use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta in project hop by apache.
the class TestingGuiPlugin method createUnitTest.
@GuiToolbarElement(root = HopGuiPipelineGraph.GUI_PLUGIN_TOOLBAR_PARENT_ID, id = ID_TOOLBAR_ITEM_UNIT_TESTS_CREATE, toolTip = "i18n::TestingGuiPlugin.ToolbarElement.UnitTest.Create.Tooltip", image = "Test_tube_icon_create.svg", separator = true)
public void createUnitTest() {
HopGui hopGui = HopGui.getInstance();
PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = getActivePipelineMeta();
if (pipelineMeta == null) {
MetadataManager<PipelineUnitTest> manager = new MetadataManager<>(hopGui.getVariables(), hopGui.getMetadataProvider(), PipelineUnitTest.class);
PipelineUnitTest test = manager.newMetadata();
if (test != null) {
// Activate the test
selectUnitTest(pipelineMeta, test);
use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta in project hop by apache.
the class PipelineLogEditor method createPipelineFile.
* Create a new pipeline file: ask the user for a name. Add a standard transform and a dummy to
* show how it works.
* @param parent
private void createPipelineFile(Composite parent) {
try {
PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = new PipelineMeta();
// Add a Pipeline Logging transform...
PipelineLoggingMeta pipelineLoggingMeta = new PipelineLoggingMeta();
TransformMeta pipelineLogging = new TransformMeta("Pipeline Logging", pipelineLoggingMeta);
pipelineLogging.setLocation(200, 150);
// Add a dummy
DummyMeta dummyMeta = new DummyMeta();
TransformMeta dummy = new TransformMeta("Save logging here", dummyMeta);
dummy.setLocation(500, 150);
// Add a hop between both transforms...
pipelineMeta.addPipelineHop(new PipelineHopMeta(pipelineLogging, dummy));
// Save it...
HopPipelineFileType<PipelineMeta> type = new HopPipelineFileType<>();
String filename = BaseDialog.presentFileDialog(// save
true, parent.getShell(), wFilename, manager.getVariables(), type.getFilterExtensions(), type.getFilterNames(), true);
if (filename != null) {
// User specified a pipeline filename
String realFilename = manager.getVariables().resolve(filename);
HopDataOrchestrationPerspective perspective = HopGui.getDataOrchestrationPerspective();
// Switch to the perspective
// Open it in the Hop GUI
HopGui.getDataOrchestrationPerspective().addPipeline(hopGui, pipelineMeta, type);
// Save the file
} catch (Exception e) {
new ErrorDialog(parent.getShell(), "Error", "Error creating pipeline", e);
use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta in project hop by apache.
the class DataProbeGuiPlugin method addDataProbeForTransform.
@GuiContextAction(id = "pipeline-graph-transform-9000-add-probe", parentId = HopGuiPipelineTransformContext.CONTEXT_ID, type = GuiActionType.Info, name = "Add data probe", tooltip = "Streams the rows to a pipeline defined in a selected pipeline probe", image = "probe.svg", category = "Preview", categoryOrder = "3")
public void addDataProbeForTransform(HopGuiPipelineTransformContext context) {
PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = context.getPipelineMeta();
TransformMeta transformMeta = context.getTransformMeta();
HopGui hopGui = HopGui.getInstance();
try {
// Present the user with a list of pipeline probes...
IHopMetadataProvider metadataProvider = hopGui.getMetadataProvider();
IHopMetadataSerializer<PipelineProbe> serializer = metadataProvider.getSerializer(PipelineProbe.class);
MetadataManager<PipelineProbe> manager = new MetadataManager<>(hopGui.getVariables(), metadataProvider, PipelineProbe.class);
PipelineProbe pipelineProbe = null;
List<String> pipelineProbeNames = serializer.listObjectNames();
if (pipelineProbeNames.isEmpty()) {
MessageBox box = new MessageBox(hopGui.getShell(), SWT.YES | SWT.NO | SWT.ICON_QUESTION);
box.setText("No probes available");
box.setMessage("There are no pipeline probe objects defined yet. Do you want to create one?");
int answer =;
if ((answer & SWT.YES) != 0) {
// Create a new pipeline probe...
pipelineProbe = new PipelineProbe();
addLocation(hopGui.getVariables(), pipelineProbe, pipelineMeta, transformMeta);
} else {
} else {
EnterSelectionDialog dialog = new EnterSelectionDialog(hopGui.getShell(), pipelineProbeNames.toArray(new String[0]), "Select pipeline probe", "Select the pipeline probe to add this pipeline transform to");
String pipelineProbeName =;
if (pipelineProbeName != null) {
pipelineProbe = serializer.load(pipelineProbeName);
if (pipelineProbe != null) {
// See if it's open in the metadata perspective...
