use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZNRecordSerializer in project ambry by linkedin.
the class VcrTestUtil method populateZkInfoAndStartController.
* Populate info on ZooKeeper server and start {@link HelixControllerManager}.
* @param zkConnectString zk connect string to zk server.
* @param vcrClusterName the vcr cluster name.
* @param clusterMap the {@link ClusterMap} to use.
* @param vcrHelixStateModel the state model to use for helix cluster events.
* @return the created {@link HelixControllerManager}.
public static HelixControllerManager populateZkInfoAndStartController(String zkConnectString, String vcrClusterName, ClusterMap clusterMap, String vcrHelixStateModel) {
HelixZkClient zkClient = DedicatedZkClientFactory.getInstance().buildZkClient(new HelixZkClient.ZkConnectionConfig(zkConnectString), new HelixZkClient.ZkClientConfig());
try {
zkClient.setZkSerializer(new ZNRecordSerializer());
ClusterSetup clusterSetup = new ClusterSetup(zkClient);
clusterSetup.addCluster(vcrClusterName, true);
HelixAdmin admin = new ZKHelixAdmin(zkClient);
HelixConfigScope configScope = new HelixConfigScopeBuilder(HelixConfigScope.ConfigScopeProperty.CLUSTER).forCluster(vcrClusterName).build();
Map<String, String> helixClusterProperties = new HashMap<>();
helixClusterProperties.put(ZKHelixManager.ALLOW_PARTICIPANT_AUTO_JOIN, String.valueOf(true));
admin.setConfig(configScope, helixClusterProperties);
// set PersistBestPossibleAssignment
ConfigAccessor configAccessor = new ConfigAccessor(zkClient);
ClusterConfig clusterConfig = configAccessor.getClusterConfig(vcrClusterName);
configAccessor.setClusterConfig(vcrClusterName, clusterConfig);
FullAutoModeISBuilder builder = new FullAutoModeISBuilder(helixResource);
for (PartitionId partitionId : clusterMap.getAllPartitionIds(null)) {
builder.setRebalanceDelay((int) REBALANCE_DELAY_MS);
IdealState idealState =;
admin.addResource(vcrClusterName, helixResource, idealState);
admin.rebalance(vcrClusterName, helixResource, NUM_REPLICAS, "", "");
HelixControllerManager helixControllerManager = new HelixControllerManager(zkConnectString, vcrClusterName);
return helixControllerManager;
} finally {
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZNRecordSerializer in project pinot by linkedin.
the class RandomRoutingTableTest method testHelixExternalViewBasedRoutingTable.
public void testHelixExternalViewBasedRoutingTable() throws Exception {
URL resourceUrl = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("SampleExternalView.json");
String fileName = resourceUrl.getFile();
String tableName = "testTable_OFFLINE";
InputStream evInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
ZNRecordSerializer znRecordSerializer = new ZNRecordSerializer();
ZNRecord externalViewRecord = (ZNRecord) znRecordSerializer.deserialize(IOUtils.toByteArray(evInputStream));
int totalRuns = 10000;
RoutingTableBuilder routingStrategy = new BalancedRandomRoutingTableBuilder(10);
HelixExternalViewBasedRouting routingTable = new HelixExternalViewBasedRouting(null, new PercentageBasedRoutingTableSelector(), null, new BaseConfiguration());
ExternalView externalView = new ExternalView(externalViewRecord);
routingTable.markDataResourceOnline(tableName, externalView, getInstanceConfigs(externalView));
double[] globalArrays = new double[9];
for (int numRun = 0; numRun < totalRuns; ++numRun) {
RoutingTableLookupRequest request = new RoutingTableLookupRequest(tableName, Collections.<String>emptyList());
Map<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet> serversMap = routingTable.findServers(request);
TreeSet<ServerInstance> serverInstances = new TreeSet<ServerInstance>(serversMap.keySet());
int i = 0;
double[] arrays = new double[9];
for (ServerInstance serverInstance : serverInstances) {
globalArrays[i] += serversMap.get(serverInstance).getSegments().size();
arrays[i++] = serversMap.get(serverInstance).getSegments().size();
for (int j = 0; i < arrays.length; ++j) {
Assert.assertTrue(arrays[j] / totalRuns <= 31);
Assert.assertTrue(arrays[j] / totalRuns >= 28);
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arrays) + " : " + new StandardDeviation().evaluate(arrays) + " : " + new Mean().evaluate(arrays));
for (int i = 0; i < globalArrays.length; ++i) {
Assert.assertTrue(globalArrays[i] / totalRuns <= 31);
Assert.assertTrue(globalArrays[i] / totalRuns >= 28);
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(globalArrays) + " : " + new StandardDeviation().evaluate(globalArrays) + " : "
// + new Mean().evaluate(globalArrays));
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZNRecordSerializer in project pinot by linkedin.
the class OfflineClusterIntegrationTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
//Clean up
// Start the cluster
// Unpack the Avro files
final List<File> avroFiles = unpackAvroData(_tmpDir, SEGMENT_COUNT);
// Get the list of instances through the REST API
URL url = new URL("http://" + ControllerTestUtils.DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_HOST + ":" + ControllerTestUtils.DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_API_PORT + "/instances");
InputStream inputStream = url.openConnection().getInputStream();
String instanceApiResponseString = IOUtils.toString(inputStream);
JSONObject instanceApiResponse = new JSONObject(instanceApiResponseString);
JSONArray instanceArray = instanceApiResponse.getJSONArray("instances");
HelixAdmin helixAdmin = new ZKHelixAdmin(new ZkClient(ZkStarter.DEFAULT_ZK_STR, 10000, 10000, new ZNRecordSerializer()));
for (int i = 0; i < instanceArray.length(); i++) {
String instance = instanceArray.getString(i);
if (instance.startsWith("Server_")) {
_serverServiceStatusCallback = new ServiceStatus.IdealStateAndExternalViewMatchServiceStatusCallback(helixAdmin, getHelixClusterName(), instance);
if (instance.startsWith("Broker_")) {
_brokerServiceStatusCallback = new ServiceStatus.IdealStateAndExternalViewMatchServiceStatusCallback(helixAdmin, getHelixClusterName(), instance, Collections.singletonList("brokerResource"));
// Load data into H2
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
setupH2AndInsertAvro(avroFiles, executor);
// Create segments from Avro data
buildSegmentsFromAvro(avroFiles, executor, 0, _segmentDir, _tarDir, "mytable", false, null);
// Initialize query generator
setupQueryGenerator(avroFiles, executor);
executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
// Set up a Helix spectator to count the number of segments that are uploaded and unlock the latch once 12 segments are online
final CountDownLatch latch = setupSegmentCountCountDownLatch("mytable", SEGMENT_COUNT);
// Upload the segments
int i = 0;
for (String segmentName : _tarDir.list()) {
// System.out.println("Uploading segment " + (i++) + " : " + segmentName);
File file = new File(_tarDir, segmentName);
FileUploadUtils.sendSegmentFile("localhost", "8998", segmentName, file, file.length());
// Wait for all segments to be online
TOTAL_DOCS = 115545;
long timeInTwoMinutes = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2 * 60 * 1000L;
long numDocs;
while ((numDocs = getCurrentServingNumDocs("mytable")) < TOTAL_DOCS) {
// System.out.println("Current number of documents: " + numDocs);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() < timeInTwoMinutes) {
} else {"Segments were not completely loaded within two minutes");
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZNRecordSerializer in project pinot by linkedin.
the class PinotRealtimeSegmentManager method start.
public void start(ControllerMetrics controllerMetrics) {
_controllerMetrics = controllerMetrics;"Starting realtime segments manager, adding a listener on the property store table configs path.");
String zkUrl = _pinotHelixResourceManager.getHelixZkURL();
_zkClient.setZkSerializer(new ZNRecordSerializer());
// Subscribe to any data/child changes to property
_zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(_tableConfigPath, this);
_zkClient.subscribeDataChanges(_tableConfigPath, this);
// Subscribe to leadership changes
_pinotHelixResourceManager.getHelixZkManager().addControllerListener(new ControllerChangeListener() {
public void onControllerChange(NotificationContext changeContext) {
// Setup change listeners for already existing tables, if any.
use of org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZNRecordSerializer in project ambry by linkedin.
the class HelixClusterWideAggregationTool method main.
