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Example 56 with PrincipalIterator

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class PrincipalManagerTest method testGetGroupPrincipals.

public void testGetGroupPrincipals() {
    PrincipalIterator it = principalMgr.getPrincipals(PrincipalManager.SEARCH_TYPE_GROUP);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Principal p = it.nextPrincipal();
Also used : PrincipalIterator( Principal( EveryonePrincipal( Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractJCRTest(org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest)

Example 57 with PrincipalIterator

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class UserImportBestEffortTest method testImportNonExistingImpersonationBestEffort.

public void testImportNonExistingImpersonationBestEffort() throws Exception {
    // an non-existing princ-name
    String principalName = "anybody";
    String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<sv:node sv:name=\"t\" xmlns:mix=\"\" xmlns:nt=\"\" xmlns:fn_old=\"\" xmlns:fn=\"\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:sv=\"\" xmlns:rep=\"internal\" xmlns:jcr=\"\">" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"jcr:primaryType\" sv:type=\"Name\"><sv:value>rep:User</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"jcr:uuid\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>e358efa4-89f5-3062-b10d-d7316b65649e</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"rep:password\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>{sha1}8efd86fb78a56a5145ed7739dcb00c78581c5375</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"rep:principalName\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>t</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"rep:impersonators\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>" + principalName + "</sv:value></sv:property>" + "</sv:node>";
    doImport(getTargetPath(), xml);
    Authorizable a = getUserManager().getAuthorizable("t");
    boolean found = false;
    PrincipalIterator it = ((User) a).getImpersonation().getImpersonators();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Principal p = it.nextPrincipal();
        if (principalName.equals(p.getName())) {
            found = true;
Also used : Authorizable( PrincipalIterator( Principal( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 58 with PrincipalIterator

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class SystemUserImportTest method testExistingPrincipal.

public void testExistingPrincipal() throws Exception {
    Principal existing = null;
    Session s = getImportSession();
    PrincipalIterator principalIterator = ((JackrabbitSession) s).getPrincipalManager().getPrincipals(PrincipalManager.SEARCH_TYPE_ALL);
    while (principalIterator.hasNext()) {
        Principal p = principalIterator.nextPrincipal();
        if (getUserManager().getAuthorizable(p) != null) {
            existing = p;
    if (existing == null) {
        throw new NotExecutableException();
    String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<sv:node sv:name=\"t\" xmlns:mix=\"\" xmlns:nt=\"\" xmlns:fn_old=\"\" xmlns:fn=\"\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:sv=\"\" xmlns:rep=\"internal\" xmlns:jcr=\"\">" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"jcr:primaryType\" sv:type=\"Name\"><sv:value>rep:SystemUser</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"jcr:uuid\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>e358efa4-89f5-3062-b10d-d7316b65649e</sv:value></sv:property>" + "   <sv:property sv:name=\"rep:principalName\" sv:type=\"String\"><sv:value>" + existing.getName() + "</sv:value></sv:property>" + "</sv:node>";
    try {
        doImport(getTargetPath(), xml);;
        fail("Import must detect conflicting principals.");
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
    // success
Also used : NotExecutableException(org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException) PrincipalIterator( RepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException) Principal( Session(javax.jcr.Session) JackrabbitSession(org.apache.jackrabbit.api.JackrabbitSession) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 59 with PrincipalIterator

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class NestedGroupTest method testInheritedMembership.

