use of org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource in project jena by apache.
the class TestResource method getTests.
// External signature methods
// Internal implementation methods
public OntTestCase[] getTests() {
return new OntTestCase[] { new OntTestCase("OntResource.sameAs", true, false, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource b = m.getResource(NS + "b").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource c = m.getResource(NS + "c").as(OntResource.class);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SAME_AS()));
assertEquals("a should be sameAs b", b, a.getSameAs());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.SAME_AS()));
iteratorTest(a.listSameAs(), new Object[] { b, c });
assertTrue("a should be the same as b", a.isSameAs(b));
assertTrue("a should be the same as c", a.isSameAs(c));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SAME_AS()));
assertEquals("a should be sameAs b", b, a.getSameAs());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SAME_AS()));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.SAME_AS()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.differentFrom", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource b = m.getResource(NS + "b").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource c = m.getResource(NS + "c").as(OntResource.class);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.DIFFERENT_FROM()));
assertEquals("a should be differentFrom b", b, a.getDifferentFrom());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.DIFFERENT_FROM()));
iteratorTest(a.listDifferentFrom(), new Object[] { b, c });
assertTrue("a should be diff from b", a.isDifferentFrom(b));
assertTrue("a should be diff from c", a.isDifferentFrom(c));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.DIFFERENT_FROM()));
assertEquals("a should be differentFrom b", b, a.getDifferentFrom());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.DIFFERENT_FROM()));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.DIFFERENT_FROM()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.seeAlso", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource b = m.getResource(NS + "b").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource c = m.getResource(NS + "c").as(OntResource.class);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SEE_ALSO()));
assertEquals("a should be seeAlso b", b, a.getSeeAlso());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.SEE_ALSO()));
iteratorTest(a.listSeeAlso(), new Object[] { b, c });
assertTrue("a should have seeAlso b", a.hasSeeAlso(b));
assertTrue("a should have seeAlso c", a.hasSeeAlso(c));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SEE_ALSO()));
assertEquals("a should be seeAlso b", b, a.getSeeAlso());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.SEE_ALSO()));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.SEE_ALSO()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.isDefinedBy", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource b = m.getResource(NS + "b").as(OntResource.class);
OntResource c = m.getResource(NS + "c").as(OntResource.class);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.IS_DEFINED_BY()));
assertEquals("a should be isDefinedBy b", b, a.getIsDefinedBy());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.IS_DEFINED_BY()));
iteratorTest(a.listIsDefinedBy(), new Object[] { b, c });
assertTrue("a should be defined by b", a.isDefinedBy(b));
assertTrue("a should be defined by c", a.isDefinedBy(c));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.IS_DEFINED_BY()));
assertEquals("a should be isDefinedBy b", b, a.getIsDefinedBy());
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.IS_DEFINED_BY()));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.IS_DEFINED_BY()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.versionInfo", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
a.addVersionInfo("some info");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.VERSION_INFO()));
assertEquals("a has wrong version info", "some info", a.getVersionInfo());
a.addVersionInfo("more info");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.VERSION_INFO()));
iteratorTest(a.listVersionInfo(), new Object[] { "some info", "more info" });
assertTrue("a should have some info", a.hasVersionInfo("some info"));
assertTrue("a should have more info", a.hasVersionInfo("more info"));
a.setVersionInfo("new info");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.VERSION_INFO()));
assertEquals("a has wrong version info", "new info", a.getVersionInfo());
a.removeVersionInfo("old info");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.VERSION_INFO()));
a.removeVersionInfo("new info");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.VERSION_INFO()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.label.nolang", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
a.addLabel("some info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.LABEL()));
assertEquals("a has wrong label", "some info", a.getLabel(null));
