use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteFailoverAbstractBenchmark method awaitPartitionMapExchange.
* Awaits for partitiona map exchage.
* @param ignite Ignite.
* @throws Exception If failed.
protected static void awaitPartitionMapExchange(Ignite ignite) throws Exception {
IgniteLogger log = ignite.log();"Waiting for finishing of a partition exchange on node: " + ignite);
IgniteKernal kernal = (IgniteKernal) ignite;
while (true) {
boolean partitionsExchangeFinished = true;
for (IgniteInternalCache<?, ?> cache : kernal.cachesx(null)) {"Checking cache: " +;
GridCacheAdapter<?, ?> c = kernal.internalCache(;
if (!(c instanceof GridDhtCacheAdapter))
GridDhtCacheAdapter<?, ?> dht = (GridDhtCacheAdapter<?, ?>) c;
GridDhtPartitionFullMap partMap = dht.topology().partitionMap(true);
for (Map.Entry<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> e : partMap.entrySet()) {"Checking node: " + e.getKey());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, GridDhtPartitionState> e1 : e.getValue().entrySet()) {
if (e1.getValue() != GridDhtPartitionState.OWNING) {"Undesired state [id=" + e1.getKey() + ", state=" + e1.getValue() + ']');
partitionsExchangeFinished = false;
if (!partitionsExchangeFinished)
if (!partitionsExchangeFinished)
if (partitionsExchangeFinished)
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap in project ignite by apache.
the class GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl method removeNode.
* @param nodeId Node to remove.
private void removeNode(UUID nodeId) {
assert nodeId != null;
ClusterNode oldest = discoCache.oldestAliveServerNode();
assert oldest != null || cctx.kernalContext().clientNode();
ClusterNode loc = cctx.localNode();
if (node2part != null) {
if (loc.equals(oldest) && !node2part.nodeId().equals( {
node2part = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap(, loc.order(), updateSeq.incrementAndGet(), node2part, false);
} else
node2part = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap(node2part, node2part.updateSequence());
GridDhtPartitionMap parts = node2part.remove(nodeId);
if (parts != null) {
for (Integer p : parts.keySet()) {
Set<UUID> nodeIds = part2node.get(p);
if (nodeIds != null) {
if (nodeIds.isEmpty())
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap in project ignite by apache.
the class GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl method update.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@SuppressWarnings({ "MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection" })
public GridDhtPartitionMap update(@Nullable GridDhtPartitionExchangeId exchId, GridDhtPartitionMap parts) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Updating single partition map [exchId=" + exchId + ", parts=" + mapString(parts) + ']');
if (!cctx.discovery().alive(parts.nodeId())) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Received partition update for non-existing node (will ignore) [exchId=" + exchId + ", parts=" + parts + ']');
return null;
try {
if (stopping)
return null;
if (lastExchangeId != null && exchId != null && lastExchangeId.compareTo(exchId) > 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Stale exchange id for single partition map update (will ignore) [lastExchId=" + lastExchangeId + ", exchId=" + exchId + ']');
return null;
if (exchId != null)
lastExchangeId = exchId;
if (node2part == null)
// Create invalid partition map.
node2part = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap();
GridDhtPartitionMap cur = node2part.get(parts.nodeId());
if (cur != null && cur.updateSequence() >= parts.updateSequence()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Stale update sequence for single partition map update (will ignore) [exchId=" + exchId + ", curSeq=" + cur.updateSequence() + ", newSeq=" + parts.updateSequence() + ']');
return null;
long updateSeq = this.updateSeq.incrementAndGet();
node2part = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap(node2part, updateSeq);
boolean changed = false;
if (cur == null || !cur.equals(parts))
changed = true;
node2part.put(parts.nodeId(), parts);
part2node = new HashMap<>(part2node);
// Add new mappings.
for (Integer p : parts.keySet()) {
Set<UUID> ids = part2node.get(p);
if (ids == null)
// Initialize HashSet to size 3 in anticipation that there won't be
// more than 3 nodes per partition.
