use of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeTypeDefinition in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeRegistry method toString.
//--------------------------------------------------------------< Object >
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("NodeTypeRegistry (" + super.toString() + ")\n");
builder.append("Registered NodeTypes:\n");
for (QNodeTypeDefinition ntd : registeredNTDefs.values()) {
builder.append("\tSupertypes: " + Arrays.toString(ntd.getSupertypes()) + "\n");
builder.append("\tMixin\t" + ntd.isMixin() + "\n");
builder.append("\tOrderableChildNodes\t" + ntd.hasOrderableChildNodes() + "\n");
builder.append("\tPrimaryItemName\t" + (ntd.getPrimaryItemName() == null ? "<null>" : ntd.getPrimaryItemName().toString()) + "\n");
QPropertyDefinition[] pd = ntd.getPropertyDefs();
for (QPropertyDefinition aPd : pd) {
builder.append(" (declared in " + aPd.getDeclaringNodeType() + ")\n");
builder.append("\t\tName\t\t" + (aPd.definesResidual() ? "*" : aPd.getName().toString()) + "\n");
String type = aPd.getRequiredType() == 0 ? "null" : PropertyType.nameFromValue(aPd.getRequiredType());
builder.append("\t\tRequiredType\t" + type + "\n");
QValueConstraint[] vca = aPd.getValueConstraints();
StringBuilder constraints = new StringBuilder();
if (vca == null) {
} else {
for (QValueConstraint aVca : vca) {
if (constraints.length() > 0) {
constraints.append(", ");
builder.append("\t\tValueConstraints\t" + constraints + "\n");
QValue[] defVals = aPd.getDefaultValues();
StringBuilder defaultValues = new StringBuilder();
if (defVals == null) {
} else {
for (QValue defVal : defVals) {
if (defaultValues.length() > 0) {
defaultValues.append(", ");
builder.append("\t\tDefaultValue\t" + defaultValues + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tAutoCreated\t" + aPd.isAutoCreated() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tMandatory\t" + aPd.isMandatory() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tOnVersion\t" + OnParentVersionAction.nameFromValue(aPd.getOnParentVersion()) + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tProtected\t" + aPd.isProtected() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tMultiple\t" + aPd.isMultiple() + "\n");
QNodeDefinition[] nd = ntd.getChildNodeDefs();
for (QNodeDefinition aNd : nd) {
builder.append(" (declared in " + aNd.getDeclaringNodeType() + ")\\n");
builder.append("\t\tName\t\t" + (aNd.definesResidual() ? "*" : aNd.getName().toString()) + "\n");
Name[] reqPrimaryTypes = aNd.getRequiredPrimaryTypes();
if (reqPrimaryTypes != null && reqPrimaryTypes.length > 0) {
for (Name reqPrimaryType : reqPrimaryTypes) {
builder.append("\t\tRequiredPrimaryType\t" + reqPrimaryType + "\n");
Name defPrimaryType = aNd.getDefaultPrimaryType();
if (defPrimaryType != null) {
builder.append("\n\t\tDefaultPrimaryType\t" + defPrimaryType + "\n");
builder.append("\n\t\tAutoCreated\t" + aNd.isAutoCreated() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tMandatory\t" + aNd.isMandatory() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tOnVersion\t" + OnParentVersionAction.nameFromValue(aNd.getOnParentVersion()) + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tProtected\t" + aNd.isProtected() + "\n");
builder.append("\t\tAllowsSameNameSiblings\t" + aNd.allowsSameNameSiblings() + "\n");
return builder.toString();
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeTypeDefinition in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeRegistry method checkForCircularInheritance.
static void checkForCircularInheritance(Name[] supertypes, Stack<Name> inheritanceChain, Map<Name, QNodeTypeDefinition> ntDefCache) throws InvalidNodeTypeDefException, RepositoryException {
for (Name nt : supertypes) {
int pos = inheritanceChain.lastIndexOf(nt);
if (pos >= 0) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < inheritanceChain.size(); j++) {
if (j == pos) {
buf.append("--> ");
buf.append(" extends ");
buf.append("--> ");
throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException("circular inheritance detected: " + buf.toString());
try {
QNodeTypeDefinition ntd = ntDefCache.get(nt);
Name[] sta = ntd.getSupertypes();
if (sta.length > 0) {
// check recursively
checkForCircularInheritance(sta, inheritanceChain, ntDefCache);
} catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException nsnte) {
String msg = "unknown supertype: " + nt;
throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, nsnte);
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeTypeDefinition in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeRegistry method getEffectiveNodeType.