MetadataPerspective perspective = (MetadataPerspective) hopGui.getPerspectiveManager().findPerspective(MetadataPerspective.class);
String key = PipelineProbe.class.getAnnotation(HopMetadata.class).key();
PipelineProbeEditor editor = (PipelineProbeEditor) perspective.findEditor(key, pipelineProbe.getName());
if (editor != null) {
// We're going to change the current metadata and flag it as changed...
pipelineProbe = new PipelineProbe();
// Add the location
addLocation(hopGui.getVariables(), pipelineProbe, pipelineMeta, transformMeta);
// Replace and refresh the dialog
// Set changed...
// Switch to the editor...
} else {
// Not opened in the perspective, simply add the data probe location...
addLocation(hopGui.getVariables(), pipelineProbe, pipelineMeta, transformMeta);
// ... and save the pipeline probe
} catch (Exception e) {
new ErrorDialog(hopGui.getShell(), "Error", "Error adding pipeline probe to transform '" + transformMeta.getName() + "'", e);
use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta in project hop by apache.
the class PipelineProbeEditor method createPipelineFile.
* Create a new pipeline file: ask the user for a name. Add a standard transform and a dummy to
* show how it works.
* @param parent
private void createPipelineFile(Composite parent) {
try {
PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = new PipelineMeta();
// Add a Pipeline Data Probe transform...
PipelineDataProbeMeta pipelineDataProbeMeta = new PipelineDataProbeMeta();
TransformMeta pipelineLogging = new TransformMeta("Pipeline Data Probe", pipelineDataProbeMeta);
pipelineLogging.setLocation(200, 150);
// Add a dummy
DummyMeta dummyMeta = new DummyMeta();
TransformMeta dummy = new TransformMeta("Process values here", dummyMeta);
dummy.setLocation(500, 150);
// Add a hop between both transforms...
pipelineMeta.addPipelineHop(new PipelineHopMeta(pipelineLogging, dummy));
// Save it...
HopPipelineFileType<PipelineMeta> type = new HopPipelineFileType<>();
String filename = BaseDialog.presentFileDialog(// save
true, parent.getShell(), wFilename, manager.getVariables(), type.getFilterExtensions(), type.getFilterNames(), true);
if (filename != null) {
// User specified a pipeline filename
String realFilename = manager.getVariables().resolve(filename);
HopDataOrchestrationPerspective perspective = HopGui.getDataOrchestrationPerspective();
// Switch to the perspective
// Open it in the Hop GUI
HopGui.getDataOrchestrationPerspective().addPipeline(hopGui, pipelineMeta, type);
// Save the file
} catch (Exception e) {
new ErrorDialog(parent.getShell(), "Error", "Error creating pipeline", e);
use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta in project hop by apache.
the class PipelineDataProbeXp method executeProbingPipeline.
* Execute a probing pipeline for the current pipeline. Add a listener to the transform copies.
* Send the data to the PipelineDataProbe transform(s) in the probing pipeline
* @param pipelineProbe
* @param dataProbeLocation
* @param loggingPipelineFilename The pipeline to start for the location
* @param pipeline The parent pipeline to listen to
* @param variables
* @throws HopException
private synchronized void executeProbingPipeline(PipelineProbe pipelineProbe, DataProbeLocation dataProbeLocation, String loggingPipelineFilename, IPipelineEngine<PipelineMeta> pipeline, IVariables variables) throws HopException {
PipelineMeta probingPipelineMeta = new PipelineMeta(loggingPipelineFilename, pipeline.getMetadataProvider(), true, variables);
// Create a local pipeline engine...
LocalPipelineEngine probingPipeline = new LocalPipelineEngine(probingPipelineMeta, variables, pipeline);
// Flag it as a probing and logging pipeline so we don't try to probe or log ourselves...
probingPipeline.getExtensionDataMap().put(PIPELINE_DATA_PROBE_FLAG, "Y");
probingPipeline.getExtensionDataMap().put(PipelineStartLoggingXp.PIPELINE_LOGGING_FLAG, "Y");
// Only log errors
List<IEngineComponent> componentCopies = pipeline.getComponentCopies(dataProbeLocation.getSourceTransformName());
for (IEngineComponent componentCopy : componentCopies) {
for (TransformMetaDataCombi combi : probingPipeline.getTransforms()) {
if (combi.transform instanceof PipelineDataProbe) {
// Give the transform a bit more information to work with...
PipelineDataProbe pipelineDataProbe = (PipelineDataProbe) combi.transform;
try {
final RowProducer rowProducer = probingPipeline.addRowProducer(combi.transformName, combi.copy);
// For every copy of the component, add an input row set to the parent pipeline...
componentCopy.addRowListener(new RowAdapter() {
public void rowWrittenEvent(IRowMeta rowMeta, Object[] row) throws HopTransformException {
// Pass this row to the row producer...
rowProducer.putRow(rowMeta, row);
// If the pipeline we're the transform is and we can safely stop streaming...
pipeline.addExecutionFinishedListener(pe -> rowProducer.finished());
} catch (HopException e) {
throw new HopTransformException("Error adding row producer to transform '" + combi.transformName + "'", e);
// Execute the logging pipeline to save the logging information
// We'll not wait around until this is finished...
// The pipeline should stop automatically when the parent does
pipeline.addExecutionStoppedListener(e -> probingPipeline.stopAll());