use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.HadoopTaskInfo in project ignite by apache.
the class HadoopChildProcessRunner method onTaskFinished0.
* Notifies node about task finish.
* @param run Finished task runnable.
* @param status Task status.
private void onTaskFinished0(HadoopRunnableTask run, HadoopTaskStatus status) {
HadoopTaskInfo info = run.taskInfo();
int pendingTasks0 = pendingTasks.decrementAndGet();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Hadoop task execution finished [info=" + info + ", state=" + status.state() + ", waitTime=" + run.waitTime() + ", execTime=" + run.executionTime() + ", pendingTasks=" + pendingTasks0 + ", err=" + status.failCause() + ']');
assert info.type() == MAP || info.type() == REDUCE : "Only MAP or REDUCE tasks are supported.";
boolean flush = pendingTasks0 == 0 && info.type() == MAP;
notifyTaskFinished(info, status, flush);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.HadoopTaskInfo in project ignite by apache.
the class HadoopV2JobSelfTest method testCustomSerializationApplying.
* Tests that {@link HadoopJobEx} provides wrapped serializer if it's set in configuration.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If fails.
public void testCustomSerializationApplying() throws IgniteCheckedException {
JobConf cfg = new JobConf();
cfg.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.IO_SERIALIZATIONS_KEY, CustomSerialization.class.getName());
HadoopDefaultJobInfo info = createJobInfo(cfg, null);
final UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
HadoopJobId id = new HadoopJobId(uuid, 1);
HadoopJobEx job = info.createJob(HadoopV2Job.class, id, log, null, new HadoopHelperImpl());
HadoopTaskContext taskCtx = job.getTaskContext(new HadoopTaskInfo(HadoopTaskType.MAP, null, 0, 0, null));
HadoopSerialization ser = taskCtx.keySerialization();
assertEquals(HadoopSerializationWrapper.class.getName(), ser.getClass().getName());
DataInput in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
assertEquals(TEST_SERIALIZED_VALUE,, null).toString());
ser = taskCtx.valueSerialization();
assertEquals(HadoopSerializationWrapper.class.getName(), ser.getClass().getName());
assertEquals(TEST_SERIALIZED_VALUE,, null).toString());
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.HadoopTaskInfo in project ignite by apache.
the class HadoopTasksAllVersionsTest method runTaskWithInput.
* Generates input data for reduce-like operation into mock context input and runs the operation.
* @param gridJob Job is to create reduce task from.
* @param taskType Type of task - combine or reduce.
* @param taskNum Number of task in job.
* @param words Pairs of words and its counts.
* @return Context with mock output.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If fails.
private HadoopTestTaskContext runTaskWithInput(HadoopJobEx gridJob, HadoopTaskType taskType, int taskNum, String... words) throws IgniteCheckedException {
HadoopTaskInfo taskInfo = new HadoopTaskInfo(taskType,, taskNum, 0, null);
HadoopTestTaskContext ctx = new HadoopTestTaskContext(taskInfo, gridJob);
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i += 2) {
List<IntWritable> valList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < Integer.parseInt(words[i + 1]); j++) valList.add(new IntWritable(1));
ctx.mockInput().put(new Text(words[i]), valList);
return ctx;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.HadoopTaskInfo in project ignite by apache.
the class HadoopTasksAllVersionsTest method runMapCombineTask.
* Runs chain of map-combine task on file block.
* @param fileBlock block of input file to be processed.
* @param gridJob Hadoop job implementation.
* @return Context of combine task with mock output.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If fails.
private HadoopTestTaskContext runMapCombineTask(HadoopFileBlock fileBlock, HadoopJobEx gridJob) throws IgniteCheckedException {
HadoopTaskInfo taskInfo = new HadoopTaskInfo(HadoopTaskType.MAP,, 0, 0, fileBlock);
HadoopTestTaskContext mapCtx = new HadoopTestTaskContext(taskInfo, gridJob);;
// Prepare input for combine
taskInfo = new HadoopTaskInfo(HadoopTaskType.COMBINE,, 0, 0, null);
HadoopTestTaskContext combineCtx = new HadoopTestTaskContext(taskInfo, gridJob);
return combineCtx;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.hadoop.HadoopTaskInfo in project ignite by apache.
the class HadoopTasksAllVersionsTest method testAllTasks.
* Tests all job in complex.
* Runs 2 chains of map-combine tasks and sends result into one reduce task.
* @throws Exception If fails.
public void testAllTasks() throws Exception {
IgfsPath inDir = new IgfsPath(PATH_INPUT);
IgfsPath inFile = new IgfsPath(inDir, HadoopWordCount2.class.getSimpleName() + "-input");
URI inFileUri = URI.create(igfsScheme() + inFile.toString());
generateTestFile(inFile.toString(), "red", 100, "blue", 200, "green", 150, "yellow", 70);
// Split file into two blocks
long fileLen =;
Long l = fileLen / 2;
HadoopFileBlock fileBlock1 = new HadoopFileBlock(HOSTS, inFileUri, 0, l);
HadoopFileBlock fileBlock2 = new HadoopFileBlock(HOSTS, inFileUri, l, fileLen - l);
HadoopJobEx gridJob = getHadoopJob(inFileUri.toString(), igfsScheme() + PATH_OUTPUT);
HadoopTestTaskContext combine1Ctx = runMapCombineTask(fileBlock1, gridJob);
HadoopTestTaskContext combine2Ctx = runMapCombineTask(fileBlock2, gridJob);
// Prepare input for combine
HadoopTaskInfo taskInfo = new HadoopTaskInfo(HadoopTaskType.REDUCE,, 0, 0, null);
HadoopTestTaskContext reduceCtx = new HadoopTestTaskContext(taskInfo, gridJob);
reduceCtx.taskInfo(new HadoopTaskInfo(HadoopTaskType.COMMIT,, 0, 0, null));;
assertEquals("blue\t200\n" + "green\t150\n" + "red\t100\n" + "yellow\t70\n", readAndSortFile(PATH_OUTPUT + "/" + getOutputFileNamePrefix() + "00000"));