use of org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieBulkInsertDataInternalWriter method testGlobalFailure.
* Issue some corrupted or wrong schematized InternalRow after few valid InternalRows so that global error is thrown. write batch 1 of valid records write batch2 of invalid records which is expected
* to throw Global Error. Verify global error is set appropriately and only first batch of records are written to disk.
public void testGlobalFailure() throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getWriteConfig(true);
HoodieTable table = HoodieSparkTable.create(cfg, context, metaClient);
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[0];
String instantTime = "001";
HoodieBulkInsertDataInternalWriter writer = new HoodieBulkInsertDataInternalWriter(table, cfg, instantTime, RANDOM.nextInt(100000), RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong(), STRUCT_TYPE, true, false);
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(100);
int totalFailures = 5;
// Generate first batch of valid rows
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size / 2, partitionPath, false);
List<InternalRow> internalRows = toInternalRows(inputRows, ENCODER);
// generate some failures rows
for (int i = 0; i < totalFailures; i++) {
// generate 2nd batch of valid rows
Dataset<Row> inputRows2 = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size / 2, partitionPath, false);
internalRows.addAll(toInternalRows(inputRows2, ENCODER));
// issue writes
try {
for (InternalRow internalRow : internalRows) {
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (Throwable e) {
// expected
BaseWriterCommitMessage commitMetadata = (BaseWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
Option<List<String>> fileAbsPaths = Option.of(new ArrayList<>());
Option<List<String>> fileNames = Option.of(new ArrayList<>());
// verify write statuses
assertWriteStatuses(commitMetadata.getWriteStatuses(), 1, size / 2, false, fileAbsPaths, fileNames);
// verify rows
Dataset<Row> result = String[0]));
assertOutput(inputRows, result, instantTime, fileNames, true);
use of org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieDataSourceInternalWriter method testDataSourceWriterInternal.
private void testDataSourceWriterInternal(Map<String, String> extraMetadata, Map<String, String> expectedExtraMetadata, boolean populateMetaFields) throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getWriteConfig(populateMetaFields);
String instantTime = "001";
// init writer
HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter dataSourceInternalWriter = new HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter(instantTime, cfg, STRUCT_TYPE, sqlContext.sparkSession(), hadoopConf, new DataSourceOptions(extraMetadata), populateMetaFields, false);
DataWriter<InternalRow> writer = dataSourceInternalWriter.createWriterFactory().createDataWriter(0, RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong());
String[] partitionPaths = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS;
List<String> partitionPathsAbs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String partitionPath : partitionPaths) {
partitionPathsAbs.add(basePath + "/" + partitionPath + "/*");
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(1000);
int batches = 2;
Dataset<Row> totalInputRows = null;
for (int j = 0; j < batches; j++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[j % 3];
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
writeRows(inputRows, writer);
if (totalInputRows == null) {
totalInputRows = inputRows;
} else {
totalInputRows = totalInputRows.union(inputRows);
HoodieWriterCommitMessage commitMetadata = (HoodieWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
List<HoodieWriterCommitMessage> commitMessages = new ArrayList<>();
dataSourceInternalWriter.commit(commitMessages.toArray(new HoodieWriterCommitMessage[0]));
Dataset<Row> result =, basePath, sqlContext, metaClient.getFs(), partitionPathsAbs.toArray(new String[0]));
// verify output
assertOutput(totalInputRows, result, instantTime, Option.empty(), populateMetaFields);
assertWriteStatuses(commitMessages.get(0).getWriteStatuses(), batches, size, Option.empty(), Option.empty());
// verify extra metadata
Option<HoodieCommitMetadata> commitMetadataOption = HoodieClientTestUtils.getCommitMetadataForLatestInstant(metaClient);
Map<String, String> actualExtraMetadata = new HashMap<>();
commitMetadataOption.get().getExtraMetadata().entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !entry.getKey().equals(HoodieCommitMetadata.SCHEMA_KEY)).forEach(entry -> actualExtraMetadata.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
assertEquals(actualExtraMetadata, expectedExtraMetadata);
use of org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieDataSourceInternalWriter method testAbort.
* Tests that DataSourceWriter.abort() will abort the written records of interest write and commit batch1 write and abort batch2 Read of entire dataset should show only records from batch1.
