use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AUUIDFromStringConstructorDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private IPointable inputArg = new VoidPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private AMutableUUID uuid = new AMutableUUID();
private ISerializerDeserializer<AUUID> uuidSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AUUID);
private final UTF8StringPointable utf8Ptr = new UTF8StringPointable();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
eval.evaluate(tuple, inputArg);
byte[] serString = inputArg.getByteArray();
int start = inputArg.getStartOffset();
int len = inputArg.getLength();
if (serString[start] == ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
utf8Ptr.set(serString, start + 1, len - 1);
// first byte: tag, next x bytes: length
int offset = utf8Ptr.getCharStartOffset();
uuid.parseUUIDHexBytes(serString, offset);
uuidSerde.serialize(uuid, out);
} else {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, serString[start], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), e, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_UUID_TYPE_TAG);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AYearMonthDurationConstructorDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private IPointable inputArg = new VoidPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private AMutableYearMonthDuration aYearMonthDuration = new AMutableYearMonthDuration(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<AYearMonthDuration> yearMonthDurationSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AYEARMONTHDURATION);
private final UTF8StringPointable utf8Ptr = new UTF8StringPointable();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
eval.evaluate(tuple, inputArg);
byte[] serString = inputArg.getByteArray();
int offset = inputArg.getStartOffset();
int len = inputArg.getLength();
if (serString[offset] == ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
utf8Ptr.set(serString, offset + 1, len - 1);
int stringLength = utf8Ptr.getUTF8Length();
ADurationParserFactory.parseDuration(serString, utf8Ptr.getCharStartOffset(), stringLength, aYearMonthDuration, ADurationParseOption.YEAR_MONTH);
yearMonthDurationSerde.serialize(aYearMonthDuration, out);
} else {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, serString[offset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), e, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION_TYPE_TAG);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AFloatConstructorDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private IPointable inputArg = new VoidPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private final byte[] POSITIVE_INF = UTF8StringUtil.writeStringToBytes("INF");
private final byte[] NEGATIVE_INF = UTF8StringUtil.writeStringToBytes("-INF");
private final byte[] NAN = UTF8StringUtil.writeStringToBytes("NaN");
private IBinaryComparator utf8BinaryComparator = BinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
private AMutableFloat aFloat = new AMutableFloat(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<AFloat> floatSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AFLOAT);
private final UTF8StringPointable utf8Ptr = new UTF8StringPointable();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
eval.evaluate(tuple, inputArg);
byte[] serString = inputArg.getByteArray();
int offset = inputArg.getStartOffset();
int len = inputArg.getLength();
if (serString[offset] == ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
if (, offset + 1, len - 1, POSITIVE_INF, 0, 5) == 0) {
} else if (, offset + 1, len - 1, NEGATIVE_INF, 0, 6) == 0) {
} else if (, offset + 1, len - 1, NAN, 0, 5) == 0) {
} else {
utf8Ptr.set(serString, offset + 1, len - 1);
floatSerde.serialize(aFloat, out);
} else {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, serString[offset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), e, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_FLOAT_TYPE_TAG);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AInt16ConstructorDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private IPointable inputArg = new VoidPointable();
private IScalarEvaluator eval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private short value;
private int offset;
private boolean positive;
private AMutableInt16 aInt16 = new AMutableInt16((short) 0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt16> int16Serde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT16);
private final UTF8StringPointable utf8Ptr = new UTF8StringPointable();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
eval.evaluate(tuple, inputArg);
byte[] serString = inputArg.getByteArray();
int startOffset = inputArg.getStartOffset();
int len = inputArg.getLength();
if (serString[startOffset] == ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
utf8Ptr.set(serString, startOffset + 1, len - 1);
offset = utf8Ptr.getCharStartOffset();
//accumulating value in negative domain
//otherwise Short.MIN_VALUE = -(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1) would have caused overflow
value = 0;
positive = true;
short limit = -Short.MAX_VALUE;
if (serString[offset] == '+') {
} else if (serString[offset] == '-') {
positive = false;
limit = Short.MIN_VALUE;
int end = startOffset + len;
for (; offset < end; offset++) {
int digit;
if (serString[offset] >= '0' && serString[offset] <= '9') {
value = (short) (value * 10);
digit = serString[offset] - '0';
} else if (serString[offset] == 'i' && serString[offset + 1] == '1' && serString[offset + 2] == '6' && offset + 3 == end) {
} else {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INT16_TYPE_TAG);
if (value < limit + digit) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INT16_TYPE_TAG);
value = (short) (value - digit);
if (value > 0) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INT16_TYPE_TAG);
if (value < 0 && positive) {
value *= -1;
int16Serde.serialize(aInt16, out);
} else {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, serString[offset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), e, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INT16_TYPE_TAG);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ACircleConstructorDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
private final IPointable inputArg = new VoidPointable();
private final IScalarEvaluator eval = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
private final AMutablePoint aPoint = new AMutablePoint(0, 0);
private AMutableCircle aCircle = new AMutableCircle(null, 0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ACircle> circleSerde = SerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.ACIRCLE);
private final UTF8StringPointable utf8Ptr = new UTF8StringPointable();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
eval.evaluate(tuple, inputArg);
byte[] serString = inputArg.getByteArray();
int offset = inputArg.getStartOffset();
int len = inputArg.getLength();
if (serString[offset] == ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
utf8Ptr.set(serString, offset + 1, len - 1);
String s = utf8Ptr.toString();
int commaIndex = s.indexOf(',');
int spaceIndex = s.indexOf(' ', commaIndex + 1);
aPoint.setValue(Double.parseDouble(s.substring(0, commaIndex)), Double.parseDouble(s.substring(commaIndex + 1, spaceIndex)));
aCircle.setValue(aPoint, Double.parseDouble(s.substring(spaceIndex + 1, s.length())));
circleSerde.serialize(aCircle, out);
} else {
throw new TypeMismatchException(getIdentifier(), 0, serString[offset], ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_STRING_TYPE_TAG);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidDataFormatException(getIdentifier(), e, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_CIRCLE_TYPE_TAG);