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Example 6 with MultipartEntityBuilder

use of org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class AtsDbLoggerUtilities method attachFileToCurrentTest.

     * Attach a local file to the current test case in the Test Explorer DB.
     * </br>The file must not be bigger than 10MB
     * @param fileLocation the absolute path to the file
     * @param testExplorerContextName the name of the web application, e.g. "TestExplorer" or "TestExplorer-3.11.0" etc.
     * @param testExplorerPort the port of the web application, e.g. 8080
     * @return TRUE if the operation was successful and false if not. A warning will be logged on failure.
public boolean attachFileToCurrentTest(String fileLocation, String testExplorerContextName, int testExplorerPort) {
    ERR_MSG_PREFIX = ERR_MSG_PREFIX.replace("{FILE}", fileLocation);
    if (!checkFileExist(fileLocation)) {
        return false;
    if (!checkFileSizeIsNotTooLarge(fileLocation)) {
        return false;
    ActiveDbAppender dbAppender = ActiveDbAppender.getCurrentInstance();
    if (dbAppender == null) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "Perhaps the database logging is turned off");
        return false;
    final int runId = dbAppender.getRunId();
    final int suiteId = dbAppender.getSuiteId();
    final int testcaseId = dbAppender.getTestCaseId();
    if (runId < 1 || suiteId < 1 || testcaseId < 1) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "Perhaps the database logging is turned off or you are trying to log while a testcase is not yet started");
        return false;
    final String database = dbAppender.getDatabase();
    final String host = dbAppender.getHost();
    final String URL = "http://" + host + ":" + testExplorerPort + "/" + testExplorerContextName + "/UploadServlet";
    URL url = null;
    try {
        CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(URL);
        url = post.getURI().toURL();
        if (!isURLConnetionAvailable(url)) {
            return false;
        logger.debug("POSTing " + fileLocation + " on " + URL);
        File file = new File(fileLocation);
        MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
        builder.addBinaryBody("upfile", file, ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY, fileLocation);
        builder.addTextBody("dbName", database);
        builder.addTextBody("runId", Integer.toString(runId));
        builder.addTextBody("suiteId", Integer.toString(suiteId));
        builder.addTextBody("testcaseId", Integer.toString(testcaseId));
        HttpEntity entity =;
        checkPostExecutedSuccessfully(client.execute(post), fileLocation);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "it does not exist on the local file system", fnfe);
        return false;
    } catch (ClientProtocolException cpe) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "Upload to \"" + url + "\" failed", cpe);
        return false;
    } catch (ConnectException ce) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "Upload to \"" + url + "\" failed", ce);
        return false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.warn(ERR_MSG_PREFIX + "Upload to \"" + url + "\" failed", ioe);
        return false;
    }"Successfully attached \"" + fileLocation + "\" to the current Test Explorer testcase");
    return true;
Also used : CloseableHttpClient(org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient) HttpPost(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost) MultipartEntityBuilder(org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder) HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) FileNotFoundException( IOException( URL( ClientProtocolException(org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException) ActiveDbAppender(com.axway.ats.log.appenders.ActiveDbAppender) File( ConnectException( PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)

Example 7 with MultipartEntityBuilder

use of org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder in project perun by CESNET.

the class RTMessagesManagerBlImpl method prepareDataAndGetHttpRequest.

