use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class RemoveMixinOperation method perform.
public Object perform(SessionContext context) throws RepositoryException {
SessionImpl session = context.getSessionImpl();
ItemManager itemMgr = context.getItemManager();
SessionItemStateManager stateMgr = context.getItemStateManager();
context.getItemValidator().checkModify(node, CHECK_LOCK | CHECK_CHECKED_OUT | CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | CHECK_HOLD, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT);
// check if mixin is assigned
NodeState state = node.getNodeState();
if (!state.getMixinTypeNames().contains(mixinName)) {
throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException("Mixin " + context.getJCRName(mixinName) + " not included in " + node);
NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = context.getNodeTypeManager();
NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = context.getNodeTypeRegistry();
// build effective node type of remaining mixin's & primary type
Set<Name> remainingMixins = new HashSet<Name>(state.getMixinTypeNames());
// remove name of target mixin
EffectiveNodeType entResulting;
try {
// build effective node type representing primary type
// including remaining mixin's
entResulting = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(state.getNodeTypeName(), remainingMixins);
} catch (NodeTypeConflictException e) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(e.getMessage(), e);
// mix:referenceable needs special handling because it has
// special semantics:
// it can only be removed if there no more references to this node
NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(mixinName);
if (isReferenceable(mixin) && !entResulting.includesNodeType(MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
if (node.getReferences().hasNext()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(mixinName + " can not be removed:" + " the node is being referenced through at least" + " one property of type REFERENCE");
// currently locked even if the editing session is the lock holder.
if ((NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE.equals(mixinName) || mixin.isDerivedFrom(NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE)) && !entResulting.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE) && node.isLocked()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(mixinName + " can not be removed: the node is locked.");
NodeState thisState = (NodeState) node.getOrCreateTransientItemState();
// collect information about properties and nodes which require further
// action as a result of the mixin removal; we need to do this *before*
// actually changing the assigned mixin types, otherwise we wouldn't
// be able to retrieve the current definition of an item.
Map<PropertyId, PropertyDefinition> affectedProps = new HashMap<PropertyId, PropertyDefinition>();
Map<ChildNodeEntry, NodeDefinition> affectedNodes = new HashMap<ChildNodeEntry, NodeDefinition>();
try {
Set<Name> names = thisState.getPropertyNames();
for (Name propName : names) {
PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);
PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(propId);
PropertyDefinition oldDef = itemMgr.getDefinition(propState);
// check if property has been defined by mixin type
// (or one of its supertypes)
NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) oldDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
// the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
// node type that declared this property
affectedProps.put(propId, oldDef);
List<ChildNodeEntry> entries = thisState.getChildNodeEntries();
for (ChildNodeEntry entry : entries) {
NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
NodeDefinition oldDef = itemMgr.getDefinition(nodeState);
// check if node has been defined by mixin type
// (or one of its supertypes)
NodeTypeImpl declaringNT = (NodeTypeImpl) oldDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
// the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
// node type that declared this child node
affectedNodes.put(entry, oldDef);
} catch (ItemStateException e) {
throw new RepositoryException("Failed to determine effect of removing mixin " + context.getJCRName(mixinName), e);
// modify the state of this node
// set jcr:mixinTypes property
// process affected nodes & properties:
// 1. try to redefine item based on the resulting
// new effective node type (see JCR-2130)
// 2. remove item if 1. fails
boolean success = false;
try {
for (Map.Entry<PropertyId, PropertyDefinition> entry : affectedProps.entrySet()) {
PropertyId id = entry.getKey();
PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(id);
PropertyDefinition oldDef = entry.getValue();
if (oldDef.isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
// redefine property if possible (JCR-2130)
try {
PropertyDefinitionImpl newDef = node.getApplicablePropertyDefinition(id.getName(), prop.getType(), oldDef.isMultiple(), false);
if (newDef.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED && newDef.getRequiredType() != prop.getType()) {
// value conversion required
if (oldDef.isMultiple()) {
// convert value
Value[] values = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValues(), newDef.getRequiredType(), session.getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// convert value
Value value = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValue(), newDef.getRequiredType(), session.getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// redefine property
} catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
// value conversion failed, remove it
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// no suitable definition found for this property,
// remove it
for (ChildNodeEntry entry : affectedNodes.keySet()) {
NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
NodeImpl childNode = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(entry.getId());
NodeDefinition oldDef = affectedNodes.get(entry);
if (oldDef.isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
// redefine node if possible (JCR-2130)
try {
NodeDefinitionImpl newDef = node.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(entry.getName(), nodeState.getNodeTypeName());
// redefine node
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// no suitable definition found for this child node,
// remove it
success = true;
} catch (ItemStateException e) {
throw new RepositoryException("Failed to clean up child items defined by removed mixin " + context.getJCRName(mixinName), e);
} finally {
if (!success) {
// TODO JCR-1914: revert any changes made so far
return this;
use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class ItemSaveOperation method validateTransientItems.
