use of org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteCacheProxy method query.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public <R> QueryCursor<R> query(Query<R> qry) {
A.notNull(qry, "qry");
GridCacheGateway<K, V> gate = this.gate;
CacheOperationContext prev = onEnter(gate, opCtx);
try {
CacheOperationContext opCtxCall = ctx.operationContextPerCall();
boolean keepBinary = opCtxCall != null && opCtxCall.isKeepBinary();
if (qry instanceof ContinuousQuery)
return (QueryCursor<R>) queryContinuous((ContinuousQuery<K, V>) qry, qry.isLocal(), keepBinary);
if (qry instanceof SqlQuery)
return (QueryCursor<R>) ctx.kernalContext().query().querySql(ctx, (SqlQuery) qry, keepBinary);
if (qry instanceof SqlFieldsQuery)
return (FieldsQueryCursor<R>) ctx.kernalContext().query().querySqlFields(ctx, (SqlFieldsQuery) qry, keepBinary);
if (qry instanceof ScanQuery)
return query((ScanQuery) qry, null, projection(qry.isLocal()));
return (QueryCursor<R>) query(qry, projection(qry.isLocal()));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof CacheException)
throw (CacheException) e;
throw new CacheException(e);
} finally {
onLeave(gate, prev);
use of org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery in project ignite by apache.
the class JettyRestProcessorAbstractSelfTest method initCache.
* Init cache.
protected void initCache() {
CacheConfiguration typedCache = new CacheConfiguration<>("test_typed_access");
CacheConfiguration<Integer, Organization> orgCacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("organization");
orgCacheCfg.setIndexedTypes(Integer.class, Organization.class);
IgniteCache<Integer, Organization> orgCache = ignite(0).getOrCreateCache(orgCacheCfg);
Organization o1 = new Organization(1, "o1");
Organization o2 = new Organization(2, "o2");
orgCache.put(1, o1);
orgCache.put(2, o2);
CacheConfiguration<Integer, Person> personCacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>("person");
personCacheCfg.setIndexedTypes(Integer.class, Person.class);
IgniteCache<Integer, Person> personCache = grid(0).getOrCreateCache(personCacheCfg);
Person p1 = new Person(1, "John", "Doe", 2000);
Person p2 = new Person(1, "Jane", "Doe", 1000);
Person p3 = new Person(2, "John", "Smith", 1000);
Person p4 = new Person(2, "Jane", "Smith", 2000);
personCache.put(p1.getId(), p1);
personCache.put(p2.getId(), p2);
personCache.put(p3.getId(), p3);
personCache.put(p4.getId(), p4);
SqlQuery<Integer, Person> qry = new SqlQuery<>(Person.class, "salary > ? and salary <= ?");
qry.setArgs(1000, 2000);
assertEquals(2, personCache.query(qry).getAll().size());
use of org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteTxMultiNodeAbstractTest method onRemoveItemQueried.
* @param putCntr Put counter to cache.
* @param ignite Grid.
