use of org.apache.http.HttpRequest in project platform_external_apache-http by android.
the class AndroidHttpClient method toCurl.
* Generates a cURL command equivalent to the given request.
private static String toCurl(HttpUriRequest request, boolean logAuthToken) throws IOException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("curl ");
// add in the method
builder.append("-X ");
builder.append(" ");
for (Header header : request.getAllHeaders()) {
if (!logAuthToken && (header.getName().equals("Authorization") || header.getName().equals("Cookie"))) {
builder.append("--header \"");
builder.append("\" ");
URI uri = request.getURI();
// relative URI. We want an absolute URI.
if (request instanceof RequestWrapper) {
HttpRequest original = ((RequestWrapper) request).getOriginal();
if (original instanceof HttpUriRequest) {
uri = ((HttpUriRequest) original).getURI();
if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) {
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest entityRequest = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request;
HttpEntity entity = entityRequest.getEntity();
if (entity != null && entity.isRepeatable()) {
if (entity.getContentLength() < 1024) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (isBinaryContent(request)) {
String base64 = Base64.encodeToString(stream.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
builder.insert(0, "echo '" + base64 + "' | base64 -d > /tmp/$$.bin; ");
builder.append(" --data-binary @/tmp/$$.bin");
} else {
String entityString = stream.toString();
builder.append(" --data-ascii \"").append(entityString).append("\"");
} else {
builder.append(" [TOO MUCH DATA TO INCLUDE]");
return builder.toString();
use of org.apache.http.HttpRequest in project hive by apache.
the class HiveConnection method getHttpClient.
private CloseableHttpClient getHttpClient(Boolean useSsl) throws SQLException {
boolean isCookieEnabled = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.COOKIE_AUTH) == null || (!JdbcConnectionParams.COOKIE_AUTH_FALSE.equalsIgnoreCase(sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.COOKIE_AUTH)));
String cookieName = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.COOKIE_NAME) == null ? JdbcConnectionParams.DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAMES_HS2 : sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.COOKIE_NAME);
CookieStore cookieStore = isCookieEnabled ? new BasicCookieStore() : null;
HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = null;
// Request interceptor for any request pre-processing logic
HttpRequestInterceptor requestInterceptor;
Map<String, String> additionalHttpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> customCookies = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Retrieve the additional HttpHeaders
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sessConfMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
if (key.startsWith(JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX)) {
additionalHttpHeaders.put(key.substring(JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX.length()), entry.getValue());
if (key.startsWith(JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_COOKIE_PREFIX)) {
customCookies.put(key.substring(JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_COOKIE_PREFIX.length()), entry.getValue());
// Configure http client for kerberos/password based authentication
if (isKerberosAuthMode()) {
if (assumeSubject) {
// With this option, we're assuming that the external application,
// using the JDBC driver has done a JAAS kerberos login already
AccessControlContext context = AccessController.getContext();
loggedInSubject = Subject.getSubject(context);
if (loggedInSubject == null) {
throw new SQLException("The Subject is not set");
* Add an interceptor which sets the appropriate header in the request.
* It does the kerberos authentication and get the final service ticket,
* for sending to the server before every request.
* In https mode, the entire information is encrypted
requestInterceptor = new HttpKerberosRequestInterceptor(sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_PRINCIPAL), host, getServerHttpUrl(useSsl), loggedInSubject, cookieStore, cookieName, useSsl, additionalHttpHeaders, customCookies);
} else if (isBrowserAuthMode()) {
requestInterceptor = new HttpSamlAuthRequestInterceptor(browserClient, cookieStore, cookieName, useSsl, additionalHttpHeaders, customCookies);
} else {
// Check for delegation token, if present add it in the header
String tokenStr = getClientDelegationToken(sessConfMap);
if (tokenStr != null) {
requestInterceptor = new HttpTokenAuthInterceptor(tokenStr, cookieStore, cookieName, useSsl, additionalHttpHeaders, customCookies);
} else {
* Add an interceptor to pass username/password in the header.
