use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.PartitionUpdateCounter in project ignite by apache.
the class PartitionUpdateCounterTest method testMaxGaps.
* Test logic for handling gaps limit.
public void testMaxGaps() {
PartitionUpdateCounter pc = new PartitionUpdateCounterTrackingImpl(null);
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= PartitionUpdateCounterTrackingImpl.MAX_MISSED_UPDATES; i++) pc.update(i * 3, i * 3 + 1);
try {
pc.update(i * 3, i * 3 + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Expected.
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.PartitionUpdateCounter in project ignite by apache.
the class ValidateIndexesClosure method calcCacheSize.
* Calculation of caches size with divided by tables.
* @param grpCtx Cache group context.
* @param locPart Local partition.
* @return Cache size representation object.
private CacheSize calcCacheSize(CacheGroupContext grpCtx, GridDhtLocalPartition locPart) {
try {
if (validateCtx.isCancelled())
return new CacheSize(null, emptyMap());
@Nullable PartitionUpdateCounter updCntr = locPart.dataStore().partUpdateCounter();
PartitionUpdateCounter updateCntrBefore = updCntr == null ? updCntr : updCntr.copy();
int grpId = grpCtx.groupId();
if (failCalcCacheSizeGrpIds.contains(grpId))
return new CacheSize(null, null);
boolean reserve = false;
int partId =;
try {
if (!(reserve = locPart.reserve()))
throw new IgniteException("Can't reserve partition");
if (locPart.state() != OWNING)
throw new IgniteException("Partition not in state " + OWNING);
Map<Integer, Map<String, AtomicLong>> cacheSizeByTbl = new HashMap<>();
GridIterator<CacheDataRow> partIter = grpCtx.offheap().partitionIterator(partId);
GridQueryProcessor qryProcessor = ignite.context().query();
IgniteH2Indexing h2Indexing = (IgniteH2Indexing) qryProcessor.getIndexing();
while (partIter.hasNextX() && !failCalcCacheSizeGrpIds.contains(grpId)) {
CacheDataRow cacheDataRow = partIter.nextX();
int cacheId = cacheDataRow.cacheId();
GridCacheContext cacheCtx = cacheId == 0 ? grpCtx.singleCacheContext() : grpCtx.shared().cacheContext(cacheId);
if (cacheCtx == null)
throw new IgniteException("Unknown cacheId of CacheDataRow: " + cacheId);
if ( == 0L)
throw new IgniteException("Contains invalid partition row, possibly deleted");
String cacheName =;
QueryTypeDescriptorImpl qryTypeDesc = qryProcessor.typeByValue(cacheName, cacheCtx.cacheObjectContext(), cacheDataRow.key(), cacheDataRow.value(), true);
if (isNull(qryTypeDesc))
// Tolerate - (k, v) is just not indexed.
String tableName = qryTypeDesc.tableName();
GridH2Table gridH2Tbl = h2Indexing.schemaManager().dataTable(cacheName, tableName);
if (isNull(gridH2Tbl))
// Tolerate - (k, v) is just not indexed.
cacheSizeByTbl.computeIfAbsent(cacheCtx.cacheId(), i -> new HashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(tableName, s -> new AtomicLong()).incrementAndGet();
PartitionUpdateCounter updateCntrAfter = locPart.dataStore().partUpdateCounter();
if (updateCntrAfter != null && !updateCntrAfter.equals(updateCntrBefore)) {
throw new GridNotIdleException(GRID_NOT_IDLE_MSG + "[grpName=" + grpCtx.cacheOrGroupName() + ", grpId=" + grpCtx.groupId() + ", partId=" + + "] changed during size " + "calculation [updCntrBefore=" + updateCntrBefore + ", updCntrAfter=" + updateCntrAfter + "]");
return new CacheSize(null, cacheSizeByTbl);
} catch (Throwable t) {
IgniteException cacheSizeErr = new IgniteException("Cache size calculation error [" + cacheGrpInfo(grpCtx) + ", locParId=" + partId + ", err=" + t.getMessage() + "]", t);
error(log, cacheSizeErr);
return new CacheSize(cacheSizeErr, null);
} finally {
if (reserve)
} finally {
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.PartitionUpdateCounter in project ignite by apache.
the class ValidateIndexesClosure method call0.
