use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.RepositoryConfig in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class RepositoryUpgrade method copy.
* Copies the full content from the source to the target repository.
* <p>
* The source repository <strong>must not be modified</strong> while
* the copy operation is running to avoid an inconsistent copy.
* <p>
* Note that both the source and the target repository must be closed
* during the copy operation as this method requires exclusive access
* to the repositories.
* @param initializer optional extra repository initializer to use
* @throws RepositoryException if the copy operation fails
public void copy(RepositoryInitializer initializer) throws RepositoryException {
if (checkLongNames) {
RepositoryConfig config = source.getRepositoryConfig();"Copying repository content from {} to Oak", config.getHomeDir());
try {
NodeBuilder targetBuilder = target.getRoot().builder();
if (VersionHistoryUtil.getVersionStorage(targetBuilder).exists() && !versionCopyConfiguration.skipOrphanedVersionsCopy()) {
logger.warn("The version storage on destination already exists. Orphaned version histories will be skipped.");
final Root upgradeRoot = new UpgradeRoot(targetBuilder);
String workspaceName = source.getRepositoryConfig().getDefaultWorkspaceName();
SecurityProviderImpl security = new SecurityProviderImpl(mapSecurityConfig(config.getSecurityConfig()));
if (skipInitialization) {"Skipping the repository initialization");
} else {
// init target repository first"Initializing initial repository content from {}", config.getHomeDir());
new InitialContent().initialize(targetBuilder);
if (initializer != null) {
logger.debug("InitialContent completed from {}", config.getHomeDir());
for (SecurityConfiguration sc : security.getConfigurations()) {
RepositoryInitializer ri = sc.getRepositoryInitializer();
logger.debug("Repository initializer '" + ri.getClass().getName() + "' completed", config.getHomeDir());
for (SecurityConfiguration sc : security.getConfigurations()) {
WorkspaceInitializer wi = sc.getWorkspaceInitializer();
wi.initialize(targetBuilder, workspaceName);
logger.debug("Workspace initializer '" + wi.getClass().getName() + "' completed", config.getHomeDir());
HashBiMap<String, String> uriToPrefix = HashBiMap.create();"Copying registered namespaces");
copyNamespaces(targetBuilder, uriToPrefix);
logger.debug("Namespace registration completed.");
if (skipInitialization) {"Skipping registering node types and privileges");
} else {"Copying registered node types");
NodeTypeManager ntMgr = new ReadWriteNodeTypeManager() {
protected Tree getTypes() {
return upgradeRoot.getTree(NODE_TYPES_PATH);
protected Root getWriteRoot() {
return upgradeRoot;
copyNodeTypes(ntMgr, new ValueFactoryImpl(upgradeRoot, NamePathMapper.DEFAULT));
logger.debug("Node type registration completed.");
// migrate privileges"Copying registered privileges");
PrivilegeConfiguration privilegeConfiguration = security.getConfiguration(PrivilegeConfiguration.class);
copyCustomPrivileges(privilegeConfiguration.getPrivilegeManager(upgradeRoot, NamePathMapper.DEFAULT));
logger.debug("Privilege registration completed.");
// Triggers compilation of type information, which we need for
// the type predicates used by the bulk copy operations below.
new TypeEditorProvider(false).getRootEditor(targetBuilder.getBaseState(), targetBuilder.getNodeState(), targetBuilder, null);
final NodeState reportingSourceRoot = ReportingNodeState.wrap(JackrabbitNodeState.createRootNodeState(source, workspaceName, targetBuilder.getNodeState(), uriToPrefix, copyBinariesByReference, skipOnError), new LoggingReporter(logger, "Migrating", LOG_NODE_COPY, -1));
final NodeState sourceRoot;
if (filterLongNames) {
sourceRoot = NameFilteringNodeState.wrap(reportingSourceRoot);
} else {
sourceRoot = reportingSourceRoot;
final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();"Copying workspace content");
copyWorkspace(sourceRoot, targetBuilder, workspaceName);
// on TarMK this does call triggers the actual copy
targetBuilder.getNodeState();"Upgrading workspace content completed in {}s ({})", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS), watch);
if (!versionCopyConfiguration.skipOrphanedVersionsCopy()) {"Copying version storage");
copyVersionStorage(targetBuilder, getVersionStorage(sourceRoot), getVersionStorage(targetBuilder), versionCopyConfiguration);
// on TarMK this does call triggers the actual copy
targetBuilder.getNodeState();"Version storage copied in {}s ({})", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS), watch);
} else {"Skipping the version storage as the copyOrphanedVersions is set to false");
watch.reset().start();"Applying default commit hooks");
// TODO: default hooks?