* the following validations/checks are performed on transient items:
* for every transient item:
* - if it is 'modified' or 'new' check the corresponding write permission.
* - if it is 'removed' check the REMOVE permission
* for every transient node:
* - if it is 'new' check that its node type satisfies the
* 'required node type' constraint specified in its definition
* - check if 'mandatory' child items exist
* for every transient property:
* - check if the property value satisfies the value constraints
* specified in the property's definition
* note that the protected flag is checked in Node.addNode/Node.remove
* (for adding/removing child entries of a node), in
* Node.addMixin/removeMixin/setPrimaryType (for type changes on nodes)
* and in Property.setValue (for properties to be modified).
private void validateTransientItems(SessionContext context, Iterable<ItemState> dirty, Iterable<ItemState> removed) throws RepositoryException {
SessionImpl session = context.getSessionImpl();
ItemManager itemMgr = context.getItemManager();
SessionItemStateManager stateMgr = context.getItemStateManager();
AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = context.getNodeTypeManager();
// walk through list of dirty transient items and validate each
for (ItemState itemState : dirty) {
ItemDefinition def;
if (itemState.isNode()) {
def = itemMgr.getDefinition((NodeState) itemState);
} else {
def = itemMgr.getDefinition((PropertyState) itemState);
/* check permissions for non-protected items. protected items are
only added through API methods which need to assert that
permissions are not violated.
if (!def.isProtected()) {
/* detect the effective set of modification:
- new added node -> add_node perm on the child
- new property added -> set_property permission
- property modified -> set_property permission
- modified nodes can be ignored for changes only included
child-item addition or removal or changes of protected
properties such as mixin-types which are covered separately
note: removed items are checked later on.
note: reordering of child nodes has been covered upfront as
this information isn't available here.
Path path = stateMgr.getHierarchyMgr().getPath(itemState.getId());
boolean isGranted = true;
if (itemState.isNode()) {
if (itemState.getStatus() == ItemState.STATUS_NEW) {
isGranted = accessMgr.isGranted(path, Permission.ADD_NODE);
// else: modified node (see comment above)
} else {
// modified or new property: set_property permission
isGranted = accessMgr.isGranted(path, Permission.SET_PROPERTY);
if (!isGranted) {
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(path) + ": not allowed to add or modify item";
throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
if (itemState.isNode()) {
// the transient item is a node
NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) itemState;
ItemId id = nodeState.getNodeId();
NodeDefinition nodeDef = (NodeDefinition) def;
// primary type
NodeTypeImpl pnt = ntMgr.getNodeType(nodeState.getNodeTypeName());
// effective node type (primary type incl. mixins)
EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(context.getRepositoryContext().getNodeTypeRegistry(), nodeState);
* if the transient node was added (i.e. if it is 'new') or if
* its primary type has changed, check its node type against the
* required node type in its definition
boolean primaryTypeChanged = nodeState.getStatus() == ItemState.STATUS_NEW;
if (!primaryTypeChanged) {
NodeState overlaid = (NodeState) nodeState.getOverlayedState();
if (overlaid != null) {
Name newName = nodeState.getNodeTypeName();
Name oldName = overlaid.getNodeTypeName();
primaryTypeChanged = !newName.equals(oldName);
if (primaryTypeChanged) {
for (NodeType ntReq : nodeDef.getRequiredPrimaryTypes()) {
Name ntName = ((NodeTypeImpl) ntReq).getQName();
if (!(pnt.getQName().equals(ntName) || pnt.isDerivedFrom(ntName))) {
* the transient node's primary node type does not
* satisfy the 'required primary types' constraint
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + " must be of node type " + ntReq.getName();
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
// mandatory child properties
for (QPropertyDefinition pd : ent.getMandatoryPropDefs()) {
if (pd.getDeclaringNodeType().equals(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE) || pd.getDeclaringNodeType().equals(NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE)) {
* todo FIXME workaround for mix:versionable:
* the mandatory properties are initialized at a
* later stage and might not exist yet
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + ": mandatory property " + pd.getName() + " does not exist";
if (!nodeState.hasPropertyName(pd.getName())) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
} else {
there exists a property with the mandatory-name.