a.addLabel("more info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.LABEL()));
iteratorTest(a.listLabels(null), new Object[] { m.createLiteral("some info"), m.createLiteral("more info") });
assertTrue("a should have label some info", a.hasLabel("some info", null));
assertTrue("a should have label more info", a.hasLabel("more info", null));
a.setLabel("new info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.LABEL()));
assertEquals("a has wrong label", "new info", a.getLabel(null));
a.removeLabel("foo", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.LABEL()));
a.removeLabel("new info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.LABEL()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.label.lang", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
a.addLabel("good", "EN");
assertEquals("wrong label", "good", a.getLabel(null));
a.addLabel("bon", "FR");
assertEquals("wrong label", "good", a.getLabel("EN"));
// no literal with a specific enough language
assertEquals("wrong label", null, a.getLabel("EN-GB"));
assertEquals("wrong label", "bon", a.getLabel("FR"));
assertTrue("a should have label good", a.hasLabel("good", "EN"));
assertTrue("a should have label bon", a.hasLabel("bon", "FR"));
assertTrue("a should note have label good (DE)", !a.hasLabel("good", "DE"));
a.addLabel("spiffing", "EN-GB");
a.addLabel("duude", "EN-US");
assertEquals("wrong label", "spiffing", a.getLabel("EN-GB"));
assertEquals("wrong label", "duude", a.getLabel("EN-US"));
assertEquals("wrong label", null, a.getLabel("DE"));
a.addLabel("abcdef", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("wrong label", "abcdef", a.getLabel("AB"));
assertEquals("wrong label", null, a.getLabel("AB-XY"));
a.removeLabel("abcde", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 5", 5, a.getCardinality(a.getProfile().LABEL()));
a.removeLabel("abcdef", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 4", 4, a.getCardinality(a.getProfile().LABEL()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.comment.nolang", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Profile prof = m.getProfile();
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
a.addComment("some info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.COMMENT()));
assertEquals("a has wrong comment", "some info", a.getComment(null));
a.addComment("more info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 2", 2, a.getCardinality(prof.COMMENT()));
iteratorTest(a.listComments(null), new Object[] { m.createLiteral("some info"), m.createLiteral("more info") });
assertTrue("a should have comment some info", a.hasComment("some info", null));
assertTrue("a should have comment more info", a.hasComment("more info", null));
a.setComment("new info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.COMMENT()));
assertEquals("a has wrong comment", "new info", a.getComment(null));
a.removeComment("foo", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(prof.COMMENT()));
a.removeComment("new info", null);
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(prof.COMMENT()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.comment.lang", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
a.addComment("good", "EN");
assertEquals("wrong comment", "good", a.getComment(null));
a.addComment("bon", "FR");
assertEquals("wrong comment", "good", a.getComment("EN"));
// no literal with a specific enough language
assertEquals("wrong comment", null, a.getComment("EN-GB"));
assertEquals("wrong comment", "bon", a.getComment("FR"));
assertTrue("a should have label good", a.hasComment("good", "EN"));
assertTrue("a should have label bon", a.hasComment("bon", "FR"));
assertTrue("a should note have label good (DE)", !a.hasComment("good", "DE"));
a.addComment("spiffing", "EN-GB");
a.addComment("duude", "EN-US");
assertEquals("wrong comment", "spiffing", a.getComment("EN-GB"));
assertEquals("wrong comment", "duude", a.getComment("EN-US"));
assertEquals("wrong comment", null, a.getComment("DE"));
a.addComment("abcdef", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("wrong comment", "abcdef", a.getComment("AB"));
assertEquals("wrong comment", null, a.getComment("AB-XY"));
a.removeComment("abcde", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 5", 5, a.getCardinality(a.getProfile().COMMENT()));
a.removeComment("abcdef", "AB-CD");
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 4", 4, a.getCardinality(a.getProfile().COMMENT()));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.type (no inference)", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntClass A = m.createClass(NS + "A");
OntClass B = m.createClass(NS + "B");
OntResource a = m.getResource(NS + "a").as(OntResource.class);
assertEquals("Cardinality of rdf:type is wrong", 0, a.getCardinality(RDF.type));
assertEquals("rdf:type of a is wrong", B, a.getRDFType());
assertEquals("rdf:type of a is wrong", B, a.getRDFType(false));
// only B since we're not using an inference model
iteratorTest(a.listRDFTypes(false), new Object[] { B });
iteratorTest(a.listRDFTypes(true), new Object[] { B });
