use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException in project hudi by apache.
the class SavepointsCommand method deleteSavepoint.
@CliCommand(value = "savepoint delete", help = "Delete the savepoint")
public String deleteSavepoint(@CliOption(key = { "commit" }, help = "Delete a savepoint") final String instantTime, @CliOption(key = { "sparkProperties" }, help = "Spark Properties File Path") final String sparkPropertiesPath, @CliOption(key = "sparkMaster", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "Spark Master") String master, @CliOption(key = "sparkMemory", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "4G", help = "Spark executor memory") final String sparkMemory) throws Exception {
HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient();
HoodieTimeline completedInstants = metaClient.getActiveTimeline().getSavePointTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
if (completedInstants.empty()) {
throw new HoodieException("There are no completed savepoint to run delete");
HoodieInstant savePoint = new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.SAVEPOINT_ACTION, instantTime);
if (!completedInstants.containsInstant(savePoint)) {
return "Commit " + instantTime + " not found in Commits " + completedInstants;
SparkLauncher sparkLauncher = SparkUtil.initLauncher(sparkPropertiesPath);
sparkLauncher.addAppArgs(SparkMain.SparkCommand.DELETE_SAVEPOINT.toString(), master, sparkMemory, instantTime, metaClient.getBasePath());
Process process = sparkLauncher.launch();
int exitCode = process.waitFor();
// Refresh the current
if (exitCode != 0) {
return String.format("Failed: Could not delete savepoint \"%s\".", instantTime);
return String.format("Savepoint \"%s\" deleted.", instantTime);
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException in project hudi by apache.
the class ExportCommand method exportInstants.
@CliCommand(value = "export instants", help = "Export Instants and their metadata from the Timeline")
public String exportInstants(@CliOption(key = { "limit" }, help = "Limit Instants", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "-1") final Integer limit, @CliOption(key = { "actions" }, help = "Comma separated list of Instant actions to export", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "clean,commit,deltacommit,rollback,savepoint,restore") final String filter, @CliOption(key = { "desc" }, help = "Ordering", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false") final boolean descending, @CliOption(key = { "localFolder" }, help = "Local Folder to export to", mandatory = true) String localFolder) throws Exception {
final String basePath = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient().getBasePath();
final Path archivePath = new Path(basePath + "/.hoodie/.commits_.archive*");
final Set<String> actionSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(filter.split(",")));
int numExports = limit == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : limit;
int numCopied = 0;
if (!new File(localFolder).isDirectory()) {
throw new HoodieException(localFolder + " is not a valid local directory");
// The non archived instants can be listed from the Timeline.
HoodieTimeline timeline = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient().getActiveTimeline().filterCompletedInstants().filter(i -> actionSet.contains(i.getAction()));
List<HoodieInstant> nonArchivedInstants = timeline.getInstants().collect(Collectors.toList());
// Archived instants are in the commit archive files
FileStatus[] statuses = FSUtils.getFs(basePath, HoodieCLI.conf).globStatus(archivePath);
List<FileStatus> archivedStatuses =, f2) -> (int) (f1.getModificationTime() - f2.getModificationTime())).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (descending) {
numCopied = copyNonArchivedInstants(nonArchivedInstants, numExports, localFolder);
if (numCopied < numExports) {
numCopied += copyArchivedInstants(archivedStatuses, actionSet, numExports - numCopied, localFolder);
} else {
numCopied = copyArchivedInstants(archivedStatuses, actionSet, numExports, localFolder);
if (numCopied < numExports) {
numCopied += copyNonArchivedInstants(nonArchivedInstants, numExports - numCopied, localFolder);
return "Exported " + numCopied + " Instants to " + localFolder;
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException in project hudi by apache.
the class HoodieSyncCommand method validateSync.