make sure the property really has the expected mandatory
property definition (and not another non-mandatory def,
such as e.g. multivalued residual instead of single-value
mandatory, named def).
PropertyId pi = new PropertyId(nodeState.getNodeId(), pd.getName());
ItemData childData = itemMgr.getItemData(pi, null, false);
if (!childData.getDefinition().isMandatory()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
// mandatory child nodes
for (QItemDefinition cnd : ent.getMandatoryNodeDefs()) {
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(id) + ": mandatory child node " + cnd.getName() + " does not exist";
if (!nodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(cnd.getName())) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
} else {
there exists a child node with the mandatory-name.
make sure the node really has the expected mandatory
node definition.
boolean hasMandatoryChild = false;
for (ChildNodeEntry cne : nodeState.getChildNodeEntries(cnd.getName())) {
ItemData childData = itemMgr.getItemData(cne.getId(), null, false);
if (childData.getDefinition().isMandatory()) {
hasMandatoryChild = true;
if (!hasMandatoryChild) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
} else {
// the transient item is a property
PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) itemState;
ItemId propId = propState.getPropertyId();
org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl propDef = (org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.PropertyDefinitionImpl) def;
* check value constraints
* (no need to check value constraints of protected properties
* as those are set by the implementation only, i.e. they
* cannot be set by the user through the api)
if (!def.isProtected()) {
String[] constraints = propDef.getValueConstraints();
if (constraints != null) {
InternalValue[] values = propState.getValues();
try {
EffectiveNodeType.checkSetPropertyValueConstraints(propDef.unwrap(), values);
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
// repack exception for providing more verbose error message
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": " + e.getMessage();
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
* need to manually check REFERENCE value constraints
* as this requires a session (target node needs to
* be checked)
if (constraints.length > 0 && (propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE || propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE)) {
for (InternalValue internalV : values) {
boolean satisfied = false;
String constraintViolationMsg = null;
try {
NodeId targetId = internalV.getNodeId();
if (propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE && !itemMgr.itemExists(targetId)) {
// target of weakref doesn;t exist, skip
Node targetNode = session.getNodeById(targetId);
* constraints are OR-ed, i.e. at least one
* has to be satisfied
for (String constrNtName : constraints) {
* a [WEAK]REFERENCE value constraint specifies
* the name of the required node type of
* the target node
if (targetNode.isNodeType(constrNtName)) {
satisfied = true;
if (!satisfied) {
NodeType[] mixinNodeTypes = targetNode.getMixinNodeTypes();
String[] targetMixins = new String[mixinNodeTypes.length];
for (int j = 0; j < mixinNodeTypes.length; j++) {
targetMixins[j] = mixinNodeTypes[j].getName();
String targetMixinsString = Text.implode(targetMixins, ", ");
String constraintsString = Text.implode(constraints, ", ");
constraintViolationMsg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": is constraint to [" + constraintsString + "] but references [primaryType=" + targetNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName() + ", mixins=" + targetMixinsString + "]";
} catch (RepositoryException re) {
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(propId) + ": failed to check " + ((propDef.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) ? "REFERENCE" : "WEAKREFERENCE") + " value constraint";
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
if (!satisfied) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(constraintViolationMsg);
* no need to check the protected flag as this is checked
* in PropertyImpl.setValue(Value)
// walk through list of removed transient items and check REMOVE permission
for (ItemState itemState : removed) {
QItemDefinition def;
try {
if (itemState.isNode()) {
def = itemMgr.getDefinition((NodeState) itemState).unwrap();
} else {
def = itemMgr.getDefinition((PropertyState) itemState).unwrap();
} catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
// of a mixin (see also JCR-2130 & JCR-2408)
if (!def.isProtected()) {
Path path = stateMgr.getAtticAwareHierarchyMgr().getPath(itemState.getId());
// check REMOVE permission
int permission = (itemState.isNode()) ? Permission.REMOVE_NODE : Permission.REMOVE_PROPERTY;
if (!accessMgr.isGranted(path, permission)) {
String msg = itemMgr.safeGetJCRPath(path) + ": not allowed to remove item";
throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeImpl method setMixins.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setMixins(String[] mixinNames) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
// check state of this instance
NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = sessionContext.getNodeTypeManager();
Set<Name> newMixins = new HashSet<Name>();
for (String name : mixinNames) {
Name qName = sessionContext.getQName(name);
if (!ntMgr.getNodeType(qName).isMixin()) {
throw new RepositoryException(sessionContext.getJCRName(qName) + " is not a mixin node type");
// make sure this node is checked-out, neither protected nor locked and
// the editing session has sufficient permission to change the mixin types.
// special handling of mix:(simple)versionable. since adding the
