use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AccessControlImporterTest method testImportPolicyExists.
* Imports a resource-based ACL containing a single entry for a policy that
* already exists: expected outcome its that the existing ACE is replaced.
public void testImportPolicyExists() throws Exception {
try {
Node target = createImportTargetWithPolicy(EveryonePrincipal.getInstance());
doImport(target.getPath(), XML_POLICY_TREE_2);
AccessControlManager acMgr = superuser.getAccessControlManager();
AccessControlPolicy[] policies = acMgr.getPolicies(target.getPath());
assertEquals(1, policies.length);
assertTrue(policies[0] instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlList);
AccessControlEntry[] entries = ((JackrabbitAccessControlList) policies[0]).getAccessControlEntries();
assertEquals(1, entries.length);
AccessControlEntry entry = entries[0];
assertEquals(EveryonePrincipal.getInstance(), entry.getPrincipal());
List<Privilege> privs = Arrays.asList(entry.getPrivileges());
assertEquals(1, privs.size());
assertEquals(acMgr.privilegeFromName(Privilege.JCR_WRITE), entry.getPrivileges()[0]);
if (entry instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlEntry) {
assertTrue(((JackrabbitAccessControlEntry) entry).isAllow());
} finally {
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AccessControlManagementTest method testReadAccessControlWithoutPrivilege.
public void testReadAccessControlWithoutPrivilege() throws Exception {
// re-grant READ in order to have an ACL-node
Privilege[] privileges = privilegesFromName(Privilege.JCR_READ);
JackrabbitAccessControlList tmpl = allow(path, privileges);
String policyPath = tmpl.getPath() + "/rep:policy";
// make sure the 'rep:policy' node has been created.
Testuser must still have READ-only access only and must not be
allowed to view the acl-node nor any item in the subtree that
has been created.
assertFalse(testAcMgr.hasPrivileges(path, privilegesFromName(Privilege.JCR_READ_ACCESS_CONTROL)));
try {
fail("Accessing the rep:policy node must throw PathNotFoundException.");
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
// ok.
try {
fail("test user must not have READ_AC privilege.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
try {
fail("test user must not have READ_AC privilege.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
for (NodeIterator aceNodes = superuser.getNode(policyPath).getNodes(); aceNodes.hasNext(); ) {
Node aceNode = aceNodes.nextNode();
String aceNodePath = aceNode.getPath();
for (PropertyIterator it = aceNode.getProperties(); it.hasNext(); ) {
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AccessControlManagementTest method testAclReferingToRemovedPrincipal.
public void testAclReferingToRemovedPrincipal() throws Exception {
JackrabbitAccessControlList acl = allow(path, repWritePrivileges);
String acPath = acl.getPath();
// remove the test user
testUser = null;
// try to retrieve the acl again
Session s = getHelper().getSuperuserSession();
try {
AccessControlManager acMgr = getAccessControlManager(s);
} finally {
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AccessControlManagementTest method testRetrievePrivilegesOnAcNodes.
public void testRetrievePrivilegesOnAcNodes() throws Exception {
// give 'testUser' jcr:readAccessControl privileges at 'path'
Privilege[] privileges = privilegesFromName(Privilege.JCR_READ_ACCESS_CONTROL);
allow(path, privileges);
testuser must be allowed to read ac-content at target node.
assertTrue(testAcMgr.hasPrivileges(path, privileges));
AccessControlPolicy[] policies = testAcMgr.getPolicies(path);
assertEquals(1, policies.length);
assertTrue(policies[0] instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlList);
String aclNodePath = null;
Node n = superuser.getNode(path);
for (NodeIterator itr = n.getNodes(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
Node child = itr.nextNode();
if (child.isNodeType("rep:Policy")) {
aclNodePath = child.getPath();
if (aclNodePath == null) {
fail("Expected node at " + path + " to have an ACL child node.");
assertTrue(testAcMgr.hasPrivileges(aclNodePath, privileges));
assertTrue(testSession.hasPermission(aclNodePath, Session.ACTION_READ));
for (NodeIterator aceNodes = superuser.getNode(aclNodePath).getNodes(); aceNodes.hasNext(); ) {
String aceNodePath = aceNodes.nextNode().getPath();
assertTrue(testAcMgr.hasPrivileges(aceNodePath, privileges));
assertTrue(testSession.hasPermission(aceNodePath, Session.ACTION_READ));
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AccessControlManagementTest method testAccessControlModificationWithoutPrivilege.
public void testAccessControlModificationWithoutPrivilege() throws Exception {
// give 'testUser' ADD_CHILD_NODES|MODIFY_PROPERTIES| REMOVE_CHILD_NODES privileges at 'path'
Privilege[] privileges = privilegesFromNames(new String[] { Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES, Privilege.JCR_REMOVE_CHILD_NODES, Privilege.JCR_MODIFY_PROPERTIES });
JackrabbitAccessControlList tmpl = allow(path, privileges);
String policyPath = tmpl.getPath() + "/rep:policy";
// make sure the 'rep:policy' node has been created.
testuser must not have
- permission to modify AC items
try {
testAcMgr.setPolicy(tmpl.getPath(), tmpl);
fail("test user must not have MODIFY_AC privilege.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
try {
testAcMgr.removePolicy(tmpl.getPath(), tmpl);
fail("test user must not have MODIFY_AC privilege.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success