use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.reader.IgniteWalIteratorFactory.IteratorParametersBuilder in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteWalReaderTest method testFillWalWithDifferentTypes.
* @throws Exception if failed.
public void testFillWalWithDifferentTypes() throws Exception {
Ignite ig = startGrid();
IgniteCache<Object, Object> addlCache = ig.getOrCreateCache(CACHE_ADDL_NAME);
addlCache.put("1", "2");
addlCache.put(1, 2);
addlCache.put(1L, 2L);
addlCache.put(TestEnum.A, "Enum_As_Key");
addlCache.put("Enum_As_Value", TestEnum.B);
addlCache.put(TestEnum.C, TestEnum.C);
addlCache.put("Serializable", new TestSerializable(42));
addlCache.put(new TestSerializable(42), "Serializable_As_Key");
addlCache.put("Externalizable", new TestExternalizable(42));
addlCache.put(new TestExternalizable(42), "Externalizable_As_Key");
addlCache.put(292, new IndexedObject(292));
String search1 = "SomeUnexpectedStringValueAsKeyToSearch";
Collection<String> ctrlStringsToSearch = new HashSet<>();
Collection<String> ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch = new HashSet<>();
addlCache.put(search1, "SearchKey");
String search2 = "SomeTestStringContainerToBePrintedLongLine";
TestStringContainerToBePrinted val = new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(search2);
// will validate original toString() was called
ctrlStringsToSearch.add("v = [ " + val.getClass().getSimpleName() + "{data='" + search2 + "'}]");
addlCache.put("SearchValue", val);
String search3 = "SomeTestStringContainerToBePrintedLongLine2";
TestStringContainerToBePrinted key = new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(search3);
// will validate original toString() was called
ctrlStringsToSearch.add("k = " + key.getClass().getSimpleName() + "{data='" + search3 + "'}");
// validate only string itself
addlCache.put(key, "SearchKey");
int cntEntries = addlCache.size();
Map<Object, Object> ctrlMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Cache.Entry<Object, Object> next : addlCache) ctrlMap.put(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
Map<Object, Object> ctrlMapForBinaryObjects = new HashMap<>();
for (Cache.Entry<Object, Object> next : addlCache) ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.put(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
String subfolderName = genDbSubfolderName(ig, 0);
// Wait async allocation wal segment file by archiver.
stopGrid("node0", false);
String workDir = U.defaultWorkDirectory();
IgniteWalIteratorFactory factory = new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log);
IteratorParametersBuilder params0 = createIteratorParametersBuilder(workDir, subfolderName);
IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object> objConsumer = (key12, val1) -> {"K: [" + key12 + ", " + (key12 != null ? key12.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]" + " V: [" + val1 + ", " + (val1 != null ? val1.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]");
boolean rmv = remove(ctrlMap, key12, val1);
if (!rmv) {
String msg = "Unable to remove pair from control map " + "K: [" + key12 + "] V: [" + val1 + "]";
assertFalse(val1 instanceof BinaryObject);
IgniteInClosure<DataRecord> toStrChecker = record -> {
String strRepresentation = record.toString();
for (Iterator<String> iter = ctrlStringsToSearch.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
final String next =;
if (strRepresentation.contains(next)) {
scanIterateAndCount(factory, params0, cntEntries, 0, objConsumer, toStrChecker);
assertTrue(" Control Map is not empty after reading entries: " + ctrlMap, ctrlMap.isEmpty());
assertTrue(" Control Map for strings in entries is not empty after" + " reading records: " + ctrlStringsToSearch, ctrlStringsToSearch.isEmpty());
IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object> binObjConsumer = (key13, val12) -> {"K(KeepBinary): [" + key13 + ", " + (key13 != null ? key13.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]" + " V(KeepBinary): [" + val12 + ", " + (val12 != null ? val12.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]");
boolean rmv = remove(ctrlMapForBinaryObjects, key13, val12);
if (!rmv) {
if (key13 instanceof BinaryObject) {
BinaryObject keyBinObj = (BinaryObject) key13;
String binaryObjTypeName = keyBinObj.type().typeName();
if (Objects.equals(TestStringContainerToBePrinted.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
String data = keyBinObj.field("data");
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(data)) != null;
} else if (Objects.equals(TestSerializable.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
Integer iVal = keyBinObj.field("iVal");
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(new TestSerializable(iVal)) != null;
} else if (Objects.equals(TestEnum.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
TestEnum key1 = TestEnum.values()[keyBinObj.enumOrdinal()];
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(key1) != null;
} else if (val12 instanceof BinaryObject) {
// don't compare BO values, just remove by key
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(key13) != null;
if (!rmv)
log.error("Unable to remove pair from control map " + "K: [" + key13 + "] V: [" + val12 + "]");
if (val12 instanceof BinaryObject) {