// mixin alters the version storage jcr:versionManagement privilege
// is required in addition.
int permissions = Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT;
if (newMixins.contains(MIX_VERSIONABLE) || newMixins.contains(MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE)) {
permissions |= Permission.VERSION_MNGMT;
int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_CHECKED_OUT | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
sessionContext.getItemValidator().checkModify(this, options, permissions);
final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
// build effective node type of primary type & new mixin's
// in order to detect conflicts
NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();
EffectiveNodeType entNew, entOld, entAll;
try {
entNew = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(newMixins);
entOld = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(state.getMixinTypeNames());
// try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
entAll = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(state.getNodeTypeName(), newMixins);
} catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(ntce.getMessage());
// added child item definitions
Set<QItemDefinition> addedDefs = new HashSet<QItemDefinition>(Arrays.asList(entNew.getAllItemDefs()));
// referential integrity check
boolean referenceableOld = getEffectiveNodeType().includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
boolean referenceableNew = entAll.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
if (referenceableOld && !referenceableNew) {
// node would become non-referenceable;
// make sure no references exist
PropertyIterator iter = getReferences();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("the new mixin types cannot be set as it would render " + "this node 'non-referenceable' while it is still being " + "referenced through at least one property of type REFERENCE");
// gather currently assigned definitions *before* doing actual modifications
Map<ItemId, ItemDefinition> oldDefs = new HashMap<ItemId, ItemDefinition>();
for (Name name : getNodeState().getPropertyNames()) {
PropertyId id = new PropertyId(getNodeId(), name);
try {
PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(id);
oldDefs.put(id, itemMgr.getDefinition(propState));
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = name + ": failed to retrieve property state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
for (ChildNodeEntry cne : getNodeState().getChildNodeEntries()) {
try {
NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(cne.getId());
oldDefs.put(cne.getId(), itemMgr.getDefinition(nodeState));
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = cne + ": failed to retrieve node state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
// now do the actual modifications in content as mandated by the new mixins
// modify the state of this node
NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
// set jcr:mixinTypes property
// walk through properties and child nodes and change definition as necessary
// use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
HashSet<Name> set = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getPropertyNames());
for (Name propName : set) {
PropertyState propState = null;
try {
propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName));
// the following call triggers ConstraintViolationException
// if there isn't any suitable definition anymore
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// redefine property if possible
try {
if (oldDefs.get(propState.getId()).isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(propName, propState.getType(), propState.isMultiValued(), false);
PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propState.getId());
if (pdi.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED && pdi.getRequiredType() != propState.getType()) {
// value conversion required
if (propState.isMultiValued()) {
// convert value
Value[] values = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValues(), pdi.getRequiredType(), getSession().getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// convert value
Value value = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValue(), pdi.getRequiredType(), getSession().getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// redefine property
// update collection of added definitions
} catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
// value conversion failed, remove it
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve1) {
// no suitable definition found for this property,
// remove it
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = propName + ": failed to retrieve property state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
// use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> list = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(thisState.getChildNodeEntries());
// start from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ChildNodeEntry entry = list.get(i);
NodeState nodeState = null;
try {
nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
// the following call triggers ConstraintViolationException
// if there isn't any suitable definition anymore
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// redefine node if possible
try {
if (oldDefs.get(nodeState.getId()).isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(entry.getName(), nodeState.getNodeTypeName());
NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(nodeState.getId());
// redefine node
// update collection of added definitions
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve1) {
