use of org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.
the class Request method setBodyProvider.
* Supply an InputStream that provides the body of a request. It's
* not great that the caller must also provide the length of the data
* returned by that InputStream, but the client needs to know up
* front, and I'm not sure how to get this out of the InputStream
* itself without a costly readthrough. I'm not sure skip() would
* do what we want. If you know a better way, please let me know.
private void setBodyProvider(InputStream bodyProvider, int bodyLength) {
if (!bodyProvider.markSupported()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bodyProvider must support mark()");
// Mark beginning of stream
((BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest) mHttpRequest).setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(bodyProvider, bodyLength));
use of org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest in project platform_external_apache-http by android.
the class Request method setBodyProvider.
* Supply an InputStream that provides the body of a request. It's
* not great that the caller must also provide the length of the data
* returned by that InputStream, but the client needs to know up
* front, and I'm not sure how to get this out of the InputStream
* itself without a costly readthrough. I'm not sure skip() would
* do what we want. If you know a better way, please let me know.
private void setBodyProvider(InputStream bodyProvider, int bodyLength) {
if (!bodyProvider.markSupported()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bodyProvider must support mark()");
// Mark beginning of stream
((BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest) mHttpRequest).setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(bodyProvider, bodyLength));
use of org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest in project cdap-ingest by caskdata.
the class StreamConfigHttpRequestHandler method handle.
public void handle(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse response, HttpContext httpContext) throws HttpException, IOException {
RequestLine requestLine = httpRequest.getRequestLine();
String method = requestLine.getMethod();
int statusCode;
if (!HttpMethod.PUT.equals(method)) {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
} else {
String uri = requestLine.getUri();
String streamName = TestUtils.getStreamNameFromUri(uri);
if (TestUtils.SUCCESS_STREAM_NAME.equals(streamName)) {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest request = (BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest) httpRequest;
HttpEntity requestEntity = request.getEntity();
if (requestEntity != null) {
JsonObject jsonContent = RestClient.toJsonObject(requestEntity);
if (jsonContent != null) {
long ttl = jsonContent.get(TTL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).getAsLong();
if (ttl == RestTest.STREAM_TTL) {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_OK;
} else if (TestUtils.AUTH_STREAM_NAME.equals(streamName)) {
statusCode = TestUtils.authorize(httpRequest);
} else {
statusCode = TestUtils.getStatusCodeByStreamName(streamName);
use of org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest in project cdap-ingest by caskdata.
the class StreamHttpRequestHandler method handle.
public void handle(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse response, HttpContext httpContext) throws HttpException, IOException {
RequestLine requestLine = httpRequest.getRequestLine();
String method = requestLine.getMethod();
int statusCode;
String uri = requestLine.getUri();
String streamName = TestUtils.getStreamNameFromUri(uri + "/");
if (HttpMethod.PUT.equals(method)) {
if (TestUtils.AUTH_STREAM_NAME.equals(streamName)) {
statusCode = TestUtils.authorize(httpRequest);
} else {
statusCode = TestUtils.getStatusCodeByStreamName(streamName);
} else if (HttpMethod.POST.equals(method)) {
String fullStreamName = streamName;
streamName = streamName.replace(TestUtils.WRITER_TEST_STREAM_NAME_POSTFIX, StringUtils.EMPTY);
if (TestUtils.AUTH_STREAM_NAME.equals(streamName)) {
statusCode = TestUtils.authorize(httpRequest);
} else if (TestUtils.WITH_CUSTOM_HEADER_STREAM_NAME.endsWith(streamName)) {
Header testHeader = httpRequest.getFirstHeader(fullStreamName + "." + RestTest.TEST_HEADER_NAME);
if (testHeader != null && RestTest.TEST_HEADER_VALUE.equals(testHeader.getValue())) {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_OK;
} else {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
} else {
statusCode = TestUtils.getStatusCodeByStreamName(streamName);
if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == statusCode && !TestUtils.FILE_STREAM_NAME.equals(streamName)) {
//check request content
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest request = (BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest) httpRequest;
HttpEntity requestEntity = request.getEntity();
if (requestEntity != null) {
String content = RestClient.toString(requestEntity);
if (!RestTest.EXPECTED_WRITER_CONTENT.equals(content) && !TestUtils.ALLOW_ANY_EVENT_STREAM.equals(streamName)) {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
} else {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
} else {
statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
use of org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest in project Talon-for-Twitter by klinker24.
