use of in project ant-ivy by apache.
the class ResolveTest method testUnpack.
public void testUnpack() throws Exception {
ResolveOptions options = getResolveOptions(new String[] { "*" });
URL url = new File("test/repositories/1/packaging/module1/ivys/ivy-1.0.xml").toURI().toURL();
// normal resolve, the file goes in the cache
ResolveReport report = ivy.resolve(url, options);
ArtifactDownloadReport adr = report.getAllArtifactsReports()[0];
File cacheDir = ivy.getSettings().getDefaultRepositoryCacheBasedir();
assertEquals(new File(cacheDir, "packaging/module2/jars/module2-1.0.jar"), adr.getLocalFile());
assertEquals(new File(cacheDir, "packaging/module2/jar_unpackeds/module2-1.0"), adr.getUnpackedLocalFile());
File[] jarContents = adr.getUnpackedLocalFile().listFiles();
assertEquals(new File(adr.getUnpackedLocalFile(), "META-INF"), jarContents[0]);
assertEquals(new File(adr.getUnpackedLocalFile(), "test.txt"), jarContents[1]);
assertEquals(new File(adr.getUnpackedLocalFile(), "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"), jarContents[0].listFiles()[0]);
use of in project ant-ivy by apache.
the class ResolveTest method testResolveWithConflictManagerDefinedAtHigherLevel.
* Test case for IVY-1404.
* @see <a href="">IVY-1404</a>
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
public void testResolveWithConflictManagerDefinedAtHigherLevel() throws Exception {
// #M1;1.0 -> #M2;1.0
// #M1;2.0 -> {#M2;1.0 #M3;1.0}
// #M2;1.0 -> org1#mod1.2;1.1
// #M3;1.0 -> org1#mod1.2;2.0
// #M1;1.0 has conflict manager: <conflict org="org1" module="mod1.2" rev="1.1,2.0" />
ResolveReport report = ivy.resolve(new File("test/repositories/1/IVY-1404/M1/ivys/ivy-1.0.xml"), getResolveOptions(new String[] { "*" }));
ArtifactDownloadReport[] adrs = report.getConfigurationReport("default").getDownloadedArtifactsReports();
assertEquals(2, adrs.length);
assertEquals("1.1", adrs[0].getArtifact().getId().getRevision());
assertEquals("2.0", adrs[1].getArtifact().getId().getRevision());
use of in project ant-ivy by apache.
the class RetrieveTest method testRetrieveWithSymlinkToggling.
* Test case for IVY-1498.
* More than one retrieve, one having symlink enabled and the other not,
* must not lead to repository cache corruption.
* <p>
* The test does the following:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* Resolves a module, let's call it "irrelevant-A" which has a dependency on
* "org:foo-bar:1.2.3"
* </li>
* <li>
* Invokes a retrieve RT1, with {@link RetrieveOptions#setMakeSymlinks(boolean) symlinks true}
* on that resolved module with a pattern that translates to a path "a/b/c/foo-bar.jar". When
* the RT1 retrieve is done, the path "a/b/c/foo-bar.jar" will be a symlink to a path
* "repo/cache/org/foo-bar/foo-bar-1.2.3.jar" in the Ivy cache.
* All fine so far.
* </li>
* <li>
* We then resolve another module, let's call it "irrelevant-B" which has a dependency on
* "org:foo-bar:2.3.4"
* </li>
* <li>
* Next, do a new retrieve RT2, on this newly resolved module with
* {@link RetrieveOptions#setMakeSymlinks(boolean) symlinks false} and
* {@link RetrieveOptions#getOverwriteMode() overwrite semantics enabled}
* and with the same pattern as before), that translates to a path "a/b/c/foo-bar.jar".
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* When RT2 retrieve is done, we expect the path "a/b/c/foo-bar.jar" will *not* be a symlink
* and instead be an actual file that represents the org:foo-bar:2.3.4 artifact jar.
