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Example 26 with Vector

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class AbstractMultipleLinearRegression method estimateResiduals.

     * {@inheritDoc}
public double[] estimateResiduals() {
    Vector b = calculateBeta();
    Vector e = yVector.minus(xMatrix.times(b));
    return e.getStorage().data();
Also used : Vector(

Example 27 with Vector

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class VectorBenchmarkTest method basicMix.

/** */
private void basicMix(int size, Function<Integer, Vector> constructor) {
    final Vector v1 = constructor.apply(size), v2 = constructor.apply(size);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
        v1.set(idx, idx);
        v2.set(idx, size - idx);
    assertFalse(v1.getLengthSquared() < 0);
    assertFalse(v1.getDistanceSquared(v2) < 0);
    // IMPL NOTE this would better be last test for it sets all values the same
Also used : Vector( DenseLocalOffHeapVector( DenseLocalOnHeapVector(

Example 28 with Vector

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class VectorBenchmarkTest method foldMapMix.

/** */
private void foldMapMix(int size, Function<Integer, Vector> constructor) {
    final Vector v1 = constructor.apply(size), v2 = constructor.apply(size);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
        v1.set(idx, idx);
        v2.set(idx, size - idx);
    assertNotNull( -> (val + 1)));
    assertNotNull(, (one, other) -> one + other / 2.0));
    assertNotNull(, val1) -> (val + val1), 2.0));
    assertNotNull(v1.foldMap((sum, val) -> (val + sum), (val) -> val, 0.0));
    assertNotNull(v1.foldMap(v2, (sum, val) -> (val + sum), (val1, val2) -> val1 + val2, 0.0));
Also used : Vector( Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Assert.assertFalse(org.junit.Assert.assertFalse) Assert.assertNotNull(org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull) BiConsumer(java.util.function.BiConsumer) DenseLocalOffHeapVector( Test(org.junit.Test) Function(java.util.function.Function) DenseLocalOnHeapVector( Vector( DenseLocalOffHeapVector( DenseLocalOnHeapVector(

Example 29 with Vector

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class CholeskyDecompositionTest method basicTest.

/** */
private void basicTest(Matrix m) {
    // This decomposition is useful when dealing with systems of linear equations of the form
    // m x = b where m is a Hermitian matrix.
    // For such systems Cholesky decomposition provides
    // more effective method of solving compared to LU decomposition.
    // Suppose we want to solve system
    // m x = b for various bs. Then after we computed Cholesky decomposition, we can feed various bs
    // as a matrix of the form
    // (b1, b2, ..., bm)
    // to the method Cholesky::solve which returns solutions in the form
    // (sol1, sol2, ..., solm)
    CholeskyDecomposition dec = new CholeskyDecomposition(m);
    assertEquals("Unexpected value for decomposition determinant.", 4d, dec.getDeterminant(), 0d);
    Matrix l = dec.getL();
    Matrix lt = dec.getLT();
    assertNotNull("Matrix l is expected to be not null.", l);
    assertNotNull("Matrix lt is expected to be not null.", lt);
    for (int row = 0; row < l.rowSize(); row++) for (int col = 0; col < l.columnSize(); col++) assertEquals("Unexpected value transposed matrix at (" + row + "," + col + ").", l.get(row, col), lt.get(col, row), 0d);
    Matrix bs = new DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix(new double[][] { { 4.0, -6.0, 7.0 }, { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } }).transpose();
    Matrix sol = dec.solve(bs);
    assertNotNull("Solution matrix is expected to be not null.", sol);
    assertEquals("Solution rows are not as expected.", bs.rowSize(), sol.rowSize());
    assertEquals("Solution columns are not as expected.", bs.columnSize(), sol.columnSize());
    for (int i = 0; i < sol.columnSize(); i++) assertNotNull("Solution matrix column is expected to be not null at index " + i, sol.viewColumn(i));
    Vector b = new DenseLocalOnHeapVector(new double[] { 4.0, -6.0, 7.0 });
    Vector solVec = dec.solve(b);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < b.size(); idx++) assertEquals("Unexpected value solution vector at " + idx, b.get(idx), solVec.get(idx), 0d);
Also used : Matrix( DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix( DenseLocalOnHeapVector( DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix( Vector( DenseLocalOnHeapVector(

Example 30 with Vector

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class AbstractVector method plus.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector plus(Vector vec) {
    Vector cp = copy();
    return, Functions.PLUS);
Also used : Vector(


Vector ( Test (org.junit.Test)17 DenseLocalOnHeapVector ( DenseLocalOffHeapVector ( IdentityValueMapper ( Matrix ( UnsupportedOperationException ( SparseLocalVector ( ExternalizeTest ( RandomVector ( DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix ( BiConsumer (java.util.function.BiConsumer)1 Function (java.util.function.Function)1 CardinalityException ( PivotedMatrixView ( SparseDistributedMatrix ( AbstractVector ( MatrixUtil.likeVector ( GridCommonAbstractTest (org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.common.GridCommonAbstractTest)1 Assert.assertFalse (org.junit.Assert.assertFalse)1