use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method elementOrDefault.
* Do what we can to compute default value for this column (mimics H2 behavior).
* @see Table#getDefaultValue
* @see Column#validateConvertUpdateSequence
* @param el SQL element.
* @param col Column.
* @return {@link GridSqlConst#NULL}, if {@code el} is null, or {@code el} if
* it's not {@link GridSqlKeyword#DEFAULT}, or computed default value.
private static GridSqlElement elementOrDefault(GridSqlElement el, GridSqlColumn col) {
if (el == null)
return GridSqlConst.NULL;
if (el != GridSqlKeyword.DEFAULT)
return el;
Column h2Col = col.column();
Expression dfltExpr = h2Col.getDefaultExpression();
Value dfltVal;
try {
dfltVal = dfltExpr != null ? dfltExpr.getValue(null) : null;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
throw new IgniteSQLException("Failed to evaluate default value for a column " + col.columnName());
if (dfltVal != null)
return new GridSqlConst(dfltVal);
int type = h2Col.getType();
DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(type);
if (dt.decimal)
dfltVal = ValueInt.get(0).convertTo(type);
else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP)
dfltVal = ValueTimestamp.fromMillis(U.currentTimeMillis());
else if (dt.type == Value.TIME)
dfltVal = ValueTime.fromNanos(0);
else if (dt.type == Value.DATE)
dfltVal = ValueDate.fromMillis(U.currentTimeMillis());
dfltVal = ValueString.get("").convertTo(type);
return new GridSqlConst(dfltVal);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method selectForDelete.
* Generate SQL SELECT based on DELETE's WHERE, LIMIT, etc.
* @param del Delete statement.
* @param keysParamIdx Index for .
* @return SELECT statement.
public static GridSqlSelect selectForDelete(GridSqlDelete del, @Nullable Integer keysParamIdx) {
GridSqlSelect mapQry = new GridSqlSelect();
Set<GridSqlTable> tbls = new HashSet<>();
collectAllGridTablesInTarget(del.from(), tbls);
assert tbls.size() == 1 : "Failed to determine target table for DELETE";
GridSqlTable tbl = tbls.iterator().next();
GridH2Table gridTbl = tbl.dataTable();
assert gridTbl != null : "Failed to determine target grid table for DELETE";
Column h2KeyCol = gridTbl.getColumn(GridH2KeyValueRowOnheap.KEY_COL);
Column h2ValCol = gridTbl.getColumn(GridH2KeyValueRowOnheap.VAL_COL);
GridSqlColumn keyCol = new GridSqlColumn(h2KeyCol, tbl, h2KeyCol.getName());
GridSqlColumn valCol = new GridSqlColumn(h2ValCol, tbl, h2ValCol.getName());
mapQry.addColumn(keyCol, true);
mapQry.addColumn(valCol, true);
GridSqlElement where = del.where();
if (keysParamIdx != null)
where = injectKeysFilterParam(where, keyCol, keysParamIdx);
return mapQry;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method injectKeysFilterParam.
* Append additional condition to WHERE for it to select only specific keys.
* @param where Initial condition.
* @param keyCol Column to base the new condition on.
* @return New condition.
private static GridSqlElement injectKeysFilterParam(GridSqlElement where, GridSqlColumn keyCol, int paramIdx) {
// Yes, we need a subquery for "WHERE _key IN ?" to work with param being an array without dirty query rewriting.
GridSqlSelect sel = new GridSqlSelect();
GridSqlFunction from = new GridSqlFunction(GridSqlFunctionType.TABLE);
GridSqlColumn col = new GridSqlColumn(null, from, null, "TABLE", "_IGNITE_ERR_KEYS");
sel.addColumn(col, true);
GridSqlAlias alias = new GridSqlAlias("_IGNITE_ERR_KEYS", new GridSqlParameter(paramIdx));
GridSqlElement e = new GridSqlOperation(GridSqlOperationType.IN, keyCol, new GridSqlSubquery(sel));
if (where == null)
return e;
return new GridSqlOperation(GridSqlOperationType.AND, where, e);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method getFastUpdateArgs.
* @param update UPDATE statement.
* @return {@code null} if given statement directly updates {@code _val} column with a literal or param value
* and filters by single non expression key (and, optionally, by single non expression value).
public static FastUpdate getFastUpdateArgs(GridSqlUpdate update) {
IgnitePair<GridSqlElement> filter = findKeyValueEqualityCondition(update.where());
if (filter == null)
return null;
if (update.cols().size() != 1)
return null;
Table tbl = update.cols().get(0).column().getTable();
if (!(tbl instanceof GridH2Table))
return null;
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = ((GridH2Table) tbl).rowDescriptor();
if (!desc.isValueColumn(update.cols().get(0).column().getColumnId()))
return null;
GridSqlElement set = update.set().get(update.cols().get(0).columnName());
if (!(set instanceof GridSqlConst || set instanceof GridSqlParameter))
return null;
return FastUpdate.create(filter.getKey(), filter.getValue(), set);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method isEqualityCondition.
* @param op Operation.
* @param key true - check for key equality condition,
* otherwise check for value equality condition
* @return Whether this condition is of form {@code colName} = ?
private static boolean isEqualityCondition(GridSqlOperation op, boolean key) {
if (op.operationType() != GridSqlOperationType.EQUAL)
return false;
GridSqlElement left = op.child(0);
GridSqlElement right = op.child(1);
if (!(left instanceof GridSqlColumn))
return false;
GridSqlColumn column = (GridSqlColumn) left;
if (!(column.column().getTable() instanceof GridH2Table))
return false;
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = ((GridH2Table) column.column().getTable()).rowDescriptor();
return (key ? desc.isKeyColumn(column.column().getColumnId()) : desc.isValueColumn(column.column().getColumnId())) && (right instanceof GridSqlConst || right instanceof GridSqlParameter);