part2node.put(p, ids = U.newHashSet(3));
changed |= ids.add(parts.nodeId());
// Remove obsolete mappings.
if (cur != null) {
for (Integer p : F.view(cur.keySet(), F0.notIn(parts.keySet()))) {
Set<UUID> ids = part2node.get(p);
if (ids != null)
changed |= ids.remove(parts.nodeId());
AffinityTopologyVersion affVer = cctx.affinity().affinityTopologyVersion();
if (!affVer.equals(AffinityTopologyVersion.NONE) && affVer.compareTo(topVer) >= 0) {
List<List<ClusterNode>> aff = cctx.affinity().assignments(topVer);
changed |= checkEvictions(updateSeq, aff);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Partition map after single update: " + fullMapString());
if (changed)
return changed ? localPartitionMap() : null;
} finally {
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCachePartitionExchangeManager method addFullPartitionsMap.
* @param m Message.
* @param dupData Duplicated data map.
* @param compress {@code True} if need check for duplicated partition state data.
* @param cacheId Cache ID.
* @param map Map to add.
* @param affKey Cache affinity key.
private void addFullPartitionsMap(GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage m, Map<Object, T2<Integer, GridDhtPartitionFullMap>> dupData, boolean compress, Integer cacheId, GridDhtPartitionFullMap map, Object affKey) {
Integer dupDataCache = null;
if (compress && affKey != null && !m.containsCache(cacheId)) {
T2<Integer, GridDhtPartitionFullMap> state0 = dupData.get(affKey);
if (state0 != null && state0.get2().partitionStateEquals(map)) {
GridDhtPartitionFullMap map0 = new GridDhtPartitionFullMap(map.nodeId(), map.nodeOrder(), map.updateSequence());
for (Map.Entry<UUID, GridDhtPartitionMap> e : map.entrySet()) map0.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().emptyCopy());
map = map0;
dupDataCache = state0.get1();
} else
dupData.put(affKey, new T2<>(cacheId, map));
m.addFullPartitionsMap(cacheId, map, dupDataCache);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.preloader.GridDhtPartitionFullMap in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCachePartitionExchangeManager method createPartitionsFullMessage.
* @param nodes Target nodes.
* @param exchId Non-null exchange ID if message is created for exchange.
* @param lastVer Last version.
* @param compress {@code True} if it is possible to use compression for message.
* @return Message.
public GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage createPartitionsFullMessage(Collection<ClusterNode> nodes, @Nullable final GridDhtPartitionExchangeId exchId, @Nullable GridCacheVersion lastVer, final boolean compress) {
final GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage m = new GridDhtPartitionsFullMessage(exchId, lastVer, exchId != null ? exchId.topologyVersion() : AffinityTopologyVersion.NONE);
final Map<Object, T2<Integer, GridDhtPartitionFullMap>> dupData = new HashMap<>();
cctx.forAllCaches(new IgniteInClosure<GridCacheContext>() {
public void apply(GridCacheContext cacheCtx) {
if (!cacheCtx.isLocal()) {
boolean ready;
if (exchId != null) {
AffinityTopologyVersion startTopVer = cacheCtx.startTopologyVersion();
ready = startTopVer.compareTo(exchId.topologyVersion()) <= 0;
} else
ready = cacheCtx.started();
if (ready) {
GridAffinityAssignmentCache affCache = cacheCtx.affinity().affinityCache();
GridDhtPartitionFullMap locMap = cacheCtx.topology().partitionMap(true);
addFullPartitionsMap(m, dupData, compress, cacheCtx.cacheId(), locMap, affCache.similarAffinityKey());
if (exchId != null)
m.addPartitionUpdateCounters(cacheCtx.cacheId(), cacheCtx.topology().updateCounters(true));
// It is important that client topologies be added after contexts.
for (GridClientPartitionTopology top : {
GridDhtPartitionFullMap map = top.partitionMap(true);
addFullPartitionsMap(m, dupData, compress, top.cacheId(), map, top.similarAffinityKey());
if (exchId != null)
m.addPartitionUpdateCounters(top.cacheId(), top.updateCounters(true));
return m;