier, cellTsFinal, Bytes.toBytes(cellValueFinal), tagByteArray);
// add SUM cells
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tags = new ArrayList<>();
t = new Tag(AggregationOperation.SUM.getTagType(), "application_1987650000" + i + "83_911" + i);
byte[] tagByteArray = Tag.fromList(tags);
// create a cell with attribute SUM
c1 = HBaseTimelineStorageUtils.createNewCell(aRowKey, aFamily, aQualifier, cellTsNotFinal, Bytes.toBytes(cellValueNotFinal), tagByteArray);
List<Cell> cells = fs.processSummationMajorCompaction(currentColumnCells, new LongConverter(), currentTimestamp);
// we should be getting back count + 1 cells
// one is the flow sum cell
// others are the cells with SUM attribute
assertEquals(count + 1, cells.size());
for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
Cell returnedCell = cells.get(0);
long returnTs = returnedCell.getTimestamp();
long returnValue = Bytes.toLong(CellUtil.cloneValue(returnedCell));
if (returnValue == (count * cellValueFinal)) {
assertTrue(returnTs > (cellTsFinalStart + count));
assertTrue(returnTs >= currentTimestamp);
} else if ((returnValue >= cellValueNotFinal) && (returnValue <= cellValueNotFinal * count)) {
assertTrue(returnTs >= cellTsNotFinalStart);
assertTrue(returnTs <= cellTsNotFinalStart * count);
} else {
// raise a failure since we expect only these values back;