use of org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieTimelineArchiver method testMergeSmallArchiveFilesRecoverFromBuildPlanFailed.
@ValueSource(booleans = { true, false })
public void testMergeSmallArchiveFilesRecoverFromBuildPlanFailed(boolean enableArchiveMerge) throws Exception {
HoodieWriteConfig writeConfig = initTestTableAndGetWriteConfig(true, 2, 3, 2, enableArchiveMerge, 3, 209715200);
// do ingestion and trigger archive actions here.
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
testTable.doWriteOperation("0000000" + i, WriteOperationType.UPSERT, i == 1 ? Arrays.asList("p1", "p2") : Collections.emptyList(), Arrays.asList("p1", "p2"), 2);
// build a merge small archive plan with dummy content
// this plan can not be deserialized.
HoodieTable table = HoodieSparkTable.create(writeConfig, context, metaClient);
HoodieTimelineArchiver archiver = new HoodieTimelineArchiver(writeConfig, table);
FileStatus[] fsStatuses = metaClient.getFs().globStatus(new Path(metaClient.getArchivePath() + "/.commits_.archive*"));
List<String> candidateFiles = -> fs.getPath().toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Path plan = new Path(metaClient.getArchivePath(), HoodieArchivedTimeline.MERGE_ARCHIVE_PLAN_NAME);
archiver.buildArchiveMergePlan(candidateFiles, plan, ".commits_.archive.3_1-0-1");
String s = "Dummy Content";
// stain the current merge plan file.
FileIOUtils.createFileInPath(metaClient.getFs(), plan, Option.of(s.getBytes()));
// check that damaged plan file will not block archived timeline loading.
HoodieActiveTimeline rawActiveTimeline = new HoodieActiveTimeline(metaClient, false);
HoodieArchivedTimeline archivedTimeLine = metaClient.getArchivedTimeline().reload();
assertEquals(7 * 3, rawActiveTimeline.countInstants() + archivedTimeLine.countInstants());
// trigger several archive after left damaged merge small archive file plan.
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
testTable.doWriteOperation("1000000" + i, WriteOperationType.UPSERT, i == 1 ? Arrays.asList("p1", "p2") : Collections.emptyList(), Arrays.asList("p1", "p2"), 2);
// loading archived timeline and active timeline success
HoodieActiveTimeline rawActiveTimeline1 = new HoodieActiveTimeline(metaClient, false);
HoodieArchivedTimeline archivedTimeLine1 = metaClient.getArchivedTimeline().reload();
// check instant number
assertEquals(16 * 3, archivedTimeLine1.countInstants() + rawActiveTimeline1.countInstants());
// if there are damaged archive files and damaged plan, hoodie need throw ioe while loading archived timeline.
Path damagedFile = new Path(metaClient.getArchivePath(), ".commits_.archive.300_1-0-1");
FileIOUtils.createFileInPath(metaClient.getFs(), damagedFile, Option.of(s.getBytes()));
assertThrows(HoodieException.class, () -> metaClient.getArchivedTimeline().reload());
use of org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieFileWriterFactory method testGetFileWriter.
public void testGetFileWriter() throws IOException {
// parquet file format.
final String instantTime = "100";
final Path parquetPath = new Path(basePath + "/partition/path/f1_1-0-1_000.parquet");
final HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getConfig();
HoodieTable table = HoodieSparkTable.create(cfg, context, metaClient);
SparkTaskContextSupplier supplier = new SparkTaskContextSupplier();
HoodieFileWriter<IndexedRecord> parquetWriter = HoodieFileWriterFactory.getFileWriter(instantTime, parquetPath, table, cfg, HoodieTestDataGenerator.AVRO_SCHEMA, supplier);
assertTrue(parquetWriter instanceof HoodieParquetWriter);
// hfile format.
final Path hfilePath = new Path(basePath + "/partition/path/f1_1-0-1_000.hfile");
HoodieFileWriter<IndexedRecord> hfileWriter = HoodieFileWriterFactory.getFileWriter(instantTime, hfilePath, table, cfg, HoodieTestDataGenerator.AVRO_SCHEMA, supplier);
assertTrue(hfileWriter instanceof HoodieHFileWriter);
// orc file format.
final Path orcPath = new Path(basePath + "/partition/path/f1_1-0-1_000.orc");
HoodieFileWriter<IndexedRecord> orcFileWriter = HoodieFileWriterFactory.getFileWriter(instantTime, orcPath, table, cfg, HoodieTestDataGenerator.AVRO_SCHEMA, supplier);
assertTrue(orcFileWriter instanceof HoodieOrcWriter);
// other file format exception.
final Path logPath = new Path(basePath + "/partition/path/f.b51192a8-574b-4a85-b246-bcfec03ac8bf_100.log.2_1-0-1");
final Throwable thrown = assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> {
HoodieFileWriter<IndexedRecord> logWriter = HoodieFileWriterFactory.getFileWriter(instantTime, logPath, table, cfg, HoodieTestDataGenerator.AVRO_SCHEMA, supplier);
}, "should fail since log storage writer is not supported yet.");
assertTrue(thrown.getMessage().contains("format not supported yet."));
use of org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieRowCreateHandle method testGlobalFailure.
