use of in project helix by apache.
the class TestZkCallbackHandlerLeak method testRemoveUserCbHdlrOnPathRemoval.
public void testRemoveUserCbHdlrOnPathRemoval() throws Exception {
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 3;
final String zkAddr = ZK_ADDR;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// resource
TestHelper.setupCluster(// resource
clusterName, // resource
zkAddr, // resource
12918, // resource
"localhost", // resource
"TestDB", // resource
1, // partitions
32, // nodes
n, // replicas
2, "MasterSlave", true);
final ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(zkAddr, clusterName, "controller");
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(zkAddr, clusterName, instanceName);
// register a controller listener on participant_0
if (i == 0) {
MockParticipantManager manager = participants[0];
manager.addCurrentStateChangeListener(new CurrentStateChangeListener() {
public void onStateChange(String instanceName, List<CurrentState> statesInfo, NotificationContext changeContext) {
// To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
// System.out.println(instanceName + " on current-state change, type: " +
// changeContext.getType());
}, manager.getInstanceName(), manager.getSessionId());
HelixClusterVerifier verifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(zkAddr).build();
MockParticipantManager participantToExpire = participants[0];
String oldSessionId = participantToExpire.getSessionId();
PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder = new PropertyKey.Builder(clusterName);
// check manager#hanlders
Assert.assertEquals(participantToExpire.getHandlers().size(), 2, "Should have 2 handlers: CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}, and MESSAGES");
// check zkclient#listeners
Map<String, Set<IZkDataListener>> dataListeners = ZkTestHelper.getZkDataListener(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
Map<String, Set<IZkChildListener>> childListeners = ZkTestHelper.getZkChildListener(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
// printZkListeners(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
Assert.assertEquals(dataListeners.size(), 1, "Should have 1 path (CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}/TestDB0) which has 1 data-listeners");
String path = keyBuilder.currentState(participantToExpire.getInstanceName(), oldSessionId, "TestDB0").getPath();
Assert.assertEquals(dataListeners.get(path).size(), 1, "Should have 1 data-listeners on path: " + path);
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.size(), 2, "Should have 2 paths (CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}, and MESSAGES) each of which has 1 child-listener");
path = keyBuilder.currentStates(participantToExpire.getInstanceName(), oldSessionId).getPath();
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.get(path).size(), 1, "Should have 1 child-listener on path: " + path);
path = keyBuilder.messages(participantToExpire.getInstanceName()).getPath();
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.get(path).size(), 1, "Should have 1 child-listener on path: " + path);
path = keyBuilder.controller().getPath();
Assert.assertNull(childListeners.get(path), "Should have no child-listener on path: " + path);
// check zookeeper#watches on client side
Map<String, List<String>> watchPaths = ZkTestHelper.getZkWatch(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
LOG.debug("localhost_12918 zk-client side watchPaths: " + watchPaths);
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("dataWatches").size(), 3, "Should have 3 data-watches: CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}, CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}/TestDB, MESSAGES");
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("childWatches").size(), 2, "Should have 2 child-watches: MESSAGES, and CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId}");
// expire localhost_12918
System.out.println("Expire participant: " + participantToExpire.getInstanceName() + ", session: " + participantToExpire.getSessionId());
String newSessionId = participantToExpire.getSessionId();
System.out.println(participantToExpire.getInstanceName() + " oldSessionId: " + oldSessionId + ", newSessionId: " + newSessionId);
// check manager#hanlders
Assert.assertEquals(participantToExpire.getHandlers().size(), 1, "Should have 1 handler: MESSAGES. CURRENTSTATE/{sessionId} handler should be removed by CallbackHandler#handleChildChange()");
// check zkclient#listeners
dataListeners = ZkTestHelper.getZkDataListener(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
childListeners = ZkTestHelper.getZkChildListener(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
// printZkListeners(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
Assert.assertTrue(dataListeners.isEmpty(), "Should have no data-listeners");
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.size(), 2, "Should have 2 paths (CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId}, and MESSAGES). " + "MESSAGE has 1 child-listener each. CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId} doesn't have listener (ZkClient doesn't remove empty childListener set. probably a ZkClient bug. see ZkClient#unsubscribeChildChange())");
path = keyBuilder.currentStates(participantToExpire.getInstanceName(), oldSessionId).getPath();
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.get(path).size(), 0, "Should have no child-listener on path: " + path);
path = keyBuilder.messages(participantToExpire.getInstanceName()).getPath();
Assert.assertEquals(childListeners.get(path).size(), 1, "Should have 1 child-listener on path: " + path);
path = keyBuilder.controller().getPath();
Assert.assertNull(childListeners.get(path), "Should have no child-listener on path: " + path);
// check zookeeper#watches on client side
watchPaths = ZkTestHelper.getZkWatch(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
LOG.debug("localhost_12918 zk-client side watchPaths: " + watchPaths);
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("dataWatches").size(), 1, "Should have 1 data-watch: MESSAGES");
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("childWatches").size(), 1, "Should have 1 child-watch: MESSAGES");
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("existWatches").size(), 2, "Should have 2 exist-watches: CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId} and CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId}/TestDB0");
// another session expiry on localhost_12918 should clear the two exist-watches on
// CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId}
System.out.println("Expire participant: " + participantToExpire.getInstanceName() + ", session: " + participantToExpire.getSessionId());
// check zookeeper#watches on client side
watchPaths = ZkTestHelper.getZkWatch(participantToExpire.getZkClient());
LOG.debug("localhost_12918 zk-client side watchPaths: " + watchPaths);
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("dataWatches").size(), 1, "Should have 1 data-watch: MESSAGES");
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("childWatches").size(), 1, "Should have 1 child-watch: MESSAGES");
Assert.assertEquals(watchPaths.get("existWatches").size(), 0, "Should have no exist-watches. exist-watches on CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId} and CURRENTSTATE/{oldSessionId}/TestDB0 should be cleared during handleNewSession");
// Thread.sleep(1000);
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of in project helix by apache.
the class TestRebalanceRunningTask method testFixedTargetTaskAndDisabledRebalanceAndNodeAdded.