* commit batch1
* abort batch2
* verify only records from batch1 is available to read
public void testAbort(boolean populateMetaFields) throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getWriteConfig(populateMetaFields);
String instantTime0 = "00" + 0;
// init writer
HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter dataSourceInternalWriter = new HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter(instantTime0, cfg, STRUCT_TYPE, sqlContext.sparkSession(), hadoopConf, new DataSourceOptions(Collections.EMPTY_MAP), populateMetaFields, false);
DataWriter<InternalRow> writer = dataSourceInternalWriter.createWriterFactory().createDataWriter(0, RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong());
List<String> partitionPaths = Arrays.asList(HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS);
List<String> partitionPathsAbs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String partitionPath : partitionPaths) {
partitionPathsAbs.add(basePath + "/" + partitionPath + "/*");
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(100);
int batches = 1;
Dataset<Row> totalInputRows = null;
for (int j = 0; j < batches; j++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[j % 3];
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
writeRows(inputRows, writer);
if (totalInputRows == null) {
totalInputRows = inputRows;
} else {
totalInputRows = totalInputRows.union(inputRows);
HoodieWriterCommitMessage commitMetadata = (HoodieWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
List<HoodieWriterCommitMessage> commitMessages = new ArrayList<>();
// commit 1st batch
dataSourceInternalWriter.commit(commitMessages.toArray(new HoodieWriterCommitMessage[0]));
Dataset<Row> result =, basePath, sqlContext, metaClient.getFs(), partitionPathsAbs.toArray(new String[0]));
// verify rows
assertOutput(totalInputRows, result, instantTime0, Option.empty(), populateMetaFields);
assertWriteStatuses(commitMessages.get(0).getWriteStatuses(), batches, size, Option.empty(), Option.empty());
// 2nd batch. abort in the end
String instantTime1 = "00" + 1;
dataSourceInternalWriter = new HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter(instantTime1, cfg, STRUCT_TYPE, sqlContext.sparkSession(), hadoopConf, new DataSourceOptions(Collections.EMPTY_MAP), populateMetaFields, false);
writer = dataSourceInternalWriter.createWriterFactory().createDataWriter(1, RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong());
for (int j = 0; j < batches; j++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[j % 3];
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
writeRows(inputRows, writer);
commitMetadata = (HoodieWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
commitMessages = new ArrayList<>();
// commit 1st batch
dataSourceInternalWriter.abort(commitMessages.toArray(new HoodieWriterCommitMessage[0]));
result =, basePath, sqlContext, metaClient.getFs(), partitionPathsAbs.toArray(new String[0]));
// verify rows
// only rows from first batch should be present
assertOutput(totalInputRows, result, instantTime0, Option.empty(), populateMetaFields);
use of org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieDataSourceInternalWriter method testMultipleDataSourceWrites.
public void testMultipleDataSourceWrites(boolean populateMetaFields) throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getWriteConfig(populateMetaFields);
int partitionCounter = 0;
// execute N rounds
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
String instantTime = "00" + i;
// init writer
HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter dataSourceInternalWriter = new HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter(instantTime, cfg, STRUCT_TYPE, sqlContext.sparkSession(), hadoopConf, new DataSourceOptions(Collections.EMPTY_MAP), populateMetaFields, false);
List<HoodieWriterCommitMessage> commitMessages = new ArrayList<>();
Dataset<Row> totalInputRows = null;
DataWriter<InternalRow> writer = dataSourceInternalWriter.createWriterFactory().createDataWriter(partitionCounter++, RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong());
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(1000);
// one batch per partition
int batches = 2;
for (int j = 0; j < batches; j++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[j % 3];
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
writeRows(inputRows, writer);
if (totalInputRows == null) {
totalInputRows = inputRows;
} else {
totalInputRows = totalInputRows.union(inputRows);
HoodieWriterCommitMessage commitMetadata = (HoodieWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
dataSourceInternalWriter.commit(commitMessages.toArray(new HoodieWriterCommitMessage[0]));
Dataset<Row> result = HoodieClientTestUtils.readCommit(basePath, sqlContext, metaClient.getCommitTimeline(), instantTime, populateMetaFields);
// verify output
assertOutput(totalInputRows, result, instantTime, Option.empty(), populateMetaFields);
assertWriteStatuses(commitMessages.get(0).getWriteStatuses(), batches, size, Option.empty(), Option.empty());
use of org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieDataSourceInternalWriter method testLargeWrites.
// takes up lot of running time with CI.
public void testLargeWrites(boolean populateMetaFields) throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getWriteConfig(populateMetaFields);
int partitionCounter = 0;
// execute N rounds
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
String instantTime = "00" + i;
// init writer
HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter dataSourceInternalWriter = new HoodieDataSourceInternalWriter(instantTime, cfg, STRUCT_TYPE, sqlContext.sparkSession(), hadoopConf, new DataSourceOptions(Collections.EMPTY_MAP), populateMetaFields, false);
List<HoodieWriterCommitMessage> commitMessages = new ArrayList<>();
Dataset<Row> totalInputRows = null;
DataWriter<InternalRow> writer = dataSourceInternalWriter.createWriterFactory().createDataWriter(partitionCounter++, RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong());
int size = 10000 + RANDOM.nextInt(10000);
// one batch per partition
int batches = 3;
for (int j = 0; j < batches; j++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[j % 3];
Dataset<Row> inputRows = getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
writeRows(inputRows, writer);
if (totalInputRows == null) {
totalInputRows = inputRows;
} else {
totalInputRows = totalInputRows.union(inputRows);
HoodieWriterCommitMessage commitMetadata = (HoodieWriterCommitMessage) writer.commit();
dataSourceInternalWriter.commit(commitMessages.toArray(new HoodieWriterCommitMessage[0]));
Dataset<Row> result = HoodieClientTestUtils.readCommit(basePath, sqlContext, metaClient.getCommitTimeline(), instantTime, populateMetaFields);
// verify output
assertOutput(totalInputRows, result, instantTime, Option.empty(), populateMetaFields);
assertWriteStatuses(commitMessages.get(0).getWriteStatuses(), batches, size, Option.empty(), Option.empty());