use of org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException in project hive by apache.
the class HCatBaseStorer method convertPigSchemaToHCatSchema.
/** Constructs HCatSchema from pigSchema. Passed tableSchema is the existing
* schema of the table in metastore.
protected HCatSchema convertPigSchemaToHCatSchema(Schema pigSchema, HCatSchema tableSchema) throws FrontendException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("convertPigSchemaToHCatSchema(pigSchema,tblSchema)=(" + pigSchema + "," + tableSchema + ")");
List<HCatFieldSchema> fieldSchemas = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>(pigSchema.size());
for (FieldSchema fSchema : pigSchema.getFields()) {
try {
HCatFieldSchema hcatFieldSchema = getColFromSchema(fSchema.alias, tableSchema);
//if writing to a partitioned table, then pigSchema will have more columns than tableSchema
//partition columns are not part of tableSchema... e.g. TestHCatStorer#testPartColsInData()
// HCatUtil.assertNotNull(hcatFieldSchema, "Nothing matching '" + fSchema.alias + "' found " +
// "in target table schema", LOG);
fieldSchemas.add(getHCatFSFromPigFS(fSchema, hcatFieldSchema, pigSchema, tableSchema));
} catch (HCatException he) {
throw new FrontendException(he.getMessage(), PigHCatUtil.PIG_EXCEPTION_CODE, he);
HCatSchema s = new HCatSchema(fieldSchemas);
LOG.debug("convertPigSchemaToHCatSchema(computed)=(" + s + ")");
return s;
use of org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException in project hive by apache.
the class TestHCatDynamicPartitioned method _testHCatDynamicPartitionMaxPartitions.
//TODO 1.0 miniCluster is slow this test times out, make it work
// renaming test to make test framework skip it
public void _testHCatDynamicPartitionMaxPartitions() throws Exception {
HiveConf hc = new HiveConf(this.getClass());
int maxParts = hiveConf.getIntVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.DYNAMICPARTITIONMAXPARTS);"Max partitions allowed = {}", maxParts);
IOException exc = null;
try {
generateWriteRecords(maxParts + 5, maxParts + 2, 10);
runMRCreate(null, dataColumns, writeRecords, maxParts + 5, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
assertTrue(exc != null);
assertTrue(exc instanceof HCatException);
assertEquals(ErrorType.ERROR_TOO_MANY_DYNAMIC_PTNS, ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType());
} else {
assertTrue(exc == null);
runMRRead(maxParts + 5);
use of org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException in project hive by apache.
the class TestHCatNonPartitioned method testHCatNonPartitionedTable.
public void testHCatNonPartitionedTable() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> partitionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
runMRCreate(null, partitionColumns, writeRecords, 10, true);
//Test for duplicate publish -- this will either fail on job creation time
// and throw an exception, or will fail at runtime, and fail the job.
IOException exc = null;
try {
Job j = runMRCreate(null, partitionColumns, writeRecords, 20, true);
assertEquals(!isTableImmutable(), j.isSuccessful());
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
assertTrue(exc instanceof HCatException);
assertEquals(ErrorType.ERROR_NON_EMPTY_TABLE, ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType());
if (!isTableImmutable()) {
//Test for publish with invalid partition key name
exc = null;
partitionMap.put("px", "p1value2");
try {
Job j = runMRCreate(partitionMap, partitionColumns, writeRecords, 20, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
assertTrue(exc != null);
assertTrue(exc instanceof HCatException);
assertEquals(ErrorType.ERROR_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUES, ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType());
//Read should get 10 rows if immutable, 30 if mutable
if (isTableImmutable()) {
} else {
use of org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException in project hive by apache.
the class TestHCatPartitioned method tableSchemaTest.
