use of org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionDeadlockException in project ignite by apache.
the class PerformingTransactions method deadlockDetectionExample.
public static void deadlockDetectionExample() {
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start()) {
// tag::deadlock[]
CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>();
IgniteCache<Integer, String> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(cfg);
try (Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(TransactionConcurrency.PESSIMISTIC, TransactionIsolation.READ_COMMITTED, 300, 0)) {
cache.put(1, "1");
cache.put(2, "1");
} catch (CacheException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof TransactionTimeoutException && e.getCause().getCause() instanceof TransactionDeadlockException)
// end::deadlock[]
use of org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionDeadlockException in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteUtils method exceptionConverters.
* Gets map with converters to convert internal checked exceptions to public API unchecked exceptions.
* @return Exception converters.
private static Map<Class<? extends IgniteCheckedException>, C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>> exceptionConverters() {
Map<Class<? extends IgniteCheckedException>, C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put(IgniteInterruptedCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new IgniteInterruptedException(e.getMessage(), (InterruptedException) e.getCause());
m.put(IgniteFutureCancelledCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new IgniteFutureCancelledException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteFutureTimeoutCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new IgniteFutureTimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(ClusterGroupEmptyCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new ClusterGroupEmptyException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(ClusterTopologyCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
ClusterTopologyException topEx = new ClusterTopologyException(e.getMessage(), e);
ClusterTopologyCheckedException checked = (ClusterTopologyCheckedException) e;
if (checked.retryReadyFuture() != null)
topEx.retryReadyFuture(new IgniteFutureImpl<>(checked.retryReadyFuture()));
return topEx;
m.put(IgniteDeploymentCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new IgniteDeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(ComputeTaskTimeoutCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new ComputeTaskTimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(ComputeTaskCancelledCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new ComputeTaskCancelledException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxRollbackCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionRollbackException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxHeuristicCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionHeuristicException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxTimeoutCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof TransactionDeadlockException)
return new TransactionTimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
return new TransactionTimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxOptimisticCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionOptimisticException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteClientDisconnectedCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new IgniteClientDisconnectedException(((IgniteClientDisconnectedCheckedException) e).reconnectFuture(), e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxSerializationCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionSerializationException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxDuplicateKeyCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionDuplicateKeyException(e.getMessage(), e);
m.put(IgniteTxAlreadyCompletedCheckedException.class, new C1<IgniteCheckedException, IgniteException>() {
public IgniteException apply(IgniteCheckedException e) {
return new TransactionAlreadyCompletedException(e.getMessage(), e);
return m;
use of org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionDeadlockException in project ignite by apache.
the class TxPessimisticDeadlockDetectionTest method doTestDeadlock.
* @throws Exception If failed.
private void doTestDeadlock(final int txCnt, final boolean loc, boolean lockPrimaryFirst, final boolean clientTx, final Object startKey) throws Exception {">>> Test deadlock [txCnt=" + txCnt + ", loc=" + loc + ", lockPrimaryFirst=" + lockPrimaryFirst + ", clientTx=" + clientTx + ", startKey=" + startKey.getClass().getName() + ']');
final AtomicInteger threadCnt = new AtomicInteger();
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(txCnt);
final AtomicReference<TransactionDeadlockException> deadlockErr = new AtomicReference<>();
final List<List<Object>> keySets = generateKeys(txCnt, startKey, loc, !lockPrimaryFirst);
final Set<Object> involvedKeys = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
final Set<Object> involvedLockedKeys = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
final Set<IgniteInternalTx> involvedTxs = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
IgniteInternalFuture<Long> fut = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int threadNum = threadCnt.incrementAndGet();
Ignite ignite = loc ? ignite(0) : ignite(clientTx ? threadNum - 1 + txCnt : threadNum - 1);
IgniteCache<Object, Integer> cache = ignite.cache(CACHE_NAME).withAllowAtomicOpsInTx();
List<Object> keys = keySets.get(threadNum - 1);
int txTimeout = 500 + txCnt * 100;
try (Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ, txTimeout, 0)) {
involvedTxs.add(((TransactionProxyImpl) tx).tx());
Object key = keys.get(0);
Object k;">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", key=" + key + ']');
cache.put(key, 0);
key = keys.get(1);
ClusterNode primaryNode = ((IgniteCacheProxy) cache).context().affinity().primaryByKey(key, NONE);
List<Object> primaryKeys = primaryKeys(grid(primaryNode).cache(CACHE_NAME), 5, incrementKey(key, 100 * threadNum));
Map<Object, Integer> entries = new HashMap<>();
entries.put(key, 0);
for (Object o : primaryKeys) {
entries.put(o, 1);
k = incrementKey(o, +13);
entries.put(k, 2);
}">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", entries=" + entries + ']');
} catch (Throwable e) {
// At least one stack trace should contain TransactionDeadlockException.
if (hasCause(e, TransactionTimeoutException.class) && hasCause(e, TransactionDeadlockException.class)) {
if (deadlockErr.compareAndSet(null, cause(e, TransactionDeadlockException.class)))
U.error(log, "At least one stack trace should contain " + TransactionDeadlockException.class.getSimpleName(), e);
}, loc ? 2 : txCnt, "tx-thread");
try {
} catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(null, "Unexpected exception", e);
TransactionDeadlockException deadlockE = deadlockErr.get();
checkAllTransactionsCompleted(involvedKeys, NODES_CNT * 2, CACHE_NAME);
// Check deadlock report
String msg = deadlockE.getMessage();
for (IgniteInternalTx tx : involvedTxs) assertTrue(msg.contains("[txId=" + tx.xidVersion() + ", nodeId=" + tx.nodeId() + ", threadId=" + tx.threadId() + ']'));
for (Object key : involvedKeys) {
if (involvedLockedKeys.contains(key))
assertTrue(msg.contains("[key=" + key + ", cache=" + CACHE_NAME + ']'));
assertFalse(msg.contains("[key=" + key));
use of org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionDeadlockException in project ignite by apache.
the class TxOptimisticDeadlockDetectionCrossCacheTest method doTestDeadlock.