* @param retry Retry count.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void onRemoveItemQueried(boolean putCntr, Ignite ignite, int retry) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IgniteCache<String, Integer> cache = ignite.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
UUID locId = ignite.cluster().localNode().id();
UUID cntrPrimaryId = primaryId(ignite, RMVD_CNTR_KEY);
boolean isCntrPrimary = cntrPrimaryId.equals(locId);
try (Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ)) {
if (DEBUG)
ignite.log().info("Before item lock [retry=" + retry + ", xid=" + tx.xid() + ", node=" + + ", isCntrPrimary=" + isCntrPrimary + ", nearId=" + locId + ", nearEntry=" + nearEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) + (isCntrPrimary ? ", dhtEntry=" + dhtEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) : "") + ']');
Integer cntr = cache.get(RMVD_CNTR_KEY);
assert cntr != null : "Received null counter [retry=" + retry + ", isCntrPrimary=" + isCntrPrimary + ", nearEntry=" + nearEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) + (isCntrPrimary ? ", dhtEntry=" + dhtEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) : "") + ']';
int newVal = cntr - 1;
if (putCntr) {
if (DEBUG)
ignite.log().info("Before item put counter [retry=" + retry + ", isCntrPrimary=" + isCntrPrimary + ", cur=" + cntr + ", new=" + newVal + ", nearEntry=" + nearEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) + (isCntrPrimary ? ", dhtEntry=" + dhtEntry(locId, RMVD_CNTR_KEY) : "") + ']');
cache.put(RMVD_CNTR_KEY, newVal);
while (true) {
SqlQuery<String, Integer> qry = new SqlQuery<>(Integer.class, "_key != 'RMVD_CNTR_KEY' and _val >= 0");
if (DEBUG)
ignite.log().info("Before executing query [retry=" + retry + ", locId=" + locId + ", txId=" + tx.xid() + ']');
Cache.Entry<String, Integer> entry = F.first(cache.query(qry).getAll());
if (entry == null) {
ignite.log().info("*** Queue is empty.");
String itemKey = entry.getKey();
UUID itemPrimaryId = primaryId(ignite, itemKey);
// Lock the item key.
if (cache.get(itemKey) != null) {
if (DEBUG)
ignite.log().info("Before item remove [retry=" + retry + ", key=" + itemKey + ", cur=" + cntr + ", nearEntry=" + nearEntry(locId, itemKey) + ", dhtEntry=" + dhtEntry(itemPrimaryId, itemKey) + ']');
assert cache.remove(itemKey) : "Failed to remove key [locId=" + locId + ", primaryId=" + itemPrimaryId + ", key=" + itemKey + ']';
if (DEBUG)
info("After item remove item [retry=" + retry + ", key=" + itemKey + ", cur=" + cntr + ", new=" + newVal + ", nearEntry=" + nearEntry(locId, itemKey) + ", dhtEntry=" + dhtEntry(itemPrimaryId, itemKey) + ']');
} else
} catch (Error e) {
ignite.log().error("Error in test.", e);
throw e;
use of org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteRepositoryQuery method prepareQuery.
* @param prmtrs Prmtrs.
* @return prepared query for execution
private Query prepareQuery(Object[] prmtrs) {
Object[] parameters = prmtrs;
String sql = qry.sql();
Query query;
switch(qry.options()) {
sql = IgniteQueryGenerator.addSorting(new StringBuilder(sql), (Sort) parameters[parameters.length - 1]).toString();
parameters = Arrays.copyOfRange(parameters, 0, parameters.length - 1);
sql = IgniteQueryGenerator.addPaging(new StringBuilder(sql), (Pageable) parameters[parameters.length - 1]).toString();
parameters = Arrays.copyOfRange(parameters, 0, parameters.length - 1);
if (qry.isFieldQuery()) {
SqlFieldsQuery sqlFieldsQry = new SqlFieldsQuery(sql);
query = sqlFieldsQry;
} else {
SqlQuery sqlQry = new SqlQuery(type, sql);
query = sqlQry;
return query;
use of org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteCacheDistributedPartitionQuerySelfTest method testLocalQuery.
* Tests local query over partitions.
public void testLocalQuery() {
Affinity<Object> affinity = grid(0).affinity("cl");
int[] parts = affinity.primaryPartitions(grid(0).localNode());
IgniteCache<ClientKey, Client> cl = grid(0).cache("cl");
SqlQuery<ClientKey, Client> qry1 = new SqlQuery<>(Client.class, "1=1");
List<Cache.Entry<ClientKey, Client>> clients = cl.query(qry1).getAll();
for (Cache.Entry<ClientKey, Client> client : clients) assertEquals("Incorrect partition", parts[0], affinity.partition(client.getKey()));
SqlFieldsQuery qry2 = new SqlFieldsQuery("select cl._KEY, cl._VAL from \"cl\".Client cl");
List<List<?>> rows = cl.query(qry2).getAll();
for (List<?> row : rows) assertEquals("Incorrect partition", parts[0], affinity.partition(row.get(0)));