@CliCommand(value = "sync validate", help = "Validate the sync by counting the number of records")
public String validateSync(@CliOption(key = { "mode" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "complete", help = "Check mode") final String mode, @CliOption(key = { "sourceDb" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "rawdata", help = "source database") final String srcDb, @CliOption(key = { "targetDb" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "dwh_hoodie", help = "target database") final String tgtDb, @CliOption(key = { "partitionCount" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "5", help = "total number of recent partitions to validate") final int partitionCount, @CliOption(key = { "hiveServerUrl" }, mandatory = true, help = "hiveServerURL to connect to") final String hiveServerUrl, @CliOption(key = { "hiveUser" }, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "hive username to connect to") final String hiveUser, @CliOption(key = { "hivePass" }, mandatory = true, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "hive password to connect to") final String hivePass) throws Exception {
if (HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata == null) {
throw new HoodieException("Sync validate request target table not null.");
HoodieTableMetaClient target = HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata;
HoodieTimeline targetTimeline = target.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline();
HoodieTableMetaClient source = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient();
HoodieTimeline sourceTimeline = source.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsTimeline();
long sourceCount = 0;
long targetCount = 0;
if ("complete".equals(mode)) {
sourceCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, source, srcDb, hiveUser, hivePass);
targetCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, target, tgtDb, hiveUser, hivePass);
} else if ("latestPartitions".equals(mode)) {
sourceCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, source, srcDb, partitionCount, hiveUser, hivePass);
targetCount = HiveUtil.countRecords(hiveServerUrl, target, tgtDb, partitionCount, hiveUser, hivePass);
String targetLatestCommit = targetTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? targetTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
String sourceLatestCommit = sourceTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? sourceTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp() : "0";
if (sourceLatestCommit != null && HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(targetLatestCommit, HoodieTimeline.GREATER_THAN, sourceLatestCommit)) {
// source is behind the target
return getString(target, targetTimeline, source, sourceCount, targetCount, sourceLatestCommit);
} else {
return getString(source, sourceTimeline, target, targetCount, sourceCount, targetLatestCommit);
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException in project hudi by apache.
the class BootstrapCommand method createBootstrapIndexReader.
private BootstrapIndex.IndexReader createBootstrapIndexReader() {
HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient();
BootstrapIndex index = BootstrapIndex.getBootstrapIndex(metaClient);
if (!index.useIndex()) {
throw new HoodieException("This is not a bootstrapped Hudi table. Don't have any index info");
return index.createReader();
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException in project hudi by apache.
the class AbstractHoodieLogRecordReader method scan.
public synchronized void scan(Option<List<String>> keys) {
currentInstantLogBlocks = new ArrayDeque<>();
progress = 0.0f;
totalLogFiles = new AtomicLong(0);
totalRollbacks = new AtomicLong(0);
totalCorruptBlocks = new AtomicLong(0);
totalLogBlocks = new AtomicLong(0);
totalLogRecords = new AtomicLong(0);
HoodieLogFormatReader logFormatReaderWrapper = null;
HoodieTimeline commitsTimeline = this.hoodieTableMetaClient.getCommitsTimeline();
HoodieTimeline completedInstantsTimeline = commitsTimeline.filterCompletedInstants();
HoodieTimeline inflightInstantsTimeline = commitsTimeline.filterInflights();
try {
// Get the key field based on populate meta fields config
// and the table type
final String keyField = getKeyField();
// Iterate over the paths
logFormatReaderWrapper = new HoodieLogFormatReader(fs, -> new HoodieLogFile(new Path(logFile))).collect(Collectors.toList()), readerSchema, readBlocksLazily, reverseReader, bufferSize, !enableFullScan, keyField);
Set<HoodieLogFile> scannedLogFiles = new HashSet<>();
while (logFormatReaderWrapper.hasNext()) {
HoodieLogFile logFile = logFormatReaderWrapper.getLogFile();"Scanning log file " + logFile);
// Use the HoodieLogFileReader to iterate through the blocks in the log file
HoodieLogBlock logBlock =;
final String instantTime = logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME);
if (logBlock.getBlockType() != CORRUPT_BLOCK && !HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME), HoodieTimeline.LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, this.latestInstantTime)) {
