use of org.apache.jena.sdb.sql.ResultSetJDBC in project jena by apache.
the class StoreBaseHash method getSize.
public static long getSize(SDBConnection connection, TableDescQuads tableDescQuads, Node node) {
String lex = NodeLayout2.nodeToLex(node);
int typeId = NodeLayout2.nodeToType(node);
String lang = "";
String datatype = "";
if (node.isLiteral()) {
lang = node.getLiteralLanguage();
datatype = node.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
if (NodeUtils.isSimpleString(node) || NodeUtils.isLangString(node))
datatype = "";
ResultSetJDBC rsx = null;
long hash = NodeLayout2.hash(lex, lang, datatype, typeId);
try {
rsx = connection.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableDescQuads.getTableName() + " WHERE g = " + hash);
ResultSet res = rsx.get();;
long result = res.getLong(1);
return result;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new SDBExceptionSQL("Failed to get graph size", e);
} finally {
use of org.apache.jena.sdb.sql.ResultSetJDBC in project jena by apache.
the class PrefixMappingSDB method readFromPrefixMap.
private String readFromPrefixMap(String prefix) {
ResultSetJDBC rsx = null;
try {
String sqlStmt = sqlStr("SELECT uri FROM " + prefixTableName, " WHERE prefix = " + quoteStr(prefix));
rsx = connection.execQuery(sqlStmt);
ResultSet rs = rsx.get();
String uri = null;
while ( {
String v = rs.getString("uri");
uri = v;
if (
log.warn("Multiple prefix mappings for '" + prefix + "'");
return uri;
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new SDBExceptionSQL(format("Failed to read prefix (%s)", prefix), ex);
} finally {
use of org.apache.jena.sdb.sql.ResultSetJDBC in project jena by apache.
the class PrefixMappingSDB method readPrefixMapping.
// Super class implementation loops and calls setNsPrefix calls set() for each entry.
//public PrefixMapping setNsPrefixes(PrefixMapping arg0)
// Super class implementation will suffice.
// It (creates a map copy and) loops on each entry.
//public PrefixMapping setNsPrefixes(Map arg0)
// -------- Worker implementations
private void readPrefixMapping() {
ResultSetJDBC rsx = null;
try {
String sqlStmt = "SELECT prefix, uri FROM " + prefixTableName;
rsx = connection.execSilent(sqlStmt);
if (rsx == null || rsx.get() == null)
ResultSet rs = rsx.get();
while ( {
String p = rs.getString("prefix");
p = decode(p);
String v = rs.getString("uri");
// Load in-memory copy.
super.set(p, v);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new SDBExceptionSQL("Failed to get prefixes", ex);
} finally {
use of org.apache.jena.sdb.sql.ResultSetJDBC in project jena by apache.
the class TupleLoaderOne method entryExists.
protected boolean entryExists(String[] vals) {
String rowValues = whereRow(vals);
String selectTemplate = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s\n";
String sqlStmt = String.format(selectTemplate, getTableName(), rowValues);
ResultSetJDBC rs = null;
try {
rs = connection().execQuery(sqlStmt);
int count = rs.get().getInt(1);
if (count > 0) {
log.debug("Duplicate tuple detected: count=" + count + " :: " + vals);
return true;
// Otherwise deos not exist
return false;
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new SDBExceptionSQL(ex);
} finally {
use of org.apache.jena.sdb.sql.ResultSetJDBC in project jena by apache.
the class StoreBaseIndex method getSize.
public static long getSize(SDBConnection connection, TableDescQuads tableDescQuads, Node node) {
String lex = NodeLayout2.nodeToLex(node);
int typeId = NodeLayout2.nodeToType(node);
String lang = "";
String datatype = "";
if (node.isLiteral()) {
lang = node.getLiteralLanguage();
datatype = node.getLiteralDatatypeURI();
if (NodeUtils.isSimpleString(node) || NodeUtils.isLangString(node))
datatype = "";
ResultSetJDBC rsx = null;
long hash = NodeLayout2.hash(lex, lang, datatype, typeId);
try {
rsx = connection.exec("SELECT id FROM Nodes WHERE hash = " + hash);
ResultSet res = rsx.get();
int id = -1;
if (
id = res.getInt(1);
// no graph, size == 0
return 0;
rsx = connection.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableDescQuads.getTableName() + " WHERE g = " + id);
res = rsx.get();;
long result = res.getLong(1);
return result;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new SDBExceptionSQL("Failed to get graph size", e);
} finally {