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Example 41 with Reasoner

use of org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner in project jena by apache.

the class TestBackchainer method testListData.

     * Check that a reasoner over an empty rule set accesses
     * the raw data successfully.
public void testListData() {
    Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
    for (Triple dataElt : dataElts) {
    Graph schema = Factory.createGraphMem();
    schema.add(new Triple(c, p, c));
    // Case of schema and data but no rule axioms
    Reasoner reasoner = createReasoner(new ArrayList<Rule>());
    InfGraph infgraph = reasoner.bindSchema(schema).bind(data);
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, null, null), new Object[] { new Triple(p, sP, q), new Triple(q, sP, r), new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(c, p, c) });
    // Case of data and rule axioms but no schema
    List<Rule> rules = Rule.parseRules("-> (d p d).");
    reasoner = createReasoner(rules);
    infgraph = reasoner.bind(data);
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, null, null), new Object[] { new Triple(p, sP, q), new Triple(q, sP, r), new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(d, p, d) });
    // Case of data and rule axioms and schema
    infgraph = reasoner.bindSchema(schema).bind(data);
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, null, null), new Object[] { new Triple(p, sP, q), new Triple(q, sP, r), new Triple(a, p, b), new Triple(c, p, c), new Triple(d, p, d) });
Also used : InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) Reasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner)

Example 42 with Reasoner

use of org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner in project jena by apache.

the class ModelFactory method createRDFSModel.

     * Return a Model through which all the RDFS entailments
     * derivable from the given model are accessible. Some work is done
     * when the inferenced model is created but each query will also trigger some
     * additional inference work.
     * @param model the Model containing both instance data and schema assertions to be inferenced over
public static InfModel createRDFSModel(Model model) {
    Reasoner reasoner = ReasonerRegistry.getRDFSReasoner();
    InfGraph graph = reasoner.bind(model.getGraph());
    return new InfModelImpl(graph);
Also used : InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) Reasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner) InfModelImpl(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.impl.InfModelImpl)

Example 43 with Reasoner

use of org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner in project jena by apache.

the class WGReasonerTester method runTestDetailedResponse.

		 * Run a single designated test.
		 * @param uri the uri of the test, as defined in the manifest file
		 * @param reasonerF the factory for the reasoner to be tested
		 * @param testcase the JUnit test case which is requesting this test
		 * @param configuration optional configuration information
		 * @return true if the test passes
		 * @throws IOException if one of the test files can't be found
		 * @throws JenaException if the test can't be found or fails internally
public int runTestDetailedResponse(String uri, ReasonerFactory reasonerF, TestCase testcase, Resource configuration) throws IOException {
    // Find the specification for the named test
    Resource test = testManifest.getResource(uri);
    testType = (Resource) test.getRequiredProperty(RDF.type).getObject();
    if (!(testType.equals(NegativeEntailmentTest) || testType.equals(PositiveEntailmentTest))) {
        throw new JenaException("Can't find test: " + uri);
    Statement descriptionS = test.getProperty(descriptionP);
    String description = (descriptionS == null) ? "no description" : descriptionS.getObject().toString();
    String status = test.getRequiredProperty(statusP).getObject().toString();
    logger.debug("WG test " + test.getURI() + " - " + status);
    if (!status.equals("APPROVED")) {
        return NOT_APPLICABLE;
    // Skip the test designed for only non-datatype aware processors
    for (String blockedTest : blockedTests) {
        if (test.getURI().equals(blockedTest)) {
            return NOT_APPLICABLE;
    // Load up the premise documents
    Model premises = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
    for (StmtIterator premisesI = test.listProperties(premiseDocumentP); premisesI.hasNext(); ) {
    // Load up the conclusions document
    Model conclusions = null;
    Resource conclusionsRes = (Resource) test.getRequiredProperty(conclusionDocumentP).getObject();
    Resource conclusionsType = (Resource) conclusionsRes.getRequiredProperty(RDF.type).getObject();
    if (!conclusionsType.equals(FalseDocument)) {
        conclusions = loadFile(conclusionsRes.toString());
    // Construct the inferred graph
    Reasoner reasoner = reasonerF.create(configuration);
    InfGraph graph = reasoner.bind(premises.getGraph());
    Model result = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(graph);
    // Check the results against the official conclusions
    boolean correct = true;
    int goodResult = PASS;
    boolean noisy = !(baseDir.equals(DEFAULT_BASE_DIR) || ARPTests.internet);
    if (testType.equals(PositiveEntailmentTest)) {
        if (conclusions == null) {
            // Check that the result is flagged as semantically invalid
            correct = !graph.validate().isValid();
            if (noisy) {
                System.out.println("PositiveEntailmentTest of FalseDoc " + test.getURI() + (correct ? " - OK" : " - FAIL"));
        } else {
            correct = testConclusions(conclusions.getGraph(), result.getGraph());
            if (!graph.validate().isValid()) {
                correct = false;
            if (noisy) {
                System.out.println("PositiveEntailmentTest " + test.getURI() + (correct ? " - OK" : " - FAIL"));
    } else {
        goodResult = INCOMPLETE;
        // A negative entailment check
        if (conclusions == null) {
            // Check the result is not flagged as invalid
            correct = graph.validate().isValid();
            if (noisy) {
                System.out.println("NegativentailmentTest of FalseDoc " + test.getURI() + (correct ? " - OK" : " - FAIL"));
        } else {
            correct = !testConclusions(conclusions.getGraph(), result.getGraph());
            if (noisy) {
                System.out.println("NegativeEntailmentTest " + test.getURI() + (correct ? " - OK" : " - FAIL"));
    // Debug output on failure
    if (!correct) {
        logger.debug("Premises: ");
        for (StmtIterator i = premises.listStatements(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            logger.debug("  - " + i.nextStatement());
        logger.debug("Conclusions: ");
        if (conclusions != null) {
            for (StmtIterator i = conclusions.listStatements(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                logger.debug("  - " + i.nextStatement());
    // Signal the results        
    if (testcase != null) {
        //            if ( !correct )
        //            {
        //                boolean b = testConclusions(conclusions.getGraph(), result.getGraph());
        //                System.out.println("**** actual") ;
        //                result.write(System.out, "TTL") ; 
        //                System.out.println("**** expected") ;
        //                conclusions.write(System.out, "TTL") ;
        //            }
        Assert.assertTrue("Test: " + test + "\n" + description, correct);
    return correct ? goodResult : FAIL;
Also used : JenaException(org.apache.jena.shared.JenaException) InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) Reasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner)

