use of org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient in project uavstack by uavorg.
the class HttpService method httpclientAsynctestException.
* 异步测试异常用例
* @return
public String httpclientAsynctestException() {
final CloseableHttpAsyncClient client = HttpAsyncClients.custom().build();
HttpUriRequest httpMethod = new HttpGet("ht://");
client.execute(httpMethod, new FutureCallback<HttpResponse>() {
public void completed(HttpResponse result) {
System.out.println(client.getClass().getName() + "---OK");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void failed(Exception ex) {
System.out.println(client.getClass().getName() + "---FAIL");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void cancelled() {
System.out.println(client.getClass().getName() + "---CANCEL");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return "httpclientAsynctest success";
use of org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient in project nifi by apache.
the class SiteToSiteRestApiClient method initiateTransactionForSend.
* <p>
* Initiate a transaction for sending data.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a proxy server requires auth, the proxy server returns 407 response with available auth schema such as basic or digest.
* Then client has to resend the same request with its credential added.
* This mechanism is problematic for sending data from NiFi.
* </p>
* <p>
* In order to resend a POST request with auth param,
* NiFi has to either read flow-file contents to send again, or keep the POST body somewhere.
* If we store that in memory, it would causes OOM, or storing it on disk slows down performance.
* Rolling back processing session would be overkill.
* Reading flow-file contents only when it's ready to send in a streaming way is ideal.
* </p>
* <p>
* Additionally, the way proxy authentication is done is vary among Proxy server software.
* Some requires 407 and resend cycle for every requests, while others keep a connection between a client and
* the proxy server, then consecutive requests skip auth steps.
* The problem is, that how should we behave is only told after sending a request to the proxy.
* </p>
* In order to handle above concerns correctly and efficiently, this method do the followings:
* <ol>
* <li>Send a GET request to controller resource, to initiate an HttpAsyncClient. The instance will be used for further requests.
* This is not required by the Site-to-Site protocol, but it can setup proxy auth state safely.</li>
* <li>Send a POST request to initiate a transaction. While doing so, it captures how a proxy server works.
* If 407 and resend cycle occurs here, it implies that we need to do the same thing again when we actually send the data.
* Because if the proxy keeps using the same connection and doesn't require an auth step, it doesn't do so here.</li>
* <li>Then this method stores whether the final POST request should wait for the auth step.
* So that {@link #openConnectionForSend} can determine when to produce contents.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* The above special sequence is only executed when a proxy instance is set, and its username is set.
* </p>
* @param post a POST request to establish transaction
* @return POST request response
* @throws IOException thrown if the post request failed
private HttpResponse initiateTransactionForSend(final HttpPost post) throws IOException {
if (shouldCheckProxyAuth()) {
final CloseableHttpAsyncClient asyncClient = getHttpAsyncClient();
final HttpGet get = createGetControllerRequest();
final Future<HttpResponse> getResult = asyncClient.execute(get, null);
try {
final HttpResponse getResponse = getResult.get(readTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
logger.debug("Proxy auth check has done. getResponse={}", getResponse.getStatusLine());
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
logger.debug("Something has happened at get controller requesting thread for proxy auth check. {}", e.getMessage());
throw toIOException(e);
} catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
final HttpAsyncRequestProducer asyncRequestProducer = new HttpAsyncRequestProducer() {
private boolean requestHasBeenReset = false;
public HttpHost getTarget() {
return URIUtils.extractHost(post.getURI());
public HttpRequest generateRequest() throws IOException, HttpException {
final BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
return post;
public void produceContent(ContentEncoder encoder, IOControl ioctrl) throws IOException {
if (shouldCheckProxyAuth() && requestHasBeenReset) {
logger.debug("Produced content again, assuming the proxy server requires authentication.");
public void requestCompleted(HttpContext context) {
public void failed(Exception ex) {
final String msg = String.format("Failed to create transaction for %s", post.getURI());
logger.error(msg, ex);
eventReporter.reportEvent(Severity.WARNING, EVENT_CATEGORY, msg);
public boolean isRepeatable() {
return true;
public void resetRequest() throws IOException {
requestHasBeenReset = true;
public void close() throws IOException {
final Future<HttpResponse> responseFuture = getHttpAsyncClient().execute(asyncRequestProducer, new BasicAsyncResponseConsumer(), null);
final HttpResponse response;
try {
response = responseFuture.get(readTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
logger.debug("Something has happened at initiate transaction requesting thread. {}", e.getMessage());
throw toIOException(e);
} catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return response;
use of org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient in project jaeger-client-java by jaegertracing.
the class JaegerRequestAndResponseInterceptorIntegrationTest method testAsyncHttpClientTracing.
public void testAsyncHttpClientTracing() throws Exception {
HttpAsyncClientBuilder clientBuilder = HttpAsyncClients.custom();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient client = TracingInterceptors.addTo(clientBuilder, tracer).build();
// Verify that parent span is on top of the stack _before_ request is made
assertEquals(parentSpan, tracer.activeSpan());
// Make a request to the async client and wait for response
client.execute(new HttpHost("localhost", mockServerRule.getPort()), new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/testing"), new FutureCallback<org.apache.http.HttpResponse>() {
public void completed(org.apache.http.HttpResponse result) {
public void failed(Exception ex) {
public void cancelled() {
// Verify that parent span is on top of the stack _after_ request is made
assertEquals(parentSpan, tracer.activeSpan());
use of org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient in project spring-cloud-sleuth by spring-cloud.
the class WebClientTests method shouldAttachTraceIdWhenCallingAnotherServiceForAsyncHttpClient.
public void shouldAttachTraceIdWhenCallingAnotherServiceForAsyncHttpClient() throws Exception {
Span span = this.tracer.nextSpan().name("foo").start();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient client =;
try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = this.tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {
Future<HttpResponse> future = client.execute(new HttpGet("http://localhost:" + port), new FutureCallback<HttpResponse>() {
public void completed(HttpResponse result) {
public void failed(Exception ex) {
public void cancelled() {
} finally {
then(this.reporter.getSpans()).isNotEmpty().extracting("traceId", String.class).containsOnly(span.context().traceIdString());
use of org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient in project drill by apache.
the class WebUtils method getHttpClient.
* Get singleton instance of an HTTP Client.
* @param drillConfig {@link DrillConfig} instance needed to retrieve Drill SSL parameters.
* @return HTTP Client instance.
* @throws Exception if unable to create an HTTP Client.
private static CloseableHttpAsyncClient getHttpClient(DrillConfig drillConfig) throws Exception {
CloseableHttpAsyncClient localHttpClient = httpClient;
if (localHttpClient == null) {
synchronized (WebUtils.class) {
localHttpClient = httpClient;
if (httpClient == null) {
localHttpClient = createHttpClient(drillConfig);
httpClient = localHttpClient;
return localHttpClient;