* In https mode, the entire information is encrypted
requestInterceptor = new HttpBasicAuthInterceptor(getUserName(), getPassword(), cookieStore, cookieName, useSsl, additionalHttpHeaders, customCookies);
// Configure http client for cookie based authentication
if (isCookieEnabled) {
// Create a http client with a retry mechanism when the server returns a status code of 401.
httpClientBuilder = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultCookieStore(cookieStore).setServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy(new ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy() {
public boolean retryRequest(final HttpResponse response, final int executionCount, final HttpContext context) {
int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
boolean sentCredentials = context.getAttribute(Utils.HIVE_SERVER2_SENT_CREDENTIALS) != null && context.getAttribute(Utils.HIVE_SERVER2_SENT_CREDENTIALS).equals(Utils.HIVE_SERVER2_CONST_TRUE);
boolean ret = statusCode == 401 && executionCount <= 1 && !sentCredentials;
// interceptor
if (ret) {
context.setAttribute(Utils.HIVE_SERVER2_RETRY_KEY, Utils.HIVE_SERVER2_CONST_TRUE);
return ret;
public long getRetryInterval() {
// Immediate retry
return 0;
} else {
httpClientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
// Beeline <------> LB <------> Reverse Proxy <-----> Hiveserver2
// In case of deployments like above, the LoadBalancer (LB) can be configured with Idle Timeout after which the LB
// will send TCP RST to Client (Beeline) and Backend (Reverse Proxy). If user is connected to beeline, idle for
// sometime and resubmits a query after the idle timeout there is a broken pipe between beeline and LB. When Beeline
// tries to submit the query one of two things happen, it either hangs or times out (if socketTimeout is defined in
// the jdbc param). The hang is because of the default infinite socket timeout for which there is no auto-recovery
// (user have to manually interrupt the query). If the socketTimeout jdbc param was specified, beeline will receive
// SocketTimeoutException (Read Timeout) or NoHttpResponseException both of which can be retried if maxRetries is
// also specified by the user (jdbc param).
// The following retry handler handles the above cases in addition to retries for idempotent and unsent requests.
httpClientBuilder.setRetryHandler(new HttpRequestRetryHandler() {
// This handler is mostly a copy of DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler except it also retries some exceptions
// which could be thrown in certain cases where idle timeout from intermediate proxy triggers a connection reset.
private final List<Class<? extends IOException>> nonRetriableClasses = Arrays.asList(InterruptedIOException.class, UnknownHostException.class, ConnectException.class, SSLException.class);
// socket exceptions could happen because of timeout, broken pipe or server not responding in which case it is
// better to reopen the connection and retry if user specified maxRetries
private final List<Class<? extends IOException>> retriableClasses = Arrays.asList(SocketTimeoutException.class, SocketException.class, NoHttpResponseException.class);
public boolean retryRequest(IOException exception, int executionCount, HttpContext context) {
Args.notNull(exception, "Exception parameter");
Args.notNull(context, "HTTP context");
if (executionCount > maxRetries) {
// Do not retry if over max retry count
LOG.error("Max retries (" + maxRetries + ") exhausted.", exception);
return false;
if (this.retriableClasses.contains(exception.getClass())) {"Retrying " + exception.getClass() + " as it is in retriable classes list.");
return true;
if (this.nonRetriableClasses.contains(exception.getClass())) {"Not retrying as the class (" + exception.getClass() + ") is non-retriable class.");
return false;
} else {
for (final Class<? extends IOException> rejectException : this.nonRetriableClasses) {
if (rejectException.isInstance(exception)) {"Not retrying as the class (" + exception.getClass() + ") is an instance of is non-retriable class.");
return false;
final HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context);
final HttpRequest request = clientContext.getRequest();
if (requestIsAborted(request)) {"Not retrying as request is aborted.");
return false;
if (handleAsIdempotent(request)) {"Retrying idempotent request. Attempt " + executionCount + " of " + maxRetries);
// Retry if the request is considered idempotent
return true;
if (!clientContext.isRequestSent()) {"Retrying unsent request. Attempt " + executionCount + " of " + maxRetries);
// if it's OK to retry methods that have been sent
return true;
}"Not retrying as the request is not idempotent or is already sent.");
// otherwise do not retry
return false;
// requests that handles "Expect continue" handshakes. If server received the header and is waiting for body
// then those requests can be retried. Most basic http method methods except DELETE are idempotent as long as they
// are not aborted.