private HttpUriRequest prepareDataAndGetHttpRequest(PerunSession sess, int voId, String queue, String requestor, String subject, String text) throws InternalErrorException {
    //Ticket from this part is already evidet like 'new'
    String id = "ticket/new";
    //If there is no requestor, it is uknown requestor
    if (requestor == null || requestor.isEmpty()) {
        requestor = "unknown";
    //If queue is null, try to check if exist value in attribute rtVoQueue, if not, use default
    if (queue == null || queue.isEmpty()) {
        Vo vo = null;
        if (voId != 0) {
            try {
                vo = perunBl.getVosManagerBl().getVoById(sess, voId);
            } catch (VoNotExistsException ex) {
                throw new InternalErrorException("VoId with Id=" + voId + " not exists.", ex);
            Attribute voQueue = null;
            try {
                voQueue = perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, vo, AttributesManager.NS_VO_ATTR_DEF + ":RTVoQueue");
            } catch (AttributeNotExistsException ex) {
                throw new InternalErrorException("Attribute RTVoQueue not exists.", ex);
            } catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException ex) {
                throw new InternalErrorException(ex);
            if (voQueue.getValue() != null) {
                queue = (String) voQueue.getValue();
            } else
                queue = rtDefaultQueue;
        } else
            queue = rtDefaultQueue;
    //If subject is null or empty, use Unspecified instead
    if (subject == null || subject.isEmpty())
        subject = "(No subject)";
    //Text can be null so if it is, put empty string
    if (text == null)
        text = "";
    //Prepare credentials
    String username = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getRtServiceuserUsername();
    String password = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getRtServiceuserPassword();
    //Prepare content of message
    MultipartEntityBuilder entityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    try {
        entityBuilder.addPart("Content-Type", new StringBody("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)));
        entityBuilder.addPart("charset", new StringBody("utf-8", ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)));
        entityBuilder.addPart("Connection", new StringBody("Close", ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)));
        StringBody content = new StringBody("id: " + id + '\n' + "Queue: " + queue + '\n' + "Requestor: " + requestor + '\n' + "Subject: " + subject + '\n' + "Text: " + text, ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8));
        entityBuilder.addPart("content", content);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    //Test rtURL for null
    if (rtURL == null || rtURL.length() == 0)
        throw new InternalErrorException("rtURL is not prepared and is null in the moment of posting.");
    // prepare post request
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(rtURL);
    UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password);
    post.addHeader(BasicScheme.authenticate(credentials, "utf-8", false));
    return post;
Also used : HttpPost(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost) MultipartEntityBuilder(org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder) Attribute(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Attribute) WrongAttributeAssignmentException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.WrongAttributeAssignmentException) AttributeNotExistsException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.AttributeNotExistsException) InternalErrorException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.InternalErrorException) InternalErrorException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.InternalErrorException) IOException( AttributeNotExistsException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.AttributeNotExistsException) VoNotExistsException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.VoNotExistsException) ConsistencyErrorException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.ConsistencyErrorException) WrongAttributeAssignmentException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.WrongAttributeAssignmentException) VoNotExistsException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.VoNotExistsException) UsernamePasswordCredentials(org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials) StringBody(org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody) Vo(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.Vo)

Example 8 with MultipartEntityBuilder

use of org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder in project perun by CESNET.

the class MUStrategy method getHttpRequest.

public HttpUriRequest getHttpRequest(String uco, int yearSince, int yearTill, PublicationSystem ps) {
    //prepare request body
    MultipartEntityBuilder entityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    try {
        entityBuilder.addPart("typ", new StringBody("xml", ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)));
        entityBuilder.addPart("kodovani", new StringBody("utf-8", ContentType.create("text/plain", Consts.UTF_8)));
        entityBuilder.addPart("keyfile", new ByteArrayBody(buildRequestKeyfile(Integer.parseInt(uco), yearSince, yearTill).getBytes(), "template.xml"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    //prepare post request
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(ps.getUrl());
    UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(ps.getUsername(), ps.getPassword());
    //cred, enc, proxy
    post.addHeader(BasicScheme.authenticate(credentials, "utf-8", false));
    return post;
Also used : HttpPost(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost) MultipartEntityBuilder(org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder) StringBody(org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody) ByteArrayBody(org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.ByteArrayBody) InternalErrorException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.InternalErrorException) XPathExpressionException(javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException) CabinetException( IOException( SAXParseException(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) UsernamePasswordCredentials(org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials)

Example 9 with MultipartEntityBuilder

use of org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder in project jmeter by apache.

the class HTTPHC4Impl method sendPostData.