private VisorValidateIndexesJobResult call0() {
if (validateCtx.isCancelled())
throw new IgniteException(CANCELLED_MSG);
Set<Integer> grpIds = collectGroupIds();
* Update counters per partition per group.
final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, PartitionUpdateCounter>> partsWithCntrsPerGrp = getUpdateCountersSnapshot(ignite, grpIds);
IdleVerifyUtility.IdleChecker idleChecker = new IdleVerifyUtility.IdleChecker(ignite, partsWithCntrsPerGrp);
List<T2<CacheGroupContext, GridDhtLocalPartition>> partArgs = new ArrayList<>();
List<T2<GridCacheContext, Index>> idxArgs = new ArrayList<>();
totalCacheGrps = grpIds.size();
Map<Integer, IndexIntegrityCheckIssue> integrityCheckResults = integrityCheckIndexesPartitions(grpIds, idleChecker);
GridQueryProcessor qryProcessor = ignite.context().query();
IgniteH2Indexing h2Indexing = (IgniteH2Indexing) qryProcessor.getIndexing();
for (Integer grpId : grpIds) {
CacheGroupContext grpCtx = ignite.context().cache().cacheGroup(grpId);
if (isNull(grpCtx) || integrityCheckResults.containsKey(grpId))
for (GridDhtLocalPartition part : grpCtx.topology().localPartitions()) partArgs.add(new T2<>(grpCtx, part));
for (GridCacheContext ctx : grpCtx.caches()) {
String cacheName =;
if (cacheNames == null || cacheNames.contains(cacheName)) {
Collection<GridQueryTypeDescriptor> types = qryProcessor.types(cacheName);
if (F.isEmpty(types))
for (GridQueryTypeDescriptor type : types) {
GridH2Table gridH2Tbl = h2Indexing.schemaManager().dataTable(cacheName, type.tableName());
if (isNull(gridH2Tbl))
for (Index idx : gridH2Tbl.getIndexes()) {
if (idx instanceof H2TreeIndexBase)
idxArgs.add(new T2<>(ctx, idx));
// To decrease contention on same indexes.
totalPartitions = partArgs.size();
totalIndexes = idxArgs.size();
List<Future<Map<PartitionKey, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult>>> procPartFutures = new ArrayList<>(partArgs.size());
List<Future<Map<String, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult>>> procIdxFutures = new ArrayList<>(idxArgs.size());
List<T3<CacheGroupContext, GridDhtLocalPartition, Future<CacheSize>>> cacheSizeFutures = new ArrayList<>(partArgs.size());
List<T3<GridCacheContext, Index, Future<T2<Throwable, Long>>>> idxSizeFutures = new ArrayList<>(idxArgs.size());
partArgs.forEach(k -> procPartFutures.add(processPartitionAsync(k.get1(), k.get2())));
idxArgs.forEach(k -> procIdxFutures.add(processIndexAsync(k, idleChecker)));
if (checkSizes) {
for (T2<CacheGroupContext, GridDhtLocalPartition> partArg : partArgs) {
CacheGroupContext cacheGrpCtx = partArg.get1();
GridDhtLocalPartition locPart = partArg.get2();
cacheSizeFutures.add(new T3<>(cacheGrpCtx, locPart, calcCacheSizeAsync(cacheGrpCtx, locPart)));
for (T2<GridCacheContext, Index> idxArg : idxArgs) {
GridCacheContext cacheCtx = idxArg.get1();
Index idx = idxArg.get2();
idxSizeFutures.add(new T3<>(cacheCtx, idx, calcIndexSizeAsync(cacheCtx, idx, idleChecker)));
Map<PartitionKey, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult> partResults = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult> idxResults = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ValidateIndexesCheckSizeResult> checkSizeResults = new HashMap<>();
int curPart = 0;
int curIdx = 0;
int curCacheSize = 0;
int curIdxSize = 0;
try {
for (; curPart < procPartFutures.size(); curPart++) {
Future<Map<PartitionKey, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult>> fut = procPartFutures.get(curPart);
Map<PartitionKey, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult> partRes = fut.get();
if (!partRes.isEmpty() && partRes.entrySet().stream().anyMatch(e -> !e.getValue().issues().isEmpty()))
for (; curIdx < procIdxFutures.size(); curIdx++) {
Future<Map<String, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult>> fut = procIdxFutures.get(curIdx);