// hit a block with instant time greater than should be processed, stop processing further
if (logBlock.getBlockType() != CORRUPT_BLOCK && logBlock.getBlockType() != COMMAND_BLOCK) {
if (!completedInstantsTimeline.containsOrBeforeTimelineStarts(instantTime) || inflightInstantsTimeline.containsInstant(instantTime)) {
// hit an uncommitted block possibly from a failed write, move to the next one and skip processing this one
if (instantRange.isPresent() && !instantRange.get().isInRange(instantTime)) {
// filter the log block by instant range
switch(logBlock.getBlockType()) {
case PARQUET_DATA_BLOCK:"Reading a data block from file " + logFile.getPath() + " at instant " + logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME));
if (isNewInstantBlock(logBlock) && !readBlocksLazily) {
// If this is an avro data block belonging to a different commit/instant,
// then merge the last blocks and records into the main result
processQueuedBlocksForInstant(currentInstantLogBlocks, scannedLogFiles.size(), keys);
// store the current block
case DELETE_BLOCK:"Reading a delete block from file " + logFile.getPath());
if (isNewInstantBlock(logBlock) && !readBlocksLazily) {
// If this is a delete data block belonging to a different commit/instant,
// then merge the last blocks and records into the main result
processQueuedBlocksForInstant(currentInstantLogBlocks, scannedLogFiles.size(), keys);
// store deletes so can be rolled back
// Consider the following scenario
// (Time 0, C1, Task T1) -> Running
// (Time 1, C1, Task T1) -> Failed (Wrote either a corrupt block or a correct
// DataBlock (B1) with commitTime C1
// (Time 2, C1, Task T1.2) -> Running (Task T1 was retried and the attempt number is 2)
// (Time 3, C1, Task T1.2) -> Finished (Wrote a correct DataBlock B2)
// Now a logFile L1 can have 2 correct Datablocks (B1 and B2) which are the same.
// Say, commit C1 eventually failed and a rollback is triggered.
// Rollback will write only 1 rollback block (R1) since it assumes one block is
// written per ingestion batch for a file but in reality we need to rollback (B1 & B2)
// The following code ensures the same rollback block (R1) is used to rollback
// both B1 & B2"Reading a command block from file " + logFile.getPath());
// This is a command block - take appropriate action based on the command
HoodieCommandBlock commandBlock = (HoodieCommandBlock) logBlock;
String targetInstantForCommandBlock = logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(HoodieLogBlock.HeaderMetadataType.TARGET_INSTANT_TIME);
switch(// there can be different types of command blocks
commandBlock.getType()) {
// Rollback the last read log block
// Get commit time from last record block, compare with targetCommitTime,
// rollback only if equal, this is required in scenarios of invalid/extra
// rollback blocks written due to failures during the rollback operation itself
// and ensures the same rollback block (R1) is used to rollback both B1 & B2 with
// same instant_time
int numBlocksRolledBack = 0;
while (!currentInstantLogBlocks.isEmpty()) {
HoodieLogBlock lastBlock = currentInstantLogBlocks.peek();
// handle corrupt blocks separately since they may not have metadata
if (lastBlock.getBlockType() == CORRUPT_BLOCK) {"Rolling back the last corrupted log block read in " + logFile.getPath());
} else if (targetInstantForCommandBlock.contentEquals(lastBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME))) {
// rollback last data block or delete block"Rolling back the last log block read in " + logFile.getPath());
} else if (!targetInstantForCommandBlock.contentEquals(currentInstantLogBlocks.peek().getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME))) {
// invalid or extra rollback block
LOG.warn("TargetInstantTime " + targetInstantForCommandBlock + " invalid or extra rollback command block in " + logFile.getPath());
} else {
// this should not happen ideally
LOG.warn("Unable to apply rollback command block in " + logFile.getPath());
}"Number of applied rollback blocks " + numBlocksRolledBack);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Command type not yet supported.");
case CORRUPT_BLOCK:"Found a corrupt block in " + logFile.getPath());
// If there is a corrupt block - we will assume that this was the next data block
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Block type not supported yet");
// merge the last read block when all the blocks are done reading
if (!currentInstantLogBlocks.isEmpty()) {"Merging the final data blocks");
processQueuedBlocksForInstant(currentInstantLogBlocks, scannedLogFiles.size(), keys);
// Done
progress = 1.0f;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Got IOException when reading log file", e);
throw new HoodieIOException("IOException when reading log file ", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Got exception when reading log file", e);
throw new HoodieException("Exception when reading log file ", e);
} finally {
try {
if (null != logFormatReaderWrapper) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Eat exception as we do not want to mask the original exception that can happen
LOG.error("Unable to close log format reader", ioe);