use of org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline in project hudi by apache.
the class HoodieSyncCommand method validateSync.
@CliCommand(value = "sync validate", help = "Validate the sync by counting the number of records")
public String validateSync(@CliOption(key = { "mode" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "complete", help = "Check mode") final String mode, @CliOption(key = { "sourceDb" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "rawdata", help = "source database") final String srcDb, @CliOption(key = { "targetDb" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "dwh_hoodie", help = "target database") final String tgtDb, @CliOption(key = { "partitionCount" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "5", help = "total number of recent partitions to validate") final int partitionCount, @CliOption(key = { "hiveServerUrl" }, mandatory = true, help = "hiveServerURL to connect to") final String hiveServerUrl, @CliOption(key = { "hiveUser" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "hive username to connect to") final String hiveUser, @CliOption(key = { "hivePass" }, mandatory = true, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "hive password to connect to") final String hivePass) throws Exception {
if (HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata == null) {
throw new HoodieException("Sync validate request target table not null.");
HoodieTableMetaClient target = HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata;
HoodieTimeline targetTimeline = target.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline();
HoodieTableMetaClient source = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient();
HoodieTimeline sourceTimeline = source.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline();
long sourceCount = 0;
long targetCount = 0;
if ("complete".equals(mode)) {
sourceCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, source, srcDb, hiveUser, hivePass);
targetCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, target, tgtDb, hiveUser, hivePass);
} else if ("latestPartitions".equals(mode)) {
sourceCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, source, srcDb, partitionCount, hiveUser, hivePass);
targetCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, target, tgtDb, partitionCount, hiveUser, hivePass);
String targetLatestCommit = targetTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? targetTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
String sourceLatestCommit = sourceTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? sourceTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
if (sourceLatestCommit != null && HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(targetLatestCommit, HoodieTimeline.GREATER_THAN, sourceLatestCommit)) {
// source is behind the target
return getString(target, targetTimeline, source, sourceCount, targetCount, sourceLatestCommit);
} else {
return getString(source, sourceTimeline, target, targetCount, sourceCount, targetLatestCommit);
use of org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline in project hudi by apache.
the class CommitsCommand method rollbackCommit.
@CliCommand(value = "commit rollback", help = "Rollback a commit")
public String rollbackCommit(@CliOption(key = { "commit" }, help = "Commit to rollback") final String instantTime, @CliOption(key = { "sparkProperties" }, help = "Spark Properties File Path") final String sparkPropertiesPath, @CliOption(key = "sparkMaster", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "Spark Master") String master, @CliOption(key = "sparkMemory", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "4G", help = "Spark executor memory") final String sparkMemory, @CliOption(key = "rollbackUsingMarkers", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Enabling marker based rollback") final String rollbackUsingMarkers) throws Exception {
HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient().getActiveTimeline();
HoodieTimeline completedTimeline = activeTimeline.getCommitsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
HoodieTimeline filteredTimeline = completedTimeline.filter(instant -> instant.getTimestamp().equals(instantTime));
if (filteredTimeline.empty()) {
return "Commit " + instantTime + " not found in Commits " + completedTimeline;
SparkLauncher sparkLauncher = SparkUtil.initLauncher(sparkPropertiesPath);
sparkLauncher.addAppArgs(SparkMain.SparkCommand.ROLLBACK.toString(), master, sparkMemory, instantTime, HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient().getBasePath(), rollbackUsingMarkers);
Process process = sparkLauncher.launch();
int exitCode = process.waitFor();
// Refresh the current
if (exitCode != 0) {
return "Commit " + instantTime + " failed to roll back";
return "Commit " + instantTime + " rolled back";
use of org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline in project hudi by apache.
the class CommitsCommand method compareCommits.