Example 44 with Reasoner

use of org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner in project jena by apache.

the class TestReasoners method doTestFindWithPremises.

     * Test a reasoner's ability to implement find with premises.
     * Assumes the reasoner can at least implement RDFS subClassOf.
public void doTestFindWithPremises(ReasonerFactory rf) {
    Node c1 = NodeFactory.createURI("C1");
    Node c2 = NodeFactory.createURI("C2");
    Node c3 = NodeFactory.createURI("C3");
    Node sC = RDFS.subClassOf.asNode();
    Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
    data.add(new Triple(c2, sC, c3));
    Graph premise = Factory.createGraphMem();
    premise.add(new Triple(c1, sC, c2));
    Reasoner reasoner = rf.create(null);
    InfGraph infgraph = reasoner.bind(data);
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(c1, sC, null), new Object[] {});
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(c1, sC, null, premise), new Object[] { new Triple(c1, sC, c2), new Triple(c1, sC, c3), new Triple(c1, sC, c1) });
    TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(c1, sC, null), new Object[] {});
Also used : Triple(org.apache.jena.graph.Triple) InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) Graph(org.apache.jena.graph.Graph) TransitiveReasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveReasoner) Reasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner) RDFNode(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode) Node(org.apache.jena.graph.Node)

Example 45 with Reasoner

use of org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner in project jena by apache.

the class TestModelFactory method testCreateInfModel.

public void testCreateInfModel() {
    final String rule = "-> (eg:r eg:p eg:v).";
    final Reasoner r = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(rule));
    final InfGraph ig = r.bind(ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().getGraph());
    final InfModel im = ModelFactory.createInfModel(ig);
    JenaTestBase.assertInstanceOf(InfModel.class, im);
    Assert.assertEquals(1, im.size());
Also used : InfGraph(org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph) GenericRuleReasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner) Reasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner) GenericRuleReasoner(org.apache.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner) InfModel(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.InfModel)


Reasoner (org.apache.jena.reasoner.Reasoner)45 InfGraph (org.apache.jena.reasoner.InfGraph)36 TransitiveReasoner (org.apache.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveReasoner)7 Graph (org.apache.jena.graph.Graph)5 Node (org.apache.jena.graph.Node)5 Triple (org.apache.jena.graph.Triple)5 InfModel (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.InfModel)5 RDFNode (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode)5 ByteArrayInputStream ( OntModel (org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel)2 Model (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model)2 Resource (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource)2 JenaException (org.apache.jena.shared.JenaException)2 CommandLine (org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine)1 CommandLineParser (org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser)1 DefaultParser (org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser)1 Options (org.apache.commons.cli.Options)1 MultiUnion (org.apache.jena.graph.compose.MultiUnion)1 Property (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property)1 StmtIterator (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator)1