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Example 36 with HeaderElement

use of org.apache.http.HeaderElement in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class LaxContentLengthStrategy method determineLength.

public long determineLength(final HttpMessage message) throws HttpException {
    if (message == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP message may not be null");
    HttpParams params = message.getParams();
    boolean strict = params.isParameterTrue(CoreProtocolPNames.STRICT_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
    Header transferEncodingHeader = message.getFirstHeader(HTTP.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
    Header contentLengthHeader = message.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN);
    // RFC2616, 4.4 item number 3
    if (transferEncodingHeader != null) {
        HeaderElement[] encodings = null;
        try {
            encodings = transferEncodingHeader.getElements();
        } catch (ParseException px) {
            throw new ProtocolException("Invalid Transfer-Encoding header value: " + transferEncodingHeader, px);
        if (strict) {
            // Currently only chunk and identity are supported
            for (int i = 0; i < encodings.length; i++) {
                String encoding = encodings[i].getName();
                if (encoding != null && encoding.length() > 0 && !encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP.CHUNK_CODING) && !encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP.IDENTITY_CODING)) {
                    throw new ProtocolException("Unsupported transfer encoding: " + encoding);
        // The chunked encoding must be the last one applied RFC2616, 14.41
        int len = encodings.length;
        if (HTTP.IDENTITY_CODING.equalsIgnoreCase(transferEncodingHeader.getValue())) {
            return IDENTITY;
        } else if ((len > 0) && (HTTP.CHUNK_CODING.equalsIgnoreCase(encodings[len - 1].getName()))) {
            return CHUNKED;
        } else {
            if (strict) {
                throw new ProtocolException("Chunk-encoding must be the last one applied");
            return IDENTITY;
    } else if (contentLengthHeader != null) {
        long contentlen = -1;
        Header[] headers = message.getHeaders(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN);
        if (strict && headers.length > 1) {
            throw new ProtocolException("Multiple content length headers");
        for (int i = headers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Header header = headers[i];
            try {
                contentlen = Long.parseLong(header.getValue());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                if (strict) {
                    throw new ProtocolException("Invalid content length: " + header.getValue());
        // See if we can have better luck with another header, if present
        if (contentlen >= 0) {
            return contentlen;
        } else {
            return IDENTITY;
    } else {
        return IDENTITY;
Also used : ProtocolException(org.apache.http.ProtocolException) HttpParams(org.apache.http.params.HttpParams) Header(org.apache.http.Header) HeaderElement(org.apache.http.HeaderElement) ParseException(org.apache.http.ParseException)

Example 37 with HeaderElement

use of org.apache.http.HeaderElement in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class CookieSpecBase method parse.

protected List<Cookie> parse(final HeaderElement[] elems, final CookieOrigin origin) throws MalformedCookieException {
    List<Cookie> cookies = new ArrayList<Cookie>(elems.length);
    for (HeaderElement headerelement : elems) {
        String name = headerelement.getName();
        String value = headerelement.getValue();
        if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
            throw new MalformedCookieException("Cookie name may not be empty");
        BasicClientCookie cookie = new BasicClientCookie(name, value);
        // cycle through the parameters
        NameValuePair[] attribs = headerelement.getParameters();
        for (int j = attribs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            NameValuePair attrib = attribs[j];
            String s = attrib.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            cookie.setAttribute(s, attrib.getValue());
            CookieAttributeHandler handler = findAttribHandler(s);
            if (handler != null) {
                handler.parse(cookie, attrib.getValue());
    return cookies;
Also used : Cookie(org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie) NameValuePair(org.apache.http.NameValuePair) HeaderElement(org.apache.http.HeaderElement) CookieAttributeHandler(org.apache.http.cookie.CookieAttributeHandler) MalformedCookieException(org.apache.http.cookie.MalformedCookieException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 38 with HeaderElement

use of org.apache.http.HeaderElement in project robovm by robovm.

the class HttpOptions method getAllowedMethods.