// no suitable definition found for this child node,
// remove it
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = entry + ": failed to retrieve node state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
// and at the same time were not present with the old mixins
for (QItemDefinition def : addedDefs) {
if (def.isAutoCreated()) {
if (def.definesNode()) {
NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = ntMgr.getNodeDefinition((QNodeDefinition) def);
createChildNode(def.getName(), (NodeTypeImpl) ndi.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
} else {
PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = ntMgr.getPropertyDefinition((QPropertyDefinition) def);
createChildProperty(pdi.unwrap().getName(), pdi.getRequiredType(), pdi);
use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeImpl method setPrimaryType.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setPrimaryType(String nodeTypeName) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
// check state of this instance
// make sure this node is checked-out, neither protected nor locked and
// the editing session has sufficient permission to change the primary type.
int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_CHECKED_OUT | ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
sessionContext.getItemValidator().checkModify(this, options, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT);
final NodeState state = data.getNodeState();
if (state.getParentId() == null) {
String msg = "changing the primary type of the root node is not supported";
throw new RepositoryException(msg);
Name ntName = sessionContext.getQName(nodeTypeName);
if (ntName.equals(state.getNodeTypeName())) {
log.debug("Node already has " + nodeTypeName + " as primary node type.");
NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = sessionContext.getNodeTypeManager();
NodeType nt = ntMgr.getNodeType(ntName);
if (nt.isMixin()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(nodeTypeName + ": not a primary node type.");
} else if (nt.isAbstract()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(nodeTypeName + ": is an abstract node type.");
// build effective node type of new primary type & existing mixin's
// in order to detect conflicts
NodeTypeRegistry ntReg = ntMgr.getNodeTypeRegistry();
EffectiveNodeType entNew, entOld, entAll;
try {
entNew = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(ntName);
entOld = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(state.getNodeTypeName());
// try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
entAll = ntReg.getEffectiveNodeType(ntName, state.getMixinTypeNames());
} catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(ntce.getMessage());
// get applicable definition for this node using new primary type
QNodeDefinition nodeDef;
try {
NodeImpl parent = (NodeImpl) getParent();
nodeDef = parent.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(getQName(), ntName).unwrap();
} catch (RepositoryException re) {
String msg = this + ": no applicable definition found in parent node's node type";
throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg, re);
if (!nodeDef.equals(itemMgr.getDefinition(state).unwrap())) {
Set<QItemDefinition> oldDefs = new HashSet<QItemDefinition>(Arrays.asList(entOld.getAllItemDefs()));
Set<QItemDefinition> newDefs = new HashSet<QItemDefinition>(Arrays.asList(entNew.getAllItemDefs()));
Set<QItemDefinition> allDefs = new HashSet<QItemDefinition>(Arrays.asList(entAll.getAllItemDefs()));
// added child item definitions
Set<QItemDefinition> addedDefs = new HashSet<QItemDefinition>(newDefs);
// referential integrity check
boolean referenceableOld = entOld.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
boolean referenceableNew = entNew.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
if (referenceableOld && !referenceableNew) {
// node would become non-referenceable;
// make sure no references exist
PropertyIterator iter = getReferences();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("the new primary type cannot be set as it would render " + "this node 'non-referenceable' while it is still being " + "referenced through at least one property of type REFERENCE");
// do the actual modifications in content as mandated by the new primary type
// modify the state of this node
NodeState thisState = (NodeState) getOrCreateTransientItemState();
// set jcr:primaryType property
internalSetProperty(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE, InternalValue.create(ntName));
// walk through properties and child nodes and change definition as necessary
// use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
HashSet<Name> set = new HashSet<Name>(thisState.getPropertyNames());
for (Name propName : set) {
try {
PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName));
if (!allDefs.contains(itemMgr.getDefinition(propState).unwrap())) {
// redefine property if possible
try {
PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(propState.getId());
if (prop.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = getApplicablePropertyDefinition(propName, propState.getType(), propState.isMultiValued(), false);
if (pdi.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED && pdi.getRequiredType() != propState.getType()) {
// value conversion required
if (propState.isMultiValued()) {
// convert value
Value[] values = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValues(), pdi.getRequiredType(), getSession().getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// convert value
Value value = ValueHelper.convert(prop.getValue(), pdi.getRequiredType(), getSession().getValueFactory());
// redefine property
// set converted values
} else {