// TODO needs cleaning up
     * @param post {@link HttpPost}
     * @return String posted body if computable
     * @throws IOException if sending the data fails due to I/O
protected String sendPostData(HttpPost post) throws IOException {
    // Buffer to hold the post body, except file content
    StringBuilder postedBody = new StringBuilder(1000);
    HTTPFileArg[] files = getHTTPFiles();
    final String contentEncoding = getContentEncodingOrNull();
    final boolean haveContentEncoding = contentEncoding != null;
    // application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
    if (getUseMultipartForPost()) {
        // If a content encoding is specified, we use that as the
        // encoding of any parameter values
        Charset charset = null;
        if (haveContentEncoding) {
            charset = Charset.forName(contentEncoding);
        } else {
            charset = MIME.DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Building multipart with:getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart(): {}, with charset:{}, haveContentEncoding:{}", getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart(), charset, haveContentEncoding);
        // Write the request to our own stream
        MultipartEntityBuilder multipartEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setCharset(charset);
        if (getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart()) {
        } else {
        // Add any parameters
        for (JMeterProperty jMeterProperty : getArguments()) {
            HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument) jMeterProperty.getObjectValue();
            String parameterName = arg.getName();
            if (arg.isSkippable(parameterName)) {
            StringBody stringBody = new StringBody(arg.getValue(), ContentType.create("text/plain", charset));
            FormBodyPart formPart = FormBodyPartBuilder.create(parameterName, stringBody).build();
        // Add any files
        // Cannot retrieve parts once added to the MultiPartEntity, so have to save them here.
        ViewableFileBody[] fileBodies = new ViewableFileBody[files.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            HTTPFileArg file = files[i];
            File reservedFile = FileServer.getFileServer().getResolvedFile(file.getPath());
            fileBodies[i] = new ViewableFileBody(reservedFile, file.getMimeType());
            multipartEntityBuilder.addPart(file.getParamName(), fileBodies[i]);
        HttpEntity entity =;
        if (entity.isRepeatable()) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            for (ViewableFileBody fileBody : fileBodies) {
                fileBody.hideFileData = true;
            for (ViewableFileBody fileBody : fileBodies) {
                fileBody.hideFileData = false;
            // We get the posted bytes using the encoding used to create it
            postedBody.append(bos.toString(// $NON-NLS-1$ this is the default used by HttpClient
            contentEncoding == null ? // $NON-NLS-1$ this is the default used by HttpClient
            "US-ASCII" : contentEncoding));
        } else {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            postedBody.append("<Multipart was not repeatable, cannot view what was sent>");
    //            // Set the content type TODO - needed?
    //            String multiPartContentType = multiPart.getContentType().getValue();
    //            post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, multiPartContentType);
    } else {
        // not multipart
        // Check if the header manager had a content type header
        // This allows the user to specify his own content-type for a POST request
        Header contentTypeHeader = post.getFirstHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
        boolean hasContentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue() != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue().length() > 0;
        // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
        if (!hasArguments() && getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
            // If getSendFileAsPostBody returned true, it's sure that file is not null
            HTTPFileArg file = files[0];
            if (!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                if (file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                    post.setHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                } else {
                    post.setHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
            // TODO is null correct?
            FileEntity fileRequestEntity = new FileEntity(new File(file.getPath()), (ContentType) null);
            // We just add placeholder text for file content
            postedBody.append("<actual file content, not shown here>");
        } else {
            // the post body will be encoded in the specified content encoding
            if (haveContentEncoding) {
                post.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, contentEncoding);
            // just send all the values as the post body
            if (getSendParameterValuesAsPostBody()) {
                // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
                if (!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                    HTTPFileArg file = files.length > 0 ? files[0] : null;
                    if (file != null && file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                        post.setHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                    } else {
                        // TODO - is this the correct default?
                        post.setHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