* </p>
* <p>
* We also expect that this RT2 retrieve will not update/overwrite the file at path
* "repo/cache/org/foo-bar/foo-bar-1.2.3.jar" in the Ivy cache - the file that was the end
* target of the symlink generated by the previous RT1.
* </p>
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong
* @see <a href="">IVY-1498</a>
public void testRetrieveWithSymlinkToggling() throws Exception {
// org:mod1:2.0 depends on org:foo-bar:1.2.3
final ResolveReport resolve1Report = ivy.resolve(new File("test/repositories/1/org/mod1/ivys/ivy-2.0.xml").toURI().toURL(), getResolveOptions(new String[] { "*" }));
assertNotNull("Resolve report isn't available", resolve1Report);
assertNotNull("Module descriptor missing in resolve report", resolve1Report.getModuleDescriptor());
// verify the downloaded dependency artifact in cache
final ModuleRevisionId fooBar123Mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance("org", "foo-bar", "1.2.3");
final ArtifactDownloadReport[] downloadReports = resolve1Report.getArtifactsReports(fooBar123Mrid);
assertNotNull("No artifact download report found for the " + fooBar123Mrid + " dependency", downloadReports);
assertEquals("Unexpected number for artifact download reports for the " + fooBar123Mrid + " dependency", 1, downloadReports.length);
final File fooBar123ArtifactInCache = downloadReports[0].getLocalFile();
assertNotNull("Local file for " + fooBar123Mrid + " missing in download report", fooBar123ArtifactInCache);
assertTrue("Artifact file for " + fooBar123Mrid + " isn't a file, in cache at " + fooBar123ArtifactInCache, fooBar123ArtifactInCache.isFile());
final byte[] fooBar123ArtifactContentsInCache = Files.readAllBytes(fooBar123ArtifactInCache.toPath());
assertTrue("Artifact content was empty at " + new String(fooBar123ArtifactContentsInCache), fooBar123ArtifactContentsInCache.length > 0);
// now do a retrieve of the resolved module
final String retrievePattern = "build/test/retrieve/symlink-test/[module]/[artifact].[ext]";
ivy.retrieve(resolve1Report.getModuleDescriptor().getModuleRevisionId(), getRetrieveOptions().setMakeSymlinks(true).setOverwriteMode(RetrieveOptions.OVERWRITEMODE_ALWAYS).setDestArtifactPattern(retrievePattern));
// we expect org:foo-bar:1.2.3 to have been retrieved
final String retrievedArtifactSymlinkPath = IvyPatternHelper.substitute(retrievePattern, "org", "foo-bar", "1.2.3", "foo-bar", "jar", "jar", "default");
// get hold of the contents of the retrieved artifact
final byte[] retrievedArtifactContent = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(retrievedArtifactSymlinkPath));
// compare it to the contents of org:foo-bar:1.2.3 artifact in repo cache. Should be the same
assertTrue("Unexpected content in the retrieved artifact at " + retrievedArtifactSymlinkPath, Arrays.equals(fooBar123ArtifactContentsInCache, retrievedArtifactContent));
// let this retrieved artifact file stay and let's now try and resolve a module and then
// retrieve a different version of the same artifact, *without* symlinking enabled, which
// will end up at this exact location org:mod1:2.0 depends on org:foo-bar:1.2.3
final ResolveReport resolve2Report = ivy.resolve(new File("test/repositories/1/org/mod1/ivys/ivy-5.0.xml").toURI().toURL(), getResolveOptions(new String[] { "*" }));
assertNotNull("Resolve report isn't available", resolve2Report);
assertNotNull("Module descriptor missing in resolve report", resolve2Report.getModuleDescriptor());
// verify the downloaded dependency artifact in cache
final ModuleRevisionId fooBar234Mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance("org", "foo-bar", "2.3.4");
final ArtifactDownloadReport[] foobar234report = resolve2Report.getArtifactsReports(fooBar234Mrid);
assertNotNull("No artifact download report found for the " + fooBar234Mrid + " dependency", foobar234report);