public void testInheritedMembership() throws NotExecutableException, RepositoryException {
    Group gr1 = null;
    Group gr2 = null;
    Group gr3 = null;
    if (!(superuser instanceof JackrabbitSession)) {
        throw new NotExecutableException();
    try {
        gr1 = createGroup(getTestPrincipal());
        gr2 = createGroup(getTestPrincipal());
        gr3 = createGroup(getTestPrincipal());
        assertTrue(addMember(gr1, gr2));
        assertTrue(addMember(gr2, gr3));
        // NOTE: don't test with Group.isMember for not required to detect
        // inherited membership -> rather with PrincipalManager.
        boolean isMember = false;
        PrincipalManager pmgr = ((JackrabbitSession) superuser).getPrincipalManager();
        for (PrincipalIterator it = pmgr.getGroupMembership(gr3.getPrincipal()); it.hasNext() && !isMember; ) {
            isMember = it.nextPrincipal().equals(gr1.getPrincipal());
    } finally {
        if (gr1 != null && gr1.isMember(gr2)) {
            removeMember(gr1, gr2);
        if (gr2 != null && gr2.isMember(gr3)) {
            removeMember(gr2, gr3);
        if (gr1 != null)
        if (gr2 != null)
        if (gr3 != null)
Also used : PrincipalManager( Group( NotExecutableException(org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException) PrincipalIterator( JackrabbitSession(org.apache.jackrabbit.api.JackrabbitSession) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 60 with PrincipalIterator

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class UserImporter method processReferences.

     * @see org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml.ProtectedPropertyImporter#processReferences()
public void processReferences() throws RepositoryException {
    if (!initialized) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized");
    // assert that user manager is isn't in auto-save mode
    if (userManager.isAutoSave()) {
    try {
        List<Object> processed = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (Iterator<Object> it = referenceTracker.getProcessedReferences(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            Object reference =;
            if (reference instanceof Membership) {
                Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(((Membership) reference).groupId);
                if (a == null || !a.isGroup()) {
                    throw new RepositoryException(((Membership) reference).groupId + " does not represent a valid group.");
                final Group gr = (Group) a;
                // 1. collect members to add and to remove.
                Map<String, Authorizable> toRemove = new HashMap<String, Authorizable>();
                for (Iterator<Authorizable> declMembers = gr.getDeclaredMembers(); declMembers.hasNext(); ) {
                    Authorizable dm =;
                    toRemove.put(dm.getID(), dm);
                List<Authorizable> toAdd = new ArrayList<Authorizable>();
                final List<Membership.Member> nonExisting = new ArrayList<Membership.Member>();
                for (Membership.Member member : ((Membership) reference).members) {
                    NodeId remapped = referenceTracker.getMappedId(;
                    NodeId id = (remapped == null) ? : remapped;
                    Authorizable authorz = null;
                    try {
                        NodeImpl n = ((SessionImpl) session).getNodeById(id);
                        authorz = userManager.getAuthorizable(n);
                    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    // no such node or failed to retrieve authorizable
                    // warning is logged below.
                    if (authorz != null) {
                        if (toRemove.remove(authorz.getID()) == null) {
                    // else: no need to remove from rep:members
                    } else {
                        handleFailure("New member of " + gr + ": No such authorizable (NodeID = " + id + ")");
                        if (importBehavior == ImportBehavior.BESTEFFORT) {
                  "ImportBehavior.BESTEFFORT: Remember non-existing member for processing.");
                // 2. adjust members of the group
                for (Authorizable m : toRemove.values()) {
                    if (!gr.removeMember(m)) {
                        handleFailure("Failed remove existing member (" + m + ") from " + gr);
                for (Authorizable m : toAdd) {
                    if (!gr.addMember(m)) {
                        handleFailure("Failed add member (" + m + ") to " + gr);
                // handling non-existing members in case of best-effort
                if (!nonExisting.isEmpty()) {
          "ImportBehavior.BESTEFFORT: Found " + nonExisting.size() + " entries of rep:members pointing to non-existing authorizables. Adding to rep:members.");
                    final NodeImpl groupNode = ((AuthorizableImpl) gr).getNode();
                    if (userManager.hasMemberSplitSize()) {
                        userManager.performProtectedOperation((SessionImpl) session, new SessionWriteOperation<Object>() {

