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Example 6 with Record

use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record in project jena by apache.

the class BPTreeNode method internalMinRecord.

protected Record internalMinRecord(AccessPath path) {
    BPTreePage page = get(0);
    trackPath(path, this, 0, page);
    Record r = page.internalMinRecord(path);
    return r;
Also used : Record(org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)

Example 7 with Record

use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record in project jena by apache.

the class BPTreeNode method splitRoot.

     * Split the root and leave the root block as the root.
     * This is the only point the height of the tree increases.
     * Allocate new blocks.
     * Copy root low into left
     * Copy root high into right
     * Set counts.
     * Create new root settings (two pointers, one key record)
     * WRITE(left)
     * WRITE(right)
     * WRITE(root)
private static void splitRoot(BPTreeNode root) {
    BPlusTree bpTree = root.bpTree;
    if (BPT.CheckingNode)
        if (!root.isRoot())
            BPT.error("Not root: %d (root is id zero)", root.getId());
    // Median record
    int splitIdx = root.params.SplitIndex;
    Record rec = root.records.get(splitIdx);
    if (logging(log)) {
        log(log, "** Split root %d (%s)", splitIdx, rec);
        log(log, "splitRoot >>   %s", root);
    // New blocks.
    BPTreeNode left = create(bpTree, root.getId(), root.isLeaf);
    BPTreeNode right = create(bpTree, root.getId(), root.isLeaf);
    // int maxRecords = maxRecords();
    // New left
    root.records.copy(0, left.records, 0, splitIdx);
    root.ptrs.copy(0, left.ptrs, 0, splitIdx + 1);
    left.count = splitIdx;
    // New right
    root.records.copy(splitIdx + 1, right.records, 0, root.maxRecords() - (splitIdx + 1));
    root.ptrs.copy(splitIdx + 1, right.ptrs, 0, root.params.MaxPtr - (splitIdx + 1));
    right.count = root.maxRecords() - (splitIdx + 1);
    if (logging(log)) {
        log(log, "splitRoot -- left:   %s", left);
        log(log, "splitRoot -- right:  %s", right);
    // So left.count+right.count = bTree.NumRec-1
    // Clear root by reformatting. New root not a leaf. Has count of 1 after
    // formatting.
    BPTreeNodeMgr.formatForRoot(root, false);
    // Make a non-leaf.
    // Insert two subnodes, divided by the median record
    root.count = 1;
    root.records.add(0, rec);
    // slot 0
    root.ptrs.set(0, left.getId());
    // slot 1
    root.ptrs.set(1, right.getId());
    if (logging(log)) {
        log(log, "splitRoot <<   %s", root);
        log(log, "splitRoot <<   %s", left);
        log(log, "splitRoot <<   %s", right);
    if (BPT.CheckingNode) {
Also used : Record(org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)

Example 8 with Record

use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record in project jena by apache.

the class BPTreeNode method delete.

 * Delete a record - return the old value if there was one, else null
public static Record delete(BPTreeNode root, Record rec) {
    if (logging(log)) {
        log(log, "** delete(%s) / start", rec);
        if (BPT.DumpTree)
    if (!root.isRoot())
        throw new BPTreeException("Delete begins but this is not the root");
    AccessPath path = new AccessPath(root);
    if (root.isLeaf && root.count == 0) {
        // Special case. Just a records block. Allow that to go too small.
        BPTreePage page = root.get(0);
        if (BPT.CheckingNode && !(page instanceof BPTreeRecords))
            BPT.error("Zero size leaf root but not pointing to a records block");
        trackPath(path, root, 0, page);
        Record r = page.internalDelete(path, rec);
        if (r != null)
        if (BPT.DumpTree)
        return r;
    // Entry: checkNodeDeep();
    Record v = root.internalDelete(path, rec);
    // Fix the root in case it became empty in deletion process.
    if (!root.isLeaf && root.count == 0) {
    if (logging(log)) {
        log(log, "** delete(%s) / finish", rec);
        if (BPT.DumpTree)
    return v;
Also used : Record(org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)

Example 9 with Record

use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record in project jena by apache.

the class BPTreeNode method checkNode.