// redefine property
// update collection of added definitions
} catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
// value conversion failed, remove it
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// no suitable definition found for this property,
// remove it
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = propName + ": failed to retrieve property state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
// use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> list = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(thisState.getChildNodeEntries());
// start from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ChildNodeEntry entry = list.get(i);
try {
NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
if (!allDefs.contains(itemMgr.getDefinition(nodeState).unwrap())) {
// redefine node if possible
try {
NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(nodeState.getId());
if (node.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
// remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(entry.getName(), nodeState.getNodeTypeName());
// redefine node
// update collection of added definitions
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// no suitable definition found for this child node,
// remove it
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = entry.getName() + ": failed to retrieve node state";
log.error(msg, ise);
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
// type and at the same time were not present with the old nt
for (QItemDefinition def : addedDefs) {
if (def.isAutoCreated()) {
if (def.definesNode()) {
NodeDefinitionImpl ndi = ntMgr.getNodeDefinition((QNodeDefinition) def);
createChildNode(def.getName(), (NodeTypeImpl) ndi.getDefaultPrimaryType(), null);
} else {
PropertyDefinitionImpl pdi = ntMgr.getPropertyDefinition((QPropertyDefinition) def);
createChildProperty(pdi.unwrap().getName(), pdi.getRequiredType(), pdi);
use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class BatchedItemOperations method copyNodeState.
* Recursively copies the specified node state including its properties and
* child nodes.
* @param srcState
* @param srcPath
* @param srcStateMgr
* @param srcAccessMgr
* @param destParentId
* @param flag one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>COPY</code></li>
* <li><code>CLONE</code></li>
* <li><code>CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING</code></li>
* </ul>
* @param refTracker tracks uuid mappings and processed reference properties
* @return a deep copy of the given node state and its children
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
private NodeState copyNodeState(NodeState srcState, Path srcPath, ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, AccessManager srcAccessMgr, NodeId destParentId, int flag, ReferenceChangeTracker refTracker) throws RepositoryException {
NodeState newState;
try {
NodeId id = null;
EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(srcState);
boolean referenceable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
boolean versionable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE);
boolean fullVersionable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE);
boolean shareable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SHAREABLE);
switch(flag) {
case COPY:
/* if this node is shareable and another node in the same shared set
* has been already been copied and given a new uuid, use this one
* (see section 14.5 of the specification)
if (shareable && refTracker.getMappedId(srcState.getNodeId()) != null) {
NodeId newId = refTracker.getMappedId(srcState.getNodeId());
NodeState sharedState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(newId);
return sharedState;
case CLONE:
if (!referenceable) {
// non-referenceable node: always create new node id
// use same uuid as source node
id = srcState.getNodeId();
if (stateMgr.hasItemState(id)) {
if (shareable) {
NodeState sharedState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(id);
return sharedState;
// node with this uuid already exists
throw new ItemExistsException(safeGetJCRPath(id));
if (!referenceable) {
// non-referenceable node: always create new node id
// use same uuid as source node
id = srcState.getNodeId();
if (stateMgr.hasItemState(id)) {
NodeState existingState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(id);
// or an ancestor thereof
if (id.equals(destParentId) || hierMgr.isAncestor(id, destParentId)) {
String msg = "cannot remove node " + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath) + " because it is an ancestor of the destination";
throw new RepositoryException(msg);
// check if existing can be removed
// (access rights, locking & versioning status,
// node type constraints and retention/hold)
// do remove existing
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown flag for copying node state: " + flag);
newState = stateMgr.createNew(id, srcState.getNodeTypeName(), destParentId);
id = newState.getNodeId();
if (flag == COPY && referenceable) {
// remember uuid mapping
refTracker.mappedId(srcState.getNodeId(), id);
// copy node state
if (shareable) {
// initialize shared set
// copy child nodes
for (ChildNodeEntry entry : srcState.getChildNodeEntries()) {
Path srcChildPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(srcPath, entry.getName(), true);
if (!srcAccessMgr.isGranted(srcChildPath, Permission.READ)) {
NodeId nodeId = entry.getId();
NodeState srcChildState = (NodeState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(nodeId);
* If child is shareble and its UUID has already been remapped,
* then simply add a reference to the state with that remapped
* UUID instead of copying the whole subtree.