protected boolean handleAsIdempotent(final HttpRequest request) {
return !(request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest);
// checks if the request got aborted
protected boolean requestIsAborted(final HttpRequest request) {
HttpRequest req = request;
if (request instanceof RequestWrapper) {
// does not forward request to original
req = ((RequestWrapper) request).getOriginal();
return (req instanceof HttpUriRequest && ((HttpUriRequest) req).isAborted());
if (isBrowserAuthMode()) {
httpClientBuilder.setRedirectStrategy(new HiveJdbcSamlRedirectStrategy(browserClient));
// Add the request interceptor to the client builder
// Add an interceptor to add in an XSRF header
httpClientBuilder.addInterceptorLast(new XsrfHttpRequestInterceptor());
// set the specified timeout (socketTimeout jdbc param) for http connection as well
RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(loginTimeout * 1000).setConnectionRequestTimeout(loginTimeout * 1000).setSocketTimeout(loginTimeout * 1000).build();
// Configure http client for SSL
if (useSsl) {
String useTwoWaySSL = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.USE_TWO_WAY_SSL);
String sslTrustStorePath = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.SSL_TRUST_STORE);
String sslTrustStorePassword = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD);
KeyStore sslTrustStore;
SSLConnectionSocketFactory socketFactory;
SSLContext sslContext;
* The code within the try block throws: SSLInitializationException, KeyStoreException,
* IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, KeyManagementException &
* UnrecoverableKeyException. We don't want the client to retry on any of these,
* hence we catch all and throw a SQLException.
try {
if (useTwoWaySSL != null && useTwoWaySSL.equalsIgnoreCase(JdbcConnectionParams.TRUE)) {
socketFactory = getTwoWaySSLSocketFactory();
} else if (sslTrustStorePath == null || sslTrustStorePath.isEmpty()) {
// Create a default socket factory based on standard JSSE trust material
socketFactory = SSLConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
} else {
// Pick trust store config from the given path
String trustStoreType = sessConfMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE);
if (trustStoreType == null || trustStoreType.isEmpty()) {
trustStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
sslTrustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(trustStoreType);
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(sslTrustStorePath)) {
sslTrustStore.load(fis, sslTrustStorePassword.toCharArray());
sslContext = SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(sslTrustStore, null).build();
socketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, new DefaultHostnameVerifier(null));
final Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create().register("https", socketFactory).build();
httpClientBuilder.setConnectionManager(new BasicHttpClientConnectionManager(registry));
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Could not create an https connection to " + jdbcUriString + ". " + e.getMessage();
throw new SQLException(msg, " 08S01", e);
use of org.apache.http.HttpRequest in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class RequestResponseLogger method process.
public void process(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
// Avoid work if TRACE is not enabled for this class
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
final StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
final HttpHost targetHost = (HttpHost) context.getAttribute(HttpCoreContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST);
final HttpRequest httpRequest = (HttpRequest) context.getAttribute(HttpCoreContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
final RequestLine request = httpRequest.getRequestLine();
logger.trace("[{} {}]: {} {}{}", statusLine.getStatusCode(), statusLine.getReasonPhrase(), request.getMethod(), targetHost.toURI(), request.getUri());
use of org.apache.http.HttpRequest in project jo-client-platform by jo-source.