iteratorTest(a.listRDFTypes(false), new Object[] { A, B });
iteratorTest(a.listRDFTypes(true), new Object[] { B });
assertTrue("a should not be of class A direct", !a.hasRDFType(A, true));
assertTrue("a should not be of class B direct", a.hasRDFType(B, true));
OntClass C = m.createClass(NS + "C");
assertTrue("a should be of class C", a.hasRDFType(C, false));
assertTrue("a should not be of class A", !a.hasRDFType(A, false));
assertTrue("a should not be of class B", !a.hasRDFType(B, false));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 1", 1, a.getCardinality(RDF.type));
assertEquals("Cardinality should be 0", 0, a.getCardinality(RDF.type));
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.remove", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntClass A = m.createClass(NS + "A");
OntClass B = m.createClass(NS + "B");
OntClass C = m.createClass(NS + "C");
OntClass D = m.createClass(NS + "D");
OntClass E = m.createClass(NS + "E");
assertTrue("super-class of E", E.hasSuperClass(C, false));
iteratorTest(A.listSubClasses(), new Object[] { B, C });
assertTrue("super-class of D", !D.hasSuperClass(C, false));
assertTrue("super-class of E", !E.hasSuperClass(C, false));
iteratorTest(A.listSubClasses(), new Object[] { B });
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asClass", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().CLASS());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertTrue("should be class", or.isClass());
assertFalse("should not be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertTrue("should not be individual", owlFull() || !or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asClass();
assertTrue("Should be OntClass", n instanceof OntClass);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asAnnotationProperty", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY());
OntResource or =;
assertTrue("should be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertTrue("should be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asAnnotationProperty();
assertTrue("Should be AnnotationProperty", n instanceof AnnotationProperty);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asObjectProperty", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertTrue("should be property", or.isProperty());
assertTrue("should be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asObjectProperty();
assertTrue("Should be ObjectProperty", n instanceof ObjectProperty);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asDatatypeProperty", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertTrue("should be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertTrue("should be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asDatatypeProperty();
assertTrue("Should be DatatypeProperty", n instanceof DatatypeProperty);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asAllDifferent", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertTrue("should be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertFalse("should not be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asAllDifferent();
assertTrue("Should be AnnotationProperty", n instanceof AllDifferent);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asProperty", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().PROPERTY());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertTrue("should be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asProperty();
assertTrue("Should be OntProperty", n instanceof OntProperty);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asIndividual", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
Resource r = m.createResource();
Resource s = m.createResource();
s.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().CLASS());
r.addProperty(RDF.type, s);
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertFalse("should not be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertTrue("should be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asIndividual();
assertTrue("Should be individual", n instanceof Individual);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asDataRange", true, false, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().DATARANGE() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().DATARANGE());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertFalse("should not be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertTrue("should be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertFalse("should not be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asDataRange();
assertTrue("Should be DataRange", n instanceof DataRange);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.asOntology", true, true, false) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
if (m.getProfile().ONTOLOGY() == null) {
throw new ProfileException(null, null);
Resource r = m.createResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, m.getProfile().ONTOLOGY());
OntResource or =;
assertFalse("should not be annotation prop", or.isAnnotationProperty());
assertFalse("should not be all different", or.isAllDifferent());
