use of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter in project ignite by apache.
the class IgnitePdsDataRegionMetricsTest method testUsedCheckpointBuffer.
* Test for check used checkpoint size metric.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testUsedCheckpointBuffer() throws Exception {
IgniteEx ig = startGrid(0);
final DataRegionMetricsImpl regionMetrics = ig.cachex(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).context().group().dataRegion().metrics();
Assert.assertEquals(0, regionMetrics.getUsedCheckpointBufferPages());
Assert.assertEquals(0, regionMetrics.getUsedCheckpointBufferSize());
GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager psMgr = (GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager) ig.context().cache().context().database();
GridFutureAdapter<T2<Long, Long>> metricsResult = new GridFutureAdapter<>();
IgniteInternalFuture chpBeginFut = psMgr.wakeupForCheckpoint(null);
chpBeginFut.listen((f) -> {
metricsResult.onDone(new T2<>(regionMetrics.getUsedCheckpointBufferPages(), regionMetrics.getUsedCheckpointBufferSize()));
Assert.assertTrue(metricsResult.get().get1() > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(metricsResult.get().get2() > 0);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter in project ignite by apache.
the class ZkCommunicationErrorProcessFuture method run.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void run() {
// Run from zk discovery worker pool after timeout.
if (needProcessTimeout()) {
try {
UUID reqId = UUID.randomUUID();
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Initiate cluster-wide communication error resolve process [reqId=" + reqId + ", errNodes=" + nodeFuts.size() + ']');
impl.sendCustomMessage(new ZkCommunicationErrorResolveStartMessage(reqId));
} catch (Exception e) {
Collection<GridFutureAdapter<Boolean>> futs;
synchronized (this) {
if (state != State.WAIT_TIMEOUT)
state = State.DONE;
resErr = e;
// nodeFuts should not be modified after state changed to DONE.
futs = nodeFuts.values();
for (GridFutureAdapter<Boolean> fut : futs) fut.onDone(e);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter in project ignite by apache.
the class PreloadingRestartWhileClearingPartitionTest method testPreloadingRestart.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testPreloadingRestart() throws Exception {
IgniteEx crd = startGrids(3);
final int clearingPart = 0;
final int cnt = 1_100;
final int delta = 2_000;
final int rmv = 1_500;
loadDataToPartition(clearingPart, getTestIgniteInstanceName(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, cnt, 0);
loadDataToPartition(clearingPart, getTestIgniteInstanceName(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, delta, cnt);
// Removal required for triggering full rebalancing.
List<Integer> clearKeys = partitionKeys(grid(0).cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME), clearingPart, rmv, cnt);
for (Integer clearKey : clearKeys) grid(0).cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).remove(clearKey);
CountDownLatch lock = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch unlock = new CountDownLatch(1);
// Start node and delay preloading in the middle of partition clearing.
IgniteEx g2 = startGrid(2, new DependencyResolver() {
public <T> T resolve(T instance) {
if (instance instanceof GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl) {
GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl top = (GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl) instance;
top.partitionFactory(new GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl.PartitionFactory() {
public GridDhtLocalPartition create(GridCacheSharedContext ctx, CacheGroupContext grp, int id, boolean recovery) {
return id == clearingPart ? new GridDhtLocalPartitionSyncEviction(ctx, grp, id, recovery, 1, lock, unlock) : new GridDhtLocalPartition(ctx, grp, id, recovery);
return instance;
assertTrue(U.await(lock, GridDhtLocalPartitionSyncEviction.TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
// Stop supplier for clearingPart.
GridCacheContext<Object, Object> ctx = g2.cachex(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).context();
GridDhtPartitionDemander.RebalanceFuture rebFut = (GridDhtPartitionDemander.RebalanceFuture) ctx.preloader().rebalanceFuture();
GridDhtPreloaderAssignments assignments = U.field(rebFut, "assignments");
ClusterNode supplier = assignments.supplier(clearingPart);
AtomicReference<GridFutureAdapter<?>> ref = U.field(ctx.topology().localPartition(clearingPart), "finishFutRef");
GridFutureAdapter clearFut = ref.get();
awaitPartitionMapExchange(true, true, null);
assertPartitionsSame(idleVerify(grid(2), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME));
for (Ignite grid : G.allGrids()) assertEquals(cnt + delta - rmv, grid.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).size());
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter in project ignite by apache.
the class BlockedEvictionsTest method testStopNodeDuringEviction_2.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStopNodeDuringEviction_2() throws Exception {
AtomicInteger holder = new AtomicInteger();
CountDownLatch l1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch l2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
IgniteEx g0 = startGrid(0, new DependencyResolver() {
public <T> T resolve(T instance) {
if (instance instanceof GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl) {
GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl top = (GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl) instance;
top.partitionFactory(new GridDhtPartitionTopologyImpl.PartitionFactory() {
public GridDhtLocalPartition create(GridCacheSharedContext ctx, CacheGroupContext grp, int id, boolean recovery) {
return new GridDhtLocalPartitionSyncEviction(ctx, grp, id, recovery, 3, l1, l2) {
protected void sync() {
if (holder.get() == id)
} else if (instance instanceof IgniteCacheOffheapManager) {
IgniteCacheOffheapManager mgr = (IgniteCacheOffheapManager) instance;
IgniteCacheOffheapManager spied = Mockito.spy(mgr);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
Object ret = invocation.callRealMethod();
// Wait is necessary here to guarantee test progress.
return ret;
return (T) spied;
return instance;
IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = g0.getOrCreateCache(cacheConfiguration());
int p0 = evictingPartitionsAfterJoin(g0, cache, 1).get(0);
loadDataToPartition(p0,, DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, 5_000, 0, 3);
GridDhtLocalPartition part = g0.cachex(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).context().topology().localPartition(p0);
AtomicReference<GridFutureAdapter<?>> ref = U.field(part, "finishFutRef");
GridFutureAdapter<?> finishFut = ref.get();
IgniteInternalFuture fut = runAsync(g0::close);
// Give some time to execute cache store destroy.