the class MessageBrokerTest method testPostWithServerError.
public void testPostWithServerError() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InterruptedException {
final String expectedResultMessage = "RESULT_MESSAGE";
final MessageStub requestMessage = new MessageStub(expectedResultMessage);
final int postErrorCount = 5;
final int messageCount = 5;
final HttpClientStub httpClient = new HttpClientStub(messageCount, 0);
final ScheduledExecutorServiceMock executor = new ScheduledExecutorServiceMock();
final AtomicReference<JUnitLogger> senderThreadLoggerRef = new AtomicReference<JUnitLogger>(null);
final AtomicReference<JUnitLogger> receiverThreadLoggerRef = new AtomicReference<JUnitLogger>(null);
final MessageBrokerBuilder builder = new MessageBrokerBuilder(BROKER_ID);
builder.setHttpRequestInitializer(new IHttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(final HttpRequest httpRequest) {
if (Thread.currentThread().getName().contains("MessageSender")) {
} else {
final IMessageBroker messageBroker =;
final IMessageReceiver receiver = Mockito.mock(IMessageReceiver.class);
for (int i = 0; i < postErrorCount; i++) {
messageBroker.getChannel().send(requestMessage, null);
while (httpClient.getPostInvocationCount() < postErrorCount) {
// do nothing
final IExceptionCallback exceptionCallback = Mockito.mock(IExceptionCallback.class);
for (int i = 0; i < postErrorCount; i++) {
messageBroker.getChannel().send(requestMessage, exceptionCallback);
while (httpClient.getPostInvocationCount() < postErrorCount * 2) {
// do nothing
// now fix error and send some messages with success
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
messageBroker.getChannel().send(requestMessage, exceptionCallback);
Assert.assertTrue(httpClient.awaitMessagesConsumed(SYNC_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
Mockito.verify(receiver, Mockito.times(messageCount)).onMessage(expectedResultMessage, messageBroker.getChannel());
Mockito.verify(httpClient.getConnectionManager(), Mockito.times(1)).shutdown();
Assert.assertEquals(2 * postErrorCount + messageCount, httpClient.getPostInvocationCount());
Assert.assertEquals(postErrorCount, senderThreadLoggerRef.get().getMessageCount());
Mockito.verify(exceptionCallback, Mockito.times(postErrorCount)).exception(Mockito.any(Exception.class));
Assert.assertEquals(0, receiverThreadLoggerRef.get().getMessageCount());
use of org.apache.http.HttpRequest in project jo-client-platform by jo-source.
the class MessageBrokerTest method testGetWithServerError.
public void testGetWithServerError() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InterruptedException {
final int errorCount = 5;
final HttpClientStub httpClient = new HttpClientStub(0, errorCount);
final ScheduledExecutorServiceMock executor = new ScheduledExecutorServiceMock();
final AtomicReference<JUnitLogger> loggerRef = new AtomicReference<JUnitLogger>(null);
final MessageBrokerBuilder builder = new MessageBrokerBuilder(BROKER_ID);
builder.setHttpRequestInitializer(new IHttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(final HttpRequest httpRequest) {
if (Thread.currentThread().getName().contains("MessageReceiver")) {
final IMessageBroker messageBroker =;
final IMessageReceiver receiver = Mockito.mock(IMessageReceiver.class);
Assert.assertTrue(httpClient.awaitErrorsConsumed(SYNC_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
Mockito.verify(receiver, Mockito.never()).onMessage(Mockito.any(), Mockito.eq(messageBroker.getChannel()));
Mockito.verify(httpClient.getConnectionManager(), Mockito.times(1)).shutdown();
Assert.assertEquals(0, httpClient.getPostInvocationCount());
Assert.assertTrue(httpClient.getGetInvocationCount() > errorCount);
Assert.assertTrue(loggerRef.get().getMessageCount() >= errorCount);