use of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.query.fulltext.FullTextExpression in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class LuceneIndex method getPlanDescription.
public String getPlanDescription(IndexPlan plan, NodeState root) {
Filter filter = plan.getFilter();
IndexNode index = tracker.acquireIndexNode((String) plan.getAttribute(ATTR_INDEX_PATH));
checkState(index != null, "The Lucene index is not available");
try {
FullTextExpression ft = filter.getFullTextConstraint();
Set<String> relPaths = getRelativePaths(ft);
if (relPaths.size() > 1) {
return new MultiLuceneIndex(filter, root, relPaths).getPlan();
String parent = relPaths.size() == 0 ? "" : relPaths.iterator().next();
// we only restrict non-full-text conditions if there is
// no relative property in the full-text constraint
boolean nonFullTextConstraints = parent.isEmpty();
String planDesc = getLuceneRequest(filter, null, nonFullTextConstraints, index.getDefinition()) + " ft:(" + ft + ")";
if (!parent.isEmpty()) {
planDesc += " parent:" + parent;
return planDesc;
} finally {