                            public Boolean perform(SessionContext context) throws RepositoryException {
                                NodeImpl nMembers = (groupNode.hasNode(UserConstants.N_MEMBERS) ? groupNode.getNode(UserConstants.N_MEMBERS) : groupNode.addNode(UserConstants.N_MEMBERS, UserConstants.NT_REP_MEMBERS, null));
                                // Create N_MEMBERS node structure for holding member references
                                for (Membership.Member member : nonExisting) {
                                    PropertySequence properties = GroupImpl.getPropertySequence(nMembers, userManager);
                                    String propName =;
                                    if (propName == null) {
                                        log.debug("Ignoring unnamed user with id {}",;
                                    if (properties.hasItem(propName)) {
                                        log.debug("Overwriting authorizable {} which is already member of {}.", propName, gr);
                                    Value newMember = session.getValueFactory().createValue(, PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE);
                                    properties.addProperty(propName, newMember);
                                return null;
                    } else {
                        // Create P_MEMBERS for holding member references
                        // build list of valid members set before ....
                        List<Value> memberValues = new ArrayList<Value>();
                        if (groupNode.hasProperty(UserConstants.P_MEMBERS)) {
                            Value[] vls = groupNode.getProperty(UserConstants.P_MEMBERS).getValues();
                        // ... and the non-Existing ones.
                        for (Membership.Member member : nonExisting) {
                            memberValues.add(session.getValueFactory().createValue(, PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE));
                        // and use implementation specific method to set the
                        // value of rep:members properties which was not possible
                        // through the API
                        userManager.setProtectedProperty(groupNode, UserConstants.P_MEMBERS, memberValues.toArray(new Value[memberValues.size()]), PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE);
            } else if (reference instanceof Impersonators) {
                Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(((Impersonators) reference).userId);
                if (a == null || a.isGroup()) {
                    throw new RepositoryException(((Impersonators) reference).userId + " does not represent a valid user.");
                Impersonation imp = ((User) a).getImpersonation();
                // 1. collect principals to add and to remove.
                Map<String, Principal> toRemove = new HashMap<String, Principal>();
                for (PrincipalIterator pit = imp.getImpersonators(); pit.hasNext(); ) {
                    Principal princ = pit.nextPrincipal();
                    toRemove.put(princ.getName(), princ);
                List<Principal> toAdd = new ArrayList<Principal>();
                Value[] vs = ((Impersonators) reference).values;
                for (Value v : vs) {
                    String princName = v.getString();
                    if (toRemove.remove(princName) == null) {
                        // add it to the list of new impersonators to be added.
                        toAdd.add(new PrincipalImpl(princName));
                // else: no need to revoke impersonation for the given principal.
                // 2. adjust set of impersonators
                for (Principal princ : toRemove.values()) {
                    if (!imp.revokeImpersonation(princ)) {
                        handleFailure("Failed to revoke impersonation for " + princ.getName() + " on " + a);
                for (Principal princ : toAdd) {
                    if (!imp.grantImpersonation(princ)) {
                        handleFailure("Failed to grant impersonation for " + princ.getName() + " on " + a);
                // NOTE: no best effort handling so far. (TODO)
        // successfully processed this entry of the reference tracker
        // -> remove from the reference tracker.
    } finally {
        // the original state.
        if (resetAutoSave) {
Also used : Group( Impersonation( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Authorizable( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) PrincipalImpl( NodeImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl) PrincipalIterator( RepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException) PropertySequence(org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.flat.PropertySequence) NodeId( Value(javax.jcr.Value) SessionContext(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session.SessionContext) SessionImpl(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionImpl) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Principal(


PrincipalIterator ( Principal ( Test (org.junit.Test)35 EveryonePrincipal ( AbstractJCRTest (org.apache.jackrabbit.test.AbstractJCRTest)11 JackrabbitSession (org.apache.jackrabbit.api.JackrabbitSession)9 PrincipalManager ( NotExecutableException (org.apache.jackrabbit.test.NotExecutableException)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Authorizable ( Group ( RepositoryException (javax.jcr.RepositoryException)4 Group ( TestPrincipal ( EveryonePrincipal ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Impersonation ( User ( Session (javax.jcr.Session)2 Subject (