the class TwitterMultipleImageHelper method uploadPics.
public boolean uploadPics(File[] pics, String text, Twitter twitter) {
JSONObject jsonresponse = new JSONObject();
final String ids_string = getMediaIds(pics, twitter);
if (ids_string == null) {
return false;
try {
AccessToken token = twitter.getOAuthAccessToken();
String oauth_token = token.getToken();
String oauth_token_secret = token.getTokenSecret();
// generate authorization header
String get_or_post = "POST";
String oauth_signature_method = "HMAC-SHA1";
String uuid_string = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
uuid_string = uuid_string.replaceAll("-", "");
// any relatively random alphanumeric string will work here
String oauth_nonce = uuid_string;
// get the timestamp
Calendar tempcal = Calendar.getInstance();
// get current time in milliseconds
long ts = tempcal.getTimeInMillis();
// then divide by 1000 to get seconds
String oauth_timestamp = (new Long(ts / 1000)).toString();
// the parameter string must be in alphabetical order, "text" parameter added at end
String parameter_string = "oauth_consumer_key=" + AppSettings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY + "&oauth_nonce=" + oauth_nonce + "&oauth_signature_method=" + oauth_signature_method + "&oauth_timestamp=" + oauth_timestamp + "&oauth_token=" + encode(oauth_token) + "&oauth_version=1.0";
System.out.println("Twitter.updateStatusWithMedia(): parameter_string=" + parameter_string);
String twitter_endpoint = "";
String twitter_endpoint_host = "";
String twitter_endpoint_path = "/1.1/statuses/update.json";
String signature_base_string = get_or_post + "&" + encode(twitter_endpoint) + "&" + encode(parameter_string);
String oauth_signature = computeSignature(signature_base_string, AppSettings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET + "&" + encode(oauth_token_secret));
String authorization_header_string = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"" + AppSettings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY + "\",oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",oauth_timestamp=\"" + oauth_timestamp + "\",oauth_nonce=\"" + oauth_nonce + "\",oauth_version=\"1.0\",oauth_signature=\"" + encode(oauth_signature) + "\",oauth_token=\"" + encode(oauth_token) + "\"";
HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, "UTF-8");
HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, "HttpCore/1.1");
HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, false);
HttpProcessor httpproc = new ImmutableHttpProcessor(new HttpRequestInterceptor[] { // Required protocol interceptors
new RequestContent(), new RequestTargetHost(), // Recommended protocol interceptors
new RequestConnControl(), new RequestUserAgent(), new RequestExpectContinue() });
HttpRequestExecutor httpexecutor = new HttpRequestExecutor();
HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(null);
HttpHost host = new HttpHost(twitter_endpoint_host, 443);
DefaultHttpClientConnection conn = new DefaultHttpClientConnection();
context.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION, conn);
context.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST, host);
try {
try {
SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslcontext.init(null, null, null);
SSLSocketFactory ssf = sslcontext.getSocketFactory();
Socket socket = ssf.createSocket();
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host.getHostName(), host.getPort()), 0);
conn.bind(socket, params);
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest request2 = new BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest("POST", twitter_endpoint_path);
MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity();
reqEntity.addPart("media_ids", new StringBody(ids_string));
reqEntity.addPart("status", new StringBody(text));
reqEntity.addPart("trim_user", new StringBody("1"));
request2.addHeader("Authorization", authorization_header_string);
httpexecutor.preProcess(request2, httpproc, context);
HttpResponse response2 = httpexecutor.execute(request2, conn, context);
httpexecutor.postProcess(response2, httpproc, context);
String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response2.getEntity());
System.out.println("response=" + responseBody);
// error checking here. Otherwise, status should be updated.
jsonresponse = new JSONObject(responseBody);
} catch (HttpException he) {
jsonresponse.put("response_status", "error");
jsonresponse.put("message", "updateStatus HttpException message=" + he.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
jsonresponse.put("response_status", "error");
jsonresponse.put("message", "updateStatus NoSuchAlgorithmException message=" + nsae.getMessage());
} catch (KeyManagementException kme) {
jsonresponse.put("response_status", "error");
jsonresponse.put("message", "updateStatus KeyManagementException message=" + kme.getMessage());
} finally {
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;