use of org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException in project ignite by apache.
the class CacheMemoryPolicyConfigurationTest method testTooSmallMemoryPolicy.
* Verifies that {@link IgniteOutOfMemoryException} is thrown when cache is configured with too small MemoryPolicy.
public void testTooSmallMemoryPolicy() throws Exception {
memCfg = new MemoryConfiguration();
MemoryPolicyConfiguration dfltPlcCfg = new MemoryPolicyConfiguration();
dfltPlcCfg.setInitialSize(10 * 1024 * 1024);
dfltPlcCfg.setMaxSize(10 * 1024 * 1024);
MemoryPolicyConfiguration bigPlcCfg = new MemoryPolicyConfiguration();
bigPlcCfg.setMaxSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
memCfg.setMemoryPolicies(dfltPlcCfg, bigPlcCfg);
ccfg = new CacheConfiguration(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
IgniteEx ignite0 = startGrid(0);
IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = ignite0.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
boolean oomeThrown = false;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 500_000; i++) cache.put(i, "abc");
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwable cause = e;
do {
if (cause instanceof IgniteOutOfMemoryException) {
oomeThrown = true;
if (cause == null)
if (cause.getSuppressed() == null || cause.getSuppressed().length == 0)
cause = cause.getCause();
cause = cause.getSuppressed()[0];
} while (true);
if (!oomeThrown)
fail("OutOfMemoryException hasn't been thrown");
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteCacheDatabaseSharedManager method ensureFreeSpaceForInsert.
* Checks that the given {@code region} has enough space for putting a new entry.
* This method makes sense then and only then
* the data region is not persisted {@link DataRegionConfiguration#isPersistenceEnabled()}
* and page eviction is disabled {@link DataPageEvictionMode#DISABLED}.
* The non-persistent region should reserve a number of pages to support a free list {@link AbstractFreeList}.
* For example, removing a row from underlying store may require allocating a new data page
* in order to move a tracked page from one bucket to another one which does not have a free space for a new stripe.
* See {@link AbstractFreeList#removeDataRowByLink}.
* Therefore, inserting a new entry should be prevented in case of some threshold is exceeded.
* @param region Data region to be checked.
* @param dataRowSize Size of data row to be inserted.
* @throws IgniteOutOfMemoryException In case of the given data region does not have enough free space
* for putting a new entry.
public void ensureFreeSpaceForInsert(DataRegion region, int dataRowSize) throws IgniteOutOfMemoryException {
if (region == null)
DataRegionConfiguration regCfg = region.config();
if (regCfg.getPageEvictionMode() != DataPageEvictionMode.DISABLED || regCfg.isPersistenceEnabled())
long memorySize = regCfg.getMaxSize();
PageMemory pageMem = region.pageMemory();
CacheFreeList freeList = freeListMap.get(regCfg.getName());
long nonEmptyPages = (pageMem.loadedPages() - freeList.emptyDataPages());
// The maximum number of pages that can be allocated (memorySize / systemPageSize)
// should be greater or equal to pages required for inserting a new entry plus
// the current number of non-empty pages plus the number of pages that may be required in order to move
// all pages to a reuse bucket, that is equal to nonEmptyPages * 8 / pageSize, where 8 is the size of a link.
// Note that not the whole page can be used to storing links,
// see PagesListNodeIO and PagesListMetaIO#getCapacity(), so we pessimistically multiply the result on 1.5,
// in any way, the number of required pages is less than 1 percent.
boolean oomThreshold = (memorySize / pageMem.systemPageSize()) < ((double) dataRowSize / pageMem.pageSize() + nonEmptyPages * (8.0 * 1.5 / pageMem.pageSize() + 1) + 256);
if (oomThreshold) {
IgniteOutOfMemoryException oom = new IgniteOutOfMemoryException("Out of memory in data region [" + "name=" + regCfg.getName() + ", initSize=" + U.readableSize(regCfg.getInitialSize(), false) + ", maxSize=" + U.readableSize(regCfg.getMaxSize(), false) + ", persistenceEnabled=" + regCfg.isPersistenceEnabled() + "] Try the following:" + + " ^-- Increase maximum off-heap memory size (DataRegionConfiguration.maxSize)" + + " ^-- Enable Ignite persistence (DataRegionConfiguration.persistenceEnabled)" + + " ^-- Enable eviction or expiration policies");
if (cctx.kernalContext() != null)
cctx.kernalContext().failure().process(new FailureContext(FailureType.CRITICAL_ERROR, oom));
throw oom;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException in project ignite by apache.
the class PageMemoryImplTest method testCheckpointProtocolCannotReplaceUnwrittenPage.
* @throws Exception if failed.
public void testCheckpointProtocolCannotReplaceUnwrittenPage() throws Exception {
TestPageStoreManager pageStoreMgr = new TestPageStoreManager();
// Create a 1 mb page memory.
PageMemoryImpl memory = createPageMemory(1, PageMemoryImpl.ThrottlingPolicy.TARGET_RATIO_BASED, pageStoreMgr, pageStoreMgr, null);
int initPageCnt = 500;
List<FullPageId> allocated = new ArrayList<>(initPageCnt);
for (int i = 0; i < initPageCnt; i++) {
long id = memory.allocatePage(1, INDEX_PARTITION, FLAG_IDX);
FullPageId fullId = new FullPageId(id, 1);
writePage(memory, fullId, (byte) 1);
// CP Write lock.
memory.beginCheckpoint(new GridFinishedFuture());
// CP Write unlock.
byte[] buf = new byte[PAGE_SIZE];
memory.checkpointWritePage(allocated.get(0), ByteBuffer.wrap(buf), (fullPageId, buf0, tag) -> {
boolean oom = false;
try {
// Try force page replacement.
while (true) {
memory.allocatePage(1, INDEX_PARTITION, FLAG_IDX);
} catch (IgniteOutOfMemoryException ex) {
oom = true;
assertTrue("Should oom before check replaced page.", oom);
assertTrue("Missing page: " + fullPageId, memory.hasLoadedPage(fullPageId));
}, null);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException in project ignite by apache.
the class PageMemoryNoLoadSelfTest method testLoadedPagesCount.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testLoadedPagesCount() throws Exception {
PageMemory mem = memory();
int expPages = MAX_MEMORY_SIZE / mem.systemPageSize();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < expPages * 2; i++) allocatePage(mem);
} catch (IgniteOutOfMemoryException e) {
// Expected.
assertEquals(mem.loadedPages(), expPages);
} finally {
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException in project ignite by apache.
the class AlignedBuffers method allocate.
* Allocates align memory for use with O_DIRECT and returns native byte buffer.
* @param fsBlockSize alignment, FS ans OS block size.
* @param size capacity.
* @return byte buffer, to be released by {@link #free(ByteBuffer)}.
public static ByteBuffer allocate(int fsBlockSize, int size) {
assert fsBlockSize > 0;
assert size > 0;
PointerByReference refToPtr = new PointerByReference();
int retVal = IgniteNativeIoLib.posix_memalign(refToPtr, new NativeLong(fsBlockSize), new NativeLong(size));
if (retVal != 0)
throw new IgniteOutOfMemoryException("Failed to allocate memory: " + IgniteNativeIoLib.strerror(retVal));
return GridUnsafe.wrapPointer(Pointer.nativeValue(refToPtr.getValue()), size);