* Task type: fixed target
* Rebalance raunning task: disabled
* Story: new node added
public void testFixedTargetTaskAndDisabledRebalanceAndNodeAdded() throws InterruptedException {
WORKFLOW = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setWorkflow(WORKFLOW).setTargetResource(DATABASE).setTargetPartitionStates(Sets.newHashSet( task stuck
ImmutableMap.of(MockTask.TIMEOUT_CONFIG, "99999999"));
Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(WORKFLOW).addJob(JOB, jobBuilder);
// All tasks stuck on the same instance
// Add a new instance, partition is rebalanced
HelixClusterVerifier clusterVerifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(CLUSTER_NAME).setZkClient(_gZkClient).setResources(Sets.newHashSet(DATABASE)).build();
Assert.assertTrue(clusterVerifier.verify(10 * 1000));
// Running tasks are also rebalanced, even though RebalanceRunningTask is disabled
use of in project helix by apache.
the class TestDisable method testDisableNodeCustomIS.
public void testDisableNodeCustomIS() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 5;
String disableNode = "localhost_12918";
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
8, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
3, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
// set ideal state to customized mode
ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord> baseAccessor = new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient);
ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, baseAccessor);
Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"));
accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates("TestDB0"), idealState);
// start controller
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
HelixClusterVerifier _clusterVerifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).build();
// disable localhost_12918
String command = "--zkSvr " + ZK_ADDR + " --enableInstance " + clusterName + " " + disableNode + " false";
// make sure localhost_12918 is in OFFLINE state
Map<String, Map<String, String>> expectStateMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
Map<String, String> expectInstanceStateMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
expectInstanceStateMap.put(disableNode, "OFFLINE");
expectStateMap.put(".*", expectInstanceStateMap);
boolean result = ZkTestHelper.verifyState(_gZkClient, clusterName, "TestDB0", expectStateMap, "==");
Assert.assertTrue(result, disableNode + " should be in OFFLINE");
// re-enable localhost_12918
command = "--zkSvr " + ZK_ADDR + " --enableInstance " + clusterName + " " + disableNode + " true";
// make sure localhost_12918 is NOT in OFFLINE state
result = ZkTestHelper.verifyState(_gZkClient, clusterName, "TestDB0", expectStateMap, "!=");
Assert.assertTrue(result, disableNode + " should NOT be in OFFLINE");
// clean up
// wait for all zk callbacks done
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of in project helix by apache.
the class TestDrop method testDropSchemataResource.
public void testDropSchemataResource() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 5;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
8, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
3, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
// start controller
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
HelixClusterVerifier verifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).build();
// add schemata resource group
String command = "--zkSvr " + ZK_ADDR + " --addResource " + clusterName + " schemata 1 STORAGE_DEFAULT_SM_SCHEMATA";
command = "--zkSvr " + ZK_ADDR + " --rebalance " + clusterName + " schemata " + n;
// drop schemata resource group
// System.out.println("Dropping schemata resource group...");
command = "--zkSvr " + ZK_ADDR + " --dropResource " + clusterName + " schemata";
assertEmptyCSandEV(clusterName, "schemata", participants);
// clean up
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
use of in project helix by apache.
the class TestDrop method testDropErrorPartitionCustomIS.
public void testDropErrorPartitionCustomIS() throws Exception {
// Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO);
String className = TestHelper.getTestClassName();
String methodName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
String clusterName = className + "_" + methodName;
final int n = 2;
System.out.println("START " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
// participant port
TestHelper.setupCluster(// participant port
clusterName, // participant port
ZK_ADDR, // participant port
12918, // participant name prefix
"localhost", // resource name prefix
"TestDB", // resources
1, // partitions per resource
2, // number of nodes
n, // replicas
2, "MasterSlave", // do rebalance
// set custom ideal-state
CustomModeISBuilder isBuilder = new CustomModeISBuilder("TestDB0");
isBuilder.assignInstanceAndState("TestDB0_0", "localhost_12918", "MASTER");
isBuilder.assignInstanceAndState("TestDB0_0", "localhost_12919", "SLAVE");
isBuilder.assignInstanceAndState("TestDB0_1", "localhost_12919", "MASTER");
isBuilder.assignInstanceAndState("TestDB0_1", "localhost_12918", "SLAVE");
HelixDataAccessor accessor = new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_gZkClient));
PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
// start controller
ClusterControllerManager controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
Map<String, Set<String>> errTransitions = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
errTransitions.put("SLAVE-MASTER", TestHelper.setOf("TestDB0_0"));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
if (i == 0) {
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
participants[i].setTransition(new ErrTransition(errTransitions));
} else {
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
Map<String, Map<String, String>> errStateMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
errStateMap.put("TestDB0", new HashMap<String, String>());
errStateMap.get("TestDB0").put("TestDB0_0", "localhost_12918");
HelixClusterVerifier verifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).setErrStates(errStateMap).build();
// drop resource containing error partitions should drop the partition successfully
ClusterSetup.processCommandLineArgs(new String[] { "--zkSvr", ZK_ADDR, "--dropResource", clusterName, "TestDB0" });
// make sure TestDB0_0 partition is dropped
verifier = new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(clusterName).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).build();
Assert.assertTrue(verifier.verify(), "Should be empty exeternal-view");
assertEmptyCSandEV(clusterName, "TestDB0", participants);
// clean up
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));