List<CommitHook> hooks = newArrayList();
UserConfiguration userConf = security.getConfiguration(UserConfiguration.class);
String groupsPath = userConf.getParameters().getConfigValue(UserConstants.PARAM_GROUP_PATH, UserConstants.DEFAULT_GROUP_PATH);
String usersPath = userConf.getParameters().getConfigValue(UserConstants.PARAM_USER_PATH, UserConstants.DEFAULT_USER_PATH);
// hooks specific to the upgrade, need to run first
hooks.add(new EditorHook(new CompositeEditorProvider(new RestrictionEditorProvider(), new GroupEditorProvider(groupsPath), // copy referenced version histories
new VersionableEditor.Provider(sourceRoot, workspaceName, versionCopyConfiguration), new SameNameSiblingsEditor.Provider(), AuthorizableFolderEditor.provider(groupsPath, usersPath))));
// this editor works on the VersionableEditor output, so it can't be
// a part of the same EditorHook
hooks.add(new EditorHook(new VersionablePropertiesEditor.Provider()));
// security-related hooks
for (SecurityConfiguration sc : security.getConfigurations()) {
if (customCommitHooks != null) {
// type validation, reference and indexing hooks
hooks.add(new EditorHook(new CompositeEditorProvider(createTypeEditorProvider(), createIndexEditorProvider())));
target.merge(targetBuilder, new LoggingCompositeHook(hooks, source, overrideEarlyShutdown()), CommitInfo.EMPTY);"Processing commit hooks completed in {}s ({})", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS), watch);
logger.debug("Repository upgrade completed.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RepositoryException("Failed to copy content", e);
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.RepositoryConfig in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class AbstractRepositoryUpgradeTest method createSourceRepository.
protected RepositoryImpl createSourceRepository(File repositoryHome) throws IOException, RepositoryException {
InputStream repoConfig = getRepositoryConfig();
RepositoryConfig config;
if (repoConfig == null) {
config = RepositoryConfig.install(repositoryHome);
} else {
OutputStream out = FileUtils.openOutputStream(new File(repositoryHome, "repository.xml"));
IOUtils.copy(repoConfig, out);
config = RepositoryConfig.create(repositoryHome);
return RepositoryImpl.create(config);
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.RepositoryConfig in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class PersistenceManagerIteratorTest method testGetAllNodeIds.
public void testGetAllNodeIds() throws Exception {
Node root = testRootNode;
Session session = root.getSession();
Repository rep = session.getRepository();
if (!(rep instanceof RepositoryImpl)) {
log("Test skipped. Required repository class: " + RepositoryImpl.class + " got: " + rep.getClass());
RepositoryImpl r = (RepositoryImpl) rep;
RepositoryConfig conf = r.getConfig();
Collection<WorkspaceConfig> coll = conf.getWorkspaceConfigs();
String[] names = new String[coll.size()];
Iterator<WorkspaceConfig> wspIt = coll.iterator();
for (int i = 0; wspIt.hasNext(); i++) {
WorkspaceConfig wsc =;
names[i] = wsc.getName();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length && i < 1; i++) {
Session s = getHelper().getSuperuserSession(names[i]);
try {
Method m = r.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getWorkspaceInfo", new Class[] { String.class });
Object info = m.invoke(r, names[i]);
m = info.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getPersistenceManager", new Class[0]);
PersistenceManager pm = (PersistenceManager) m.invoke(info, new Object[0]);
if (!(pm instanceof AbstractBundlePersistenceManager)) {
log("PM skipped: " + pm.getClass());
AbstractBundlePersistenceManager apm = (AbstractBundlePersistenceManager) pm;
log("PM: " + pm.getClass().getName());
log("All nodes in one step");
NodeId after = null;
NodeId first = null;
for (NodeId id : apm.getAllNodeIds(null, 0)) {
log(" " + id);
if (first == null) {
// initialize first node id
first = id;
if (after != null) {
assertFalse(id.compareTo(after) == 0);
after = id;
// start with first
after = first;
log("All nodes using batches");
while (true) {
log(" bigger than: " + after);
Iterator<NodeId> it = apm.getAllNodeIds(after, 2).iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
NodeId id =;
log(" " + id);
assertFalse(id.compareTo(after) == 0);
after = id;
log("Random access");
for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++) {
after = NodeId.randomId();
log(" bigger than: " + after);
for (NodeId id : apm.getAllNodeIds(after, 2)) {
log(" " + id);
assertFalse(id.compareTo(after) == 0);
after = id;
} finally {
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.RepositoryConfig in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class RepositoryLockTest method testMultipleInstantiation.
public void testMultipleInstantiation() throws Exception {
RepositoryConfig config = RepositoryConfig.create(REPO_CONF.getAbsolutePath(), REPO_HOME.getAbsolutePath());
repo = RepositoryImpl.create(config);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// try again
try {
repo = RepositoryImpl.create(config);
fail("Multiple instantiation must not be possible");
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
// expected
// check if lock file is still there, see JCR-2057
assertTrue("repository lock file deleted", new File(REPO_HOME, ".lock").exists());
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.RepositoryConfig in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class DefaultLoginModuleTest method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
RepositoryConfig rc = ((RepositoryImpl) superuser.getRepository()).getConfig();
String workspaceName = rc.getSecurityConfig().getSecurityManagerConfig().getWorkspaceName();
if (workspaceName == null) {
workspaceName = rc.getDefaultWorkspaceName();
securitySession = getHelper().getSuperuserSession(workspaceName);