* Returns an effective node type representation of the given node types.
* @param ntNames array of node type names
* @param entCache cache of already-built effective node types
* @param ntdCache cache of node type definitions
* @return the desired effective node type
* @throws NodeTypeConflictException if the effective node type representation
* could not be built due to conflicting
* node type definitions.
* @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException if a node type reference (e.g. a supertype)
* could not be resolved.
static EffectiveNodeType getEffectiveNodeType(Name[] ntNames, EffectiveNodeTypeCache entCache, Map<Name, QNodeTypeDefinition> ntdCache) throws NodeTypeConflictException, NoSuchNodeTypeException {
EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key = entCache.getKey(ntNames);
// 1. check if aggregate has already been built
if (entCache.contains(key)) {
return entCache.get(key);
// 2. make sure we've got the definitions of the specified node types
for (Name ntName : ntNames) {
if (!ntdCache.containsKey(ntName)) {
throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(ntName.toString());
// 3. build aggregate
EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key requested = key;
EffectiveNodeType result = null;
synchronized (entCache) {
// build list of 'best' existing sub-aggregates
while (key.getNames().length > 0) {
// find the (sub) key that matches the current key the best
EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key subKey = entCache.findBest(key);
if (subKey != null) {
EffectiveNodeType ent = entCache.get(subKey);
if (result == null) {
result = ent;
} else {
result = result.merge(ent);
// store intermediate result
// subtract the result from the temporary key
key = key.subtract(subKey);
} else {
* no matching sub-aggregates found:
* build aggregate of remaining node types through iteration
Name[] remainder = key.getNames();
for (Name aRemainder : remainder) {
QNodeTypeDefinition ntd = ntdCache.get(aRemainder);
EffectiveNodeType ent = EffectiveNodeType.create(ntd, entCache, ntdCache);
// store new effective node type
if (result == null) {
result = ent;
} else {
result = result.merge(ent);
// store intermediate result (sub-aggregate)
// the redundant nodetypes
if (!entCache.contains(requested)) {
entCache.put(requested, result);
// we're done
return result;
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeTypeDefinition in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeRegistry method internalUnregister.
private void internalUnregister(Name name) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException {
QNodeTypeDefinition ntd = registeredNTDefs.get(name);
if (ntd == null) {
throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(name.toString());
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeTypeDefinition in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeTypeRegistry method reregisterNodeType.
* Internal implementation of {@link #reregisterNodeType(QNodeTypeDefinition)}.
* @param ntd node type definition
* @param external whether this invocation should be considered external
* @return the new effective node type
* @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException if <code>ntd</code> refers to an
* unknown node type
* @throws InvalidNodeTypeDefException if the node type definition
* is invalid
* @throws RepositoryException if another error occurs
private EffectiveNodeType reregisterNodeType(QNodeTypeDefinition ntd, boolean external) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, InvalidNodeTypeDefException, RepositoryException {
EffectiveNodeType entNew;
synchronized (this) {
Name name = ntd.getName();
if (!registeredNTDefs.containsKey(name)) {
throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(name.toString());
if (builtInNTDefs.contains(name)) {
throw new RepositoryException(name.toString() + ": can't reregister built-in node type.");
* validate new node type definition
ntd = checkNtBaseSubtyping(ntd, registeredNTDefs);
validateNodeTypeDef(ntd, entCache, registeredNTDefs, nsReg, false);
* build diff of current and new definition and determine type of change
QNodeTypeDefinition ntdOld = registeredNTDefs.get(name);
NodeTypeDefDiff diff = NodeTypeDefDiff.create(ntdOld, ntd);
if (!diff.isModified()) {
// the definition has not been modified, there's nothing to do here...
return getEffectiveNodeType(name);
// make sure existing content would not conflict
// with new node type definition
checkForConflictingContent(ntd, diff);
* re-register node type definition and update caches &
* notify listeners on re-registration
// remove old node type definition from store
entNew = internalRegister(ntd);
// add new node type definition to store
// persist node type definitions
// notify listeners
// inform cluster if this is not an external invocation
if (!external && eventChannel != null) {
return entNew;