use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZKHelixDataAccessor in project helix by apache.
the class TestBatchMessage method testBasic.
public void testBasic() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
int n = 2;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
32, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
2, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
// enable batch message
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient));
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"), idealState);
// register a message listener so we know how many message generated
TestZkChildListener listener = new TestZkChildListener();
_gZkClient.subscribeChildChanges(keyBuilder.messages("localhost_12918").getPath(), listener);
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
boolean result = ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByZkCallback(new BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR, clusterName));
// Change to three is because there is an extra factory registered
// So one extra NO_OP message send
Assert.assertTrue(listener._maxNbOfChilds <= 3, "Should get no more than 2 messages (O->S and S->M)");
// clean up
// wait for all zk callbacks done
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZKHelixDataAccessor in project helix by apache.
the class TestBatchMessage method testChangeBatchMessageMode.
// a non-batch-message run followed by a batch-message-enabled run
public void testChangeBatchMessageMode() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
int n = 2;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
32, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
2, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
boolean result = ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByZkCallback(new BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR, clusterName));
// stop all participants
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// enable batch message
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient));
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"), idealState);
// registry a message listener so we know how many message generated
TestZkChildListener listener = new TestZkChildListener();
_gZkClient.subscribeChildChanges(keyBuilder.messages("localhost_12918").getPath(), listener);
// restart all participants
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
result = ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByZkCallback(new BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR, clusterName));
// Change to three is because there is an extra factory registered
// So one extra NO_OP message send
Assert.assertTrue(listener._maxNbOfChilds <= 3, "Should get no more than 2 messages (O->S and S->M)");
// clean up
// wait for all zk callbacks done
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZKHelixDataAccessor in project helix by apache.
the class TestBatchMessage method testParticipantIncompatibleWithBatchMsg.
public void testParticipantIncompatibleWithBatchMsg() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
int n = 2;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
32, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
2, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
// enable batch message
// --addResourceProperty <clusterName resourceName propertyName propertyValue>
ClusterSetup.processCommandLineArgs(new String[] { "--zkSvr", ZK_ADDR, "--addResourceProperty", clusterName, "TestDB0", HelixPropertyAttribute.BATCH_MESSAGE_MODE.toString(), "true" });
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient));
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
// register a message listener so we know how many message generated
TestZkChildListener listener = new TestZkChildListener();
_gZkClient.subscribeChildChanges(keyBuilder.messages("localhost_12918").getPath(), listener);
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// pause controller
// --enableCluster <clusterName true/false>
ClusterSetup.processCommandLineArgs(new String[] { "--zkSvr", ZK_ADDR, "--enableCluster", clusterName, "false" });
// start participants
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
// change localhost_12918 version to 0.5, so batch-message-mode will be ignored
LiveInstance liveInstance = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.liveInstance("localhost_12918"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.liveInstance("localhost_12918"), liveInstance);
// resume controller
// --enableCluster <clusterName true/false>
ClusterSetup.processCommandLineArgs(new String[] { "--zkSvr", ZK_ADDR, "--enableCluster", clusterName, "true" });
boolean result = ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByZkCallback(new BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR, clusterName));
Assert.assertTrue(listener._maxNbOfChilds > 16, "Should see more than 16 messages at the same time (32 O->S and 32 S->M)");
// clean up
// wait for all zk callbacks done
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZKHelixDataAccessor in project helix by apache.
the class TestBatchMessage method testSubMsgExecutionFail.
public void testSubMsgExecutionFail() throws Exception {
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 5;
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// resource#
TestHelper.setupCluster(// resource#
clusterName, // resource#
ZK_ADDR, // resource#
12918, // resource#
"localhost", // resource#
"TestDB", // resource#
1, // partition#
6, // nodes#
n, // replicas#
3, "MasterSlave", true);
// enable batch message
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, _baseAccessor);
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"), idealState);
// get MASTER for errPartition
String errPartition = "TestDB0_0";
String masterOfPartition0 = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : idealState.getInstanceStateMap(errPartition).entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals("MASTER")) {
masterOfPartition0 = entry.getKey();
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
if (instanceName.equals(masterOfPartition0)) {
Map<String, Set<String>> errPartitions = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
errPartitions.put("SLAVE-MASTER", TestHelper.setOf("TestDB0_0"));
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
participants[i].setTransition(new ErrTransition(errPartitions));
} else {
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
Map<String, Map<String, String>> errStates = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
errStates.put("TestDB0", new HashMap<String, String>());
errStates.get("TestDB0").put(errPartition, masterOfPartition0);
boolean result = ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByPolling(new ClusterStateVerifier.BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, errStates));
Map<String, Set<String>> errorStateMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
errorStateMap.put(errPartition, TestHelper.setOf(masterOfPartition0));
// verify "TestDB0_0", masterOfPartition0 is in ERROR state
TestHelper.verifyState(clusterName, ZK_ADDR, errorStateMap, "ERROR");
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZKHelixDataAccessor in project helix by apache.
the class TestBatchMessageWrapper method testBasic.
public void testBasic() throws Exception {
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 2;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// startPort
TestHelper.setupCluster(// startPort
clusterName, // startPort
ZK_ADDR, // startPort
12918, // participantNamePrefix
"localhost", // resourceNamePrefix
"TestDB", // resourceNb
1, // partitionNb
2, // nodesNb
n, // replica
2, "MasterSlave", true);
// enable batch-message
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient));
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"), idealState);
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
TestMockMSModelFactory[] ftys = new TestMockMSModelFactory[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
ftys[i] = new TestMockMSModelFactory();
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
participants[i].getStateMachineEngine().registerStateModelFactory("MasterSlave", ftys[i]);
// wait for each participant to complete state transitions, so we have deterministic results
HelixClusterVerifier _clusterVerifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).build();
Assert.assertTrue(_clusterVerifier.verify(), "participant: " + instanceName + " fails to complete all transitions");
// check batch-msg-wrapper counts
MockBatchMsgWrapper wrapper = (MockBatchMsgWrapper) ftys[0].getBatchMessageWrapper("TestDB0");
// System.out.println("startCount: " + wrapper._startCount);
Assert.assertEquals(wrapper._startCount, 3, "Expect 3 batch.start: O->S, S->M, and M->S for 1st participant");
// System.out.println("endCount: " + wrapper._endCount);
Assert.assertEquals(wrapper._endCount, 3, "Expect 3 batch.end: O->S, S->M, and M->S for 1st participant");
wrapper = (MockBatchMsgWrapper) ftys[1].getBatchMessageWrapper("TestDB0");
// System.out.println("startCount: " + wrapper._startCount);
Assert.assertEquals(wrapper._startCount, 2, "Expect 2 batch.start: O->S and S->M for 2nd participant");
// System.out.println("endCount: " + wrapper._endCount);
Assert.assertEquals(wrapper._startCount, 2, "Expect 2 batch.end: O->S and S->M for 2nd participant");
// clean up
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));