use of org.apache.hudi.table.WorkloadStat in project hudi by apache.
the class JavaUpsertPartitioner method assignInserts.
private void assignInserts(WorkloadProfile profile, HoodieEngineContext context) {
// for new inserts, compute buckets depending on how many records we have for each partition
Set<String> partitionPaths = profile.getPartitionPaths();
long averageRecordSize = averageBytesPerRecord(table.getMetaClient().getActiveTimeline().getCommitTimeline().filterCompletedInstants(), config);"AvgRecordSize => " + averageRecordSize);
Map<String, List<SmallFile>> partitionSmallFilesMap = getSmallFilesForPartitions(new ArrayList<String>(partitionPaths), context);
for (String partitionPath : partitionPaths) {
WorkloadStat pStat = profile.getWorkloadStat(partitionPath);
WorkloadStat outputWorkloadStats = profile.getOutputPartitionPathStatMap().getOrDefault(partitionPath, new WorkloadStat());
if (pStat.getNumInserts() > 0) {
List<SmallFile> smallFiles = partitionSmallFilesMap.getOrDefault(partitionPath, new ArrayList<>());
this.smallFiles.addAll(smallFiles);"For partitionPath : " + partitionPath + " Small Files => " + smallFiles);
long totalUnassignedInserts = pStat.getNumInserts();
List<Integer> bucketNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
List<Long> recordsPerBucket = new ArrayList<>();
// first try packing this into one of the smallFiles
for (SmallFile smallFile : smallFiles) {
long recordsToAppend = Math.min((config.getParquetMaxFileSize() - smallFile.sizeBytes) / averageRecordSize, totalUnassignedInserts);
if (recordsToAppend > 0) {
// create a new bucket or re-use an existing bucket
int bucket;
if (updateLocationToBucket.containsKey(smallFile.location.getFileId())) {
bucket = updateLocationToBucket.get(smallFile.location.getFileId());"Assigning " + recordsToAppend + " inserts to existing update bucket " + bucket);
} else {
bucket = addUpdateBucket(partitionPath, smallFile.location.getFileId());"Assigning " + recordsToAppend + " inserts to new update bucket " + bucket);
if (profile.hasOutputWorkLoadStats()) {
outputWorkloadStats.addInserts(smallFile.location, recordsToAppend);
totalUnassignedInserts -= recordsToAppend;
// if we have anything more, create new insert buckets, like normal
if (totalUnassignedInserts > 0) {
long insertRecordsPerBucket = config.getCopyOnWriteInsertSplitSize();
if (config.shouldAutoTuneInsertSplits()) {
insertRecordsPerBucket = config.getParquetMaxFileSize() / averageRecordSize;
int insertBuckets = (int) Math.ceil((1.0 * totalUnassignedInserts) / insertRecordsPerBucket);"After small file assignment: unassignedInserts => " + totalUnassignedInserts + ", totalInsertBuckets => " + insertBuckets + ", recordsPerBucket => " + insertRecordsPerBucket);
for (int b = 0; b < insertBuckets; b++) {
if (b < insertBuckets - 1) {
} else {
recordsPerBucket.add(totalUnassignedInserts - (insertBuckets - 1) * insertRecordsPerBucket);
BucketInfo bucketInfo = new BucketInfo(BucketType.INSERT, FSUtils.createNewFileIdPfx(), partitionPath);
bucketInfoMap.put(totalBuckets, bucketInfo);
if (profile.hasOutputWorkLoadStats()) {
outputWorkloadStats.addInserts(new HoodieRecordLocation(HoodieWriteStat.NULL_COMMIT, bucketInfo.getFileIdPrefix()), recordsPerBucket.get(recordsPerBucket.size() - 1));
// Go over all such buckets, and assign weights as per amount of incoming inserts.
List<InsertBucketCumulativeWeightPair> insertBuckets = new ArrayList<>();
double currentCumulativeWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bucketNumbers.size(); i++) {
InsertBucket bkt = new InsertBucket();
bkt.bucketNumber = bucketNumbers.get(i);
bkt.weight = (1.0 * recordsPerBucket.get(i)) / pStat.getNumInserts();
currentCumulativeWeight += bkt.weight;
insertBuckets.add(new InsertBucketCumulativeWeightPair(bkt, currentCumulativeWeight));
}"Total insert buckets for partition path " + partitionPath + " => " + insertBuckets);
partitionPathToInsertBucketInfos.put(partitionPath, insertBuckets);
if (profile.hasOutputWorkLoadStats()) {
profile.updateOutputPartitionPathStatMap(partitionPath, outputWorkloadStats);
use of org.apache.hudi.table.WorkloadStat in project hudi by apache.
the class BaseSparkCommitActionExecutor method buildProfile.
private Pair<HashMap<String, WorkloadStat>, WorkloadStat> buildProfile(HoodieData<HoodieRecord<T>> inputRecords) {
HashMap<String, WorkloadStat> partitionPathStatMap = new HashMap<>();
WorkloadStat globalStat = new WorkloadStat();
// group the records by partitionPath + currentLocation combination, count the number of
// records in each partition
Map<Tuple2<String, Option<HoodieRecordLocation>>, Long> partitionLocationCounts = inputRecords.mapToPair(record -> Pair.of(new Tuple2<>(record.getPartitionPath(), Option.ofNullable(record.getCurrentLocation())), record)).countByKey();
// count the number of both inserts and updates in each partition, update the counts to workLoadStats
for (Map.Entry<Tuple2<String, Option<HoodieRecordLocation>>, Long> e : partitionLocationCounts.entrySet()) {
String partitionPath = e.getKey()._1();
Long count = e.getValue();
Option<HoodieRecordLocation> locOption = e.getKey()._2();
if (!partitionPathStatMap.containsKey(partitionPath)) {
partitionPathStatMap.put(partitionPath, new WorkloadStat());
if (locOption.isPresent()) {
// update
partitionPathStatMap.get(partitionPath).addUpdates(locOption.get(), count);
globalStat.addUpdates(locOption.get(), count);
} else {
// insert
return Pair.of(partitionPathStatMap, globalStat);