@CliCommand(value = "commits compare", help = "Compare commits with another Hoodie table")
public String compareCommits(@CliOption(key = { "path" }, help = "Path of the table to compare to") final String path) {
HoodieTableMetaClient source = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient();
HoodieTableMetaClient target = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder().setConf(HoodieCLI.conf).setBasePath(path).build();
HoodieTimeline targetTimeline = target.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
HoodieTimeline sourceTimeline = source.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
String targetLatestCommit = targetTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? targetTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
String sourceLatestCommit = sourceTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? sourceTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
if (sourceLatestCommit != null && HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(targetLatestCommit, HoodieTimeline.GREATER_THAN, sourceLatestCommit)) {
// source is behind the target
List<String> commitsToCatchup = targetTimeline.findInstantsAfter(sourceLatestCommit, Integer.MAX_VALUE).getInstants().map(HoodieInstant::getTimestamp).collect(Collectors.toList());
return "Source " + source.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " is behind by " + commitsToCatchup.size() + " commits. Commits to catch up - " + commitsToCatchup;
} else {
List<String> commitsToCatchup = sourceTimeline.findInstantsAfter(targetLatestCommit, Integer.MAX_VALUE).getInstants().map(HoodieInstant::getTimestamp).collect(Collectors.toList());
return "Source " + source.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " is ahead by " + commitsToCatchup.size() + " commits. Commits to catch up - " + commitsToCatchup;
use of org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline in project hudi by apache.
the class CleansCommand method showCleanPartitions.
@CliCommand(value = "clean showpartitions", help = "Show partition level details of a clean")
public String showCleanPartitions(@CliOption(key = { "clean" }, help = "clean to show") final String instantTime, @CliOption(key = { "limit" }, help = "Limit commits", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "-1") final Integer limit, @CliOption(key = { "sortBy" }, help = "Sorting Field", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "") final String sortByField, @CliOption(key = { "desc" }, help = "Ordering", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false") final boolean descending, @CliOption(key = { "headeronly" }, help = "Print Header Only", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false") final boolean headerOnly) throws Exception {
HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient().getActiveTimeline();
HoodieTimeline timeline = activeTimeline.getCleanerTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
HoodieInstant cleanInstant = new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.CLEAN_ACTION, instantTime);
if (!timeline.containsInstant(cleanInstant)) {
return "Clean " + instantTime + " not found in metadata " + timeline;
HoodieCleanMetadata cleanMetadata = TimelineMetadataUtils.deserializeHoodieCleanMetadata(timeline.getInstantDetails(cleanInstant).get());
List<Comparable[]> rows = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, HoodieCleanPartitionMetadata> entry : cleanMetadata.getPartitionMetadata().entrySet()) {
String path = entry.getKey();
HoodieCleanPartitionMetadata stats = entry.getValue();
String policy = stats.getPolicy();
int totalSuccessDeletedFiles = stats.getSuccessDeleteFiles().size();
int totalFailedDeletedFiles = stats.getFailedDeleteFiles().size();
rows.add(new Comparable[] { path, policy, totalSuccessDeletedFiles, totalFailedDeletedFiles });
TableHeader header = new TableHeader().addTableHeaderField(HoodieTableHeaderFields.HEADER_PARTITION_PATH).addTableHeaderField(HoodieTableHeaderFields.HEADER_CLEANING_POLICY).addTableHeaderField(HoodieTableHeaderFields.HEADER_TOTAL_FILES_SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED).addTableHeaderField(HoodieTableHeaderFields.HEADER_TOTAL_FAILED_DELETIONS);
return HoodiePrintHelper.print(header, new HashMap<>(), sortByField, descending, limit, headerOnly, rows);
use of org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline in project hudi by apache.
the class CommitUtil method countNewRecords.
public static long countNewRecords(HoodieTableMetaClient target, List<String> commitsToCatchup) throws IOException {
long totalNew = 0;
HoodieTimeline timeline = target.reloadActiveTimeline().getCommitTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
for (String commit : commitsToCatchup) {
HoodieCommitMetadata c = HoodieCommitMetadata.fromBytes(timeline.getInstantDetails(new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION, commit)).get(), HoodieCommitMetadata.class);
totalNew += c.fetchTotalRecordsWritten() - c.fetchTotalUpdateRecordsWritten();
return totalNew;