* Issue some corrupted or wrong schematized InternalRow after few valid InternalRows so that global error is thrown. write batch 1 of valid records write batch 2 of invalid records Global Error
* should be thrown.
public void testGlobalFailure() throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = SparkDatasetTestUtils.getConfigBuilder(basePath, timelineServicePort).build();
HoodieTable table = HoodieSparkTable.create(cfg, context, metaClient);
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[0];
// init some args
String fileId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String instantTime = "000";
HoodieRowCreateHandle handle = new HoodieRowCreateHandle(table, cfg, partitionPath, fileId, instantTime, RANDOM.nextInt(100000), RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong(), SparkDatasetTestUtils.STRUCT_TYPE);
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(1000);
int totalFailures = 5;
// Generate first batch of valid rows
Dataset<Row> inputRows = SparkDatasetTestUtils.getRandomRows(sqlContext, size / 2, partitionPath, false);
List<InternalRow> internalRows = SparkDatasetTestUtils.toInternalRows(inputRows, SparkDatasetTestUtils.ENCODER);
// generate some failures rows
for (int i = 0; i < totalFailures; i++) {
// generate 2nd batch of valid rows
Dataset<Row> inputRows2 = SparkDatasetTestUtils.getRandomRows(sqlContext, size / 2, partitionPath, false);
internalRows.addAll(SparkDatasetTestUtils.toInternalRows(inputRows2, SparkDatasetTestUtils.ENCODER));
// issue writes
try {
for (InternalRow internalRow : internalRows) {
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (Throwable e) {
// expected
// close the create handle
HoodieInternalWriteStatus writeStatus = handle.close();
List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>();
// verify write status
assertTrue(writeStatus.getGlobalError().getMessage().contains("java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String"));
assertEquals(writeStatus.getFileId(), fileId);
assertEquals(writeStatus.getPartitionPath(), partitionPath);
// verify rows
Dataset<Row> result = + "/" + partitionPath);
// passing only first batch of inputRows since after first batch global error would have been thrown
assertRows(inputRows, result, instantTime, fileNames);
use of org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable in project hudi by apache.
the class TestHoodieRowCreateHandle method testRowCreateHandle.
public void testRowCreateHandle() throws Exception {
// init config and table
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = SparkDatasetTestUtils.getConfigBuilder(basePath, timelineServicePort).build();
HoodieTable table = HoodieSparkTable.create(cfg, context, metaClient);
List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> fileAbsPaths = new ArrayList<>();
Dataset<Row> totalInputRows = null;
// one round per partition
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String partitionPath = HoodieTestDataGenerator.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATHS[i % 3];
// init some args
String fileId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String instantTime = "000";
HoodieRowCreateHandle handle = new HoodieRowCreateHandle(table, cfg, partitionPath, fileId, instantTime, RANDOM.nextInt(100000), RANDOM.nextLong(), RANDOM.nextLong(), SparkDatasetTestUtils.STRUCT_TYPE);
int size = 10 + RANDOM.nextInt(1000);
// Generate inputs
Dataset<Row> inputRows = SparkDatasetTestUtils.getRandomRows(sqlContext, size, partitionPath, false);
if (totalInputRows == null) {
totalInputRows = inputRows;
} else {
totalInputRows = totalInputRows.union(inputRows);
// issue writes
HoodieInternalWriteStatus writeStatus = writeAndGetWriteStatus(inputRows, handle);
fileAbsPaths.add(basePath + "/" + writeStatus.getStat().getPath());
// verify output
assertOutput(writeStatus, size, fileId, partitionPath, instantTime, totalInputRows, fileNames, fileAbsPaths);
use of org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable in project hudi by apache.
the class TestAsyncCompaction method testInterleavedCompaction.
public void testInterleavedCompaction() throws Exception {
// Case: Two delta commits before and after compaction schedule
HoodieWriteConfig cfg = getConfig(true);
try (SparkRDDWriteClient client = getHoodieWriteClient(cfg)) {
HoodieReadClient readClient = getHoodieReadClient(cfg.getBasePath());
String firstInstantTime = "001";
String secondInstantTime = "004";
String compactionInstantTime = "005";
String thirdInstantTime = "006";
String fourthInstantTime = "007";
int numRecs = 2000;
List<HoodieRecord> records = dataGen.generateInserts(firstInstantTime, numRecs);
records = runNextDeltaCommits(client, readClient, Arrays.asList(firstInstantTime, secondInstantTime), records, cfg, true, new ArrayList<>());
HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder().setConf(hadoopConf).setBasePath(cfg.getBasePath()).build();
HoodieTable hoodieTable = getHoodieTable(metaClient, cfg);
scheduleCompaction(compactionInstantTime, client, cfg);
runNextDeltaCommits(client, readClient, Arrays.asList(thirdInstantTime, fourthInstantTime), records, cfg, false, Arrays.asList(compactionInstantTime));
executeCompaction(compactionInstantTime, client, hoodieTable, cfg, numRecs, true);