use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DirectMessageReader method readShort.
* {@inheritDoc}
public short readShort(String name) {
DirectByteBufferStream stream = state.item().stream;
short val = stream.readShort();
lastRead = stream.lastFinished();
return val;
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DirectMessageReader method readBooleanArray.
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean[] readBooleanArray(String name) {
DirectByteBufferStream stream = state.item().stream;
boolean[] arr = stream.readBooleanArray();
lastRead = stream.lastFinished();
return arr;
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DirectMessageReader method readIgniteUuid.
* {@inheritDoc}
public IgniteUuid readIgniteUuid(String name) {
DirectByteBufferStream stream = state.item().stream;
IgniteUuid val = stream.readIgniteUuid();
lastRead = stream.lastFinished();
return val;
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DirectMessageReader method readShortArray.
* {@inheritDoc}
public short[] readShortArray(String name) {
DirectByteBufferStream stream = state.item().stream;
short[] arr = stream.readShortArray();
lastRead = stream.lastFinished();
return arr;
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DirectMessageReader method readByteArray.
* {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] readByteArray(String name) {
DirectByteBufferStream stream = state.item().stream;
byte[] arr = stream.readByteArray();
lastRead = stream.lastFinished();
return arr;