assertEquals("Unexpected number for artifact download reports for the " + fooBar234Mrid + " dependency", 1, foobar234report.length);
final File foobar234InCache = foobar234report[0].getLocalFile();
assertNotNull("Local file for " + fooBar234Mrid + " missing in download report", foobar234InCache);
assertTrue("Artifact file for " + fooBar234Mrid + " isn't a file, in cache at " + foobar234InCache, foobar234InCache.isFile());
final byte[] foobar234CacheFileContents = Files.readAllBytes(foobar234InCache.toPath());
assertTrue("Artifact content was empty at " + new String(foobar234CacheFileContents), foobar234CacheFileContents.length > 0);
// do the retrieve with symlinks disabled
ivy.retrieve(resolve2Report.getModuleDescriptor().getModuleRevisionId(), getRetrieveOptions().setMakeSymlinks(false).setDestArtifactPattern(retrievePattern).setOverwriteMode(RetrieveOptions.OVERWRITEMODE_ALWAYS));
// we expect org:foo-bar:2.3.4 to have been retrieved
final Path secondRetrieveArtifactPath = new File(IvyPatternHelper.substitute(retrievePattern, "org", "foo-bar", "2.3.4", "foo-bar", "jar", "jar", "default")).toPath();
assertTrue("Artifact wasn't retrieved to " + secondRetrieveArtifactPath, Files.exists(secondRetrieveArtifactPath));
// expected to be a regular file and not a symlink
assertFalse("Artifact retrieved at " + secondRetrieveArtifactPath + " wasn't expected to be a " + "symlink", Files.isSymbolicLink(secondRetrieveArtifactPath));
// get hold of the contents of the retrieved artifact
final byte[] secondRetrievedArtifactContents = Files.readAllBytes(secondRetrieveArtifactPath);
// compare it to the contents of org:foo-bar:2.3.4 artifact in repo cache. Should be the same
assertTrue("Unexpected content in the retrieved artifact at " + secondRetrieveArtifactPath, Arrays.equals(foobar234CacheFileContents, secondRetrievedArtifactContents));
// also make sure that this retrieved content hasn't messed up the other (unrelated) file,
// in the cache, that was previously symlinked to this retrieved path
assertTrue("A second retrieve of an artifact has corrupted an unrelated (previously symlinked) artifact in cache", Arrays.equals(fooBar123ArtifactContentsInCache, Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fooBar123ArtifactInCache.getPath()))));
use of in project ant-ivy by apache.
the class ResolveEngineTest method testLocateThenDownload.
private void testLocateThenDownload(ResolveEngine engine, Artifact artifact, File artifactFile) {
ArtifactOrigin origin = engine.locate(artifact);
assertEquals(artifactFile.getAbsolutePath(), new File(origin.getLocation()).getAbsolutePath());
ArtifactDownloadReport r =, new DownloadOptions());
assertEquals(DownloadStatus.SUCCESSFUL, r.getDownloadStatus());
use of in project ant-ivy by apache.
the class P2DescriptorTest method testResolveSource.
public void testResolveSource() throws Exception {
ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(BundleInfo.BUNDLE_TYPE, "org.apache.ivy", "2.2.0.final_20100923230623");
ResolvedModuleRevision rmr = p2SourceResolver.getDependency(new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(mrid, false), data);
assertEquals(mrid, rmr.getId());
assertEquals(2, rmr.getDescriptor().getAllArtifacts().length);
DownloadReport report =, new DownloadOptions());
assertEquals(2, report.getArtifactsReports().length);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Artifact artifact = rmr.getDescriptor().getAllArtifacts()[i];
ArtifactDownloadReport ar = report.getArtifactReport(artifact);
assertEquals(artifact, ar.getArtifact());
assertEquals(DownloadStatus.SUCCESSFUL, ar.getDownloadStatus());
// test to ask to download again, should use cache
DownloadReport report2 = Artifact[] { artifact }, new DownloadOptions());
assertEquals(1, report2.getArtifactsReports().length);
ar = report2.getArtifactReport(artifact);
assertEquals(artifact, ar.getArtifact());
assertEquals(DownloadStatus.NO, ar.getDownloadStatus());