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the class TestHiveIcebergInserts method testInsertFromSelectWithOrderBy.
* Testing map-reduce inserts.
* @throws IOException If there is an underlying IOException
public void testInsertFromSelectWithOrderBy() throws IOException {
Table table = testTables.createTable(shell, "customers", HiveIcebergStorageHandlerTestUtils.CUSTOMER_SCHEMA, fileFormat, HiveIcebergStorageHandlerTestUtils.CUSTOMER_RECORDS);
// We expect that there will be Mappers and Reducers here
shell.executeStatement("INSERT INTO customers SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY customer_id");
// Check that everything is duplicated as expected
List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(HiveIcebergStorageHandlerTestUtils.CUSTOMER_RECORDS);
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateData(table, records, 0);
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the class TestHiveIcebergOutputCommitter method testSuccessfulUnpartitionedWrite.
public void testSuccessfulUnpartitionedWrite() throws IOException {
HiveIcebergOutputCommitter committer = new HiveIcebergOutputCommitter();
Table table = table(temp.getRoot().getPath(), false);
JobConf conf = jobConf(table, 1);
List<Record> expected = writeRecords(, 1, 0, true, false, conf);
committer.commitJob(new JobContextImpl(conf, JOB_ID));
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateFiles(table, conf, JOB_ID, 1);
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateData(table, expected, 0);
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the class TestHiveIcebergOutputCommitter method testSuccessfulMultipleTasksUnpartitionedWrite.
public void testSuccessfulMultipleTasksUnpartitionedWrite() throws IOException {
HiveIcebergOutputCommitter committer = new HiveIcebergOutputCommitter();
Table table = table(temp.getRoot().getPath(), false);
JobConf conf = jobConf(table, 2);
List<Record> expected = writeRecords(, 2, 0, true, false, conf);
committer.commitJob(new JobContextImpl(conf, JOB_ID));
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateFiles(table, conf, JOB_ID, 2);
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateData(table, expected, 0);
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the class TestHiveIcebergOutputCommitter method testSuccessfulPartitionedWrite.
public void testSuccessfulPartitionedWrite() throws IOException {
HiveIcebergOutputCommitter committer = new HiveIcebergOutputCommitter();
Table table = table(temp.getRoot().getPath(), true);
JobConf conf = jobConf(table, 1);
List<Record> expected = writeRecords(, 1, 0, true, false, conf);
committer.commitJob(new JobContextImpl(conf, JOB_ID));
// Expecting 3 files with fanout-, 4 with ClusteredWriter where writing to already completed partitions is allowed.
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateFiles(table, conf, JOB_ID, 4);
HiveIcebergTestUtils.validateData(table, expected, 0);
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the class TestHiveIcebergSchemaEvolution method testAddColumnIntoStructToIcebergTable.
public void testAddColumnIntoStructToIcebergTable() throws IOException {
// Create an Iceberg table with the columns id and person, where person is a struct, consists of the
// columns first_name and last_name.
Schema schema = new Schema(required(1, "id", Types.LongType.get()), required(2, "person", Types.StructType.of(required(3, "first_name", Types.StringType.get()), required(4, "last_name", Types.StringType.get()))));
List<Record> people = TestHelper.generateRandomRecords(schema, 3, 0L);
Table icebergTable = testTables.createTable(shell, "people", schema, fileFormat, people);
// Add a new column (age long) to the Iceberg table into the person struct
icebergTable.updateSchema().addColumn("person", "age", Types.LongType.get()).commit();
Schema schemaWithAge = new Schema(required(1, "id", Types.LongType.get()), required(2, "person", Types.StructType.of(required(3, "first_name", Types.StringType.get()), required(4, "last_name", Types.StringType.get()), optional(5, "age", Types.LongType.get()))));
List<Record> newPeople = TestHelper.generateRandomRecords(schemaWithAge, 2, 10L);
// Also add a new entry to the table where the age column is set.
icebergTable = testTables.loadTable(TableIdentifier.of("default", "people"));
testTables.appendIcebergTable(shell.getHiveConf(), icebergTable, fileFormat, null, newPeople);
List<Record> sortedExpected = new ArrayList<>(people);
sortedExpected.sort(Comparator.comparingLong(record -> (Long) record.get(0)));
List<Object[]> rows = shell.executeStatement("SELECT id, person.first_name, person.last_name, person.age FROM default.people order by id");
Assert.assertEquals(sortedExpected.size(), rows.size());
for (int i = 0; i < sortedExpected.size(); i++) {
Object[] row = rows.get(i);
Long id = (Long) sortedExpected.get(i).get(0);
Record person = (Record) sortedExpected.get(i).getField("person");
String lastName = (String) person.getField("last_name");
String firstName = (String) person.getField("first_name");
Long age = null;
if (person.getField("age") != null) {
age = (Long) person.getField("age");
Assert.assertEquals(id, (Long) row[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(firstName, (String) row[1]);
Assert.assertEquals(lastName, (String) row[2]);
Assert.assertEquals(age, row[3]);
// Insert some data with age column from Hive. Insert an entry with null age and an entry with filled age.
shell.executeStatement("CREATE TABLE dummy_tbl (id bigint, first_name string, last_name string, age bigint)");
shell.executeStatement("INSERT INTO dummy_tbl VALUES (1, 'Lily', 'Blue', 34), (2, 'Roni', 'Grey', NULL)");
shell.executeStatement("INSERT INTO default.people SELECT id, named_struct('first_name', first_name, " + "'last_name', last_name, 'age', age) from dummy_tbl");
rows = shell.executeStatement("SELECT id, person.first_name, person.last_name, person.age FROM default.people " + "where id in (1, 2) order by id");
Assert.assertEquals(2, rows.size());
Assert.assertEquals((Long) 1L, (Long) rows.get(0)[0]);
Assert.assertEquals("Lily", (String) rows.get(0)[1]);
Assert.assertEquals("Blue", (String) rows.get(0)[2]);
Assert.assertEquals((Long) 34L, (Long) rows.get(0)[3]);
Assert.assertEquals((Long) 2L, (Long) rows.get(1)[0]);
Assert.assertEquals("Roni", (String) rows.get(1)[1]);
Assert.assertEquals("Grey", (String) rows.get(1)[2]);