use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.schema.operation.SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation in project ignite by apache.
the class GridQueryProcessor method processSchemaOperationLocal.
* Process schema operation.
* @param op Operation.
* @param type Type descriptor.
* @param depId Cache deployment ID.
* @param cancelTok Cancel token.
* @throws SchemaOperationException If failed.
public void processSchemaOperationLocal(SchemaAbstractOperation op, QueryTypeDescriptorImpl type, IgniteUuid depId, SchemaIndexOperationCancellationToken cancelTok) throws SchemaOperationException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Started local index operation [opId=" + + ']');
String cacheName = op.cacheName();
GridCacheAdapter cache = ctx.cache().internalCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null || !F.eq(depId, cache.context().dynamicDeploymentId()))
throw new SchemaOperationException(SchemaOperationException.CODE_CACHE_NOT_FOUND, cacheName);
try {
if (op instanceof SchemaIndexCreateOperation) {
final SchemaIndexCreateOperation op0 = (SchemaIndexCreateOperation) op;
QueryIndexDescriptorImpl idxDesc = QueryUtils.createIndexDescriptor(type, op0.index());
GridCacheContext cctx = cache.context();
SchemaIndexCacheFilter filter = new TableCacheFilter(cctx, op0.tableName());
SchemaIndexCacheVisitor visitor = new SchemaIndexCacheVisitorImpl(cctx, filter, cancelTok, op0.parallel());
idx.dynamicIndexCreate(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), idxDesc, op0.ifNotExists(), visitor);
} else if (op instanceof SchemaIndexDropOperation) {
SchemaIndexDropOperation op0 = (SchemaIndexDropOperation) op;
idx.dynamicIndexDrop(op0.schemaName(), op0.indexName(), op0.ifExists());
} else if (op instanceof SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) {
SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation op0 = (SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) op;
processDynamicAddColumn(type, op0.columns());
idx.dynamicAddColumn(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), op0.columns(), op0.ifTableExists(), op0.ifNotExists());
} else if (op instanceof SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation) {
SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation op0 = (SchemaAlterTableDropColumnOperation) op;
processDynamicDropColumn(type, op0.columns());
idx.dynamicDropColumn(op0.schemaName(), op0.tableName(), op0.columns(), op0.ifTableExists(), op0.ifExists());
} else
throw new SchemaOperationException("Unsupported operation: " + op);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SchemaOperationException)
throw (SchemaOperationException) e;
throw new SchemaOperationException("Schema change operation failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.schema.operation.SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation in project ignite by apache.
the class GridQueryProcessor method onSchemaProposeDiscovery.
* Process schema propose message from discovery thread.
* @param msg Message.
* @return {@code True} if exchange should be triggered.
private boolean onSchemaProposeDiscovery(SchemaProposeDiscoveryMessage msg) {
SchemaAbstractOperation op = msg.operation();
UUID opId =;
String cacheName = op.cacheName();
if (!msg.initialized()) {
// Ensure cache exists on coordinator node.
DynamicCacheDescriptor cacheDesc = ctx.cache().cacheDescriptor(cacheName);
if (cacheDesc == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Received schema propose discovery message, but cache doesn't exist " + "(will report error) [opId=" + opId + ", msg=" + msg + ']');
msg.onError(new SchemaOperationException(SchemaOperationException.CODE_CACHE_NOT_FOUND, cacheName));
} else {
CacheConfiguration ccfg = cacheDesc.cacheConfiguration();
if (ccfg.getCacheMode() == CacheMode.LOCAL) {
// Distributed operation is not allowed on LOCAL caches.
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Received schema propose discovery message, but cache is LOCAL " + "(will report error) [opId=" + opId + ", msg=" + msg + ']');
msg.onError(new SchemaOperationException("Schema changes are not supported for LOCAL cache."));
} else if (failOnStaticCacheSchemaChanges(cacheDesc)) {
// Do not allow any schema changes when keep static cache configuration flag is set.
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Received schema propose discovery message, but cache is statically configured " + "and " + IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_KEEP_STATIC_CACHE_CONFIGURATION + " flag is set (will report error) [opId=" + opId + ", msg=" + msg + ']');
msg.onError(new SchemaOperationException("Schema changes are not supported for statically " + "configured cache when " + IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_KEEP_STATIC_CACHE_CONFIGURATION + " flag is set."));
} else {
// Preserve deployment ID so that we can distinguish between different caches with the same name.
if (msg.deploymentId() == null)
assert F.eq(cacheDesc.deploymentId(), msg.deploymentId());
if (msg.operation() instanceof SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) {
SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation alterOp = (SchemaAlterTableAddColumnOperation) msg.operation();
try {
for (QueryField field : alterOp.columns()) {
if (!field.isNullable())
} catch (IgniteSQLException ex) {
msg.onError(new SchemaOperationException("Received schema propose discovery message, but " + "cache doesn't applicable for this modification", ex));
// Complete client future and exit immediately in case of error.
if (msg.hasError()) {
SchemaOperationClientFuture cliFut = schemaCliFuts.remove(opId);
if (cliFut != null)
return false;
return onSchemaProposeDiscovery0(msg);