use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel in project jena by apache.
the class BPlusTreeFactory method addTracking.
* Debugging
public static BPlusTree addTracking(BPlusTree bpTree) {
BufferChannel mgrRoot = null;
BlockMgr mgr1 = bpTree.getNodeManager().getBlockMgr();
BlockMgr mgr2 = bpTree.getRecordsMgr().getBlockMgr();
mgr1 = BlockTracker.track(mgr1);
mgr2 = BlockTracker.track(mgr2);
return BPlusTreeFactory.rebuild(bpTree, mgrRoot, mgr1, mgr2);
use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel in project jena by apache.
the class BPlusTreeFactory method makeMem.
* (Testing mainly) Make an in-memory B+Tree, with copy-in, copy-out block managers
public static BPlusTree makeMem(String name, int order, int minDataRecords, int keyLength, int valueLength) {
if (name == null)
name = "Mem";
BPlusTreeParams params = new BPlusTreeParams(order, keyLength, valueLength);
int blkSize;
if (minDataRecords > 0) {
int maxDataRecords = 2 * minDataRecords;
// int rSize = RecordBufferPage.HEADER+(maxRecords*params.getRecordLength());
blkSize = RecordBufferPage.calcBlockSize(params.getRecordFactory(), maxDataRecords);
} else
blkSize = params.getCalcBlockSize();
// By FileSet
BufferChannel chan = BufferChannelMem.create(name + "(root)");
BlockMgr mgr1 = BlockMgrFactory.createMem(name + "(nodes)", params.getCalcBlockSize());
BlockMgr mgr2 = BlockMgrFactory.createMem(name + "(records)", blkSize);
ComponentId cid = ComponentId.allocLocal();
BPlusTree bpTree = BPlusTreeFactory.create(cid, params, chan, mgr1, mgr2);
return bpTree;
use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel in project jena by apache.
the class BPlusTreeFactory method createBPTree.
* Knowing all the parameters, create a B+Tree
public static BPlusTree createBPTree(ComponentId cid, FileSet fileset, int order, int blockSize, int readCacheSize, int writeCacheSize, RecordFactory factory) {
// ---- Checking
if (blockSize < 0 && order < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither blocksize nor order specified");
if (blockSize >= 0 && order < 0)
order = BPlusTreeParams.calcOrder(blockSize, factory.recordLength());
if (blockSize >= 0 && order >= 0) {
int order2 = BPlusTreeParams.calcOrder(blockSize, factory.recordLength());
if (order != order2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong order (" + order + "), calculated = " + order2);
// Iffy - does not allow for slop.
if (blockSize < 0 && order >= 0) {
// Only in-memory.
blockSize = BPlusTreeParams.calcBlockSize(order, factory);
BPlusTreeParams params = new BPlusTreeParams(order, factory);
BufferChannel bptState = FileFactory.createBufferChannel(fileset, Names.extBptState);
BlockMgr blkMgrNodes = BlockMgrFactory.create(fileset, Names.extBptTree, blockSize, readCacheSize, writeCacheSize);
BlockMgr blkMgrRecords = BlockMgrFactory.create(fileset, Names.extBptRecords, blockSize, readCacheSize, writeCacheSize);
return BPlusTreeFactory.create(cid, params, bptState, blkMgrNodes, blkMgrRecords);
use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel in project jena by apache.
the class TestRecovery method recoverBlobFile_1.
// Fake journal recovery.
public void recoverBlobFile_1() throws Exception {
String str = "Hello Journal";
ComponentId cid = ComponentId.allocLocal();
// ComponentIdRegistry registry = new ComponentIdRegistry();
// registry.register(cid, "Blob", 1);
// Write out a journal.
Journal journal = Journal.create(Location.create(dir.getRoot().getAbsolutePath()));
journal.write(JournalEntryType.REDO, cid, IO.stringToByteBuffer(str));
TransactionCoordinator coord = new TransactionCoordinator(Location.create(dir.getRoot().getAbsolutePath()));
BufferChannel chan = BufferChannelFile.create(data);
TransBlob tBlob = new TransBlob(cid, chan);
ByteBuffer blob = tBlob.getBlob();
String s = IO.byteBufferToString(blob);
assertEquals(str, s);
use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel in project jena by apache.
the class TestTransBlob method before.
public void before() {
journal = Journal.create(Location.mem());
BufferChannel chan = BufferChannelMem.create("TestTransBlob");
ComponentId cid = ComponentId.allocLocal();
transBlob = new TransBlob(cid, chan);
transactional = TransactionalFactory.createTransactional(journal, transBlob);