                // Just append all the parameter values, and use that as the post body
                StringBuilder postBody = new StringBuilder();
                for (JMeterProperty jMeterProperty : getArguments()) {
                    HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument) jMeterProperty.getObjectValue();
                    // Note: if "Encoded?" is not selected, arg.getEncodedValue is equivalent to arg.getValue
                    if (haveContentEncoding) {
                    } else {
                // Let StringEntity perform the encoding
                StringEntity requestEntity = new StringEntity(postBody.toString(), contentEncoding);
            } else {
                // Set the content type
                if (!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                    post.setHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
                // Add the parameters
                PropertyIterator args = getArguments().iterator();
                List<NameValuePair> nvps = new ArrayList<>();
                String urlContentEncoding = contentEncoding;
                if (urlContentEncoding == null || urlContentEncoding.length() == 0) {
                    // Use the default encoding for urls
                    urlContentEncoding = EncoderCache.URL_ARGUMENT_ENCODING;
                while (args.hasNext()) {
                    HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument);
                    // The HTTPClient always urlencodes both name and value,
                    // so if the argument is already encoded, we have to decode
                    // it before adding it to the post request
                    String parameterName = arg.getName();
                    if (arg.isSkippable(parameterName)) {
                    String parameterValue = arg.getValue();
                    if (!arg.isAlwaysEncoded()) {
                        // The value is already encoded by the user
                        // Must decode the value now, so that when the
                        // httpclient encodes it, we end up with the same value
                        // as the user had entered.
                        parameterName = URLDecoder.decode(parameterName, urlContentEncoding);
                        parameterValue = URLDecoder.decode(parameterValue, urlContentEncoding);
                    // Add the parameter, httpclient will urlencode it
                    nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair(parameterName, parameterValue));
                UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps, urlContentEncoding);
                if (entity.isRepeatable()) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    // We get the posted bytes using the encoding used to create it
                    postedBody.append(bos.toString(contentEncoding != null ? contentEncoding : SampleResult.DEFAULT_HTTP_ENCODING));
                } else {
                    postedBody.append("<RequestEntity was not repeatable, cannot view what was sent>");
    return postedBody.toString();
Also used : MultipartEntityBuilder(org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder) JMeterProperty( HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FormBodyPart(org.apache.http.entity.mime.FormBodyPart) StringEntity(org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity) BasicNameValuePair(org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair) NameValuePair(org.apache.http.NameValuePair) BasicNameValuePair(org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair) FileEntity(org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity) PropertyIterator( Charset(java.nio.charset.Charset) ByteArrayOutputStream( UrlEncodedFormEntity(org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity) HTTPFileArg(org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPFileArg) HTTPArgument(org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPArgument) Header(org.apache.http.Header) BufferedHeader(org.apache.http.message.BufferedHeader) StringBody(org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody) File(

Example 10 with MultipartEntityBuilder

use of org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder in project android by JetBrains.

the class GoogleCrash method newMultipartEntityBuilderWithKv.

private static MultipartEntityBuilder newMultipartEntityBuilderWithKv(@NotNull Map<String, String> kv) {
    MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    return builder;
Also used : MultipartEntityBuilder(org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)


MultipartEntityBuilder (org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder)24 HttpPost (org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost)10 StringBody (org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody)7 File ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)5 IRI (org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI)4 HttpEntity (org.apache.http.HttpEntity)4 HttpResponse (org.apache.http.HttpResponse)3 InputStreamBody (org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.InputStreamBody)3 InternalErrorException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.InternalErrorException)2 ByteArrayOutputStream ( StringWriter ( Charset (java.nio.charset.Charset)2 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)2 Customer (org.apache.camel.component.cxf.jaxrs.simplebinding.testbean.Customer)2 Graph (org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Graph)2 Header (org.apache.http.Header)2 UsernamePasswordCredentials (org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials)2 ClientProtocolException (org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException)2