// Partition clearing future should be finished with NodeStoppingException.
assertTrue(finishFut.error().getMessage(), finishFut.error() != null && X.hasCause(finishFut.error(), NodeStoppingException.class));
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteWalRebalanceTest method testRebalanceReassignAndOwnPartitions.
* Tests that owning partitions (that are trigged by rebalance future) cannot be mapped to a new rebalance future
* that was created by RebalanceReassignExchangeTask.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRebalanceReassignAndOwnPartitions() throws Exception {
backups = 3;
IgniteEx supplier1 = startGrid(0);
IgniteEx supplier2 = startGrid(1);
IgniteEx demander = startGrid(2);
String cacheName1 = "test-cache-1";
String cacheName2 = "test-cache-2";
IgniteCache<Integer, IndexedObject> c1 = supplier1.getOrCreateCache(new CacheConfiguration<Integer, IndexedObject>(cacheName1).setBackups(backups).setAffinity(new RendezvousAffinityFunction(false, PARTS_CNT)).setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC).setRebalanceOrder(10));
IgniteCache<Integer, IndexedObject> c2 = supplier1.getOrCreateCache(new CacheConfiguration<Integer, IndexedObject>(cacheName2).setBackups(backups).setAffinity(new RendezvousAffinityFunction(false, PARTS_CNT)).setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC).setRebalanceOrder(20));
// Fill initial data.
final int entryCnt = PARTS_CNT * 200;
final int preloadEntryCnt = PARTS_CNT * 400;
int val = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < preloadEntryCnt; k++) {
c1.put(k, new IndexedObject(val++));
c2.put(k, new IndexedObject(val++));
// This is an easy way to emulate missing partitions on the first rebalance.
for (int i = 0; i < entryCnt; i++) c1.put(i, new IndexedObject(val++));
// Full rebalance for the cacheName2.
for (int i = 0; i < preloadEntryCnt; i++) c2.put(i, new IndexedObject(val++));
// Delay rebalance process for specified groups.
blockMsgPred = (node, msg) -> {
if (msg instanceof GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage) {
GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage msg0 = (GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage) msg;
return msg0.groupId() == CU.cacheId(cacheName1) || msg0.groupId() == CU.cacheId(cacheName2);
return false;
// Emulate missing partitions and trigger RebalanceReassignExchangeTask which should re-trigger a new rebalance.
FailingIOFactory ioFactory = injectFailingIOFactory(supplier1);
demander = startGrid(2);
TestRecordingCommunicationSpi demanderSpi = TestRecordingCommunicationSpi.spi(grid(2));
// Wait until demander starts rebalancning.
// Need to start a client node in order to block RebalanceReassignExchangeTask (and do not change the affinity)
// until cacheName2 triggers a checkpoint after rebalancing.
CountDownLatch blockClientJoin = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch unblockClientJoin = new CountDownLatch(1);
demander.context().cache().context().exchange().registerExchangeAwareComponent(new PartitionsExchangeAware() {
public void onInitBeforeTopologyLock(GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture fut) {
try {
if (!unblockClientJoin.await(getTestTimeout(), MILLISECONDS))
throw new IgniteException("Failed to wait for client node joinning the cluster.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Unexpected exception.", e);
// Wait for a checkpoint after rebalancing cacheName2.
CountDownLatch blockCheckpoint = new CountDownLatch(1);
CountDownLatch unblockCheckpoint = new CountDownLatch(1);
((GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager) demander.context().cache().context().database()).addCheckpointListener(new CheckpointListener() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onCheckpointBegin(Context ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!ctx.progress().reason().contains(String.valueOf(CU.cacheId(cacheName2))))
try {
if (!unblockCheckpoint.await(getTestTimeout(), MILLISECONDS))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to wait for unblocking checkpointer.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Unexpected exception", e);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void beforeCheckpointBegin(Context ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onMarkCheckpointBegin(Context ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
// Unblock the first rebalance.
// Wait for start of the checkpoint after rebalancing cacheName2.
assertTrue("Failed to wait for checkpoint.", blockCheckpoint.await(getTestTimeout(), MILLISECONDS));
// Block the second rebalancing.
demanderSpi.blockMessages((node, msg) -> {
if (msg instanceof GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage) {
GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage msg0 = (GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage) msg;
return msg0.groupId() == CU.cacheId(cacheName1);
return false;
// Let's unblock client exchange and, therefore, handling of RebalanceReassignExchangeTask,
// which is already scheduled.
// Wait for starting the second rebalance (new chain of rebalance futures should be created at this point).
GridFutureAdapter checkpointFut = ((GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager) demander.context().cache().context().database()).getCheckpointer().currentProgress().futureFor(FINISHED);
// Unblock checkpointer.
assertTrue("Failed to wait for a checkpoint.", GridTestUtils.waitForCondition(() -> checkpointFut.isDone(), getTestTimeout()));
// Well, there is a race between we unblock rebalance and the current checkpoint executes all its listeners.
awaitPartitionMapExchange(false, true, null);