BinaryObject binaryObj = (BinaryObject) val12;
String binaryObjTypeName = binaryObj.type().typeName();
if (Objects.equals(IndexedObject.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
assertEquals(binaryObj.field("iVal").toString(), binaryObj.field("jVal").toString());
byte[] data = binaryObj.field("data");
for (byte datum : data) assertTrue(datum >= 'A' && datum <= 'A' + 10);
IgniteInClosure<DataRecord> binObjToStrChecker = record -> {
String strRepresentation = record.toString();
for (Iterator<String> iter = ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
final String next =;
if (strRepresentation.contains(next)) {
IteratorParametersBuilder params1 = createIteratorParametersBuilder(workDir, subfolderName);
// Validate same WAL log with flag binary objects only
IgniteWalIteratorFactory keepBinFactory = new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log);
scanIterateAndCount(keepBinFactory, params1, cntEntries, 0, binObjConsumer, binObjToStrChecker);
assertTrue(" Control Map is not empty after reading entries: " + ctrlMapForBinaryObjects, ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.isEmpty());
assertTrue(" Control Map for strings in entries is not empty after" + " reading records: " + ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch, ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch.isEmpty());
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.reader.IgniteWalIteratorFactory.IteratorParametersBuilder in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteWalReplayingAfterRestartTest method testWalRecordsAfterRestart.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testWalRecordsAfterRestart() throws Exception {
IgniteEx ignite = startGrid(0);
IgniteCache<Integer, byte[]> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(CACHE_NAME);
int key = 0;
while (ignite.context().cache().context().wal().lastArchivedSegment() < SEGMENTS_CNT) cache.put(key++ % PART_NUM, new byte[1024]);
long lastArchived = ignite.context().cache().context().wal().lastArchivedSegment();
while (ignite.context().cache().context().wal().lastArchivedSegment() < lastArchived + 1) cache.put(key++ % PART_NUM, new byte[1024]);
// There are no exceptions should be thrown here.
ignite = startGrid(0);
// delta records should always follow PageSnapshot records.
String workDir = U.defaultWorkDirectory();
IteratorParametersBuilder builder = new IteratorParametersBuilder().filesOrDirs(workDir).filter((rec, ptr) -> rec.purpose() == PHYSICAL);
Map<FullPageId, PageSnapshot> snapshots = new HashMap<>();
try (WALIterator it = new IgniteWalIteratorFactory().iterator(builder)) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
IgniteBiTuple<WALPointer, WALRecord> tup =;
WALRecord rec = tup.get2();
if (rec.type() == CHECKPOINT_RECORD)
// let's check partition meta pages.
if (rec instanceof PageSnapshot) {
PageSnapshot snpRec = (PageSnapshot) rec;
snapshots.put(snpRec.fullPageId(), snpRec);
} else if (rec instanceof MetaPageUpdatePartitionDataRecord) {
MetaPageUpdatePartitionDataRecord metaRec = (MetaPageUpdatePartitionDataRecord) rec;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.reader.IgniteWalIteratorFactory.IteratorParametersBuilder in project ignite by apache.
the class StandaloneWalRecordsIteratorTest method createWalIterator.
* Creates WALIterator associated with files inside walDir.
* @param walDir - path to WAL directory.
* @return WALIterator associated with files inside walDir.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if error occur.
private WALIterator createWalIterator(String walDir) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IteratorParametersBuilder params = new IteratorParametersBuilder();
params.ioFactory(new CountedFileIOFactory());
return new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log).iterator(params.filesOrDirs(walDir));
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.reader.IgniteWalIteratorFactory.IteratorParametersBuilder in project ignite by apache.
the class StandaloneWalRecordsIteratorTest method createWalIterator.
* @param walDir Wal directory.
* @param lowBound Low bound.
* @param highBound High bound.
* @param strictCheck Strict check.
private WALIterator createWalIterator(String walDir, WALPointer lowBound, WALPointer highBound, boolean strictCheck, IgniteBiPredicate<WALRecord.RecordType, WALPointer> filter) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IteratorParametersBuilder params = new IteratorParametersBuilder();
params.ioFactory(new RandomAccessFileIOFactory()).filesOrDirs(walDir).strictBoundsCheck(strictCheck);
if (lowBound != null)
if (highBound != null);
if (filter != null)
return new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log).iterator(params);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.reader.IgniteWalIteratorFactory.IteratorParametersBuilder in project ignite by apache.
the class StandaloneWalRecordsIteratorTest method listWalFiles.
* @param walDir Wal directory.
private List<FileDescriptor> listWalFiles(String walDir) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IteratorParametersBuilder params = new IteratorParametersBuilder();
params.ioFactory(new RandomAccessFileIOFactory());
return new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log).resolveWalFiles(params.filesOrDirs(walDir));