assertFalse("should not be class", or.isClass());
assertFalse("should not be property", or.isProperty());
assertFalse("should not be object property", or.isObjectProperty());
assertFalse("should not be datatype property", or.isDatatypeProperty());
assertFalse("should not be individual", or.isIndividual());
assertFalse("should not be data range", or.isDataRange());
assertTrue("should be ontology", or.isOntology());
RDFNode n = or.asOntology();
assertTrue("Should be Ontology", n instanceof Ontology);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.isLanguageTerm", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
// class is defined (differently) in every profile
OntResource or = m.getProfile().CLASS().inModel(m).as(OntResource.class);
assertTrue("should be a lang term", or.isOntLanguageTerm());
or = m.createOntResource("http://foo/bar");
assertFalse("should not be a lang term", or.isOntLanguageTerm());
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.getOntModel", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource or = m.createOntResource("http://foo/bar");
OntModel m0 = or.getOntModel();
assertEquals(m, m0);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.getPropertyValue - object prop", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource a = m.createOntResource("http://foo/bar#a");
Resource b = m.createResource("http://foo/bar#b");
OntProperty p = m.createOntProperty("http://foo/bar#p");
m.add(a, p, b);
Object bb = a.getPropertyValue(p);
assertEquals(b, bb);
assertTrue("Return value should be an OntResource", bb instanceof OntResource);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.getPropertyValue - missing prop", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource a = m.createOntResource("http://foo/bar#a");
Resource b = m.createResource("http://foo/bar#b");
OntProperty p = m.createOntProperty("http://foo/bar#p");
OntProperty q = m.createOntProperty("http://foo/bar#q");
m.add(a, p, b);
Object bb = a.getPropertyValue(q);
}, new OntTestCase("OntResource.listPropertyValues - object prop", true, true, true) {
public void ontTest(OntModel m) {
OntResource a = m.createOntResource("http://foo/bar#a");
Resource b = m.createResource("http://foo/bar#b");
OntProperty p = m.createOntProperty("http://foo/bar#p");
Literal l = m.createTypedLiteral(false);
m.add(a, p, b);
m.add(a, p, l);
NodeIterator ni = a.listPropertyValues(p);
while (ni.hasNext()) {
RDFNode n = ni.nextNode();
if (n.isResource()) {
assertEquals(b, n);
assertTrue("Return value should be an OntResource", n instanceof OntResource);
} };
use of org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource in project jena by apache.
the class AbstractTestModel method testGetProperty.
Test the new version of getProperty(), which delivers null for not-found
public void testGetProperty() {
modelAdd(model, "x P a; x P b; x R c");
Resource x = resource(model, "x");
assertEquals(resource(model, "c"), x.getProperty(property(model, "R")).getObject());
RDFNode ob = x.getProperty(property(model, "P")).getObject();
assertTrue(ob.equals(resource(model, "a")) || ob.equals(resource(model, "b")));
assertNull(x.getProperty(property(model, "noSuchPropertyHere")));
use of org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource in project jena by apache.
the class TurtleTestFactory method makeTest.
public Test makeTest(Resource manifest, Resource item, String testName, Resource action, Resource result) {
try {
Resource r = TestUtils.getResource(item, RDF.type);
Resource input = TestUtils.getResource(action, TurtleTestVocab.input);
Resource output = TestUtils.getResource(result, TurtleTestVocab.output);
Resource inputIRIr = TestUtils.getResource(action, TurtleTestVocab.inputIRI);
String baseIRI = (inputIRIr == null) ? null : inputIRIr.getURI();
if (r.equals(TurtleTestVocab.TestInOut)) {
return new TestTurtle(testName, input.getURI(), output.getURI(), baseIRI);
if (r.equals(TurtleTestVocab.TestSyntax)) {
return new TestSyntax(testName, input.getURI());
if (r.equals(TurtleTestVocab.TestBadSyntax)) {
return new TestBadSyntax(testName, input.getURI());
//if ( r.equals(TurtleTestVocab.TestSurpeessed ))
// return new TestSupressed(testName, null) ;
System.err.println("Unrecognized test : " + testName);
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Failed to grok test : " + testName);
return null;
use of org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource in project jena by apache.
the class TestOntClass method testDatatypeIsClassOwlRDFS.
public void testDatatypeIsClassOwlRDFS() {
OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.RDFS_MEM);
Resource c = m.createResource();
c.addProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype);
use of org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource in project jena by apache.
the class TestOntClass method testDatatypeIsClassOwlLite.
public void testDatatypeIsClassOwlLite() {
OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_LITE_MEM);
Resource c = m.createResource();
c.addProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Datatype);