use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class ItemManager method hasChildNodes.
* @param parentId
* @return
* @throws ItemNotFoundException
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* @throws RepositoryException
synchronized boolean hasChildNodes(NodeId parentId) throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
ItemData data = getItemData(parentId);
if (!data.isNode()) {
String msg = "can't list child nodes of property " + parentId;
throw new RepositoryException(msg);
NodeState state = (NodeState) data.getState();
for (ChildNodeEntry entry : state.getChildNodeEntries()) {
// make sure any of the properties can be read.
if (canRead(data, entry.getId())) {
return true;
return false;
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class ItemManager method getChildNodes.
* @param parentId
* @return
* @throws ItemNotFoundException
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* @throws RepositoryException
synchronized NodeIterator getChildNodes(NodeId parentId) throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
ItemData data = getItemData(parentId);
if (!data.isNode()) {
String msg = "can't list child nodes of property " + parentId;
throw new RepositoryException(msg);
ArrayList<ItemId> childIds = new ArrayList<ItemId>();
Iterator<ChildNodeEntry> iter = ((NodeState) data.getState()).getChildNodeEntries().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ChildNodeEntry entry =;
// delay check for read-access until item is being built
// thus avoid duplicate check
return new LazyItemIterator(sessionContext, childIds, parentId);
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class EventStateCollection method createEventStates.
* Creates {@link EventState} instances from <code>ItemState</code>
* <code>changes</code>.
* @param rootNodeId the id of the root node.
* @param changes the changes on <code>ItemState</code>s.
* @param stateMgr an <code>ItemStateManager</code> to provide <code>ItemState</code>
* of items that are not contained in the <code>changes</code> collection.
* @throws ItemStateException if an error occurs while creating events
* states for the item state changes.
public void createEventStates(NodeId rootNodeId, ChangeLog changes, ItemStateManager stateMgr) throws ItemStateException {
// create a hierarchy manager, that is based on the ChangeLog and
// the ItemStateProvider
ChangeLogBasedHierarchyMgr hmgr = new ChangeLogBasedHierarchyMgr(rootNodeId, stateMgr, changes);
// 1. modified items
for (ItemState state : changes.modifiedStates()) {
if (state.isNode()) {
// node changed
// covers the following cases:
// 1) property added
// 2) property removed
// 3) child node added
// 4) child node removed
// 5) node moved/reordered
// 6) node reordered
// 7) shareable node added
// 8) shareable node removed
// cases 1) and 2) are detected with added and deleted states
// on the PropertyState itself.
// cases 3) and 4) are detected with added and deleted states
// on the NodeState itself.
// in case 5) two or three nodes change. two nodes are changed
// when a child node is renamed. three nodes are changed when
// a node is really moved. In any case we are only interested in
// the node that actually got moved.
// in case 6) only one node state changes. the state of the
// parent node.
// in case 7) parent of added shareable node has new child node
// entry.
// in case 8) parent of removed shareable node has removed child
// node entry.
NodeState n = (NodeState) state;
if (n.hasOverlayedState()) {
NodeId oldParentId = n.getOverlayedState().getParentId();
NodeId newParentId = n.getParentId();
if (newParentId != null && !oldParentId.equals(newParentId) && !n.isShareable()) {
Path oldPath = getZombiePath(n.getNodeId(), hmgr);
// node moved
// generate node removed & node added event
NodeState oldParent;
try {
oldParent = (NodeState) changes.get(oldParentId);
} catch (NoSuchItemStateException e) {
// old parent has been deleted, retrieve from
// shared item state manager
oldParent = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(oldParentId);
if (oldParent != null) {
NodeTypeImpl oldParentNodeType = getNodeType(oldParent, session);
events.add(EventState.childNodeRemoved(oldParentId, getParent(oldPath), n.getNodeId(), oldPath.getLastElement(), oldParentNodeType.getQName(), oldParent.getMixinTypeNames(), session));
} else {
// JCR-2298: In some cases the old parent node
// state is no longer available anywhere. Log an
// error since in this case we can't generate the
// correct REMOVE event.
