use of org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class DdmHandleViewDebug method dumpTheme.
* Returns the Theme dump of the provided view.
private Chunk dumpTheme(View rootView) {
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
try {
ViewDebug.dumpTheme(rootView, b);
} catch (IOException e) {
return createFailChunk(1, "Unexpected error while dumping the theme: " + e.getMessage());
byte[] data = b.toByteArray();
return new Chunk(CHUNK_VURT, data, 0, data.length);
use of org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class DdmHandleHello method connected.
* Called when the DDM server connects. The handler is allowed to
* send messages to the server.
public void connected() {
if (false)
Log.v("ddm-hello", "Connected!");
if (false) {
/* test spontaneous transmission */
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -4, -3, -2, -1, 127 };
Chunk testChunk = new Chunk(ChunkHandler.type("TEST"), data, 1, data.length - 2);
use of org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class DdmHandleViewDebug method captureView.
private Chunk captureView(View rootView, View targetView) {
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
try {
ViewDebug.capture(rootView, b, targetView);
} catch (IOException e) {
return createFailChunk(1, "Unexpected error while capturing view: " + e.getMessage());
byte[] data = b.toByteArray();
return new Chunk(CHUNK_VUOP, data, 0, data.length);
use of org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class DdmHandleViewDebug method profileView.
/** Profiles provided view. */
private Chunk profileView(View rootView, final View targetView) {
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(32 * 1024);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(b), 32 * 1024);
try {
ViewDebug.profileViewAndChildren(targetView, bw);
} catch (IOException e) {
return createFailChunk(1, "Unexpected error while profiling view: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
byte[] data = b.toByteArray();
return new Chunk(CHUNK_VUOP, data, 0, data.length);
use of org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class DdmHandleHello method handleHELO.
* Handle introductory packet. This is called during JNI_CreateJavaVM
* before frameworks native methods are registered, so be careful not
* to call any APIs that depend on frameworks native code.
private Chunk handleHELO(Chunk request) {
if (false)
return createFailChunk(123, "This is a test");
* Process the request.
ByteBuffer in = wrapChunk(request);
int serverProtoVers = in.getInt();
if (false)
Log.v("ddm-hello", "Server version is " + serverProtoVers);
* Create a response.
String vmName = System.getProperty("", "?");
String vmVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version", "?");
String vmIdent = vmName + " v" + vmVersion;
//String appName =;
//if (appName == null)
// appName = "unknown";
String appName = DdmHandleAppName.getAppName();
VMRuntime vmRuntime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
String instructionSetDescription = vmRuntime.is64Bit() ? "64-bit" : "32-bit";
String vmInstructionSet = vmRuntime.vmInstructionSet();
if (vmInstructionSet != null && vmInstructionSet.length() > 0) {
instructionSetDescription += " (" + vmInstructionSet + ")";
String vmFlags = "CheckJNI=" + (vmRuntime.isCheckJniEnabled() ? "true" : "false");
boolean isNativeDebuggable = vmRuntime.isNativeDebuggable();
ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(28 + vmIdent.length() * 2 + appName.length() * 2 + instructionSetDescription.length() * 2 + vmFlags.length() * 2 + 1);
putString(out, vmIdent);
putString(out, appName);
putString(out, instructionSetDescription);
putString(out, vmFlags);
out.put((byte) (isNativeDebuggable ? 1 : 0));
Chunk reply = new Chunk(CHUNK_HELO, out);
* Take the opportunity to inform DDMS if we are waiting for a
* debugger to attach.
if (Debug.waitingForDebugger())
return reply;