* @throws Exception If failed.
private boolean doTestDeadlock() throws Exception {
final AtomicInteger threadCnt = new AtomicInteger();
final AtomicBoolean deadlock = new AtomicBoolean();
final AtomicInteger commitCnt = new AtomicInteger();
grid(0).events().localListen(new CacheLocksListener(), EventType.EVT_CACHE_OBJECT_LOCKED);
AffinityTopologyVersion waitTopVer = new AffinityTopologyVersion(2, 1);
IgniteInternalFuture<?> exchFut = grid(0).context().cache().context().exchange().affinityReadyFuture(waitTopVer);
if (exchFut != null && !exchFut.isDone()) {"Waiting for topology exchange future [waitTopVer=" + waitTopVer + ", curTopVer=" + grid(0).context().cache().context().exchange().readyAffinityVersion() + ']');
}"Finished topology exchange future [curTopVer=" + grid(0).context().cache().context().exchange().readyAffinityVersion() + ']');
IgniteInternalFuture<Long> fut = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int threadNum = threadCnt.getAndIncrement();
Ignite ignite = ignite(0);
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache1 = ignite.cache("cache" + (threadNum == 0 ? 0 : 1));
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache2 = ignite.cache("cache" + (threadNum == 0 ? 1 : 0));
try (Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(OPTIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ, 500, 0)) {
int key1 = primaryKey(cache1);">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", key=" + key1 + ", cache=" + cache1.getName() + ']');
cache1.put(key1, 0);
int key2 = primaryKey(cache2);">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", key=" + key2 + ", cache=" + cache2.getName() + ']');
cache2.put(key2, 1);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// At least one stack trace should contain TransactionDeadlockException.
if (hasCause(e, TransactionTimeoutException.class) && hasCause(e, TransactionDeadlockException.class)) {
if (deadlock.compareAndSet(false, true))"Successfully set deadlock flag");
else"Deadlock flag was already set");
} else
log.warning("Got not deadlock exception", e);
}, 2, "tx-thread");
assertFalse("Commits must fail", commitCnt.get() == 2);
for (Ignite ignite : G.allGrids()) {
IgniteTxManager txMgr = ((IgniteKernal) ignite).context().cache().context().tm();
Collection<IgniteInternalFuture<?>> futs = txMgr.deadlockDetectionFutures();
return true;
use of org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionDeadlockException in project ignite by apache.
the class TxDeadlockDetectionUnmasrhalErrorsTest method testDeadlockCacheObjectContext.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDeadlockCacheObjectContext() throws Exception {
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache0 = null;
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache1 = null;
try {
cache0 = getCache(ignite(0), "cache0");
cache1 = getCache(ignite(0), "cache1");
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> clientCache0 = grid(1).cache("cache0");
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicInteger threadCnt = new AtomicInteger();
final AtomicBoolean deadlock = new AtomicBoolean();
IgniteInternalFuture<Long> fut = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int threadNum = threadCnt.getAndIncrement();
Ignite ignite = ignite(0);
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache1 = ignite.cache("cache" + (threadNum == 0 ? 0 : 1));
IgniteCache<Integer, Integer> cache2 = ignite.cache("cache" + (threadNum == 0 ? 1 : 0));
try (Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, REPEATABLE_READ, 1000, 0)) {
int key1 = threadNum == 0 ? 0 : 1;">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", key=" + key1 + ", cache=" + cache1.getName() + ']');
cache1.put(key1, 0);
int key2 = threadNum == 0 ? 1 : 0;">>> Performs put [node=" + ((IgniteKernal) ignite).localNode() + ", tx=" + tx + ", key=" + key2 + ", cache=" + cache2.getName() + ']');
cache2.put(key2, 1);
tx.commit();">>> Commit done");
} catch (Throwable e) {
// At least one stack trace should contain TransactionDeadlockException.
if (hasCause(e, TransactionTimeoutException.class) && hasCause(e, TransactionDeadlockException.class)) {
if (deadlock.compareAndSet(false, true))
U.error(log, "At least one stack trace should contain " + TransactionDeadlockException.class.getSimpleName(), e);
}, 2, "tx-thread");
Ignite client = grid(1);
try (Transaction tx = client.transactions().txStart(PESSIMISTIC, READ_COMMITTED, 500, 0)) {
clientCache0.put(0, 3);
clientCache0.put(1, 3);
tx.commit();">>> Commit done");
} catch (CacheException e) {
assertTrue(X.hasCause(e, TransactionTimeoutException.class));
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.error("Unexpected exception occurred", e);
for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
Ignite ignite = ignite(i);
IgniteTxManager txMgr = ((IgniteKernal) ignite).context().cache().context().tm();
Collection<IgniteInternalFuture<?>> futs = txMgr.deadlockDetectionFutures();
// assertNotNull(grid(1).context().cache().context().cacheContext(cacheId));
} finally {
if (cache0 != null)
if (cache1 != null)