* @param args takes in three mandatory arguments: the ZK layout, the cluster name, the workflow name. Optional
* argument to create the workflow as a recurrent workflow and specifies the recurrent time interval.
* The ZK layout has to be of the following form:
* {
* "zkInfo" : [
* {
* "datacenter":"dc1",
* "id" : "1",
* "zkConnectStr":"",
* },
* {
* "datacenter":"dc2",
* "id" : "2",
* "zkConnectStr":"",
* }
* ]
* }
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> zkLayoutPathOpt = parser.accepts("zkLayoutPath", "The path to the json file containing zookeeper connect info. This should be of the following form: \n{\n" + " \"zkInfo\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"datacenter\":\"dc1\",\n" + " \"id\":\"1\",\n" + " \"zkConnectStr\":\"\",\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"datacenter\":\"dc2\",\n" + " \"id\":\"2\",\n" + " \"zkConnectStr\":\"\",\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"datacenter\":\"dc3\",\n" + " \"id\":\"3\",\n" + " \"zkConnectStr\":\"\",\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}").withRequiredArg().describedAs("zk_connect_info_path").ofType(String.class);
ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> clusterNameOpt = parser.accepts("clusterName", "The cluster name in helix").withRequiredArg().describedAs("cluster_name").ofType(String.class);
ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> workflowNameOpt = parser.accepts("workflowName", "The name of the one-time workflow").withRequiredArg().describedAs("workflow_name").ofType(String.class);
ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Long> recurrentIntervalInMinutesOpt = parser.accepts("recurrentIntervalInMinutes", "The frequency for the recurrent workflow").withOptionalArg().describedAs("recurrent_interval_in_minutes").ofType(Long.class).defaultsTo(Utils.Infinite_Time);
parser.accepts("delete", "Flag to remove the given workflow from the cluster(s) instead of creating one");
OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);
Boolean isDelete = options.has("delete");
String zkLayoutPath = options.valueOf(zkLayoutPathOpt);
String clusterName = options.valueOf(clusterNameOpt);
String workflowName = options.valueOf(workflowNameOpt);
Long recurrentIntervalInMinutes = options.valueOf(recurrentIntervalInMinutesOpt);
Map<String, ClusterMapUtils.DcZkInfo> dataCenterToZKAddress = ClusterMapUtils.parseDcJsonAndPopulateDcInfo(Utils.readStringFromFile(zkLayoutPath));
for (ClusterMapUtils.DcZkInfo zkInfo : dataCenterToZKAddress.values()) {
String zkAddress = zkInfo.getZkConnectStr();
ZkClient zkClient = new ZkClient(zkAddress, SESSION_TIMEOUT, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new ZNRecordSerializer());
TaskDriver taskDriver = new TaskDriver(zkClient, clusterName);
if (isDelete) {
try {
} catch (Exception | Error e) {
System.out.println(String.format("Failed to delete %s. Workflow not found in cluster %s at %s", workflowName, clusterName, zkAddress));
} else {
try {
Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
String jobId = ONE_TIME_JOB_ID;
if (recurrentIntervalInMinutes != Utils.Infinite_Time) {
workflowBuilder.setScheduleConfig(ScheduleConfig.recurringFromNow(TimeUnit.MINUTES, recurrentIntervalInMinutes));
JobConfig.Builder jobConfigBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder();
List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
taskConfigs.add(new TaskConfig.Builder().setTaskId(TASK_ID).setCommand(String.format("%s_%s", HelixHealthReportAggregatorTask.TASK_COMMAND_PREFIX, REPORT_NAME)).build());
workflowBuilder.addJob(jobId, jobConfigBuilder);
Workflow workflow =;
System.out.println(String.format("%s_%s started successfully", workflowName, jobId));
} catch (Exception | Error e) {
System.out.println(String.format("Failed to start %s in cluster %s at %s", workflowName, clusterName, zkAddress));