// Checks of a single node - no looking at children
// min - inclusive; max - inclusive (allows for duplicates)
private final void checkNode(Record min, Record max) {
    int id = getId();
    if (count != records.size())
        BPT.error("Inconsistent: id=%d, count=%d, records.size()=%d : %s", id, count, records.size(), this);
    if (!isLeaf && count + 1 != ptrs.size())
        BPT.error("Inconsistent: id=%d, count+1=%d, ptrs.size()=%d; %s", id, count + 1, ptrs.size(), this);
    // if ( bpTree.root != null && !isRoot() && count < params.MinRec)
    if (!isRoot() && count < params.MinRec) {
        // warning("Runt node: %s", this);
        BPT.error("Runt node: %s", this);
    if (!isRoot() && count > maxRecords())
        BPT.error("Over full node: %s", this);
    if (!isLeaf && parent == id)
        BPT.error("Parent same as id: %s", this);
    Record k = min;
    // Test records in the allocated area
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (records.get(i) == null)
            BPT.error("Node: %d : Invalid record @%d :: %s", id, i, this);
        if (k != null && keyGT(k, records.get(i))) {
            Record r = records.get(i);
            // keyGT(k, r);
            BPT.error("Node: %d: Not sorted (%d) (%s, %s) :: %s ", id, i, k, r, this);
        k = records.get(i);
    if (k != null && max != null && keyGT(k, max))
        BPT.error("Node: %d - Record is too high (max=%s):: %s", id, max, this);
    if (SystemIndex.getNullOut()) {
        // Test records in the free area
        for (int i = count; i < maxRecords(); i++) {
            if (!records.isClear(i))
                BPT.error("Node: %d - not clear (idx=%d) :: %s", id, i, this);
    // Pointer checks.
    int i = 0;
    // Check not empty at bottom.
    for (; i < count + 1; i++) {
        if (ptrs.get(i) < 0)
            BPT.error("Node: %d: Invalid child pointer @%d :: %s", id, i, this);
    // // This does Block IO so disturbs tracking.
    // if ( BPT.CheckingTree && isLeaf ) {
    // int ptr = ptrs.get(i);
    // BPTreeRecords records = bpTree.getRecordsMgr().getRead(ptr);
    // int rid = records.getId();
    // if ( rid != ptrs.get(i) )
    // BPT.error("Records: Block @%d has a different id: %d :: %s", rid, i, this);
    // int link = records.getLink();
    // // Don't check if -1 which does not exist.
    // if ( link != -1 && i != count ) {
    // BPTreeRecords page = bpTree.getRecordsMgr().getRead(ptrs.get(i));
    // int rid2 = page.getLink();
    // if ( link != rid2 )
    // BPT.error("Records: Link not to next block @%d/@%d has a different id: %d :: %s", rid, rid2, i, records);
    // bpTree.getRecordsMgr().release(page);
    // }
    // records.release();
    // }
    // Check empty is empty
    if (SystemIndex.getNullOut()) {
        int x = params.MaxPtr;
        for (; i < x; i++) {
            if (!ptrs.isClear(i))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Unexpected pointer @%d :: %s", id, i, this);
Also used : Record(org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)

Example 10 with Record

use of org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record in project jena by apache.

the class BPTreeNode method checkNodeDeep.

private void checkNodeDeep(Record min, Record max) {
    checkNode(min, max);
    int id = getId();
    // Check pointers.
    int limit = (count == 0) ? 0 : count + 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
        Record min1 = min;
        Record max1 = max;
        BPTreePage n = get(i);
        if (i != count) {
            // high key in immediate
            Record keySubTree = n.getHighRecord();
            // child
            // key in this
            Record keyHere = records.get(i);
            if (keySubTree == null)
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Can't get high record from %d", id, n.getId());
            if (keySubTree.getKey() == null)
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Can't get high record is missing it's key from %d", id, n.getId());
            if (keyHere == null)
                BPT.error("Node: %d: record is null", id);
            if (keyHere.getKey() == null)
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Record key is null", id);
            if (keyGT(keySubTree, keyHere))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Child key %s is greater than this key %s", id, keySubTree, keyHere);
            // max key in subTree
            Record keyMax = n.maxRecord();
            Record keyMin = n.internalMinRecord(null);
            if (keyNE(keyHere, keyMax))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Key %s is not the max [%s] of the sub-tree idx=%d", id, keyHere, keyMax, i);
            if (min != null && keyGT(min, keyMin))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Minimun for this node should be %s but it's %s", id, min, keyMin);
            if (max != null && keyLT(max, keyMax))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Maximum for this node should be %s but it's %s", id, max, keyMax);
            if (min != null && keyGT(min, keyHere))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Key too small: %s - min should be %s", id, keyHere, min);
            // keyHere == keyMax ??
            if (max != null && keyLT(max, keyHere))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Key too large: %s - max should be %s", id, keyHere, max);
        // Look deeper.
        if (!(n instanceof BPTreeNode)) {
            // Records.
        // Valid pointer?
        if (isLeaf) {
            if (!bpTree.getRecordsMgr().getBlockMgr().valid(ptrs.get(i)))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Dangling ptr (records) in block @%d :: %s", id, i, this);
        } else {
            if (!bpTree.getNodeManager().valid(ptrs.get(i)))
                BPT.error("Node: %d: Dangling ptr in block @%d :: %s", id, i, this);
        // Calc new min/max.
        if (i == 0)
            max1 = records.get(0);
        else if (i == count) {
            min1 = records.get(count - 1);
            max1 = null;
        } else {
            min1 = records.get(i - 1);
            max1 = records.get(i);
        // if ( n.parent != id )
        // error("Node: %d [%d]: Parent/child mismatch :: %s", id, n.parent,
        // this);
        ((BPTreeNode) n).checkNodeDeep(min1, max1);
Also used : Record(org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)


Record (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.Record)71 RecordLib.intToRecord (org.apache.jena.dboe.test.RecordLib.intToRecord)6 Pair (org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair)5 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)3 BufferChannel (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.BufferChannel)3 FileSet (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.file.FileSet)3 RecordBufferPage (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.recordbuffer.RecordBufferPage)3 BPTreeNode (org.apache.jena.dboe.trans.bplustree.BPTreeNode)3 BPlusTree (org.apache.jena.dboe.trans.bplustree.BPlusTree)3 BPlusTreeParams (org.apache.jena.dboe.trans.bplustree.BPlusTreeParams)3 NodeId ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 StorageException (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.StorageException)2 BlockMgr (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.block.BlockMgr)2 RecordBuffer (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.buffer.RecordBuffer)2 RecordFactory (org.apache.jena.dboe.base.record.RecordFactory)2 Index (org.apache.jena.dboe.index.Index)2 RangeIndex (org.apache.jena.dboe.index.RangeIndex)2 TDBException (org.apache.jena.tdb2.TDBException)2