//test that new columns gets added to table schema
private void tableSchemaTest() throws Exception {
HCatSchema tableSchema = getTableSchema();
assertEquals(4, tableSchema.getFields().size());
//Update partition schema to have 3 fields
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c3", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "")));
writeRecords = new ArrayList<HCatRecord>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
List<Object> objList = new ArrayList<Object>();
objList.add("strvalue" + i);
objList.add("str2value" + i);
writeRecords.add(new DefaultHCatRecord(objList));
Map<String, String> partitionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
partitionMap.put("part1", "p1value5");
partitionMap.put("part0", "505");
runMRCreate(partitionMap, partitionColumns, writeRecords, 10, true);
tableSchema = getTableSchema();
//assert that c3 has got added to table schema
assertEquals(5, tableSchema.getFields().size());
assertEquals("c1", tableSchema.getFields().get(0).getName());
assertEquals("c2", tableSchema.getFields().get(1).getName());
assertEquals("c3", tableSchema.getFields().get(2).getName());
assertEquals("part1", tableSchema.getFields().get(3).getName());
assertEquals("part0", tableSchema.getFields().get(4).getName());
//Test that changing column data type fails
partitionMap.put("part1", "p1value6");
partitionMap.put("part0", "506");
partitionColumns = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>();
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c1", serdeConstants.INT_TYPE_NAME, "")));
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c2", serdeConstants.INT_TYPE_NAME, "")));
IOException exc = null;
try {
runMRCreate(partitionMap, partitionColumns, writeRecords, 20, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
assertTrue(exc != null);
assertTrue(exc instanceof HCatException);
assertEquals(ErrorType.ERROR_SCHEMA_TYPE_MISMATCH, ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType());
//Test that partition key is not allowed in data
partitionColumns = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>();
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c1", serdeConstants.INT_TYPE_NAME, "")));
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c2", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "")));
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("c3", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "")));
partitionColumns.add(HCatSchemaUtils.getHCatFieldSchema(new FieldSchema("part1", serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME, "")));
List<HCatRecord> recordsContainingPartitionCols = new ArrayList<HCatRecord>(20);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
List<Object> objList = new ArrayList<Object>();
objList.add("c2value" + i);
objList.add("c3value" + i);
recordsContainingPartitionCols.add(new DefaultHCatRecord(objList));
exc = null;
try {
runMRCreate(partitionMap, partitionColumns, recordsContainingPartitionCols, 20, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
List<HCatRecord> records = runMRRead(20, "part1 = \"p1value6\"");
assertEquals(20, records.size());
records = runMRRead(20, "part0 = \"506\"");
assertEquals(20, records.size());
Integer i = 0;
for (HCatRecord rec : records) {
assertEquals(5, rec.size());
assertEquals(rec.get(0), i);
assertEquals(rec.get(1), "c2value" + i);
assertEquals(rec.get(2), "c3value" + i);
assertEquals(rec.get(3), "p1value6");
assertEquals(rec.get(4), 506);
use of org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException in project hive by apache.
the class TestHCatDynamicPartitioned method runHCatDynamicPartitionedTable.
protected void runHCatDynamicPartitionedTable(boolean asSingleMapTask, String customDynamicPathPattern) throws Exception {
generateWriteRecords(NUM_RECORDS, NUM_PARTITIONS, 0);
runMRCreate(null, dataColumns, writeRecords, NUM_RECORDS, true, asSingleMapTask, customDynamicPathPattern);
//Read with partition filter
runMRRead(4, "p1 = \"0\"");
runMRRead(8, "p1 = \"1\" or p1 = \"3\"");
runMRRead(4, "p1 = \"4\"");
// read from hive to test
String query = "select * from " + tableName;
int retCode =;
if (retCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error " + retCode + " running query " + query);
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertEquals(NUM_RECORDS, res.size());
//Test for duplicate publish
IOException exc = null;
try {
generateWriteRecords(NUM_RECORDS, NUM_PARTITIONS, 0);
Job job = runMRCreate(null, dataColumns, writeRecords, NUM_RECORDS, false, true, customDynamicPathPattern);
if (HCatUtil.isHadoop23()) {
Assert.assertTrue(job.isSuccessful() == false);
} catch (IOException e) {
exc = e;
if (!HCatUtil.isHadoop23()) {
assertTrue(exc != null);
assertTrue(exc instanceof HCatException);
assertTrue("Got exception of type [" + ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType().toString() + "] Expected ERROR_PUBLISHING_PARTITION or ERROR_MOVE_FAILED " + "or ERROR_DUPLICATE_PARTITION", (ErrorType.ERROR_PUBLISHING_PARTITION == ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType()) || (ErrorType.ERROR_MOVE_FAILED == ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType()) || (ErrorType.ERROR_DUPLICATE_PARTITION == ((HCatException) exc).getErrorType()));
query = "show partitions " + tableName;
retCode =;
if (retCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error " + retCode + " running query " + query);
res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertEquals(NUM_PARTITIONS, res.size());
query = "select * from " + tableName;
retCode =;
if (retCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error " + retCode + " running query " + query);
res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertEquals(NUM_RECORDS, res.size());
query = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
retCode =;
if (retCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error " + retCode + " running query " + query);
res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertEquals(1, res.size());
assertEquals("20", res.get(0));
query = "select count(*) from " + tableName + " where p1=1";
retCode =;
if (retCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Error " + retCode + " running query " + query);
res = new ArrayList<String>();
assertEquals(1, res.size());
assertEquals("4", res.get(0));