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Example 51 with PropertyId

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class NodeStateEx method store.

 * stores the given persistent state recursively
 * @param state node state to store
 * @throws ItemStateException if an error occurs
private void store(NodeState state, boolean recursively) throws ItemStateException {
    if (state.getStatus() != ItemState.STATUS_EXISTING) {
        // first store all transient properties
        for (Name propName : state.getPropertyNames()) {
            PropertyState pstate = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(new PropertyId(state.getNodeId(), propName));
            if (pstate.getStatus() != ItemState.STATUS_EXISTING) {
        if (recursively) {
            // now store all child node entries
            for (ChildNodeEntry entry : state.getChildNodeEntries()) {
                NodeState nstate = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
                store(nstate, true);
        // and store itself;
Also used : NodeState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState) ChildNodeEntry(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry) Name(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name) PropertyState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState) PropertyId(

Example 52 with PropertyId

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class NodeStateMerger method merge.

 * Tries to silently merge the given <code>state</code> with its
 * externally (e.g. through another session) modified overlayed state
 * in order to avoid an <code>InvalidItemStateException</code>.
 * <p>
 * See
 * See also
 * @param state node state whose modified overlayed state should be
 *        merged
 * @param context used for analyzing the context of the modifications
 * @return true if the changes could be successfully merged into the
 *         given node state; false otherwise
static boolean merge(NodeState state, MergeContext context) {
    NodeState overlayedState = (NodeState) state.getOverlayedState();
    if (overlayedState == null || state.getModCount() == overlayedState.getModCount()) {
        return false;
    synchronized (overlayedState) {
        synchronized (state) {
            // child node entries order
            if (!state.getReorderedChildNodeEntries().isEmpty()) {
                // a reorder operation
                return false;
            // the primary node type
            if (!state.getNodeTypeName().equals(overlayedState.getNodeTypeName())) {
                // the primary node type has changed either in 'state' or 'overlayedState'.
                return false;
            // mixin types
            if (!mergeMixinTypes(state, overlayedState, context)) {
                return false;
            // parent id
            if (state.getParentId() != null && !state.getParentId().equals(overlayedState.getParentId())) {
                return false;
            // child node entries
            if (!state.getChildNodeEntries().equals(overlayedState.getChildNodeEntries())) {
                ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> added = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>();
                ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> removed = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>();
                for (ChildNodeEntry cne : state.getAddedChildNodeEntries()) {
                    // locally added or moved?
                    if (context.isAdded(cne.getId()) || (context.isModified(cne.getId()) && isParent(state, cne, context))) {
                        // check for name collisions with other state
                        if (overlayedState.hasChildNodeEntry(cne.getName())) {
                            // conflicting names
                            if (cne.getIndex() < 2) {
                                // check if same-name siblings are allowed
                                if (!context.allowsSameNameSiblings(cne.getId())) {
                                    return false;
                        // assume same-name siblings are allowed since index is >= 2
                for (ChildNodeEntry cne : state.getRemovedChildNodeEntries()) {
                    // locally removed?
                    if (context.isDeleted(cne.getId()) || context.isModified(cne.getId())) {
                        // a child node entry has been removed from this node state
                // copy child node entries from other state and
                // re-apply changes made on this state
                for (ChildNodeEntry cne : removed) {
                for (ChildNodeEntry cne : added) {
                    state.addChildNodeEntry(cne.getName(), cne.getId());
            // property names
            if (!state.getPropertyNames().equals(overlayedState.getPropertyNames())) {
                HashSet<Name> added = new HashSet<Name>();
                HashSet<Name> removed = new HashSet<Name>();
                for (Name name : state.getAddedPropertyNames()) {
                    PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(state.getNodeId(), name);
                    if (context.isAdded(propId)) {
                for (Name name : state.getRemovedPropertyNames()) {
                    PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(state.getNodeId(), name);
                    if (context.isDeleted(propId)) {
                        // a property name has been removed from this state
                // copy property names from other and
                // re-apply changes made on this state
                for (Name name : added) {
                for (Name name : removed) {
            // finally sync modification count
            return true;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Name(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) PropertyId(

Example 53 with PropertyId

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class SessionItemStateManager method createTransientPropertyState.