log.error("The old parent (node id " + oldParentId + ") of a moved node (old path " + oldPath + ") is no longer available." + " No REMOVE event generated!");
NodeState newParent = (NodeState) changes.get(newParentId);
NodeTypeImpl newParentNodeType = getNodeType(newParent, session);
Set<Name> mixins = newParent.getMixinTypeNames();
Path newPath = getPath(n.getNodeId(), hmgr);
events.add(EventState.childNodeAdded(newParentId, getParent(newPath), n.getNodeId(), newPath.getLastElement(), newParentNodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
events.add(EventState.nodeMovedWithInfo(newParentId, newPath, n.getNodeId(), oldPath, newParentNodeType.getQName(), mixins, session, false));
} else {
// a moved node always has a modified parent node
NodeState parent = null;
try {
// root node does not have a parent UUID
if (state.getParentId() != null) {
parent = (NodeState) changes.get(state.getParentId());
} catch (NoSuchItemStateException e) {
// should never happen actually. this would mean
// the parent of this modified node is deleted
String msg = "Parent of node " + state.getId() + " is deleted.";
throw new ItemStateException(msg, e);
if (parent != null) {
// check if node has been renamed
ChildNodeEntry moved = null;
for (ChildNodeEntry child : parent.getRemovedChildNodeEntries()) {
if (child.getId().equals(n.getNodeId())) {
// found node re-added with different name
moved = child;
if (moved != null) {
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(parent, session);
Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypeNames();
Path newPath = getPath(state.getId(), hmgr);
Path parentPath = getParent(newPath);
Path oldPath;
try {
if (moved.getIndex() == 0) {
oldPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(parentPath, moved.getName(), false);
} else {
oldPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(parentPath, moved.getName(), moved.getIndex(), false);
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
// should never happen actually
String msg = "Malformed path for item: " + state.getId();
throw new ItemStateException(msg, e);
events.add(EventState.childNodeRemoved(parent.getNodeId(), parentPath, n.getNodeId(), oldPath.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
events.add(EventState.childNodeAdded(parent.getNodeId(), parentPath, n.getNodeId(), newPath.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
events.add(EventState.nodeMovedWithInfo(parent.getNodeId(), newPath, n.getNodeId(), oldPath, nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session, false));
// check if child nodes of modified node state have been reordered
List<ChildNodeEntry> reordered = n.getReorderedChildNodeEntries();
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(n, session);
Set<Name> mixins = n.getMixinTypeNames();
if (reordered.size() > 0) {
// reorder
for (ChildNodeEntry child : reordered) {
Path addedElem = getPathElement(child);
Path parentPath = getPath(n.getNodeId(), hmgr);
// get removed index
NodeState overlayed = (NodeState) n.getOverlayedState();
ChildNodeEntry entry = overlayed.getChildNodeEntry(child.getId());
if (entry == null) {
throw new ItemStateException("Unable to retrieve old child index for item: " + child.getId());
Path removedElem = getPathElement(entry);
events.add(EventState.childNodeRemoved(n.getNodeId(), parentPath, child.getId(), removedElem, nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
events.add(EventState.childNodeAdded(n.getNodeId(), parentPath, child.getId(), addedElem, nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
List<ChildNodeEntry> cne = n.getChildNodeEntries();
// index of the child node entry before which this
// child node entry was reordered
int idx = cne.indexOf(child) + 1;
Path beforeElem = null;
if (idx < cne.size()) {
beforeElem = getPathElement(cne.get(idx));
events.add(EventState.nodeReordered(n.getNodeId(), parentPath, child.getId(), addedElem, removedElem, beforeElem, nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session, false));
// create events if n is shareable
createShareableNodeEvents(n, changes, hmgr, stateMgr);
} else {
// property changed
Path path = getPath(state.getId(), hmgr);
NodeState parent = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(state.getParentId());
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(parent, session);
Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypeNames();
events.add(EventState.propertyChanged(state.getParentId(), getParent(path), path.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
// 2. removed items
for (ItemState state : changes.deletedStates()) {
if (state.isNode()) {
// node deleted
NodeState n = (NodeState) state;
NodeState parent = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(n.getParentId());
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(parent, session);
Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypeNames();
Path path = getZombiePath(state.getId(), hmgr);
events.add(EventState.childNodeRemoved(n.getParentId(), getParent(path), n.getNodeId(), path.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
// create events if n is shareable
createShareableNodeEvents(n, changes, hmgr, stateMgr);
} else {
// only create an event if node still exists
try {
NodeState n = (NodeState) changes.get(state.getParentId());
// node state exists -> only property removed
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(n, session);
Set<Name> mixins = n.getMixinTypeNames();
Path path = getZombiePath(state.getId(), hmgr);
events.add(EventState.propertyRemoved(state.getParentId(), getParent(path), path.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
} catch (NoSuchItemStateException e) {
// node removed as well -> do not create an event
// 3. added items
for (ItemState state : changes.addedStates()) {
if (state.isNode()) {
// node created
NodeState n = (NodeState) state;
NodeId parentId = n.getParentId();
// the parent of an added item is always modified or new
NodeState parent = (NodeState) changes.get(parentId);
if (parent == null) {
String msg = "Parent " + parentId + " must be changed as well.";
throw new ItemStateException(msg);
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(parent, session);
Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypeNames();
Path path = getPath(n.getNodeId(), hmgr);
events.add(EventState.childNodeAdded(parentId, getParent(path), n.getNodeId(), path.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
// create events if n is shareable
createShareableNodeEvents(n, changes, hmgr, stateMgr);
} else {
// property created / set
NodeState n = (NodeState) changes.get(state.getParentId());
if (n == null) {
String msg = "Node " + state.getParentId() + " must be changed as well.";
throw new ItemStateException(msg);
NodeTypeImpl nodeType = getNodeType(n, session);
Set<Name> mixins = n.getMixinTypeNames();
Path path = getPath(state.getId(), hmgr);
events.add(EventState.propertyAdded(state.getParentId(), getParent(path), path.getLastElement(), nodeType.getQName(), mixins, session));
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeIndexer method addParentChildRelation.
* Adds a parent child relation to the given <code>doc</code>.
* @param doc the document.
* @param parentId the id of the parent node.
* @throws ItemStateException if the parent node cannot be read.
* @throws RepositoryException if the parent node does not have a child node
* entry for the current node.
protected void addParentChildRelation(Document doc, NodeId parentId) throws ItemStateException, RepositoryException {
Field parentField = new Field(FieldNames.PARENT, false, parentId.toString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO);
NodeState parent = (NodeState) stateProvider.getItemState(parentId);
ChildNodeEntry child = parent.getChildNodeEntry(node.getNodeId());
if (child == null) {
// is running in a cluster.
throw new RepositoryException("Missing child node entry for node with id: " + node.getNodeId());
Name name = child.getName();
addNodeName(doc, name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalName());