use of in project ignite by apache.
the class Step_8_CV_with_Param_Grid method main.
* Run example.
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(">>> Tutorial step 8 (cross-validation with param grid) example started.");
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("examples/config/example-ignite.xml")) {
try {
IgniteCache<Integer, Vector> dataCache = TitanicUtils.readPassengers(ignite);
// Extracts "pclass", "sibsp", "parch", "sex", "embarked", "age", "fare".
final Vectorizer<Integer, Vector, Integer, Double> vectorizer = new DummyVectorizer<Integer>(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10).labeled(1);
TrainTestSplit<Integer, Vector> split = new TrainTestDatasetSplitter<Integer, Vector>().split(0.75);
Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> strEncoderPreprocessor = new EncoderTrainer<Integer, Vector>().withEncoderType(EncoderType.STRING_ENCODER).withEncodedFeature(1).withEncodedFeature(// <--- Changed index here.
6).fit(ignite, dataCache, vectorizer);
Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> imputingPreprocessor = new ImputerTrainer<Integer, Vector>().fit(ignite, dataCache, strEncoderPreprocessor);
Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> minMaxScalerPreprocessor = new MinMaxScalerTrainer<Integer, Vector>().fit(ignite, dataCache, imputingPreprocessor);
Preprocessor<Integer, Vector> normalizationPreprocessor = new NormalizationTrainer<Integer, Vector>().withP(1).fit(ignite, dataCache, minMaxScalerPreprocessor);
// Tune hyper-parameters with K-fold Cross-Validation on the split training set.
DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer trainerCV = new DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer();
CrossValidation<DecisionTreeModel, Integer, Vector> scoreCalculator = new CrossValidation<>();
ParamGrid paramGrid = new ParamGrid().addHyperParam("maxDeep", trainerCV::withMaxDeep, new Double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0 }).addHyperParam("minImpurityDecrease", trainerCV::withMinImpurityDecrease, new Double[] { 0.0, 0.25, 0.5 });
CrossValidationResult crossValidationRes = scoreCalculator.tuneHyperParameters();
System.out.println("Train with maxDeep: " + crossValidationRes.getBest("maxDeep") + " and minImpurityDecrease: " + crossValidationRes.getBest("minImpurityDecrease"));
DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer trainer = new DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer().withMaxDeep(crossValidationRes.getBest("maxDeep")).withMinImpurityDecrease(crossValidationRes.getBest("minImpurityDecrease"));
System.out.println("Best score: " + Arrays.toString(crossValidationRes.getBestScore()));
System.out.println("Best hyper params: " + crossValidationRes.getBestHyperParams());
System.out.println("Best average score: " + crossValidationRes.getBestAvgScore());
crossValidationRes.getScoringBoard().forEach((hyperParams, score) -> System.out.println("Score " + Arrays.toString(score) + " for hyper params " + hyperParams));
// Train decision tree model.
DecisionTreeModel bestMdl =, dataCache, split.getTrainFilter(), normalizationPreprocessor);
System.out.println("\n>>> Trained model: " + bestMdl);
double accuracy = Evaluator.evaluate(dataCache, split.getTestFilter(), bestMdl, normalizationPreprocessor, new Accuracy<>());
System.out.println("\n>>> Accuracy " + accuracy);
System.out.println("\n>>> Test Error " + (1 - accuracy));
System.out.println(">>> Tutorial step 8 (cross-validation with param grid) example completed.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} finally {
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class GDBTrainerTest method testFitRegression.
public void testFitRegression() {
int size = 100;
double[] xs = new double[size];
double[] ys = new double[size];
double from = -5.0;
double to = 5.0;
double step = Math.abs(from - to) / size;
Map<Integer, double[]> learningSample = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
xs[i] = from + step * i;
ys[i] = 2 * xs[i];
learningSample.put(i, new double[] { xs[i], ys[i] });
GDBTrainer trainer = new GDBRegressionOnTreesTrainer(1.0, 2000, 3, 0.0).withUsingIdx(true);
IgniteModel<Vector, Double> mdl =, 1, new DoubleArrayVectorizer<Integer>().labeled(Vectorizer.LabelCoordinate.LAST));
double mse = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
double x = xs[j];
double y = ys[j];
double p = mdl.predict(VectorUtils.of(x));
mse += Math.pow(y - p, 2);
mse /= size;
assertEquals(0.0, mse, 0.0001);
ModelsComposition composition = (ModelsComposition) mdl;
composition.getModels().forEach(m -> assertTrue(m instanceof DecisionTreeModel));
assertEquals(2000, composition.getModels().size());
assertTrue(composition.getPredictionsAggregator() instanceof WeightedPredictionsAggregator);
trainer = trainer.withCheckConvergenceStgyFactory(new MeanAbsValueConvergenceCheckerFactory(0.1));
assertTrue(, 1, new DoubleArrayVectorizer<Integer>().labeled(1)).getModels().size() < 2000);