Map<String, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult> idxRes = fut.get();
if (!idxRes.isEmpty() && idxRes.entrySet().stream().anyMatch(e -> !e.getValue().issues().isEmpty()))
if (checkSizes) {
for (; curCacheSize < cacheSizeFutures.size(); curCacheSize++) cacheSizeFutures.get(curCacheSize).get3().get();
for (; curIdxSize < idxSizeFutures.size(); curIdxSize++) idxSizeFutures.get(curIdxSize).get3().get();
checkSizes(cacheSizeFutures, idxSizeFutures, checkSizeResults);
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, PartitionUpdateCounter>> partsWithCntrsPerGrpAfterChecks = getUpdateCountersSnapshot(ignite, grpIds);
List<Integer> diff = compareUpdateCounters(ignite, partsWithCntrsPerGrp, partsWithCntrsPerGrpAfterChecks);
if (!F.isEmpty(diff)) {
String res = formatUpdateCountersDiff(ignite, diff);
if (!res.isEmpty())
throw new GridNotIdleException(GRID_NOT_IDLE_MSG + "[" + res + "]");
log.warning("ValidateIndexesClosure finished: processed " + totalPartitions + " partitions and " + totalIndexes + " indexes.");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
for (int j = curPart; j < procPartFutures.size(); j++) procPartFutures.get(j).cancel(false);
for (int j = curIdx; j < procIdxFutures.size(); j++) procIdxFutures.get(j).cancel(false);
for (int j = curCacheSize; j < cacheSizeFutures.size(); j++) cacheSizeFutures.get(j).get3().cancel(false);
for (int j = curIdxSize; j < idxSizeFutures.size(); j++) idxSizeFutures.get(j).get3().cancel(false);
throw unwrapFutureException(e);
if (validateCtx.isCancelled())
throw new IgniteException(CANCELLED_MSG);
return new VisorValidateIndexesJobResult(partResults, idxResults, integrityCheckResults.values(), checkSizeResults);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.PartitionUpdateCounter in project ignite by apache.
the class ValidateIndexesClosure method processPartition.
* @param grpCtx Group context.
* @param part Local partition.
private Map<PartitionKey, ValidateIndexesPartitionResult> processPartition(CacheGroupContext grpCtx, GridDhtLocalPartition part) {
if (validateCtx.isCancelled() || !part.reserve())
return emptyMap();
ValidateIndexesPartitionResult partRes;
try {
if (part.state() != OWNING)
return emptyMap();
@Nullable PartitionUpdateCounter updCntr = part.dataStore().partUpdateCounter();
PartitionUpdateCounter updateCntrBefore = updCntr == null ? null : updCntr.copy();
partRes = new ValidateIndexesPartitionResult();
boolean hasMvcc = grpCtx.caches().stream().anyMatch(GridCacheContext::mvccEnabled);
if (hasMvcc) {
for (GridCacheContext<?, ?> context : grpCtx.caches()) {
try (Session session = mvccSession(context)) {
MvccSnapshot mvccSnapshot = null;
boolean mvccEnabled = context.mvccEnabled();
if (mvccEnabled)
mvccSnapshot = ((QueryContext) session.getVariable(H2Utils.QCTX_VARIABLE_NAME).getObject()).mvccSnapshot();
GridIterator<CacheDataRow> iterator = grpCtx.offheap().cachePartitionIterator(context.cacheId(),, mvccSnapshot, null);
processPartIterator(grpCtx, partRes, session, iterator);
} else
processPartIterator(grpCtx, partRes, null, grpCtx.offheap().partitionIterator(;
PartitionUpdateCounter updateCntrAfter = part.dataStore().partUpdateCounter();
if (updateCntrAfter != null && !updateCntrAfter.equals(updateCntrBefore)) {
throw new GridNotIdleException(GRID_NOT_IDLE_MSG + "[grpName=" + grpCtx.cacheOrGroupName() + ", grpId=" + grpCtx.groupId() + ", partId=" + + "] changed during index validation " + "[before=" + updateCntrBefore + ", after=" + updateCntrAfter + "]");
} catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
error(log, "Failed to process partition [grpId=" + grpCtx.groupId() + ", partId=" + + "]", e);
return emptyMap();
} finally {
PartitionKey partKey = new PartitionKey(grpCtx.groupId(),, grpCtx.cacheOrGroupName());
return Collections.singletonMap(partKey, partRes);