 * @param overlayedState
 * @param initialStatus
 * @return
 * @throws ItemStateException
public PropertyState createTransientPropertyState(PropertyState overlayedState, int initialStatus) throws ItemStateException {
    PropertyId id = overlayedState.getPropertyId();
    // check map; synchronized to ensure an entry is not created twice.
    synchronized (transientStore) {
        if (transientStore.containsKey(id)) {
            String msg = "there's already a property state instance with id " + id;
            throw new ItemStateException(msg);
        PropertyState state = new PropertyState(overlayedState, initialStatus, true);
        // put transient state in the map
        transientStore.put(id, state);
        return state;
Also used : PropertyId( InvalidItemStateException(javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException)

Example 54 with PropertyId

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class SessionItemStateManager method createTransientPropertyState.

 * @param parentId
 * @param propName
 * @param initialStatus
 * @return
 * @throws ItemStateException
public PropertyState createTransientPropertyState(NodeId parentId, Name propName, int initialStatus) throws ItemStateException {
    PropertyId id = new PropertyId(parentId, propName);
    // check map; synchronized to ensure an entry is not created twice.
    synchronized (transientStore) {
        if (transientStore.containsKey(id)) {
            String msg = "there's already a property state instance with id " + id;
            throw new ItemStateException(msg);
        PropertyState state = new PropertyState(id, initialStatus, true);
        // put transient state in the map
        transientStore.put(id, state);
        return state;
Also used : PropertyId( InvalidItemStateException(javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException)

Example 55 with PropertyId

use of in project jackrabbit by apache.

the class WorkspaceImporter method processProperty.

protected void processProperty(NodeState node, PropInfo pInfo) throws RepositoryException {
    PropertyState prop;
    QPropertyDefinition def;
    Name name = pInfo.getName();
    int type = pInfo.getType();
    if (node.hasPropertyName(name)) {
        // a property with that name already exists...
        PropertyId idExisting = new PropertyId(node.getNodeId(), name);
        prop = (PropertyState) itemOps.getItemState(idExisting);
        def = itemOps.findApplicablePropertyDefinition(prop.getName(), prop.getType(), prop.isMultiValued(), node);
        if (def.isProtected()) {
            // skip protected property
            log.debug("skipping protected property " + itemOps.safeGetJCRPath(idExisting));
        if (!def.isAutoCreated() || (prop.getType() != type && type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) || def.isMultiple() != prop.isMultiValued()) {
            throw new ItemExistsException(itemOps.safeGetJCRPath(prop.getPropertyId()));
    } else {
        // there's no property with that name,
        // find applicable definition
        def = pInfo.getApplicablePropertyDef(itemOps.getEffectiveNodeType(node));
        if (def.isProtected()) {
            // skip protected property
            log.debug("skipping protected property " + name);
        // create new property
        prop = itemOps.createPropertyState(node, name, type, def);
    // check multi-valued characteristic
    TextValue[] values = pInfo.getTextValues();
    if (values.length != 1 && !def.isMultiple()) {
        throw new ConstraintViolationException(itemOps.safeGetJCRPath(prop.getPropertyId()) + " is not multi-valued");
    // convert serialized values to InternalValue objects
    int targetType = pInfo.getTargetType(def);
    InternalValue[] iva = new InternalValue[values.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        iva[i] = values[i].getInternalValue(targetType);
    // set values
    // make sure property is valid according to its definition
    if (prop.getType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE || prop.getType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE) {
        // store reference for later resolution
    // store property;
Also used : ItemExistsException(javax.jcr.ItemExistsException) QPropertyDefinition(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QPropertyDefinition) ConstraintViolationException(javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException) InternalValue(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue) PropertyState(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState) Name(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name) PropertyId(


PropertyId ( Name (org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name)29 PropertyState (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState)25 NodeState (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState)23 RepositoryException (javax.jcr.RepositoryException)22 ItemStateException (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException)22 NodeId ( InternalValue (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue)14 NoSuchItemStateException (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NoSuchItemStateException)12 ChildNodeEntry (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry)11 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 InvalidItemStateException (javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 EffectiveNodeType (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeType)6 ConstraintViolationException (javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException)5 NodeReferences (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeReferences)5 PropertyDefinitionImpl (org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl)5 ItemId ( NodeTypeManagerImpl (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeManagerImpl)4 PropertyEntry (org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util.NodePropBundle.PropertyEntry)4