public Set<String> getAllowedMethods(final HttpResponse response) {
    if (response == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP response may not be null");
    HeaderIterator it = response.headerIterator("Allow");
    Set<String> methods = new HashSet<String>();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Header header = it.nextHeader();
        HeaderElement[] elements = header.getElements();
        for (HeaderElement element : elements) {
    return methods;
Also used : Header(org.apache.http.Header) HeaderElement(org.apache.http.HeaderElement) HeaderIterator(org.apache.http.HeaderIterator) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 39 with HeaderElement

use of org.apache.http.HeaderElement in project robovm by robovm.

the class RFC2617Scheme method parseChallenge.

protected void parseChallenge(final CharArrayBuffer buffer, int pos, int len) throws MalformedChallengeException {
    HeaderValueParser parser = BasicHeaderValueParser.DEFAULT;
    ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(pos, buffer.length());
    HeaderElement[] elements = parser.parseElements(buffer, cursor);
    if (elements.length == 0) {
        throw new MalformedChallengeException("Authentication challenge is empty");
    this.params = new HashMap<String, String>(elements.length);
    for (HeaderElement element : elements) {
        this.params.put(element.getName(), element.getValue());
Also used : ParserCursor(org.apache.http.message.ParserCursor) HeaderElement(org.apache.http.HeaderElement) HeaderValueParser(org.apache.http.message.HeaderValueParser) BasicHeaderValueParser(org.apache.http.message.BasicHeaderValueParser) MalformedChallengeException(org.apache.http.auth.MalformedChallengeException)

Example 40 with HeaderElement

use of org.apache.http.HeaderElement in project robovm by robovm.

the class BrowserCompatSpec method parse.

public List<Cookie> parse(final Header header, final CookieOrigin origin) throws MalformedCookieException {
    if (header == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header may not be null");
    if (origin == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cookie origin may not be null");
    String headervalue = header.getValue();
    boolean isNetscapeCookie = false;
    int i1 = headervalue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("expires=");
    if (i1 != -1) {
        i1 += "expires=".length();
        int i2 = headervalue.indexOf(';', i1);
        if (i2 == -1) {
            i2 = headervalue.length();
        try {
            DateUtils.parseDate(headervalue.substring(i1, i2), this.datepatterns);
            isNetscapeCookie = true;
        } catch (DateParseException e) {
        // Does not look like a valid expiry date
    HeaderElement[] elems = null;
    if (isNetscapeCookie) {
        NetscapeDraftHeaderParser parser = NetscapeDraftHeaderParser.DEFAULT;
        CharArrayBuffer buffer;
        ParserCursor cursor;
        if (header instanceof FormattedHeader) {
            buffer = ((FormattedHeader) header).getBuffer();
            cursor = new ParserCursor(((FormattedHeader) header).getValuePos(), buffer.length());
        } else {
            String s = header.getValue();
            if (s == null) {
                throw new MalformedCookieException("Header value is null");
            buffer = new CharArrayBuffer(s.length());
            cursor = new ParserCursor(0, buffer.length());
        elems = new HeaderElement[] { parser.parseHeader(buffer, cursor) };
    } else {
        elems = header.getElements();
    return parse(elems, origin);
Also used : ParserCursor(org.apache.http.message.ParserCursor) HeaderElement(org.apache.http.HeaderElement) MalformedCookieException(org.apache.http.cookie.MalformedCookieException) CharArrayBuffer(org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer) FormattedHeader(org.apache.http.FormattedHeader)


HeaderElement (org.apache.http.HeaderElement)58 Header (org.apache.http.Header)17 NameValuePair (org.apache.http.NameValuePair)14 HeaderElementIterator (org.apache.http.HeaderElementIterator)10 BasicHeaderElementIterator (org.apache.http.message.BasicHeaderElementIterator)10 HttpResponse (org.apache.http.HttpResponse)9 MalformedCookieException (org.apache.http.cookie.MalformedCookieException)9 ParserCursor (org.apache.http.message.ParserCursor)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 IOException ( Cookie (org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie)5 CookieAttributeHandler (org.apache.http.cookie.CookieAttributeHandler)5 HttpContext (org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy (org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)3 ParseException (org.apache.http.ParseException)3 ProtocolException (org.apache.http.ProtocolException)3