if (srcChildState.isShareable()) {
NodeId mappedId = refTracker.getMappedId(srcChildState.getNodeId());
if (mappedId != null) {
if (stateMgr.hasItemState(mappedId)) {
NodeState destState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(mappedId);
if (!destState.isShareable()) {
String msg = "Remapped child (" + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath) + ") is not shareable.";
throw new ItemStateException(msg);
if (!destState.addShare(id)) {
String msg = "Unable to add share to node: " + id;
throw new ItemStateException(msg);
newState.addChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), mappedId);
// recursive copying of child node
NodeState newChildState = copyNodeState(srcChildState, srcChildPath, srcStateMgr, srcAccessMgr, id, flag, refTracker);
// store new child node;
// add new child node entry to new node
newState.addChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), newChildState.getNodeId());
// init version history if needed
VersionHistoryInfo history = null;
if (versionable && flag == COPY) {
NodeId copiedFrom = null;
if (fullVersionable) {
// base version of copied versionable node is reference value of
// the histories jcr:copiedFrom property
PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(srcState.getNodeId(), NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION);
PropertyState prop = (PropertyState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(propId);
copiedFrom = prop.getValues()[0].getNodeId();
InternalVersionManager manager = session.getInternalVersionManager();
history = manager.getVersionHistory(session, newState, copiedFrom);
// copy properties
for (Name propName : srcState.getPropertyNames()) {
Path propPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(srcPath, propName, true);
PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(srcState.getNodeId(), propName);
if (!srcAccessMgr.canRead(propPath, propId)) {
PropertyState srcChildState = (PropertyState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(propId);
* special handling required for properties with special semantics
* (e.g. those defined by mix:referenceable, mix:versionable,
* mix:lockable,
* todo FIXME delegate to 'node type instance handler'
QPropertyDefinition def = ent.getApplicablePropertyDef(srcChildState.getName(), srcChildState.getType(), srcChildState.isMultiValued());
if (NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
// skip properties defined by mix:lockable
PropertyState newChildState = copyPropertyState(srcChildState, id, propName, def);
if (history != null) {
if (fullVersionable) {
if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY)) {
// jcr:versionHistory
InternalValue value = InternalValue.create(history.getVersionHistoryId());
newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { value });
} else if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION) || propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS)) {
// jcr:baseVersion or jcr:predecessors
InternalValue value = InternalValue.create(history.getRootVersionId());
newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { value });
} else if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
// jcr:isCheckedOut
newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { InternalValue.create(true) });
} else {
// version history when we see the jcr:isCheckedOut
if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
// jcr:isCheckedOut
newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { InternalValue.create(true) });
if (newChildState.getType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE || newChildState.getType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE) {
// store new property;
// add new property entry to new node
return newState;
} catch (ItemStateException ise) {
String msg = "internal error: failed to copy state of " + srcState.getNodeId();
throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);